ITT: people who did nothing wrong

ITT: people who did nothing wrong

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Fuck off and die, pedo scum

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This. And John K wasn’t even the one who actually made Ren and Stimpy good.

based and redpilled

Didn’t he actually admit to it and wrote an apology that made him sound like a cuck?



>being this American

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he admitted to it.

good goy

>promotes a kickstarter asking for $100,000 to make a half assed cartoon short.
>surpasses goal
>dead silence, donaters are becoming impatient

Guy's a fucking hack.

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Not Yea Forums but come on...

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Where's the cartoon, Kricfucksi.

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is that the Person who did that in the Summer? I'm from that Area and I Remember My Dad telling Me & My Mom about what really happened according to his Brother who's a Cop for the County but I forgot what it was.

What's with you and Americans?

What'd he even do? Hug someone?

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Yeah, guy took a plane, did some tricks and then crashed

I’m from Korea, American is pig disgusting


Did anything ever come of this? I remember hearing about it like a year ago, but I never got invested enough to keep up with it. Is it just allegations?

basically yeah

google john lasseter sexual misconduct it's all a bunch of vague bullshit

fuck this gay earth

He never actually admitted to anything. He just apologized for how his actions may have been interpreted by those who felt hurt.

I am American
What’s with you, user?

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>spun as a problem with sexual harassment and not self-abuse in the form of liquor
He's gonna die.

Wait is he actually innocent? Didn't Funimation launch their own internal investigations and found out some of the allegations we're true? Cause if not
couldn't he sue over wrongful termination? I doubt a company would be so willingly to open up themselves to a lawsuit like that.

Pixar Let him go. Skydance hired him. Emma Thompson quit in protest.

Lasseter's kind of a scumbag anyway, so I don't feel too sorry for him.

ITT: Cringe

Mega cringe

those piercings are pretty wrong.

you're fitting in Butch, good job!

What did he do though

>Hi, I'm John Lassetter, and I'm going to tell you about this Ghibli movie you're about to watch. I mean, you could be watching it RIGHT NOW but then you wouldn't get to hear my banal speech!
I like John, but that just irked me something fierce.

>Hey man, here's a 20 minute video review where only 5 minutes are actually dedicated to whatever I'm reviewing. The rest is unfunny dialog with my annoying side characters!
Fuck that guy.

what the fuck is he up to now?

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What was he up to BEFORE all this?

The man has squandered his life.

Well I can't argue with that. 90% of anime is crap.

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Its down there somewhere let me take another look

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Literally explain how the episodes immediately sucked from season 3 onward. This is revisionist propaganda, you can hate John K but you can't deny his involvement was the backbone of the show.

I don't think you can life off working on 3 shows and 2 simspons couch gags for the rest of your life

though I ask myself this question about a lot of other cartoon creators

What ever happened to his pray away the gay Netflix?

He’s worth like 5 million
Dudes living off something

>Want to listen to his podcast because he gives legit good creative advice
>Just trys to convert his guest to Christianity for 80% of it

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>>Hi, I'm John Lassetter, and I'm going to tell you about this Ghibli movie you're about to watch. I mean, you could be watching it RIGHT NOW but then you wouldn't get to hear my banal speech!
He probably doesn't deserve getting what he got, but maybe he does just for making Miyazaki so damn uncomfortable. Stop hugging me, you sweaty red American!

Other than the fact that he's a car autist that made cars, what other thing did he do wrong?

the fuck? how?

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R&S is a massive IP. It put Nick on the map along with Rugrats

it was a money laundering scam

Sexual harassment. Naturally, you can never mention this around here without a bunch of white knights leaping to his defense and crying about that nasty lying #MeToo movement.

There was no investigation at Funi, it was just a bullshit lie to shut up the #standwithVic crowd. But the #kickVic crowd was not only caught in a Facebook group talking about Photoshoping images to make Vic look worse and spreading worse rumours, but one of Funimations own voice actors make up a fake story about Vic supporters swatting her. Not only that, but the biggest critics of Vic suddenly get all his roles at Funi after his firing...hnmmm

Are we really that Yea Forumsmblr?

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Holy shit this site has been getting a lot of newfags

>No investigation
>Photoshopping evidence

See the only thing that #standbyvic really lie about was the swatting while a troll stole some girl's identity. Both sides are pretty dumb because one side can't separate Vic from his roles and want to do a protest at a con, while the other side is overrun by spazzing voice actors and with SJW idiots.
I don't understand why they would spam "I want evidence" when fucking gamergate started with Yea Forums gossiping about a blog post made about his whore girlfriend, yet nobody asked for a picture of her with 5 dicks shoved in her mouth.

I understand not listening to random women on the internet that has been bitching for 15 years, but when his co-workers are calling him out, people still think they are lying without a motive. The reason they haven't said anything is that there is no voice acting union in Texas and could possibly cost them their jobs if they were to say anything bad about Funimation's golden boy due to his sped fanclub.
Every voice actor I've met that got gigs at Funi straight up hate him because of how unprofessional he is to the point where people have complained and Funi quietly looked for other places than him.

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Fuck ment to reply to this

Awesome drawing.


what the hell are you talking about? the only episodes above like...10 minutes long almost exclusive cover the thing he's reviewing

*exclusively dammit

In all fairness, the guy was asking for trouble by inviting underage girls to fly across the country to live with him, then openly being in a relationship with them once they were 18. Not my place to judge if he did anything necessarily illegal since I wasn't there, but he was pretty much >asking for it

That's all well and good, but does he still get money from it? The guy was charging some ridiculous cash for his new commissions and you'd think his Kickstarter would have been totally unnecessary if the guy was genuinely loaded. Sounds more like he was cut off after a while over some contrived legal reasons (guy didn't leave Nick on the best of terms either way and their lawyers probably invented an excuse decades ago).

He was complicit in wage-fixing against Pixar and Dreamworks animators and blacklisted anyone who tried to expose the system. I'm surprised by how little awareness there is about how shitty it was to work at Pixar back then. You could shit on animators and say that they don't deserve any kind of living wage, but blacklisting people for even bringing it up turns him into a gigantic asshole. I wouldn't even be surprised if the sexual harassment allegations were fabricated, but were made just to get back at him for treating his employees like shit for decades.

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How does Doug manage to outboomer most of the actual boomers I see involved with comics and cartoons?

Writers like Eddie Fitzgerald left with John. They were way more important to the show than he was

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based Vic about to destroy funimation

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>Funimation's golden boy
>implying that's not Schemmel or Sabat
if people were willing to tell bad stories about him for over a decade then he never really was their golden boy especially since there were way more notable people at funi
you also have to take into account that a good chunk of conventions have no spine when it comes to bans. If the person requesting a ban is especially assertive about it, even if there is no proof of why someone should get banned, the convention will just go with it because they don't want someone raising a fuss about their scene should they let the guy back in
and again it doesn't help that the only "evidence" anyone has is "oh no he kissed/hugged someone 5 years ago"
True, Vic definitely should have minded his boundaries especially in this current social climate but there's no way he actually did anything that can be considered sexual assault
and like posted, the fact that the accusers suddenly don't want anymore trouble once he made his decision to sue that's all you need to know that they're bullshitting, an accuser that's confident in their accusations would have no problems going to court

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