What Do We Think Of The Justice Society of America?

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I think that none of them wear underpants.
Not that it's a requirement to join, just sort of a mass coincidence.
I mean, PG, Stargirl, and Cyclone clearly don't, and I'd wager the old timers gave it up during the war.

i really like a lot of these guys

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I mean, the only ones I'd wager might have something on beneath their trousers are Jakeem since he's just some guy that found a pen with a genie, and Sandman although I'm sure it must get toasty in that trenchcoat.
Want more evidence? Of their outfit isn't highcut like PG, Cyclone, and Black Canary, it's skin tight like either Wildcat, Flash, Captain Steel, or Captain Marvel.
The Genies don't wear clothes, Starman has a tenuous grasp of reality even if his moral compass is top quality, and the Hawks have spent most of their lives without them so far.

It just makes sense.

I think they are great characters, although I wish there would be less emphasis on the next genners. If you're going to keep these legacy heroes around, it's more fun to have them doing heroic things than being parents of characters you care a lot less about. I don't totally hate the kids, but I think the balance is off.

>I think that none of them wear underpants.
Mr. Terrific needs special shorts to control his T-balls.

Is that not what the jazz on his face is for?

Wildcat fucked Catwoman and Black Canary.

they r gay desu

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Shouldn't exist on the main universe, because they take away from Superman being the first superhero. They're fine as an Earth Two type of thing.

>and Black Canary.
Get the fuck out of here. Which one? The mom?

>Shouldn't exist on the main universe, because they take away from Superman being the first superhero.

i've never really cared for that. although maybe that's because i grew up with the post-crisis stuff so it was never status quo to me

I personally really like the idea of the purpose of the JSA evolving over time from a standard superhero team to a team where aged, experienced heroes train and mentor a young generation.

>I personally really like the idea of the purpose of the JSA evolving over time from a standard superhero team to a team where aged, experienced heroes train and mentor a young generation.
I guess I like the idea too...it's maybe that I don't care so much for the kids. Although even that isn't all that true...I like most of the new batch.

Maybe it's just that I hate that Wildcat's kid is a cat. That's just annoying. Yeah, y'know, get rid of the kid in the center of the picture and I like it.

Dr. Mid-Nite is cool.

there's something i've always liked about mr america

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Ah yes, Mister America.

The hero who defeats villain teams by disguising himself as a villain, joining the team, rising the promotion ladder until he gets near the top, then sabotaging the team from within.

And that's all. That is his ENTIRE modus operandi.

Not a lot of utility for a team like the JSA, whose villains mostly work alone. No wonder he didn't stay on the team very long.

Fuck off.

The best.

Absolutely based, my favorite DC team.

Although Alex Ross' Kingdom Come shit was pretty bad.

Wearing underwear in skin tight suits is impractical especially if you're a guy.

Go away Dan, the New 52 sucked

Yeah, they really began walking Kingdom Come off at one point. I actually liked the 1999 run, plus Hawkman was featured a lot, which is always great

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The team is too huge, no villain(s) can ever be a real threat to this army of gods. Prove me wrong. You can't!

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Has the JSA ever had to deal with Eclipso? I assumed they have.

He briefly showed up in a storyline where Eclipso joined with Black Adam to rule some middle-eastern shithole, but he never really fought the JSA meaningfully outside of a brief skirmish. This Eclipso ended up committing suicide after killing one of his teammates.

There's a big storyline of JSA vs Mordu, Eclipso and Obsidian in Johns' run, I think.
Kicked their asses when Fate showed up.
Also, Eclipso was part of a group run by Degaton to take down the JSA.
They shit their pants and ran when Fate showed up (even though it was a newbie Fate pretending he knew what to do)

Case in point. JSA is strong and Fate is their biggest gun.

Needs more Zachary.