Remember that Simpsons episode when there was a cat burglar on the loose and Bart's stamp collection was stolen and...

Remember that Simpsons episode when there was a cat burglar on the loose and Bart's stamp collection was stolen and everybody laughs at him for it and then Lisa said in a serious tone "Bart's pain is funny, but mine isn't"?

Attached: BartSad.png (270x270, 119K)

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Good job for being this self-aware, writers. We owe you a cookie.

Great joke great episode

>"There was something strange about the way he walked... much more vertical than usual."

>Maloy is old, and he outsmarted you all. And I'm even older and I outsmarted him! Ah ha ha ha ha!

>Dig up stupid

100% an Oakley/Weinstein joke.

Shut up

>That necklace was a Bouvier family heirloom

>Oh I bet you got a whole drawer full of em

>Well yes I do, but they're all heirlooms too

>I've had my moment...

Remember when you visited Yea Forums from Yea Forums to shitpost like a faggot?

Remember when Yea Forums wasn't filled with city slickers?

You shitposters really have nothing better to do?

Well pardon me, Mr. Gucci loafers.

>this thread again

Imagine being obsessed over a flawed characterization in a washed-up cartoon show that has no relevance in the world anymore.

If you are under the age of 18 please discontinue using this website.

Remember when Yea Forums wasn't shit?

Remember that time Bart led a man to his death?

Not my favorite Season 5 episode.

Fun Fact: The people who say they don’t care about The Simpsons anymore are the most obsessed with it.

Thanks for proving my point!


Still beats the drumming episode

Besides, the White Stripes cameo is a bit dated.