The Naco

Did anyone else try to actually make this in real life?

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What cartoon foods did you tried to recreate, guys?

Naco is a slang for "jerk" in Mexico and it is sometimes used to describe poor people.

So Ron is "eating the poor" ?

I did. I was I think 12 when I saw this show and was just getting into girls and fast-food so I figured if I could learn how to make improvised dishes I could impress the girls.
Then it turned out cute girls hit a vegetarian phase that may or may not even be a phase and now I don't invent food or talk to girls anymore.
Fuck I miss cartoons and hope.

>Funny hair
>Has sexy Gf

>Eats poor mexicans

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He never actually tries to make it though. He just does his own thing. Most dissapointing episode.

I'm gotten into the habit of watching his videos while I eat.

I guess? he is jewish after all.
In the dub for latinamerica the dialogueof that episode goes something like this:
Ron: I will call it naco
Kim: I will call it irrational jerk.


Not a cartoon, but the Green Arrow chili is actually pretty nice. My gf enjoyed it when I made it for her.

Attached: Green_Arrow's_Chili_01.jpg (947x1521, 371K)

Of course batman is unphased

It is a straight forward chili recipe.

>Batman being the only one with decent spice tolerance
Based, 1 teaspoon of cayenne spread through all of those ingredients isn't even that much

Please tell me that its actually strong.
I already have all the ingredients and i wanted to try something truly spicy recently.

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It's spicy but not really that bad if you've eaten anything spicy before. I imagine the reaction in the comic is meant more for kids that aren't used to spiciness yet.

Its actually pretty mild. You Can increase the burning by turning every teaspoon in the recipe into tablespoons.

I want to try this.

Attached: Larfleeze's Oragne Lantern Cookies.jpg (670x1024, 732K)

Has anyone tried making wheatcakes?

Attached: Spider-Man Wheatcakes.jpg (992x630, 281K)

Have someone tried to make this monster?

Attached: shepherds-pie-ingredients.jpg (624x631, 166K)

This post reminded me, Babish should really go back to trying to make fictional recipes that CLEARLY don't work, then making a more presentable version afterwards. He tends to skip right to the presentable version these days, and I like to see the monstrosities that occur when you try to recreate a recipe exactly how the cartoon/tv show tells you to.

Naco just means the beaner equivalent of white trash, as im poor and tacky people.

In Mexico, this is the closest thing.

Attached: DSC_5819.jpg (600x400, 182K)

(user who made the chili post) Gf actually surprised me with those before she left for the holidays to see family. Pretty basic cookies in terms of taste, but I'd still reccomend for the fun of it.

>getting in to fast food
That's not a thing, is it? Fast food is something that you get when you're feeling exceptionally lazy or are in a hurry to prepare your own food or sit down at a proper restaurant. It's not something that you "get in too".

I love tortas, they're so good.

Had one because my co-worker hyped it up. I was disappointed.

I've made a couple of chupaquesos from Schlock Mercenary before. They're not bad, just irritating to make until you get the hang of it.

It depends of the place.

Attached: Tortas-de-chilaquiles.jpg (400x600, 76K)

Naco in Portugal is just a piece of meat that's sent raw to the table, in a slab of hot stone. You cook it and eat it at the table. It's fucking great.

Attached: naco na pedra.jpg (900x520, 83K)