Since puppets count as Yea Forums, let's have an MST3K thread

Since puppets count as Yea Forums, let's have an MST3K thread.

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If you wanted a MST3K thread you could've started with the comic and had the discussion spin from there.

Is the Netflix run worth watching? I only saw a couple of episodes a while back and remember it being kind of underwhelming and the jokes being a little dull. Maybe I just got two bad ones.

Does anyone actually read the comic? I read the first 2 issues and dropped it entirely. I don't hate the concept, but the execution is weak.

New Gypsy is doing things for me.

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It's different from the original series, which some people have liked about it and others haven't. So it's a taste thing.

The riff delivery is completely different than how it used to be. The idea now is to lob as many riffs at the movie as quickly and frequently as possible. So the new guy and the bots now talk over the characters in the movie and you can't hear the dialogue, even when they're making riffs in response to the dialogue. And since they're always talking, you can't follow the plot of the movie, so riffs on the plot related elements don't land because you don't know what they're talking about.

Some people don't like the original series' method of letting the movie have moments to breath and waiting for pauses in dialogue before riffing; they think there's too much "dead air". But the best MST3K episodes had a solid balance of letting the movie run so you could follow it and then tossing in riffs to make fun of the movie. The riffs are funnier when you actually understand the context of them.

Also, Felicia Day is terrible and I don't know why you people like her.

There's a comic?
Do they riff other comics?

I think it might be because they couldn't get most of the best writers from the original involved because they're busy with Rifftrax.

Honestly, Rifftrax is a better MST3K than the actual MST3K revival series. I'd recommend it over the Netflix series any day.

The Return gets pretty good in the second half, but the storyline is forced (the best episodes are Yongary, Wizards of the Lost Kingdom, and it's sequel).
The Gauntlet was bad, but it has 2 good episodes (The Day Time Ended and Ator the Fighing Eagle).

I've seen a few of their live shows at AMC. Some of the best times I've had at a theater.

I'm not a fan of a woman doing her voice as opposed to Mallon doing a doofy falsetto, but I really dig her new puppetry system. Being able to "dress her up" by hanging outfits from her tubing is kinda genius.

That goes without saying

they're riffing comics that are public access, like horror comics that aren't from EC comics, old Black Cat comics, and some teen detective stuff.
There's also a running gag where Kinga will interrupt the plot to promote Totino's pizza rolls.

>tfw can never get into much of Joel's stuff
Some of his shorts are fun, but I find Mike to be much better

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UNPOPULAR OPINION: I liked the Sci-Fi Channel years the best and I liked them for all the reasons everyone seems to hate them. I liked that they were forced to only rif horror, sci-fi or fantasy films (always hated the western or crime films from the Comedy Central years). I liked the ongoing storyline in the host segments even if they were a pain to write around; they kept me coming back and I thought they were interesting. I though Pearl, Bobo and Brain Guy were much funnier as mads than Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank. And while it took a little getting used to, and I won't say I liked him BETTER than Trace, I think Bill made a good Crow and his riff timing and voices I DO find preferable to Trace's (he's great on Rifftrax where you can divorce his riffing from taking over as Crow).

The Sci-Fi Channel years were the best, they'd gotten everything down to a science, and it legit felt like the show got cut off in its prime (luckily, Rifftrax exists).

Have you guys listened to 372 Pages? I enjoy it more than MST3K and Rifftrax.

Mike has always been more charismatic and his wimpy everyman shtick makes him more endearing. Joel was always too lax and in control of the situations; nothing every seemed to bother him or inconvenience him or get a rise out of him. He was good in his own way, but Mike had more comedic potential as a character. I do appreciate that they're both very different from each other in terms of the characters they're playing and their approach to the scenario. Jonah from the new seasons is trying to play a poor man's Mike rather than do his own thing and he sucks for it.

I think it's just as good as it ever was.

Tom Servo is played by a black guy now and boooooy do they milk that for humor. It's pretty obnoxious.

While I agree the Mike episodes were funnier, the Joel episodes are pretty comfy, and are nice to have on in the background.
While I disagree on the mads, everything else is spot on.

That sounds awful. I never checked out the reboot because there's no way it could be as good as the original or Rifftrax. MST3K with a bigger budget and well-known actors is just a bad combo.

> Mystery Onions Theater 3000

It's not worthy of being called the 11th season.

Night of the Blood Beast is criminally underrated, I watched it the other night and I don't know how it doesn't get brought up more often. Mike and the bots were pretty much on fire with the riffs the whole way through.

Season 7 in general was really good for riffs but was the WORST season for host segments. That early version of Pearl as Dr. Forrester's overbearing mother was not at all funny and she was really annoying. I was glad they overhauled her character when she took over as the lead mad in the Sci Fi seasons.

But I think those terrible host segments make people overlook season 7, despite it having some of the best movies (Laserblast, Deathstalker III, Night of the Blood Beast).

Once Upon a Honey Moon is one of the best shorts they've done along with Hired and Truck Farmer.

And I still don't know what it was about. Phones or something? It felt like I was in a fugue state watching that.

does mst3k still come on comet?

because im watching comet right now and its not on

The Gumby short was one of my favorites; made me wish they'd done more animation.

>"Well that squares my breasts!"

Oh shit this episode's just on youtube in full. I wonder how many more are.

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Any season 11-12 must sees?

Yongary, Wizards of the Lost Kingdom (and it's sequel), Carnival Magic, The Christmas that Almost Wasn't, The Day Time Ended, and Ator the Fighting Eagle are the stand out episodes. The rest ranges from okay to bad. I'm hoping they find their footing eventually.

I just noticed the new episodes earlier today. I'd never actually seen Mac and Me and ended up enjoying the episode, but I don't know if there is anything in this universe that could make that Atlantic Rim movie enjoyable.

I thought the Riff was fine but they used the flying Servo and Crow legs jokes way too often. Also the sketches weren't as good.

It's better than than the early MST3k episodes, not as good as when it hits its stride. They had some decent episodes.

I met Joel Hodgeson through a school thing once where we got to write and perform our own riff segments on old educational films. He was a really nice, cool guy, but he also kept making jokes about how MST3K went to shit after he left and how Mike taking over basically ruined the show. And this was right around when they did the big anniversary event where Rifftrax and Cinematic Titanic had their live crossover, so it definitely felt kinda off, like he was taking shots at Mike one minute despite working with him the next.


Season 7 was literally about Comedy Central killing the show and bashing the failed movie.

i keep buying it out of love for the show, but its a bit weak. Its nice seeing our /ss/ mascot in it.

I only read the first issue and left it at that.

Joel admitted that he watched very few of Mike's episodes until he started hosting Turkey Day marathons online.

I think if anything, Mike was the one who provided the needed bite that made the humor work. Since all the writing for Jonah is headed by Joel, it comes off as a lot weaker and sappier.

I can't finish an episode of it. It just feels like a bad fan attempt instead of a real set of seasons.

>Jokes are obnoxiously consistent with no breathing room, with a majority of them bombing
>Crow and Servo's voices have terrible line delivery and spend too much time trying to sound like Trace and Kevin
>New Mads don't have any of the spark and charisma that Clayton, Pearl, and their minions had, and feel a bit cringe in comparison
>Segments feel really uninspired
>New host isn't as bad as expected, but doesn't really have add anything new to the table like Mike did

>Habitat AGAINST Humanity.

This. Rifftrax is really good.

I feel they start pacing the riffs better about midway through the season.

Mike was always the secret hero of MST3K. He was the best writer in the Joel era, and the reason seasons 3-5 of Joel were so damn good, and I honestly think he was the better host in general.

I kept hearing that, so I watched some later episodes, and I just don't see the change.


It's a marginal change, but an improvement over Reptilicus and the too-obnoxiously-fast light/door/clock riffs.

Not enough so.

My favorite was the chinese planet of the apes movie.


Attached: Coily.jpg (645x529, 44K)

My favorites tend to be
>Gamera movies
>Prince of Space
>Invasion of the Neptune People
>Pod People
>Santa Clause
>Puma Man
>Space Mutiny
>Godzilla vs. Megalon

>"So, anybody know any songs about stock footage to get us through this?"
>"Oh, I've got a song. It goes a little like this. Buh-dum, ba-dum-bum-bum, EAT IT MOVIE!"

I like all the eras of MST3K, honestly. I like the idea of rebooting it for a short while every decade or so with a new host and new bot voices. It's a concept that never stops working.

Where does Coily fit in God's plan for us?

I forgot about “Danger! Death Ray”. That one made me laugh so hard it hurt. I’d say that Time Chasers and Space Mutiny are my favorites.

this is kinda unrelated and probably makes people audibly groan but Crow and Tom Servo have some of the best looking Funko Pops

mainly because they literally can't succumb to having those eyes that they put on practically every Funko Pop ever

Carnival Magic was amazing as well.

I wish newer MST3K would do more modern shitty movies, like The Room, or Birdemic. I fucking loved the newer season having shit like "Atlantic Rim" in it

Yeah, but Asylum KNOWS they're making shitty movies. They're in on the joke.

Extruded plastic dingus.

It's not really a joke with asylum, just pure cash grab in fooling people with shitty rip off movies.

They should do something from Troma, some of their shittier purely licensed foreign titles, I'd bet Lloyd would be down for licensing one for Netflix for some money, considering how they've all already been released on Youtube for free for nearly a decade at this point by Troma. Which reminds me, I really need to get around re-watching all those Toxic Avenger movies. I don't think have seen one of them since I was like eight and you had to rent them on VHS.

I never saw Mac and Me before, so it's worth just trying that out at least. I watched a bit of Atlantic Rim and it's just too boring as a movie to watch and the jokes aren't getting me through, so I might skip the episodes another user mentioned. I have the Ator Rifftrax, so I'll see how I feel about the actual episode. Cave Dwellers was one of my first, and favorite, old MST3K episodes.

It's not often anymore an user surprises me at all.

Tool operator!

Do yourself a favor and only watch Toxic Avenger 1 and 4. 2 and 3 were filmed as one movie but Kaufman shot too much footage and split them up and don't hold up well. They're not even good shitty, just boring shitty.

Sometimes while watching a Rifftrax I pretend it's Mike and the bots. I even set up a little silhouette to sit on my monitor.

Too bad the rest of the show is trash.