Sherlock Yak

>terrible main character design
>awesome designs for everybody else

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He's a little bit too forced.
I'd say it's all in the face, but his lower body's a little over-designed too.
Do yaks have sideburns? They're projecting too much human-ness onto him.

porn of his sidekick is cute

Attached: yack.png (1178x1128, 1.12M)

You just don't like yaks, admit it.

Also, my artist's sense tells me same designers are responsible for Commander Clark and Zip Zip.


The Yak bit is ok but the costume and color scheme are lame

Hermoine is best waifu

Okay then, that's an acceptable in these lands.

*acceptable view to hold

The problem is he is yak but he is small like a young cow.

It's the eyes - in they have little white circles to denote irises which a) make him look like something out of Dora the Explorer and b) is completely at odds with every other character. Meanwhile, gives him regular cartoon eyes, which are way more expressive and fits better with the rest of the art style


There's a bunch of episodes on YouTube

>tfw I got a waifu after binge-watching episodes of this

yfw you cant even solve a preschool show's whodunnit riddles

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Probably Marcus Level's as well. Though Sherlock is probably the best of the bunch of great-art/somewhat lame writing french shows

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It's kind of weird there's not a "chief of zoo police" or some sort of authority figure in this show and Sherlock is some sort of Judge Dredd-type character that investigates, catches AND punishes wrongdoers entirely under his own supervision

Attached: 2011-sherlock-yack-S01E01-01.jpg (854x480, 122K)

It needed Moriarty tier villain

Which one

wow I think this is the first time I've ever seen a maribou stork in a cartoon

also why are 2 of the crocodiles just the same exact dude but with different clothes