Can anyone refute this?

Can anyone refute this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>embracing the ideology of a rich sociopath

Cheaters and thieves always think they're geniuses because they acted selfishly and got a benefit from it.

Problem is the rest of us know that the impact we have on others effects all of us, want a society where everyone cheats, lies and steals? Welcome to the worst 3rd world country in existance where the social contract is dead.

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>want a society where everyone cheats, lies and steals? Welcome to the worst 3rd world country in existance
It’s called China.
Lying and cheating is literally part of their culture.

IIRC, because they cheated, they didn't build trust with one and other and so when they were in the buried cabin, they quickly turned on each other due to paranoia.

So, no, cheating ultimately screws you over because it shows you cant be trusted.

>Social contract
Are your kind allowed ro criticise 3rd world countries.

I though anyone who even looked at a social science book was a bleeding heart liberal?

Which is exactly why I don't ever want to live in China.

There are better reasons not to live in China

Attached: chinese are like gingers.webm (320x240, 440K)

good and evil are descriptors, not tangibles
things like 'a man's conscience and true desire' or 'the words written in the bible' or 'the things that happened around you' are real, while morality is an idea
that is why we have laws with specific punishments, and judges

cheating is also a descriptor, in other words, a moralization, and it may or may have any correlation to physical reality

on a side note, it's the fear of punishment that drives people to do a lot of what they do, once someone no longer fears or cares about punishment, that's when the pure craziness comes out, and the end result is always horrible for everyone

my point is that consequences are real enough, but only each person has any chance to know for sure what their consequences are, roll the dice princess, but in my experience some of the most innocent compromises lead to the most unpleasant outcomes

'I don't like the consequences of what you believe' is not a refutation

It's called white people.

It is, though? In real life, harmful consequences are very much a reason not to do certain things.

The successful cheaters and thieves know their limits.

Yeah bro right here

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Because eventually the swift, jumble and quick-witted will notice and try cheating too in response, and since they're better than you, they'll exploit it even more and fuck you over.

You literally can't. I'm a teacher at an acclaimed international private school and, despite our stringent plagiarism and dishonesty policy, I will turn a blind eye to cheating IF it is done well enough to fool me once. If you can't be smart in my class, then you bettet be cunning as hell.

No stupid, it's just you declaring your own preferences. It would not refute the moral philosophy of someone who wouldn't care if the country got dragged down into the rat races.

>Gifts god gave them
>Not talents they've refined throughout their lives

None of us can walk or talk when we're born. If you grow to be swift it's because you worked to refine your running ability. If you grow to be quick-witted it's because you worked on your mind

There's no such thing as talent just things we enjoyed doing and became good at without realizing it.

Kinda sounds like you should be fired

>straight through a bus stop

>'I don't like the consequences of what you believe' is not a refutation

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Lying has gotten into their blood and genes

Yes, easily.

If it were your duty as an American it would need to satisfy the following conditions:

1. It would need to be a legal instrument (statutory, a written law) requirement;

1a. It would need to be enforced as a statutory requirement, which would require taxation for enforcement agencies to exist

2. It would need to exist at the Federal, not State, level, to satisfy the terms of "as an American", that is to say, it would need to be something which could not be overridden by State legislators;

2a. It would need to be constitutional, that is, it would need to be broadly immune to challenge on the grounds of infringing constitutional rights, that is to say most claims against it citing constitutional grounds would need to be thrown out at or before the discovery stage;

3. It would need to be uniformly enforced. Since Mr Burns is openly talking about cheating, that is, gaining advantage by fraud, he's actually talking about something which is at best a felony in every state of the union, and cannot therefore satisfy the above points, even if it could be uniformly enforced (which requires a tautological definition of 'enforcement').

Even leaving aside the idea that it is a "duty" to commit fraudulent acts for personal advantage and not, in fact, illegal to do so, the argument that he is making is based on a poor understanding of the wider world. This is a man who hadn't heard of the 1929 stock market crash by at least 60 years later. He is not a big thinker, and here is misquoting Ecclesiastes 9:11 for his own advantage; Ecclesiastes also instructs us just before this verse to always wear white and anoint our heads with oil, so, not really the best or most coherent instructions for life, if easily accepted by those who seek authority to tell them to just do as they please.

The two most prosperous races, chinks and jews, literally built their cultures around that shit

but they lie and steal from other comunitys
not from their own people
well chinks steals from everyone, but they are a shity 3° world country pretending to be advance only because they have money

Horseless sleigh.

Yeah but no. Take for instance Michael Phelps. Part of the reason he's a great swimmer is undoubtedly his dedication to the endeavor and countless hours training, but what allows him to reach the heights of an olympic level athlete is his jank as fuck physique. His balance of disproportionately long arms for his height, but also shorter than average legs, with his body overall dominated by his torso area, is essentially the perfect recipe for a swimmer.

If someone trained exactly as much as Phelps, but had a completely average physique, they'd lose out because he's just better optimized physically.

With practice and hard work you can become good at something, but no the best.

Betray the world than let the world betray me.

Good lord Cao Cao was right all along.

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I'm sorry I didn't train hard enough when I was five and my drunk dad was beating up my mom infront of me Naruto

What the balls are you on about?

>Knows it's a bus stop
>Sees pedestrians right in front of him
>sees that the bus will park
>doesn't break
Seriously, what the fuck? Are they hiring people without any sort of pratice? This shit is way too common otherwise.

>Nurture doesn't exist
>99% of the time abuse in childhood results in a shitty life but we refuse to aknowledge that
>Its your own responsibility to get "help" and fix yourself shiggy diggy
>Even when that fucking help actually works for less than 5% of people who try it
>Doesn't matter it's your fault fuck you

So what do you want then? You're fucked, here's a gun, aim for the spinal cord? I'm even gonna pretend people can help you in just gonna ask what you want to do to solve thoss who have been fucked over like this?

This is why the Chinese always beat the Japanese. The Japanese are obsessed with "MUH HONOR!" The Chinese outgrew that shit centuries ago and thus they've prospered in ways the Japanese never will.

It ain't pretty, but it's true.

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>the Chinese always beat the Japanese
is this bait

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>the Chinese procreate so much, they had to put a ban on the number of children a family can have and even resort to drowning newborn girls because holy shit they can't stop breeding

>The Japanese are so asexual they're like pandas and corporations like Canon have to let their employees go home early on Fridays under the stipulation that they please please PLEASE fuck their wives and produce some babies holy shit were going extinct over here

The Chinese will outlive the Japanese because at least the Chinese know how to have sex.

This. Selfish people are pretty much the death of the first world. A nation isn't healthy because a wealthy few gets to hold onto the first world while the rest of the nation slips.

china's entire history is a series of humiliating failures

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>Socialism Will Work With The Right People In Charge: The Post

Yes, Socialism will work as soon as we find an uncorruptable group of legislators to run the nation's finances fairly and without prejudice with only the good of the people in mind. Once we find THOSE politicians, Socialism will work!

What did the Chinese even do during WWII besides get fucking raped by the Japanese?

god gave nobody nothin, they got those skills from training and hard learning.

what have the chinese done during any war, besides get raped

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>please please PLEASE fuck their wives and produce some babies
This part confuses me. I can understand Japan having a culture where people grow up sheltered and generally have more trouble finding a significant other, but why would they be reluctant to have sex with their spouse?

There is no solution but the very least you could do is be honest and admit how many people are born just to die of an overdose or end up committing suicide at 15
It's not a fucking mistery that comes out of nowhere it's something tons of people have to deal with every day, hell I wish I committed suicide when I was 15, I did it when I was 19 at 3 am in my bedroom and ended up fucking up and I'm still alive because some asshole took me to the hospital

its your duty as an american to be forever in debt to people like burns, be it through student loans or medical bills.

Medical science will come up with a solution to that with artificial wombs and prolonged lifespans and both organic and mechanical technology

China's birthrate is roughly equal to Japan's and the relaxing of the one child policy has so far had no notable impacts on birthrates. State statistics are also pretty sketchy, and it's estimated by outside observers that China's actual birthrate is only about 2/3 to 3/4 reported numbers. Chinese don't want to have kids nowadays due to economic and social factors, honestly the government would probably have to outlaw all forms of birth control if they wanted to see a demographic recovery at this point.

>I wish I committed suicide
Don't let your dreams be dreams then. You got tall buildings, fast buses, and live in America so a shooting range close by.

>prolonged lifespans
more old fucks to support with higher taxes. just kill people when they reach 85.

Time. Japanese people are expected to work overtime. They don't have time for kids.

They aren't, the birthrates of married Japanese people are actually at or near replacement level. The issue is that not a lot of people in Japan get married these days.

It's not the same when you are a fat unemployed 25 year old
As a teenager my death would have been tragic and there would have been people to mourn me
That's all I ever wanted

Prolonged lifespans means people age slower tho
That's why we have 20 year old teenagers right now

Welp luck's out buddy. Either shut up or do something.

Stress, lack of money and space

>This part confuses me. I can understand Japan having a culture where people grow up sheltered and generally have more trouble finding a significant other, but why would they be reluctant to have sex with their spouse?

Over 50% of all marriages in Japan are arranged. So both spouses have zero physical attraction to one another, making them reluctant to produce a child. But without arranged marriages, Japanese birthrates would be even LOWER than they already are. When left to their own devices, the Japanese simply don't date or court or do anything of a sexual nature. They just stay home and jack off.

god bless Chairman Mao

Living too long is currently a big problem in Japan, because they're aging population has left them with no one to care for their elderly. They've been importing foreign workers to staff nursing homes and are currently developing robot nurses (who the elderly Japanese have said they prefer over gaijin nurses).

>This is why the Chinese always beat the Japanese
Except if it's World War 2.

The Miao Rebellion sounds cuter than it probably was.

>caring about the "impact" you have when you will die before it takes any effect

Usually people care about the impact they have on the world after they're dead are people who do or plan on having kids and don't want to leave their loved ones with a shitty wasteland. (Boomers do not qualify)

And look where it's gotten them - an entire nation full of a billion un-empathetic cockroaches.


>an entire nation full of a billion un-empathetic cockroaches.

Don't worry. The lethal smog they produce in their urban industrial centers is basically one big can of Raid. They won't be around much longer.

>thus they've prospered in ways the Japanese never will
Quarterly earnings statements aren't enough to justify turning two-thirds of your countrymen into indentured servants.

And that's not a recipe for a society that will remain stable and prosperous in the long run.

>Implying it's not part of western culture as well

China's been around since forever though

technically Mr. Burns and Homer never cheated
the rules was that the group must make it together up the mountain to get to the cabin
it never dictated that you had to hike up there

Yes, but it works perfectly if it's only the top fifth of society that gets encouraged to lie, cheat, and steal. If the outer party starts doing it then it all falls apart.

If you couldn't tell, the truck was trying to slow down. It didn't give the bus enough space to turn into the bus stop lane and was corraled into the bus stop because it couldn't stop in time.

China as a state has collapsed disastrously many times in the past, and only reunited due to some particularly long-lived warlord forcing everyone to share the same banner.

You do realize you're talking about literally every country right.
Every country from Japan to Germany was split into warring factions in the past, only to be united by bloodshed.

Why would you ever pass a bus on the right side when it's already in the rightmost lane?

>look up century egg
It doesn't even look like food at this point, what's the point

Stuff like Lutefisk and narizushi is nothing next to China

In China, if you hit someone with your car, it's better to kill them than to injure them. If you kill them, you only have to pay one fine. if you injure them, you have to pay all of the victim's medical bills related to that injury for the rest of their life. So the Chinese, upon hitting someone, will often back over them and MAKE SURE they kill that person, because it'll save them money in the long run. (And before you ask, vehicular manslaughter rarely results in prison time; the government wants fines because that's a revenue stream. Put someone in prison, though, and then the government has to SPEND money on those people and they don't want to do that)

China as we know it today has only been around for about 50 years and it's been a non-stop clusterfuck during that period.

The bus was not in the right most lane. It tried to turn into the rightmost lane, and the truck behind didn't give it enough space and was corraled into the bus stop.

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B-But it's only a matter of time, this time for sure they'll collapse!

Only if this american hero was their to stop them.

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I swear to god, if it weren't for Star Trek, we wouldn't have so many left wing sci-fi nerd faggots screeching in support of socialism today. Socialism only works in Star Trek because it's a fantasy TV series full of made up bullshit like alien lizard men and teleporters.

These are the same retards convinced that if you just write a monthly check to everyone simply for existing that there natural human altruism will take over and they'll all go out and become astrophysicists and engineers for shits and giggles.

China it's begging for a war.

Why does it never pass through their heads that UBI in Star Trek is only possible because they can create and destroy matter? If everyone got $1000 a month for free, the dollar would implode overnight, and we'd all die. More or less...

Being good at cheating is also a "gift of god. If everyone is a cheater then the smartest and most experienced win.

user never denied they did in fact collapse a lot

>When left to their own devices, the Japanese simply don't date or court or do anything of a sexual nature. They just stay home and jack off.
wtf im japanese?

>government has to SPEND money on those people
Is manual labor not a solution? Get shit built and have a use for fuckers.

Yeah, have a soul. We are born naked and die naked; the thing that matters the most, since we can't do shit during our beginning or our end, is love. Thus, everything in between is shared delusion by the times and group, and since we live in an ecosystem, we are not an absolute being unto ourselves, our actions not only effect others but ultimately ourselves. It's short gain to harm another lacking reason, empathy, and ultimately who we are. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"

They have a massive population that needs work prisoners would literally be stealing jobs at that point

equates being american is

They don't age slower, they are mentally maturing slower.

People in developed nations today generally age slower because of lower concentrations of pollutants in the air, and a massive decline in the prevalence of smoking. That shit ages you hard.

One of the best dialogues ever. Mr Burns is a treasure, a cheater but a treasure too

No they don't
China's only tactical advantage is the size of their country
In every other respect, Japan has been able to own them.

>Hobbes was a bleeding heart liberal.
I bet you think your illiterate ass is saving western civilization.

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How about "I and almost everyone else doesn't like the consequences of what you believe, and that's why we're coming for you."

Or maybe: "I and everyone else acts in a way that allows us to trust each other, whereas you must always watch your back and will always be alone."

It's only cheating if you get caught.

No, they built their culture around hard work and education.
If you want a culture built around cheating and theft, look no further than the the Gypsies. And see where that's landed them.

look, no money only works in a post scarcity society.

due to the internet and increasing levels of automation, we are in a semi-post scarcity society, hence, the concept of universal basic income.

UBI is something that was not possible in the past, when 90% of the world population were farmers. but now less than 2% of the US population are farmers, and we export much of the food we make.

that is why across the world you see an expansion of social services, it was not possible to provide education or healthcare to an entire population because technology and efficiency sucked ass, now we can, because it only takes 2% of us to feed everybody. so get your collective heads out of the middle ages and accept that we can pool our money for more than just roads now.

If you actually check the wages, astrophysicists and generally those focused on pure research are generally underpaid for their qualification (both on public and private research).
Watching the evidence, you could argue that with ubi nobody would want to pick up trash or other menial stuff, but there should be enough idealists going to research and engineering.

Jeez. If this is true, how on earth is this the country from which we got "The Art Of War"?

the whole point of UBI is that it covers bare necessities, or a portion of that.

you'd still have plenty of janitors and other menial jobs because it'd be an easy way to supplement that income and afford that mustang or whatever they have their eye on.

It still amazes me that there is a large segment of the US population who still believes that Bernie Sanders, a multi-millionaire with 4 mansions, a yacht and a private jet, is the messiah who will finally implement TRUE Socialism to the US and bring about income equality for all. 2020 is gonna be a shitshow.

He's right fuck everyone

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WHere in the fuck is China getting all these people to murder?

China is nothing but a history of population booms followed by wars or natural disasters that kill millions bringing their population down to a more manageable level again.
They are probably due for another one soon.

I'd add that lying and cheating ultimately fucks you because instead of learning and adapting, you stay rigid and uneducated with your only skill being lying and cheating. And say what you will, that shit can only get you do far. Eventually people like that have to back up their lies and fuck themselves when they realize that they haven't got shit to actually prove their worth.

Yeah. Lying and cheating is easy, and there are even circumstances where it's needed so learning to do it believably could help you. But if it's your only skill then eventually you'll hit a brick wall.

Have you actually read it?
It is some of the most basic tactical thinking you could imagine as well as the usual eastern philosophy bullshit mixed in.
the chinese needed a fucking manual on how to basic "war" edition because they were so shit at fighting.

Everyone do yourself a favor and just take like 30 minutes to do this

Jesus Christ you're pathetic.

in all fairness, it might be just the basics, but having a guide just to learn the basics isn't a bad thing, and some people might not realize the value of said basics until pointed out.

True, but its often held as some genius-tier secret tactics book when it boils down to things like "dont fight when youre outnumbered", "hey, fire arrows and horses are pretty useful", and "if you dont know your enemy's tactics youre going to fucking die".
to be fair im unversed on similar writings in the european side so i cant compare.

Depending on the context a cheater is merely spoiling the integrity and pressumed good will of something mutual. For example if you can’t even benefit socially or monetarily because you’re just playing poker in the garage with your buddies. Then cheating basically ruins the fun of it for everyone including yourself.

Some people are also compulsive cheaters or liars and will always look for loopholes and schemes. This behavior gets tiresome if you ever have met these types. You have to be on your guard around them and also quick to distance yourself if their dumbass gets in trouble.

>implying I don't want to be a rich sociopath

They have their uses. They find loopholes you need to close. Sometimes evil men are the best weapon against other evil men.

Is this from /his/? Because this shit is honestly pretty fascinating.

>finds text over posted over a cartoon still that has nothing to do with the cartoon or cartoons in general
>now I can make this a Yea Forums topic!

This show could be really thought-provoking in its prime.

When left to their own devices, the Japanese simply don't date or court or do anything of a sexual nature. They just stay home and jack off.
I think I'm turning japanese, I really think so


I went to Japan once. I remember while I was there, 90% of the Japanese people I saw on the transportation had their head buried in the phone. I came up with like a million personal wifi hotspots when I went to connect my phone so I could use my GPS. It was nuts.

Their actual city wifi is total trash though

they only implemented good Samaritan laws 10 years ago and its still fucking up their heads.

>Chinese always beat the Japanese
someone didnt read into the pacific theater of WW2.

>/o/ vs /n/

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>ad hominem fallacy

Or World War 1

What level of incompetence are we on

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So is that why they got dominated by a country of literal horse fuckers?

considering how they installed outer hatches to open inwards, id say theyre pretty deep in the incompetence hole

When it gets to such stupidity you're wondering what's happening. Were they trying to wedge and weld while pumping water out, and pan water somewhere? And still drive the boat like that?

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God, the Japanese really are human pandas.

Modern day England has existed for like 1500 years man.

>This why the Chinese always beat the Japanese

Go home Xi, you're drunk.

Yes except when the warlord forced unity the people stayed together after he and even his family line died because they knew it was better to be together than separate when surrounded by even more different assholes. The foundation of the average modern european nation has been around for centuries. France and Spain and Russia have had their recent revolutions, sure, but most the rest have been settled and unified for quite some time, using the interior political process to affect change primarily.

It's the gormless, dead looks on their faces that really makes it so surreal. These chinks don't look, sound or act like a stereotypical idiot or retard, or at least not much. They don't look diseased or anything, to a naive eye they just look like normal east asian people. The only visual clue that something is really wrong with the chinks is their reaction to catastrophe, or really their lack of one. They mostly just stand their, all gormless, and let stupid nasty tragedies wash over them, then they dither around in a little circle doing very little about it. Death by passivity, like they aren't really there.

>Imagine trying to play Pikmin with the Chinkmin being this useless

In my third underworld country (Colombia by the way) the only presidential candidate who gave a shit about anything other than fillling his own pockets was criticized for his expensive shoes in social media and many shitheads fell for it, electing a fucking moron just like trump (although less insane and so less entertaining). What I'm saying is that you will fit just fine over here.

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>Cheat's Feet and Seat

I wonder what they sold?

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Yes but if you go back 300 years ago there was zero air pollution and no smoking either. There was only a specific period in the 20th century when this applied.

The country that invented gunpowder,paper,the compass,alcohol,tea,silk,clocks,crop row farming,and paper money, had the most advanced dynasties, and is globally set to rule the world is far from failure. whites to niggers are like asians to whites.

You telling me to stay poor sounds like what a rich person would say to a poor person.

because the Japs cheated that time though


>The Egyptians divided the day into two 12-hour periods, and used large obelisks to track the movement of the sun. They also developed water clocks, which were probably first used in the Precinct of Amun-Re, and later outside Egypt as well; they were employed frequently by the Ancient Greeks, who called them clepsydrae. The Zhou dynasty is believed to have used the outflow water clock around the same time, devices which were introduced from Mesopotamia as early as 2000 bc.

>Other ancient timekeeping devices include the candle clock, used in ancient China, ancient Japan, England and Mesopotamia; the timestick, widely used in India and Tibet, as well as some parts of Europe; and the hourglass, which functioned similarly to a water clock. The sundial, another early clock, relies on shadows to provide a good estimate of the hour on a sunny day. It is not so useful in cloudy weather or at night and requires recalibration as the seasons change (if the gnomon was not aligned with the Earth's axis).

>The earliest known clock with a water-powered escapement mechanism, which transferred rotational energy into intermittent motions,[1] dates back to 3rd century bc in ancient Greece;[2] Chinese engineers later invented clocks incorporating mercury-powered escapement mechanisms in the 10th century,[3] followed by Iranian engineers inventing water clocks driven by gears and weights in the 11th century.[4]

>The first mechanical clocks, employing the verge escapement mechanism with a foliot or balance wheel timekeeper, were invented in Europe at around the start of the 14th century, and became the standard timekeeping device until the pendulum clock was invented in 1656. The invention of the mainspring in the early 15th century allowed portable clocks to be built, evolving into the first pocketwatches by the 17th century, but these were not very accurate until the balance spring was added to the balance wheel in the mid 17th century.


The Chinese almost certainly weren't the first people to discover alcohol and most of those accomplishments were 700+ years ago. When the center of world trade shifted to the Atlantic with the Age of Discovery, the Eurasian empires went into permanent decline.

Most physical infirmities in old age occur in the last few years before death, when the body starts to shut itself down. This is known as terminal drop. Like for example Stan Lee by all accounts was doing really well until maybe the final 5-6 years when his hearing and eyesight started going.

So on average, if you lived to 90, your health will hold up until your mid-80s or so.

Unironically based.

Fuck fair play. Life is fundamentally unfair. If you were given the short end of the stick, why not use cunning to leverage yourself into a better position? The only people who would refute the logic of this are people born into privilege and genetic superiority anyway.

im wondering what happened to that chink who got fucking domed by that door.

What is a death sentence for then because that sounds a lot better then make sure if you hurt them you kill as not to pay an extra fine. This whole system they got rewards bad behavior at best.

Even disregarding things like principles and having a sense of ethics, we still end up with the Tragedy of the Commons. The rational, self interested choice in a vacuum often becomes a completely moronic short-sighted choice when you look at the big picture.

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What an interesting read

No it just runs you ragged. Your sperm eill lose on quality in your mid to late twenties, lose it further in your thirties, and the chances of disorders in you kids from your 40's onward skyrocket. You age the same on a genetic level as anyone did before you.

..says to the chef, "Hey, you killed my father!" Chef says to the tuna, "That's my business, fish."

Tuna thinks about it, says "Then i challenge you to a game of chess. If i win, you stop being a chef forever." "And if i win?" asks the chef. "Then you can feed me to your customers." tuna replies. And so the chef and the tuna play chess.

Now as well know, Tuna are adept chess players, so in a few moves the chef is checkmated. "Looks like i win!" says the tuna. Chef nods and plunges his knife into the fish's belly.

"But i won!" says the tuna, with the knife wriggling in his gut. "So did your father." says the chef.

>It still amazes me that there is a large segment of the US population who still believes that Bernie Sanders, a multi-millionaire with 4 mansions, a yacht and a private jet, is

Doesn't he also drive an expensive Audi or something too?

>Tunas are adept chess players
everyone knows that along with pterodactyls not being able to stand the sound of a rock guitar

Arnold Schwarzenegger also happens to have a genetic propensity to build up muscle easily, but at the same time not so much that he looked ridiculous like some bodybuilders. Not everyone can achieve that balance no matter how much they train.

>being this fucking retarded he cant even spot a simpsons quote

I could never sing like Elvis because I just wasn't born with a set of pipes like that.

>Basically, every war with China goes the same way: China rushes the enemy with millions of screaming soldiers. Millions of screaming soldiers get slaughtered while inflicting less than dire casualties on the enemy. China retreats in defeat, then announces that they really won after all and only pulled out because they were tired of playing.

Isn't this the same excuse Americans always give for why they lost the Vietnam war? "We won, we just got tired of playing and went home."

The difference being that America never actually lost any major battle. It won every fight but commies and commie sympathizers back home were able to beat the warhawks down and force them to bring the troops home. There is not boasting that we completed our objectives, we know we didn't. Its the matter of we could have actually kept fighting and likely completed out goals but got pulled away to other factors.

>The Boxers had no government support. They had almost no firearms and spent almost no time preparing for war. They honestly thought magical kung fu powers will grant them victory over white men with machine guns. They killed more of their own people for shits and giggles than anyone else. Seriously, they just went around slaughtering Chinese peasants they considered tained by Western influence.
It's interesting how much China under Mao Zedong did the same thing. Mao thought soldiers didn't really need modern or advanced weapons and if they were imbued with a revolutionary spirit, they could win any battle. And then of course the Cultural Revolution was essentially the other part.

It was the reverse. We killed 3x as many Vietcong/NVA as we lost in casualties, but we gave up on the home stretch of victory.

If you're playing a game with set rules then you shouldn't cheat asshole.

Exactly this. If anyone thinks that OP's ideology is something worth living by, just show them those webms of life in China.

I already live in Brazil.

Most training that soldiers in the PLA receive consists of doing mass formations to spell out the characters of visiting dignitaries' names rather than combat skills and generals study about 75% political propaganda and 25% actual military skills and tactics. The party has repeatedly rejected suggestions to de-politicize the armed forces since it's maintained that the Soviet Union fell in part because they failed to keep their military adequately indoctrinated. The officer corps is also phenomenally corrupt and appointments are mostly made by nepotism and political connections rather than qualification.

Enlisted men are mostly all from the poor inland provinces where there are few jobs and army service is just something to do and get out of a boring life in a village. Because of this they tend to not be in very good physical shape either.

Most army equipment aside from elite units is extremely outdated and poor quality, consisting mainly of clones of 1970s Soviet military hardware. The nuclear arsenal has an estimated response time of about 30 minutes because missiles are stored unfueled and with no warheads mounted to them to prevent a rogue officer from gaining control of them.

Looking at the webm, no. No it wasn't. No brake lights are on, and it speeds up after turning.

So is this what happens when you get millions of rural farmers who's intelligence level peaks at knowing what color seed to plant at which time of the year in charge of complex multi million dollar machines?

Just because you can't sing like Elvis doesn't mean you can't sing well. You can still very much become a great singer in your own right if you weren't such a defeatist punk.

I somehow doubt we'll ever have to worry about them invading Taiwan.

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It is more the state of modernity.

Honestly, we could use a population decline for a few generations. As this will given incentive for automation to be researched, installed, and improved upon.

Instead, the rest of the civilized world is importing massive amount of unskilled labor. Suppressing wages, keeping the native poor unemployed, and prolonging the time for automation to gain traction.

The next day's rations.

China executes the most people in the world
If I remember correctly they even execute more people than the rest of the world combined

The penal code also has a huge number of offenses, at least 25 that carry the death sentence, including white collar crimes like embezzlement and drug trafficking.

Chinese army units used to raise their own food and keep pigs but I think they stopped doing that sometime in the 90s.

You're assuming Kant's universal principle applies by outcome and not by motive.
Americans are completely fine with a society where everyone CAN cheat, lie and steal but the majority ARE the ones looted, swindled and cheated, because they've convinced themselves that's how it's supposed to be for everyone. So the universal principle is retained because everyone is actually a psychopath anyway and would rather have their shit stolen by the elite than acknowledge that stealing is universally wrong. For liberty and freedom and the pursuit of happiness, of course.

>The nuclear arsenal has an estimated response time of about 30 minutes because missiles are stored unfueled and with no warheads mounted to them to prevent a rogue officer from gaining control of them.
But this is a good thing?
Also don't knock Soviet hardware, if you're gonna make bootlegs that's the best stuff to copy.


Attached: 752219.jpg (400x550, 52K)

>But this is a good thing?
Sure, much as how my having a shotgun rigged to my frontdoor to insta-blam the known notorious bandits prowling my locale is a "good thing".

The golden rule.

Nine times out of ten, a cheater will cry and moan when someone cheats HIM over.

I mean they believed that Trump a man who literally owns a golden toilet was a man of the people and was totally on the side of the middle class.

The best praise soviet hardware has going for it is how good it is for how cheap it is. the west has always, ALWAYS (except a handful of instances through like, the 60s) produced better military tech than the east. the main draw of slavshit is its almost as good as the western equivalent for 1/3rd of the price.

Sorry I'm not autistic enough to remember every quote from a show with 700+ episodes. OP still only picked it out to start a shitpost session and you know it.

Wtf it's literally the opposite of that, I don't know what you're saying here. Keeping the rockets unfueled and disarmed is like keeping a shotgun on safety, unloaded in the basement because you know there's no real danger. Was there some kind of miscommunication here?

How do I foment a revolution? What do you mean fascism is back?

Did they expect their lives to get better?

>admit how many people are born just to die of an overdose

"Baaaaaw! It's not my fault I'm taking drugs!" Unless someone forcefed you pills or held you down and injected you, then it is your own choice. You are doing this to yourself.
I was molested as a kid. I grew up in abuse. That part where Rick tells Morty he is going to commit murder-suicide? I lived through it in elementary. I'm fucked for life, I'm bitching, I'll never forgive the people responsible, but I'm also going do the best I can with what little I have.
And btw fuck junkies, they deserve no sympathy. Their condition is self inflicted and there would be no drug sellers without drug buyers. Now shut up and improve.

lul, the conditions for self improvement include having enough time and money to pursue interests

thats the opposite of the direction society is moving, so please snort up as many opiates as you can

gotta keep the shareholder price high

Self-improvement has nothing to do with interests. Losing weight, getting a job and making social contacts is improvement. Watching netflix, traveling and buying comics isn't. Eating less and doing bodyweight exercises at home costs nothing and takes up a few minutes of your whine time a day. You're just inventing obstacles to excuse your situation to yourself.

That's not self-improvement, that's just self-training to make yourself a more efficient slave.
user was obviously talking about ambitions when he said interests, not hobbies.

How the fuck is this nation ranking top 10 in average IQ?
Are we getting trolled here?

>How the fuck is this nation ranking top 10 in average IQ?
>Are we getting trolled here?
They get the rankings from elite schools that the children of party brass attend. It would be like using Groton students as a sample basis for the US school system.

Or they could just, you know, not work everyone to death for menial wages they don't even have time to enjoy because they're so busy working.

>a more efficient slave

To who?

>You age the same on a genetic level as anyone did before you

People don't age at the same rate though. One study of a group of late 30s people, all from the same high school class, found that most had a biological age consistent with their calendar age, but some had a biological age in their late 20s and one guy had a biological age of around 60.

They may not have violated the letter of the rules but they violated the spirit.

You think they share all the people?

Corporations and governments. Have you checked the statistics for self-employment in America the last hundred years? That's terror.

the thieves hell is fear of thieves

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> Cheating is wrong because I get caught and punished for it
Yes, that's exactly what kids are taught in 3rd grade. The secret is don't get caught or make sure everyone after you gets caught

There's literally no reason for nurses, house maids and janitors not to be replaced by robots other than as a cynical ploy to decrease crime rates due to employment.

>UNATCO wants to know your location.

You vastly overestimate the global quality of education. Even burger juvenile prison camps are better than most backwaters but not by much

In the United States.
In the USSR the lesson was don't fucking cheat and resent people for cheating you, even if it's a fact of life and everyone does it and the system is corrupt never debase yourself so fucking low to think that cheating successfully is a moral virtue.
I guess that's why the Americans won in the end, and now Russia is just America on steroid withdrawal.

Uh huh. Being attractive and looking after your health (both physical and mental) makes you a slave to corporations. Being a sad overconsumer of food and medicine is totally sticking it to the man. Also all those self-employed people such as farmers and ranchers used to be fat.
You are a complete certified moron.

Can anysneed rechuck this?

perhaps if you got a job you'd have something to live for

>In the USSR the lesson was to give up before you try because anyone that wasn't already in power should never do anything to threaten the control of those above you. Just be satisfied that you and your family will die in poverty like good honorable communists.
Getting drunk to deal with a shitty life is still cheating.

>How the fuck is this nation ranking top 10 in average IQ?
>Are we getting trolled here?

Just because you test well doesn't mean you're actually smart.
The other thing you need to remember -and this is important- is that they're cheating and someone who exceeds through cheating isn't actually smart.
Chinese Students have literally thrown student riots because teachers have tried to stop them from cheating, but they feel as though it's their god given right and entitlement to cheat.

"By late afternoon, the invigilators were trapped in a set of school offices, as groups of students pelted the windows with rocks. Outside, an angry mob of more than 2,000 people had gathered to vent its rage, smashing cars and chanting: "We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat." "
They're completely and totally retarded from the bottom to the top.

I guess you could call it genius when the advice is so sensible, yet in history a lot of military commanders seemed to lack such good sense.

Unless you're one of those who still sees Taiwan as the rightful government of China s'yeah good luck with that

An editorial in the People's Daily a few years ago dismally compared things to the Qing army during the war with Japan in the 1890s when soldiers went into battle with no powder and artillery shells had been stolen and replaced with rocks.

Chinese wars always produce an awesome death toll because A. They have a lot of people and B. Rice farming requires a lot of cooperation and sophisticated irrigation systems to function (unlike cereals), so when it breaks down in wartime, the result is usually a mass famine.

If China is so shit why aren't they trying to fix it?

Contrary to stereotype getting drunk to cope with life being shit isn't considered moral in Russia.

user you sound like your entire core concept of self-improvement is centered around physical appearance, despite a throwaway word about "both physical and mental" health.

People 300 years ago didn't have modern environmental hazards and ate a completely natural diet, however they also didn't have access to modern health care. If an elderly person became blind or deaf, there was no cataract surgery or hearing aids. If they broke their hip, nothing could be done about it and they died quickly.

If you read 19th century medical journals, the main things discussed were infectious diseases. Age-related disorders were mentioned little and it was generally maintained that they were simply an inevitable result of old age and nothing could be done about them. For comparison modern medical literature is about 75% discussion of age-related disorders.

Dude there was a fucking flu pandemic in 1918 that killed over 50 million people.

That is true however it's also notable that the victims were mainly young adults in their 20s and 30s. Those disease pandemics usually didn't affect older people. The Black Plague also killed mostly young adults; there are accounts from Italy describing the depopulation of various areas and lamenting the large number of elderly people with no one to look after them because their children and grandchildren had all died.

Infectious diseases prior to modern medicine had a biological role in removing young people with weak immune systems before they had a chance to reproduce. Although people also age differently as mentions, genetic resistance to diseases of later life such as dementia aren't something that can be really selected for since you won't know how well you'll hold up in old age until you actually get there, and you're generally past reproductive age at that point.

Well yeah. Genetic resistance to Alzheimer's or something isn't a particularly valuable asset from an evolutionary POV since the condition doesn't usually occur until your last years of life when you're going to die shortly anyway. Being resistant to smallpox or pneumonia is more important because they could kill you in childhood before you ever have a chance to pass on your genes.

>biological role in removing young people with weak immune systems
Ok I don't even know what the hell you want out of this conversation. I made that comment because I thought we were talking about the improvement of living standards and life expectancy through medicine and better conditions, not some kind of debate exclusively about old people. You make it sound like medicine is all about keeping old people alive while ignoring that it's already succeeded in the child and adult department. The reason why 19th century journals were discussing infectious diseases is because they weren't even close to beating them yet.

>You make it sound like medicine is all about keeping old people alive while ignoring that it's already succeeded in the child and adult department. The reason why 19th century journals were discussing infectious diseases is because they weren't even close to beating them yet.
Um, yeah. The medical industry has to stay in business and justify their existence somehow. Today you don't really have many problems with tuberculosis and smallpox in first world countries.

good meme.

>a biological role in removing young people with weak immune systems
Environmental factors have way too much of an impact on immune health for that to be true.


Hell, they might've lied about those numbers too and could've been a bigger one on each

Technically correct is the best kind of correct

Why are Americans treating China like the new Soviet Union? They haven't done anything yet. They haven't shown any hostilities either. What about the EU? In terms of global politics and capability they're leagues ahead of China but they're not treated like the enemy.

>Age-related disorders were mentioned little and it was generally maintained that they were simply an inevitable result of old age and nothing could be done about them. For comparison modern medical literature is about 75% discussion of age-related disorders.

In those days they said dementia in the elderly was caused by "hardening of the arteries", which is partially correct due to conditions like strokes and impaired blood circulation, but Alzheimer's was not fully established as a cause of geriatric dementia until the 1970s. The disease was first named in the early 1900s but assumed to be a rare condition of middle age. The more rare Lewy Body dementia was not established as a cause until the 80s-90s.

China is doing the same tactics as the late-stage Soviet Union, including wholesale theft of technology from the West and infiltrating media outlets and universities with propaganda.

that and buying out huge chunks of real estate in Western countries.

>They haven't done anything yet.
They already bought most mayor videogame companies shitting everything on them.
Now they are also acquiring Yea Forums and reddit. Wait until you see more ads and bans all over the internet

You're going to start a world war against EA?

>late-stage Soviet Union


>theft of technology

Unlike all other nations that have ever existed, right? You guys invented the alphabet you used to write that, didn't you?

>infiltrating media outlets and universities with propaganda


America couldnt pull out the big guns because of so many screeching hippies and retreated out of boredom.

You ever heard of the so-called Confucius Institutes which are just a front to spread CCP propaganda in Western universities? It's no different than in the 70s when the KGB spread propaganda under the guise of the peace and anti-nuke movements.

>From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. dropped more than two million tons of ordnance on Laos during 580,000 bombing missions—equal to a planeload of bombs every 8 minutes, 24-hours a day, for 9 years – making Laos the most heavily bombed country per capita in history.

You bombed them so hard that their neutral neighbor was able to create an economy revolving around empty bombs yet you still couldn't win, and had to flee while screaming for your lives. And that was AFTER the Korean war where the same exact shit happened.

Attached: laos-bombs-mark-watson-1[6].jpg (800x478, 139K)

They have also bought out Hollywood. Notice how celebrities used to be big on Tibetan independence and that's now magically stopped?

There's major financial incentive for Hollywood to pander to the Chinese since interest in movies is in decline in America but is on the rise over there.

We couldn't "win" cause the goal was to kill all of the enemy or most of them. People saw American men die in horrible ways while being told we were doing good meanwhile the commies had rivers of shit pouring from their pants cause they couldn't win anything and only survived thanks to neutral neighbors and south Vietnamese being rice farmer from the 1600 and unable to point a gun. If no cameras were present or we could have captured the ho chi Minh trail that war would have been American.

>and had to flee while screaming for your lives. And that was AFTER the Korean war where the same exact shit happened.

Attached: questioning.gif (782x543, 5K)

God this show was a trasure

I like you

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A cheaters only regret is that they got caught so in spite of me agreeing with him in theory; the work of upkeep of the cheating or lie just doesn't seem worth it unless your a complete sociopath.

>ooooh boi

Winnie the Pooh 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>Winnie the Pooh

Its like the people who use the side road when theres heavy traffic. They think theyre smarter for beating the system but everyone else knows that if everyone did it it would only cause more issues.

>once someone no longer fears or cares about punishment, that's when the pure craziness comes out, and the end result is always horrible for everyone
Great post. Explains a lot of what is going on in the western world today like mass shootings and children born to fatherless homes.

Some genius got Winnie the Pooh censored in China because people kept on posting edits of politicians replaced by him.

the current president for life of china looks like winnie, and has censored memes of himself being compared to ol pooh bear.

Fat fucks with your body chemistry by producing estrogen. It makes you derpressed. Lifting boosts testosterone some, gives you confidence, makes you develop discipline, changes your mindset and dismays abusive people in your life.

While all of those things are potentially true, they don't serve for self-fulfillment if you are still stuck in the modern corporatist economy. At best you're just using your body to cope with the fact that your life is still meaningless. At worst, you actually browse /fit/.

They need to do that with games that don't have dedicated chinese servers so we can keep them from ruining the multiplayer.

>he starts the monologue with "its your duty as an american" so the viewer knows its wrong, because he would've made a point otherwise

>50% of marriages in japan are arranged

I can't find any source suggesting more than 30%, but w/e broseph.

Japan is roughly the size of California and so mountainous that less than half of it is inhabitable. While I'm sure the aging population is a problem and replacement levels decreasing is trouble for their industry, I can't imagine the Japanese are terribly bothered by a decrease in their population. The entire nation is virtually Standing Room Only and could use a thinning out via lack of procreation.

The main problem with japans lower birth rates it’s that soon there won’t be enough people to keep the infrastructure of the country running at the same efficiency, rural towns are in danger of becoming ghost towns because most young people leave for the where they only work

The gradual dissolution of the traditional Japanese three-generation home is also causing issues in terms of population density (more people spread out and taking up more space individually when they used to live together in a single location), lack of available real estate (same reason), and desperate need for elder care (no family to take care of grandma and grandpa because every generation wants to live independently rather than with their predecessors).

The Japanese, of course, blame this all on "Western influences" portraying independent generational living as trendy and desirable. It's all the gaijin's fault.

It's still not too late
Heck, I'm 25 too. But I'm trying to learn new skills and improve.
That's the best any of us can do

Cheating is so easy in most situations, though. If you're even moderately intelligent, you should have no problem cheating normies at the very least.

Why are you defending this?

Jesus. Is that supposed to be funny? Because that's really just dark and depressing as hell.

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well put, user

You can develop different than most. For instance, being left handed often time means you think differently than most, and gives you a bit of an advantage in various sports, like boxing or baseball.

Are you dumb? jumble is referring to a word jumble.


>el que no tranza, no avanza
Basically. We have tried to erradicate that way of thinking in mexico for years.

based chinkpurgerposter

didn't opium really sour them on that less offense though?

Being left handed makes it easier to tap into the more creative part of your brain too. Lots of artists were left handed.

Cope more Yea Forumsmblr

This modern corporatist economy has given you medicine, food so plentiful that even the poor are getting fat, brand items, internet, devices, the entertainment this very board is about and more. You're bored with your life and using an all-powerful vague entity to excuse your failings and laziness. It the Capitalism! It's the Patriarchy! It's the Jews! You're a lot more common than you think. Stop being such an excuse-making pussy. You think people found happiness and self-fulfillment in crying in their own filth?


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