Post some crazy people

Post some crazy people

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Name a scarier villain. You literally can't.

You first, jackass.

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>geoff ruined The main heroes of COIE

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>making fun of your fellow user
Why you gotta be mean, OP?

Daily reminder than moore considers morrison a hack and morrison fanboys people with zero taste

no one crazier then batman

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Kid Miracleman. Who I'd also nominate for this thread but I'm not sure if he's crazy or just evil. The other guy who fought Miracle Girl counts, but I can't remember their name.

>Invincible able to hurt Superman Prime
Pfff sure

Right? He's not even the biggest hitter in his own series

I think you're confused. Superman Prime did literally nothing wrong.

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Ottley said someone commissioned him to draw it so I'll give him a pass.

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This shit was so fucking hype.

Kid Miracleman wasn't crazy, he was straight out evil, twisted.

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He also said that Stan Lee didn't created Spider-Man at all, Kirby made the original concept and Dikto made 99% to finished version.

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I'd say Sinestro but Sinestro is a hero.

He is a kirby fag

Honestly? What was DC thinking by making him? Not to mention making him aware of what they did to him. Prime at one point even appeared at DC and went apeshit over how writers made him into a irredeemable asshole.

always thought PG should be around Prime's strength since she came from the same place

In the Torment arc.

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