Hazbin Hotel :thinkingemoji:

Predictions? Opinions? Hype?


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You're a faggot

More like Has-Been Hotel

yea that's the joke.

I predict a lot of schizophrenic storytelling as it tries to tie together like 8 different plots in a single 30 minute cartoon when we've already seen nearly 10 minutes of it in previews.
I want to fuck those cyclopes and the gray emo. Yes I'm aware that's a statement, not an opinion.
Probably some already, and probably more to come after it's finally out.

quit viraling
back to /trash/

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I thought the pilot is supposed to be 25 minutes, with additional episodes. I wouldn't know how many.

When the fuck is this "cartoon" even coming out??

They are practically revealing a shit load of things and still not showing the full cartoon

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> Predictions?
It will be a mess with no consistent plot whatsoever.
> Opinions?
I deeply in love with it because it is passion project. The counterweight to modern half-ass bean-mouth borefest. I don't care that Vivien is crazy tumblerine.
> Hype?
No matter how shit it will be, it will be my guilty pleasure.
> Porn?
Charlie is perfect waifu. Kind, purposeful, cute and royal. She is for cuddling and impregnation. No porn needed.

I hope you meant loyal, royals are for the guillotine user. Otherwise, you are 100% correct.

Wtf is that filename?

It will look horrible and I will mostly hate it.
It looks horrible and I mostly hate it.
Ultimately, yes I am still hyped. Wish I wasn't, but damn it, there's too much about the show that I like. Mostly the characters.
Yes, plenty.

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It will be huge on Yea Forums for about a month but will go the way of Cliffside and will be forgotten soon after.
Animation is nice, art direction and character designs are way too busy, there are other colors besides red, comedy seems forced, and the concept has potential but seems to be under utilized.
As with most things in life, none, but I rather be shockingly impressed rather than dissapointed
Only if it involves doom Slayer.

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>Show alreade has like 8 primary characters and still 4 left to introduce. Some of them are still "in development"
>We are getting a WHOLE new set of super powerful demons that according to vivz will be relevant later.
I really wanna be hyped for this but at the same time, the show isn't even past the pilot.
Also I used to enjoy Alastor but the whole 'he is so damn powerful and shouldn't be messed with' schtick got old really quick. It would actually be a nice surprise if he turns out to NOT be an antagonist at this point.

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I think the show will mostly revolve around the 3 main chars (charlie, vaggie and angel), with the other chars being focussed on in separate episodes. At least I hope this is the way they want to do it.

this nigga slaps your waifu's ass. what do you do?

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Grab a towel, because his tiny, playful slap reduced her pelvis to a fine red mist that is now all over me.

Where does Vivzie or her fans think this would run in rotation outside of the web? I really can't picture this airing on TV anywhere.

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wanting to be lead by mongoloid inbreds


>TFW literally who projects with no even the half of the popularity of Hazbin Hotel has showed more content in one month that HH in ONE WHOLE YEAR

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>telefrags you
HUH, nothing personnel, kid.

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It'll suck
It sucks
Post ryona

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Is he right?

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Can we PLEASE keep Hazbin threads in /trash/ right now. I want threads in response to the full pilot to be (well, obviously not “liked”, but at least) not hated.

>tfw art of cute girls being flustered by traps is painfully rare

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What part of this poster am I suppose to focus on?

Viv's general artstyle screams some kind of complexity addiction. Whenever she's given free reign over a piece it inevitably becomes some kind of eye-raping fractal of colors and shapes. Which is a shame, because her style works when it's pared down enough, it's angular and punchy and the designs are at the very least distinct. But she loads on the details and spackle to the point where nothing is anything anymore.

The cutie in the middle

There's going to be a lot of red, the animation is going to flow beautifully but there will be enough noise and business to distract from it, the top three most popular waifus in order will be Charlie, Angel Dust, and Vaggie.

The art term you're looking for is "horror vacui."

There's some smartass line in fashion, "before you go out the door, take one thing off." I think it could apply here. Like, do the radio demon's eyes need to have rings of slightly different shades of red?

What was the story behind Vaggie and Angel Dust?

that's it, thank you

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>Angel Dust
crossdressing asshole

Vaggie was prostitute in life and probably got up to some not-great shit as a human

Angel was a 1940s mafioso whose faggotry and crossdressing probably didn't fly so well with the other mobsters, so he died and became THE GAYEST

>Some examples of horror vacui in art come from, or are influenced by, the mentally unstable and inmates of psychiatric hospitals

We all knew Vivzie was crazy in the coconut but now we have it on paper.

Assuming she sticks with the prostitute background, I peg Vaggie as an Aileen Wuernos type.

I hate to break it to you, but it has a long pedigree in the arts across multiple time periods and cultures.

how did these guys (minus Charlie) die?

Well, she IS handy with knives.

Angel OD'd
Alastor rode Ol' Sparky
Vaggie (probably) got serial killed
the others, I dunno.


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>I deeply in love with it because it is passion project. The counterweight to modern half-ass bean-mouth borefest. I don't care that Vivien is crazy tumblerine.
Fucking this. She is inspirational, at last there's someone who gives a fuck.

If Doom guy slaps someone, you can bet your ass that he will do the same and worse to everyone else in the room

Even this thing's porn is mediocre.

>This is bullshit, Alastor hunted women for sport, Angel gunned down people in gang wars, but I murder some guys in self-defense and I get thrown in hell!
>How many guys is "some?"
>I don't know, more than ten less than twenty.

I may not particularly care for her as a person and the quality of HH is gonna be a crapshoot, but I can respect her getting it out.

>Bisexual demons
>Lesbian demons
>Asexual demons
>All male demons look like little weak bitches

And just like that, I'm out.

>underaged and on 4chin

Don't tell me what to do Mom.

It's going to be a gigantic mess in story, characters, animation, visual design, voice acting, layout, and everything else in the book but will still gain a massive following because it hits every single element that panders to a the Hot Topic and furry crowd in one.

Also, high schoolers seem wildly impressed with any animation that has a lot of drawings and loves using the word "fluid", even if the animation itself is bad.

Basically, this will be the Bleedman comics of the twink furry crowd.

I want to FUCK that spider

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>the Bleedman comics of the twink furry crowd

Now I'm actually invested, that sounds awesomely autistic

Trench died to mustard gas.
Vaggie apparently died from a abortion complication.
The news bitch died from a cosmetic surgery complication.

I also am just guessing and saying what other anons guessed.

can someone help me point out everything thats wrong with the artstyle/compositions

it ticks most of the boxes for appealing design - big eyes, clear expressions, original silhouettes but threes something about it - its hard for my eyes to focus.

>all of the thought and care of a passion project combined with total incompetence on everyone's part from all angles, from (especially) writing to characters to world design to the wildly inconsistent animation and the general embarrassment that logically results from a DA-spawn womanchild's idea of a good story

This will be the single most entertaining piece of shit product to hit the scene this decade, you're missing out if you don't grab your friends to watch it blind together. It really will be nothing less than twenty whole minutes of the most god-awful, embarrassing high-profile storytelling in a while. This makes OK KO look like Cowboy Bebop. It makes Steven Universe look like the fucking Iliad.

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>Alastor rode Ol' Sparky

I thought he was shot by mistake by a deer hunter, and that’s why he’s a deer now.

Vaggie died in a car accident.

Similar color palettes for characters and backgrounds.

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I think this was in one of the streams

This is news to me

Waaaaaay too much going on, at once, in the same color palette,with all the details. Why is everything animated on fucking 1's.

hat being said, I'm totally hype. Guilty pleasure for sure.

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>Why is everything animated on fucking 1's.
what's that mean?



Everytime we ask for the cartoon, Vivzie release a new clip just to let everyone know it's coming.
Just you wait, user. Soon she will post clip after clip to the point where there's nothing else. it will be a big puzzle waiting to be put together. and then someone on Yea Forums will arrange the clips in order, post the mega link, and we all cringe due to how awful it is, and what an absolute lobotomite vivzie is for doing this.

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Heres my opinion

a haunted mansion series will never get greenlit but people are putting effort more into this train wreck and re-animating movies and tv episodes on youtube

Haunted mansion series?


oh vivzie

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I think she said this was the last of the clips for now

As for updates, I have no idea what she's going to do. The streams seem to be popular, though. If I was her I'd release supplementary comics and artwork instead of hemorrhaging clips from the actual show.

It's gonna be a fever dream mess of a show, again the concept and character designs are terrible - there isn't even anything interesting done with it.

Like for instance...

We know Charlie was never human (?) and born a demon but everyone else was human turned demon - how does that vary in power level or abilities?

Why isn't how they died illustrated in their character design or have a deadly sin fashioned into their design? I.e. Angel Dust = Lust or Alastor = Wraith or whatever..?

Why signifies the transformation to certain demons? Wouldn't it make *more* sense if Alastor was a spider (a symbol for a weaving,deceptive,predatory thing which fits with his power motiff) and Angel be more befitting to a cat or fox or pretty much anything other then a spider?


I mean yeah, you really think all those groups would go to heaven?

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On a side note, character design is suppose to tell you alot about a character without saying anything. But so many characters have the same body design and even *clothes*.

Tuxedo wearers

Angel Dust
That Cat demon thing
Gas Mask New Anchor

Over the shoulder hot topic scene girl outfit

Cherry Bomb

The only unique one is that Thot for Alastor and News Anchor Lady.

>Wouldn't it make *more* sense if Alastor was a spider (a symbol for a weaving,deceptive,predatory thing which fits with his power motiff) and Angel be more befitting to a cat or fox or pretty much anything other then a spider?
Eh. It's more interesting if their forms are ironic punishments in ways that aren't immediately obvious. Means you can build a unique lore. Not that I expect that to be executed well or anything.

I'm actually interested to watch it due to it's art style as well as the musical touch.

Predictions? It looks like it's going to be an edgy mess ie. The story may come off as childish but they just say "fuck" and drink beer so it's reserved for "adults".

I know it's set in hell, but I'm really not a fan of the red everywhere. If you want to show a horrific landscape of specific biblical proportions, there' an entire color palette you could show. Don't catholic denominations even have icy cold lakes and deserts filled with lost souls? Not everything needs to look like you puked up a hot topic onto the animation canvas.

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It was proposed by the guy who did Kubo of the Two Strings to Disney but they decided to pass on it I believe.

It was also gonna be a long set up. Each part having a different focus on different people living in the mansion

Sir Pentious and the Male News anchor are in suits, not tuxedos. Alastor is wearing a morning suit. Charlie is wearing a traditional tuxedo. Angel Dust is wearing a non-traditional tuxedo.

Now, I can't say any of this with authority since I have no idea what was going through Vivzie's head when she designed the characters and I'm working with pre-existing knowledge of characters and personalities, but here it goes. Charlie's traditional tux immediately pegs her as out of place and upper class. Alastor's morning suit not only gives the idea that he's old fashioned, but also implies power and wealth. Angel Dust is basically wearing eye-grabbing haute couture, horizontal stripes in the context of formal and businesswear are so rare as to practically unheard of and he's not wearing a shirt, which fits his personality as a self-centered narcissist.

Also the Female News Anchor has a lot of silhouette similarity to Sir Pentious.

You’ve definitely put more thought and meaning into this than vivzie has. Her mindset seems to be “me likey suit wearing twink boy”

I'm not going to fault her for that, especially since I love women in tuxedos. The main issues are color palette, as usual, and design similarities. Angel Dust in particular could stand to lose the bowtie and Alastor the stripes.

Also on a side note the use of Angel's chest fluff to mimic a pique bib or ruffled tuxedo shirt was a fairly inspired design choice and makes me think that Vivzie actually does give a shit on occasion.

I really hate how Vivzie draws hands, how they just thin out at the end and all the fingers get combined, it looks so fucking lazy

>I hate it now, will hate it when it comes out and I'm psyched for it
Well at least you're a self aware Yea Forumstard

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The Doomguy crossover art is the only thing I really like about HH honestly

Biblical hell in a literal sense is just the absence of God, but mythologically is a Godless void (not counting the Divine Comedy) without pagan-influenced goat demons, so I don’t think it would be a very exciting setting unless it was a psychological horror ordeal.

honestly, this show has a lot of shit going on it the background of each scene, but I have learned to love that style from watching SuperJail

I think it's fine to be able to enjoy a show while also being aware of how terrible it is.
And honestly, this isn't like most shows Yea Forums complains about. Hazbin, in several ways, actually is quite bad.

This kind of fanart and greentext is the only reason i enter this threads.

Post more.

Now that you mention it, the flow of this poster really is all over the fucking place.