Wreck It Ralph 2

So I finally watched this movie and while it wasn't shit, it wasn't good either. It was basically an early meme kids wet dream. LOOK KIDS SEE HOW MANY EASTER EGGS YOU CAN FIND! CANIHASCHEESEBURGER LOL!

The movie also had zero pacing and point. The whole point of being on the internet was to get the steering wheel and that turned out to be a B story. At the end they treat it like Vanellope moved out/went away to college. It's the internet, why couldn't they still see each other every day?

5 out of 10.

Attached: ralph_breaks_the_internet.jpg (1045x1500, 379K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You know that friendship you liked between the two leads in the first movie? WELL FUCK YOU AUDIENCE, IT'S 2018 AND SHE DON'T NEED NO MOTHERFUCKING MAN

2/10 and I'm being generous

They shouldn't have made this movie. It ruined the first one, Ralph did all that work and got nothing in the end.

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Not to mention the negative light they put Ralph. The entire virus at the end was made up of his insecurities. Not only is he a stupid schlub and a fuck up, but his insecurities almost got everyone killed.

I keep hearing that it was basically a giant commercial for multiple Disney properties.

I saw it the other day. I was disappointed.

The main A story had big problems around the time that Ralph called Vanellope but was on mute. It really took me out of the narrative the way Ralph started scheming without actually talking to Vanellope at all. It was a complete 180 on both their characters. Then the whole virus was very uncreative Saturday morning cartoon fare, with a weirdly stitched together resolution that didn't live up to any of the weird build up.

Then the arcade itself. They had the potential to see Felix getting his ass kicked by a dozen Sugar Russians, but instead we never got to see shit. As soon as Ralph leaves the arcade, none of it existed. We didn't see Felix filling in for Ralph. We didn't get to see Felix and Calhoun taming the feral racers. This was arguably much more amusing than what R and V were up to, but they just skipped all of it completely. All that lost potential.

Daily reminder that this movie is >90% on RT and that if you don't like then you are sexist


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Why was this nominated for an Oscar again?

The main character is a girl, so that implies you don't like women being on the big screen.

I know you're baiting but my main problem with the movie was it's sterile marketing, outdatedness, and flanderization of Ralph into a complete retard. I actually had little problem with the Vanellope thing. It was kinda stupid, but not because "she's a girl who don't need no man".

People's main problem with Vanellope is that she went turbo, and didn't have to deal with the consequences of her actions. I don't think anybody actually cared that "she didn't need no man"

I know, that's what that other user is implying though.

How is it so high? Because it's not bad; it's just safe and boring and that's enough to satisfy the people who actually watch Disney sequels.

It is bad

Weird that they glossed over how Vannelope will be permanently dead if she even once gets shot in this most dangerous game that she wanted to join on a whim.

They address that in the end of the movie. Some how they "write her code" to the slaughter race game and now she can respawn there. I'm not sure what will happen to her old game though. She was the most popular racer. Now that shes gone, she basically condemned Sugar Rush to a slow death.

They glossed over that by saying she put her code in the game.

Nevermind it totally contradicts the first movie since she basically went turbo.

Also rated high because of the Disney princess

Reminder that the first movie ends with Qbert "going Turbo" in Ralph's game

I'm sure she doesn't give a fuck about them.

The funny part is Ralphs game lasted decades, what internet or modern game lasts more than a couple years? Vanellope just shortened her life span by going into a racing game that will lose popularity and be passed up in a few short years.

>Qbert becomes a playable character
>Qbert abandons his own game to join on a whim
>Qbert abandons his best friend who helped him in the worst time of his life on a whim
>Qbert abandons everyone to play someone elses games
>Qbert goes against player control, something that should be even more taboo than going Turbo
Yes, I'm sure it's the exact same thing

That's a lot of words to say nothing. Bitch about Vanellope's decision making if you want but don't call it "going Turbo", that taboo was about invading other games and causing trouble for the sake attention, both Vanellope and Qbert only became innocuous NPCs

No, the Disney segment is like 7 minutes long.

You base this "most popular racer" shit on a pair of girls. Vanellope's game persisted for who knows how many years without her in it. And even the girls who pick her acknowledge that she's basically easy-cheat mode.
That sort of thing gets old pretty fast.

You're dealing with the same complainers who think Homecoming was Iron Man 4 guest-starring Spider-Man.

Vanellope became a PC you retard, and she did go Turbo

What? Playable characters in Slaughter Race are avatars that don't even move properly (as a parody of actual videogame avatars basically), there were two of them as subject of recurring gags throughout the movie, how did you miss that? Vanellope became a character like Shank and her gang, racers who's job is to mess with the players. There was even a sequence about that

>be Ralph
>just want to be a hero for once
>ends up risking his life to save some annoying kids life/game
>finally seen as a hero by one person (her)
>be years later
>vanellope: lol I'm bored
>Ralph makes new road for her
>vanellope: hell yeah, ops all broken lol
>Ralph: np senpai, lets get it fix even though I like to wreck it
>goes to the internet and make a fool of himself for her
>vanellope: this other game is way cooler, g2g ralph, thx bb
>Ralph is now alone again, forever, it's like the movies never happen

Shit movie, shit studio, shit company.

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Plot twist time
>gal gadot is actually a malicious schemer who is trying to escape her doomed game, but can't without replacing her code with another compatible code
>in comes vannalope, the naive child not taught responsibility
>woos who with "the grass is greener" arguement
>replaces her own code with vannalope's, allowing her to escape, trapping van in her game
>Ralph and the gang read the patch notes and find out the game is shutting down all servers in a month
>chase scene to capture gadot
>double plot twist, gadot makes a clean getaway and there's nothing anyone can do to save vannalope
>rest of the film is a somber take on what happens when someone you care for is dying and there isn't anything you can do about it sometimes

>Dur film bad cus women

You're a monster, user.

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This is what the movie should have been about. They're like adorable.

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Movie was meh, animation was improved (I mean CGI advances, so obviously), but everything else was just so wasted on jokes that while not-quite Emoji movie levels, are still pretty bad. Except the memes, those were sub-Emoji movie levels of "humor".

She was kinda cute in the purple dress. Just saying.

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I like the part where all the princesses go "we don't have mothers!" because they don't

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It was kinda weird how at one point they were aware that they were from movie studios, but at another point they thought they were actual princesses.

>mfw fix it felix had an entire b-plot that was cut from the movie

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Not according to the audience. Only 2/3 of the audience approved of the sequel.

The movie needed more funny stuff. Kinda climbed up its own ass with unnatural feeling drama that could have been resolved with 5 seconds of dialog.

>wreck it ralph 2 thread

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It was probably never in the cards, but i legitimately hoped it would be a movie that included Vanellope building her relationship with her fellow sugar rush racers. Just imagine the dozen of the goofs trying to rescue their princess from some nonsense.

Is this the best emancipation of women movie?

>she was animated at the other studio

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I like it.

did ralph and vanelope.... you know?

Did Ralph Wreck it? Who knows?

I sure don't want to.

don't post the gif

Don't listen to
post it

I can't be the only one who was more bothered by the "actual fictional characters can create and upload viral videos and make real world money off of it" aspect more than any of the "Vanellope going turbo" stuff, am I?

I don't know what to think of the autonomy of the software within the internet. Maybe it was a bit odd that they were on equal footing with arcade NPCs instead of being more like Tron characters that just barely knew their real world function.

there's a gif?

Four of them actually have. Damn, Merrida's whole thing is about how she screw badly the things with her mom.

I just noticed they didn't even get bothered to show Ralph and Elsa interacting.

This was an oddly civil thread till the pedophiles showed up.

But 6 of those princesses do still have living mothers by the end of their movie. In fact, the only ones without either parent are Elsa and Anna, Cinderella, and Snow White. Is that really a line they say in the movie?

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The characters may have mothers, but these are web NPCs that live sequestered in that one room. Even the Sugar Russians were written to have parents in their backstories.

Not all of them say it, but yes

I'm not too bothered with the Sugar Russians with them being such new entities, but some of those princesses' entire stories center around their relationships with their parents. Tiana's mother was supportive of her daughter's dream but still encouraged her to live a life of her own. Belle gave her freedom to the Beast in exchange for her father's and was allowed to return to him when he needed her. I don't even need to go into Merida's whole deal.
For them to throw all that story out in exchange for a cheap joke just bums me out

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Fred and Vanellope going to Japan would be a better plot that this.

>mfw Ariel Mom got erased just like Melody

It didn't really bother me that much, money is pretty much digital and made up at this point.

It really feels like there was a lot of exec interference during production.

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What was the moral of the first wrec it ralph?
When he leaves he is presented a being wrong and in the end he just accepts hs role
is the message to just bend to society's expectations?

Great, another Era with Chicken Little type creative restraints

The first moral is literally stated in the films title sequence.

well it's stupid

>even if a job isn't glamorous, it doesn't mean it isn't important
>“I’m bad. And that’s good. I will never be good. And that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”
There's tons more

It wasn't the whole movie, but boy does it still leave a bad taste when it does show up. They weren't even trying to hide the fact that it was nothing more than corporate masturbation.

Qbert never had a game to go Turbo from in the first place, his machine was scrapped.

Wreck-It Ralph was a movie about a man with absolutely nothing going for him and his path to self-actualization.

Torrent when?

And Star Wars and Groot. It was basically Disney bragging “ha we OWN all your popular culture and now we OWN you.”

We don't even have one for I2

It's okay when girl does it.

I2 has been out for a very long time user. Look again

This movie encapsulates what's wrong with the current Disney line.

>Movie is literally a commercial for Disney products
>Movies is supposed to be about the internet, but has almost nothing to do with the actual internet save some paid advertisements
>Protagonist who made mistakes in the first movie but still managed to uncover and stop a pre-existing problem is now a 100% fuckup who ruins everything because male
>Shove-in of super cool, super strong poochie female who female friend likes a thousand times better because she's so cool and tough
>Princesses are now problematic, so let's just point out why their classic films suck because women

I want to think I'm over exaggerating, but I'm not. The movie's a 3/10 on a good day.

The movie was legitmately a 8/10, you're just mad because it had a female lead.

>List out actual problems with the movie
>lol no u haet womyn

I wonder if Disneyshills get paid well, or if it's more of a cult thing.

Basically this. All of the conflict is directly related to the two main characters being bumbling idiots and being impulsive.

Honestly. I was expecting the blue youtube lady to be the villain, but this movie has some sort of issue with having females put in a bad light. She could have been perfect and start slave driving Ralph for more memes forcing Vanellope to rescue Ralph.
Hell even Gal Gadot's character could have been malicious, but then ends up being kinda cool, which is fine but literally added nothing to the movie other than letting Vanellope run away from her responsibilities back at the arcade. What kind of message is that?
Instead the big baddy was Ralph and Vanellope acting like children the entire movie then being vindicated because the only reason this movie exists is for them to cash out on a sequel.

Do you think maybe they're just doing it to bait a reaction out of you?

on Yea Forums?

Honestly I don't even know anymore.

it's already out, there was a thread even back in December

that was just a stream, and it got taken down already

Poor Ralph gets cucked
You can be sure his loli gf gets pounded by biker cock thrice a day

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To her credit, Vanellope does try talking to Ralph about her dissatisfaction a few times, but he shuts her out every time.

The movie still felt uninspired and childish, relying on cheap "remember Geocities?" references instead of trying to weave an actual story.

> no Turbo's glorious return.

Fuck this movie.

This could've had so many cute barefoot moments. They deserved more screentime.

That's a pretty good take.

This movie just made a point

>Female lead
>Movie is about Ralph

The third movie should be about the arcade closing.


>Wreck It Ralph 2 wasn't about Vanellope

These people bagging on the original princesses miss something big about what they do and how they motivate or inform the actions of the other protagonists in the film. Snow White and Cinderella both through their actions bring about a happy ending and screeching retards will say until they're blue in the face how they suck while ignoring the subtler affects they had on their stories by being who they were.

>Snow White after nearly getting murdered and fleeing in a terrifying forest finds a house that is a complete fucking mess. She cleans up the little hovel all day with the help of the animals she charmed. She offers the owners of the house her cooking and washing services for safety. They say yes and everyone enjoys a delicious dinner and have a grand party. Her kindness touches their hearts and they all go on a murderous rampage when they realize she's in danger and grieve when she appears dead. BECAUSE OF THEM SHE ISNT BURIED ALIVE WHICH LETS THE PRINCE BREAK THE SPELL.

Cinderella is more or less the same. Her helping the mice/animals and never turning into a bitter shrew is what ultimately got her victories. Both are passive roles though and it's easy to miss when ALL they want are active roles.

Only bad Princesses really is Aurora (who danced in the woods, cried, then became a mute zombie for the rest of her awake appearance). The fairies don't help her because of anything she did, only who she is. Phillip however is one of the better Princes but that's probably because he got one scene with his dad to flesh him out before also going mute for the rest of the film.

All princesses are problematic, the worst being Ariel.

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Just imagine Sanic goes FULL Turbo on Vannelope! Gotta go fast!

Almost no videogame references
>Sanic appears twice
>Chun-li appears in close up
>almost no one else shows up

This desu. It gave the middle finger to the whole point of the first movie. If they wanted to give a message of “change can also be good sometimes” they actually fucked up spectaculary in the way they conveyed it.

> No Bowser
> No Mario despite the director saying he will be in the sequel
Fuck this movie

In all honesty. Why was this even nominated? This movie was really bland and forgettable, they should've kept the videogame idea instead of using fortnite and the internet for the sequel's plot. I bet they're gonna go to the TV World in the third movie if there is ever a third part

At least i'm glad that they didn't forced the internet memes like Fortnite in this movie and that post credits scene was actually funny but other than that this movie is a 4/10.

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Not to mention how they made the classic princesses look like Elsa clones and gave them grotesque features like those freaky monkey ears and weird lips

Why does everyone have to shit on my waifu Cinderella :(

Why wasn't Elsa naked?

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Blame Universal for it.

Back row: fuck kill kill fuck marry kill marry
Front row: fuck fuck kill

>Tumblr gif
Back you go

it was essentially just The Emoji Movie but with characters people actually liked

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why do footfags feel the need to constantly mention their fetish at every chance they get, even if it's entirely off-topic?

>In all honesty. Why was this even nominated?
Because Disney. Any major animated movie by The Mouse gets an automatic nomination.

Off topic?
Barefoot racers would've been awesomely cute.
It would've shown they were very much a part of Sarge's and Felix's household

They have a mental disorder.

>characters people actually liked
And characters they ruined and some they barely even used

Because Rich Moore keeps trying to shove them into his movies?

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it seems like every recent Disney movie set in contemporary times seem to contain at least 2 of these shots minimum (vid semi-related, since it's not this movie) and Moore's films keep showing them in the trailers. Maybe not barefoot, but it's a bit concerning.

Of course, we're talking about the deleted scene (which was pretty funny, better than that stupid meme montage at least), but it doesn't make any sense to have them take their shoes off if the rest of the game characters don't.

The Mouse bribed the Academy again. That's why they got TWO slots for two mediocre sequels.

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In the CYOA novelization, there's an alternate "route" where instead of making a new track, Ralph waits until after hours, grabs all of the bad guys from his villains anonymous meeting (including Sour Bill, who's there for some reason), and unleashes them into Sugar Rush. Vanallope has fun fighting off the monsters and everyone returns to their game before the arcade opens back up. It really illustrates how easily the entire movie could have been avoided if all parties involved weren't retarded.

It's called storyboarding dynamic shots, buddy.

Contrary to what footfags believe, not every scene involving feet is meant to expressly appeal to your fetish. Actual normal people don't keep count of foot shots.

Dynamic shots aren't needed in animation.

Oh I know. but sometimes it feels like something else is at play. Again, I'm likely overthinking this.

Then again, we are on Yea Forums, so everyone here has some compulsive obsession.

You're an idiot.

Why would it need "dynamic shots"? To be more like animmay, no thanks.

To make shit interesting.

I bet you're one of those who likes Family Guy for its bland layout and staging. This is a fucking action movie, dynamic shots are par for the course. And if you can't understand it, then you're a tool.

Family Guy is better than Spider-Man

I fucking knew it.

Leave Yea Forums before you embarrass yourself further.

I'm not the one that unironically enjoys retarded capeshit that only goes 5fps

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>At least i'm glad that they didn't forced the internet memes like Fortnite in this movie

Ralph Dances, Bits.

I see you can't tell Spider-Verse from a Disney movie.

I also see you can't accept that Family Guy is a pile of unfunny trash with Sub-Filmation animation quality and a family of literal retards as our leads. I take it you yourself are a literal retard in real life? Because you sure sound like one here.

>it's a franxx fag
It just keeps getting better

The original wasn't good either, and didn't do well at all by Disney 3d animated standards.

I was surprised that it got a sequel, and the sequel was worse, and surprise, did worse.

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>Sugar Russians
fuckin lol

Just look at the poster in OP. The man is dumb and moved to the background, the women are at the front striking a power pose. About as subtle as a /pol/ meme.

And your point?

Not him but Rapunzel wearing socks + shoes was a fucking sacrilege

Got any pics? Sounds cool

>wreck it ralph 2 thread

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Cucked and bluepilled

Jesus man, can’t Gadot at least get SOME sort of comeuppance?

Because the part of the brain that handles things concerning one's feet/toes are directly touching the part of the brain that handles things about one's genitals.

It's actual, cross-wired brain damage.

eh? that's a car chase scene, it's a visual cue she's speeding up. i imagine most car chase scenes would have shots like that.

EVERYBODY here has a mental disorder.

Says the guy posting on a board that argues about waifus, fetishes and comic book companies.

It's less that its there and more the angle they chose for the first of those that bothers me.

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Anita resemblance was intentional right?

>muh fps
>used animey gif
cringe and bluepilled
