Webby stronk

Webby stronk

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She started working out so Dunhamduck won't put rocks in her vagina anymore

It's the Beakley genes.

How could this happen bros........

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What do you mean?

God damn that's one hunky housemaid.


Webby's gonna be built like a brick shithouse when puberty gets into full swing

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She'll be at least Tanya-sized before she's out of her teens, and then she's just going to keep on going because restraint is not in her vocabulary.

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>Preserving the clan mcduck
>She's going to take his seed weather he wants it or not.

well shit, I have a new loli raping old man fetish.

Tbf Donald's not using his rage-strength.

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That just gives him rip things apart strength, not lifting strength.

>I'm keepin' me seed!
>The hell you are!

She probably sees no wrong with it either being that socially inept

I don't read tie-in comics of things that are still airing. I learned my lesson, for they are never acknowledged in the show proper.

>Still watching Dyketales

wtf I hate 2017Ducktales now

Is the joke that the old cell phone is gonna make him sterile?

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trips recognized but your post is still shit

She's too much of a dyke