Reminder that the RT audience "want to see score" literally has no indicaton over whether the general public actually...

Reminder that the RT audience "want to see score" literally has no indicaton over whether the general public actually likes a movie

Attached: lolrt.png (940x462, 221K)

I’m still not watching it.

It will still be shit.
It make a billion.
But it will still be shit.

Not defending Aladdin here. This is the point though, Captain Marvel's score is not reflective of the general public.

Do these reboots renew Disney copyright on the IPs?


>300 people want to see it
I've seen better numbers.

Attached: Captain Marvel metacritic numbers.png (770x152, 44K)

It probably gives them some extra rights on specific ideas they introduce in the live action version, say if you try to use similar ideas after the copyright lapses on the original animated movie. But I think overall they are two separate works.

It'll be awful for sure, Beauty and the Beast was awful but everyone fucking saw it

Nothing RT says has any impact on quality or popularity. It's an aggregate of critic scores.

I believe they weight the critic scores based on how popular that particular critic is, right?

It’ll be terrible but fuck me it’s probably going to be at least a little different from the original unlike Lion Kangz

user. it's not even out yet.

That meter changes to audience reception when the movie is out. Why would you judge how good a movie is before it's even out?

Freshness meter is based on the percentage of critics who had a favorable (60% or better) opinion of the film. It's not an aggregate score of average score of the film.

E.G. for a gross example:
If we take 10 critics and ask them what they think of a film, then:
-If 10 out of 10 critics all rate the movie 60% or higher, the film gets a 100% fresh rating
- if 7 of 10 critics rate it 100%, and 3 give it a 55%, the film gets a 70% fresh rating.
Despite the fact that in both cases, those are nowhere near their average score with critics.

And the critic score is no indication if they movie is any good or not; just more marketing bullshit.

Only retards and shitposters pay attention to RT

Ok, but my point is the movie isn't out yet. Why complain about scores for a movie that isn't out yet?

The movie doesn't even have a score yet either.
I mean. You're not wrong.
But even when the movie's out, I would hesitate to trust anything on RT, good OR bad. It could be unmitigated crap and RT may or may not reflect that.

Carolfags still seething

People love RT when it says what they WANT it to say. We have a dozen Captain Marvel threads a day, because people want it to fail. But, why would it? So they can point to "33% of RT say they don't want to see it!", but those numbers are looked at closer here

Cry moar fungus amongus.

I don’t know. I see a lot of Normies upset at Will Smith. And Guy Ritchie isn’t exactly the best director. I can see word of mouth killing this movie very quickly.

Has a low want to see rating ever gone on to be a financial hit?

Don't know, but this one definitely will because it should be obvious to anyone who isn't blind or stupid that the score is being deliberately manipulated and about as natural as Cat Grant's boobs.

>that the score is being deliberately manipulated
By who? Don't say /pol/.

Reminder that nobody needed this reminder because it's obvious that threads including RT "want to go see" scores are meant to stir up shitstorms. /thread

just let them cope, it's the only thing from keeping some of them from putting bullet in their brains
and I want them to live to 2020 to see their tears

Reminder that OP is a faggot.

>The number of people who want to see a movie that hasn't been released is not an indication of quality.
You don't say.

Attached: large.jpg (750x545, 17K)

All the want to see votes are added to the Audience score when it's released

If this movie reach 400 million I'll eat my Acquaman disk, shill. Now eat your Black Panther disk.