Guess I'll have to watch Shazam now (6:07)

Guess I'll have to watch Shazam now (6:07)

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's so handsome and in touch with post-millennial culture!

Attached: 1525438301738.jpg (998x1200, 181K)

> your job is to be as inoffensive as possible in your public image
> don't want to piss off future employers or future coworkers
> people are going to say that he's either woke or a cuck just because he doesn't want unnecessary drama in his work life

Attached: 1536631456838.gif (300x171, 1.95M)

He is prettier than Brie Larson.

Been that way for decades

>Oh user, I had a terrible dream last night that everyone saw Captain Marvel and not my new movie! That won't happen, will it?

Attached: D0Gl-SDXQAA6dZg.jpg (576x1024, 81K)

It's OK Zach, feminists don't like men anyway.

You're gross. This is just a little kid.

>For those who think you're doing Shazam a favor, or me a favor, or Warner Bros. a favor: you're not
We know

Attached: 47109740174-417.png (400x300, 145K)

>This happens on the weekend after Captain Marvel's premiere
Oh Zach, don't watch the news just yet...

I'm glad it's on youtube, because that's where the fucking children pissed off about Captain Marvel live.

Hell, let's settle this on the local level! Which movie are you going to theaters to see, anons?

Attached: captain_marvel_vs_shazam_by_zacmariozero-dbexphv.png (960x540, 1.11M)

will shazam grow a beard for the sequel?

Yes, but they'll cg it out.

hes so hot,bros

Yeah, he's pretty cute.

I probably won't get around to seeing Shazam in theaters, but it looks damn fun. I respect that he'll come out against all the youtubers that live on getting kids riled up about clickbait... but that's probably a lesson Shazam should teach kids these days anyhow.

We've done this poll so many times
Shazam keeps winning

I assume it'll "win", but I'm mainly interested in seeing how many people are going to see both. Yea Forums is a niche wrapped in a niche that other niches don't bother with, but I think the OPs who make 50 Carol threads a day want people to think the board all have some big problem with the movie.

But even here, opinion is pretty varied.

>Just because Shazam was called Captain Marvel way back when.

So were dinosaurs, grandpa. Go take a nap.

I have to give you DCucks credit

No one does more damage to the brand than you

It was 50 and he wasn't even owned by DC

Take your pills gramps

Incoming ban.


He couldn't bother to gain any muscle and instead has to wear a muscle suit. That's kind of depressing compared to Marvel, just saying

What about Fatfleck? That's worse than both and no one even said anything

Does this thread have a point?

Attached: 1543005666389.png (676x472, 90K)

>Living the dream
>movies start falling apart around him
>desperate to fix thing
>realize it's hopeless
>just let yourself go
>chubby by the time Whedon is finishing the movie and you're having fond memories of working on Daredevil instead

Attached: daredevil-24-red-batman.jpg (600x576, 145K)

Why is he so cute, bros...?

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I like Levi, but I don't think he really looks like a Shazam.

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>Just because Shazam used to be called Captain Marvel way back in the day
Ah yes, the bygone age of 2010.

Nope other than showing Levi is getting in some quick damage control because he knows the media will try and twist Captain Marvels low score onto Shazam somehow. Or maybe it's just how he genuinely feels.

>Or maybe it's just how he genuinely feels.
Well, you gotta figure actors mostly have a professional courtesy, and they tend to pick pretty genuine people to play superheroes (I know all the Marvel folk go to children's hospitals often, and I don't doubt Levi will or has done the same), so in general they probably are inclined to tell fans to chill out if they see things getting mean.

We all know youtubers get clicks for fake outrage, and the goto youtuber persona is just ripping off AVGN. So of course it's a lot of personal attacks when it comes to things like Captain Marvel, because that gets clicks. So, as usual, youtubers have ruined everything for everyone.

He cute. I might watch it just for him and because I hope it does well and we get a Zatanna or MMH movie

I see him as Shazam.

I’ve always wanted to see at the very least a Zatanna show. A movie would be fucking awesome

That's almost a decade old man

He’s dog whistling to us right? I mean this is the guy who’s a devout Christian but changed his name to sound jewish because he’s so red pilled he outsmarted them at their own nepotism game.

Well maybe if you losers weren't so pathetic you wouldn't be called out for the shit you're obviously doing

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Kek I really don’t care about politics or CM but that’s actually autistic

It should be illegal for people to be that cringy in public.

lol the butthurt is real

wtf I love Captain Marvel now!

These votes are looking PRETTY LIGHT. It's mid-day, make sure to vote if you haven't.

I get the feeling had she gotten a series in the 2010s they would have turned her into femChris Angel

This is amazing, best thing since when the lady Gaga fans went after Venom. AtLeast this is DC’s Captain Marvel vs Marvel’s Captain Marvel, I still don’t get how anyone thought Venom was a threat to siphon off views of A Star is Born.

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That was because of his agent, but still clever

With Goyer gone, MMH is no longer blacklisted. He hated MMH and his fans with a passion.


Well duh

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Where is Brie telling her dozen fans to stop getting triggered about the Shazam director when he posts something about the Captain Marvel name?

Sucks that it won't change anyone's minds in here (even though I still believe a good amount of you faggots are just pretending) but this was a nice gesture. It doesn't change my mind about going to watch Shazam too because... Well, I was already going to see both movies, because it's fucking idiotic to try and make political statements out of movies based on brand allegiance.
>"but user I wasn't going to see CM because it looks bor--"
OK nobody asked.

He knows Disney is gonna run pieces about how Shazam fans were behind Captain Marvel's demise

How about you stop the paranoia? There's assholes saying they're going to go see Alita instead, a movie that probably isn't even gonna be around when Captain Marvel opens. The self-obsessed retards who are boycotting a movie they haven't seen based on an actress aren't gonna make anyone pin its (extremely unlikely) demise on another one, even without Levi's statement.

nobody asked

>There's assholes saying they're going to go see Alita instead, a movie that probably isn't even gonna be around when Captain Marvel opens.
Alita is fucking good, go see it. It sure as fuck is not going to be in theaters in a month.

just you wait, faggot

why are DC fans so sexist

It's really very, very low in my priorities because it looked terrible in the trailers.

>vertical video
I guess I can't watch Shazam now.

>people are going to say that he's either woke or a cuck just because he doesn't want unnecessary drama in his work life
the movie is targeted toward a young audience so i don't think he will get much unwarranted hate.

based and kinopilled

They aren't. DC beat Marvel to the punch on female heroes. They're having the first female team movie as well. To bad it looks like it's going to be awful though

At least read the manga. It's a pretty solid adaptation of the early volumes.

Already did, many years ago. The movie itself didn't seem appealing to me, and frankly I got burned out on anime and manga, but that's another subject.

>first means better, always
>there can only be one type of movie, if a company makes a female solo movie, then no one else can do it

Now you're just twisting my words. Marvel can do these things and they are but would Black Panther have been seen as a huge cultural milestone if WB had put out a good Green Lantern movie with John Stewart?

he actually says that the Shazam vs Captain Marvel internet war is mean spirited and wrong.

Yes you fucking dumbass


John Stewart IS A BLACK GUY, but he doesn't live in a magic negro techno nation in Africa.

You're really saying there can be only one big BLACK MOVIE and one big WOMYN MOVIE.

"Cultural milestones" are irrelevant, none of that shit really matters if the product isn't good. That's why no one fucking cares if Elektra, Catwoman or whatever were first.

lowkey why don't give shazam a beard that would be pretty cool

No I'm not. I'm saying it helps to be first

>try and make political statements
Disney made that movie a political statement on purpose and cast a loudmouth feminist in the role to ensure it would happen. That’s fine if you support that political message for some reason but don’t lie and say it isn’t there.

One of the kids does get a beard at least

You mean like Blade was?

>Disney made that movie a political statement on purpose
The HERo thing? That was a clever turn of phrase but nothing much else. The movie itself clearly has nothing to do about it. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman tried to play up the female hero factor during promotion too, in more overt ways even, and the movie has more feminist undertones considering her origin and the way she's exposed to the outside world.
In contrast, Captain Marvel is a brainwashed alien soldier that discovers her human heritage and is thrust into a conflict between two races... None of that is "smash the patriarchy" like Ares was.

Attached: C-6oxXkXgAMs04-.jpg (857x1200, 189K)

>It doesn't change my mind about going to watch Shazam
Nobody asked, faggot.

Keep reading you idiot.

I didn't ask for your opinion on anything

It helps more to be best. Sometimes things just get attention in the right way at the right time.

Success in movies also is rarely isolated, they tend to create trends. Black Panther was helped by the success of Get Out, a well received and promoted movie focused on black characters. Wonder Woman's success will boost other women lead films for a while, at the very least just because execs believe it will, and will spend more on promoting said movies, thus making it a self fulfilling prophesy.

Well I gave them to you anyway. Enjoy.

We must have been watching different tv spots because Captain Marvel is condescending to Fury at every turn

But nobody cares

Yeah, we must be, because I didn't get that at all.

So why are you on an open anonymous message board?

At least we can all agree Captain America is less condescending than Supergirl

Gal has her own issues as a Zionist but she doesn’t come across as an abrasive asshole, that helps. Also like you said there are historical reasons why it made more sense for WW and that’s to be expected of the character and her message.

>but she doesn’t come across as an abrasive asshole
Neither does Brie, specially when you consider all the clickbait making her look worse than she actually is. The TSA agent thing is so blown out of proportion that I'm honestly wondering if anyone actually took offense to that shit.

Is this the new "Why did Cap give BLACK Nick Fury a tip?"

She fucking high faves him last spot I saw. Any "condenscending" from other spots makes sense. There's this little race called THE KREE. They're assholes.

So "Congratulations Agent Fury you have finally asked a relevant question" doesn't seem at all condescending to you ?
I dont watch Supergirl but since it's a CW show I'd believe it

This isn't about the RT thing and media blaming incels, it's about this which are in fact lies (but obvious ones and I'm laughing)

>There's this little race called THE KREE. They're assholes.
And we're on the Yea Forums board, we KNOW it's a bait and switch because she will discover how she was deceived into thinking they're "noble". No excuse for anyone in this board to not know this.
>So "Congratulations Agent Fury you have finally asked a relevant question" doesn't seem at all condescending to you ?
It's banter. It's like when Carol tells Fury why they have their logo everywhere and he makes fun of her.

>The HERo thing? That was a clever turn of phrase but nothing much else.
maybe it WAS, but they did it again in another trailer or spot and it was just turning HER to HERO with no transition, and then there's that girl power spot "don't tell me what do"

>No excuse for anyone in this board to not know this.
This is all youtube's fault. They're creating casuals faster than we can fix them.


>and then there's that girl power spot "don't tell me what do"
>entire movie appears to be her getting out from being a brainwashed, Kree weapon
How are you this thinskinned?

you said the marketing is not playing up feminism but it totally is now fuck off

>Time to show these boys how we do it

Yeah, it's definitely Youtube, they're the ones feigning ignorance regarding the Kree and thumbing their noses at things that should be obvious to anyone with a modicum of knowledge about Marvel Cosmic, in order to keep the outrage farm going. And unfortunately it has worked so far.
Where's the feminism in this? That phrase relates to the Kree, you dunce. She's done taking orders, do you see any MAN around the scene?

It was worse than that. He lied and said Wonder Woman was doing it much more

>o you see any MAN around the scene?
So you conveniently ignore all the voices of men putting her down?

The difference between banter and insult isn't something that's always easy to discern. Especially when you have a character like Fury and an actor like Jackson who are known to go from casual to serious at a drop of a hat.

No idea what you're talking about, sorry. Stop grasping at straws, please, and have a nice day.

>The difference between banter and insult isn't something that's always easy to discern.
It's pretty easy when in that same scene, he turns the comment on herself, and they're both smiling. Their relationship clearly looks like two friends who are meeting each other.

The voices of the men in the trailer you just watched. I know you're slow but try to keep up

they were going for banter, but Brie is giving an absolutely atrocious delivery at every turn

>he doesn't understand what marketing is
the MARKETING is playing up the fact that MEN are telling her "this is not a game for little girls" and she PROVES THEM WRONG and IS DONE WITH THEM TELLING HER WHAT TO DO

Do you see any Kree in the spot either, dumbass?

>but Brie is giving an absolutely atrocious delivery at every turn
I'm pretty sure that's just your hurt feelings.

No I agree with him. She's just not sold me at all

abloo bloo bloo

I like your style, user.

Attached: boo hoo scheme.jpg (413x360, 43K)

Same here I think MCU has made a terrible miscast with Brie Larson.

I don't like your tone, and quite frankly I'm kind of done with you telling me what to do.

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>specially when you consider all the clickbait making her look worse than she actually is.

>allowing anyone to make hate clicks out of their future Ironman.
I can see that if Brie was in a DC movie, but Journos love the the fuck out of a marvel movie.

It sounds like a bunch of standard drill training insults which, spoiler alert, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PROVE WRONG

>I can see that if Brie was in a DC movie, but Journos love the the fuck out of a marvel movie.
>Incels can't win on the "Captain Marvel is male genocide!" route
>try to start up the "Disney owns all the sites and youtubers are brave freedom fighters of truth" engine with a side of "Right, DCbros???"

Critics aren't going to trash movies they get premier access to. Damn right they're not going to trash it.

And your baseball coach?

They trashed GITS and Suicide Squad even though they also got premier access to these.

So the ONLY PEOPLE WHO SAW THE MOVIE, can't be trusted... but the hurt feelings of idiots who haven't seen the movie are 100% facts?

>implying he has ever done sports in his life

They get premier access to every movie dumbass
>Suicide Squad Early Reactions Call It Perfect & Breathtaking
>Suicide Squad Test Screening Reactions Are Very Positive

Oh Boy they sure did tear Suicide Squad a new asshole

They thought having Marvel's Black Widow would be enough to carry them. Also there was assloads of damage control over GiTS with having the director of the anime to justify the casting. In Suicide Squad they thought the reshoots were going to fix everything. Also plain not giving a shit because it was bound to make money anyway with Will Smith and a slut in spangled short shorts.

I wouldn't be trusting either. Not at this point anyway. At least the TLJ "trolls" waited out it's release to trash it. This screams of set up for Disney to create a rallying cry because no one was giving a shit. Movie is likely not going to be this feminist ambrosia that Disney wants you to think it is and is just playing up it's audience knowing they'll start campaign drives to bus little girls to see the most important cultural milestone of the year.

As long as they don't trash Star Wars and Marvel it'll all be okay for them.

These are general audiences who were offered a free screening though, not critics.
Here's what critics had to say about GITS early on:

there are still retards who think Ghost in the Shell flopped for not casting an asian actress

in reality the trailers where shit and most fans could spot why

She’s dictating who is allowed to be on her press tour, stop sticking up for that tyrant bitch

Do I believe Brie Larson or do I believe you?

Attached: Captain Marvel is a feminist movie.jpg (1020x752, 169K)

>post a stupid clickbait headline at us like it's a big GOTCHA
Please, I'm going to assume you're pretending, but acting this retarded is still unacceptable.

I'm gonna assume you're pretending to be a fan instead of a paid marketeer

>As for what made Marvel's "big feminist movie" so feminist: As Larson tells it, the studio was adamant that Carol Danvers' gender wasn't incidental, but an essential element of the character that they wanted to reflect in the filmmaking.

>"That's a wonderful thing that Marvel understood innately," said Larson, citing this year's Black Panther as another example of that approach, "that if you're gonna tell this story, you've got to make that it's really embedded in everything. It's not good enough to just make it be me."

>To that end, Captain Marvel staffed up with women behind the camera, including director Anna Boden (with Ryan Fleck), screenwriters Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Nicole Perlman, Anna Waterhouse, and Jac Schaeffer, costume designer Sanja Milkovic Hays, and composer Pinar Toprak.

>The difference this made wasn't always dramatic—Larson offered, as a hypothetical example, a line of dialogue using "woman" instead of "girl"—but they had a cumulative impact on her. "They're just slight things, and I realized it changed the way I viewed myself," she said.

>What eventually convinced her was the realization that, as she put it, "It's kind of everything that I've wanted." For Larson, a proud feminist, Captain Marvel presented the opportunity to advance the cause of female representation through a broadly appealing piece of popcorn entertainment.

>"As I've grown, I've noticed that these movies and the Marvel movies in particular have so much meaning in them. They mean so much," she said. "You can have a great time and just enjoy it for having a great time, but you can also be left with some really deep philosophical questions. That combo is really powerful."

No she isn't, she's inviting more people to her press interviews, not saying who should and shouldn't you fucking idiot.
>do I believe this carefully written headline that wants you to get mad at her or the actual full quotes from sites that report things accurately?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-24 Brie Larson.png (646x735, 717K)

It's in the article. Keep pretending the movie is not a feminist statement. Of course you can always go back to twitter and there safely say it is a feminist movie, like you're paid to do depending on the platform you are.

>do I believe this carefully written headline that wants you to get mad at her
what? lol
the article is supposed to make you think she's a gift to feminism

You're right, my bad, I guess Brie should stop from making such incendiary stat-- oh my god what is this?!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-24 Wonder Woman Star Gal Gadot Anyone Who Is Not A Feminist Is Sexist.png (742x686, 542K)

>It's in the article
>I made sure they hired some women
OOOH SCARY FEMINIST! Fuck, in the stuff you quoted, the writer themselves tossed in a lot of stuff around really neutral quotes from Larson. Here is what she said:
>"That's a wonderful thing that Marvel understood innately," said Larson, citing this year's Black Panther as another example of that approach, "that if you're gonna tell this story, you've got to make that it's really embedded in everything. It's not good enough to just make it be me."
>"They're just slight things, and I realized it changed the way I viewed myself," she said.
> "It's kind of everything that I've wanted."
>"As I've grown, I've noticed that these movies and the Marvel movies in particular have so much meaning in them. They mean so much," she said. "You can have a great time and just enjoy it for having a great time, but you can also be left with some really deep philosophical questions. That combo is really powerful."

>b-but DC!

Attached: Shadab.gif (200x200, 190K)

conveniently leaving out the most important one
>As for what made Marvel's "big feminist movie" so feminist: As Larson tells it, the studio was adamant that Carol Danvers' gender wasn't incidental, but an essential element of the character that they wanted to reflect in the filmmaking.

Can anyone post the Virgin Marvel vs the Chadzam image?

>implying I don't hate Gadot
>can't even find an article from before the movie was released either

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Odd how that wasn't a direct quote from Larson. Almost as if you're an idiot who can't see past a writer who already roped you in with a clickbait title, because you were looking to be offended.

>b-but Marvel!

Attached: 1550870849793.jpg (2896x2896, 1.14M)

>Brie wouldn't say that! It's other people putting words in her mouth!
lol calling the movie feminist is far from the worst things she's said

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he needs a better butt

This is the normie perception about Captain Marvel

>can't even find an article from before the movie was released either

>Lastly, Glamour touched on Gadot’s feelings on feminism considering Wonder Woman herself is a feminist icon (no matter what anyone says to the contrary).

>"There are such misconceptions as to what a feminist is. Feminism is about equality. I want all people to have the same opportunities and to get the same salaries for the same jobs. I realize I’m doing what I want to do because of the women before me who laid the groundwork. Without them I wouldn’t be an educated working mother who is following her dreams; I wouldn’t be here."

>get called out for reading an article wrong
>throw a fit
Not really making the best case for yourself, user.

ok but where is she saying the movie is feminist?

>Says Captain Marvel is not being marketed as feminist
>Gets evidence thrown on its face
>Distraction tactics when you get busted

Attached: Mar-Vell.jpg (1008x755, 338K)

Daddy never taught you to take an L with dignity, eh?


>After being cast as Wonder Woman, the Israeli actress she had a responsibility to speak on behalf of women’s rights issues and defy stereotypes. “I didn’t want to play the cold-hearted warrior. We didn’t want to fall into the cliches,” she told the magazine. “We didn’t want to treat the misogyny in a preaching way. We wanted to surprise the audience. We wanted to bring some naivety. Being the mother of two girls, I’m like, ‘We need more naivety. Everyone is too in their head.’”

Nobody said this, though?

I don’t know what this picture is trying to say, you know damn well Avengers 4 is going to be the only decent one of those movies

>"We didn’t want to treat the misogyny in a preaching way"

Attached: anon.jpg (400x337, 20K)

What about it? It was still feminist and you just got fucking told.

>Nobody said this, though?
>>Disney made that movie a political statement on purpose
>The HERo thing? That was a clever turn of phrase but nothing much else. The movie itself clearly has nothing to do about it. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman tried to play up the female hero factor during promotion too, in more overt ways even, and the movie has more feminist undertones considering her origin and the way she's exposed to the outside world.
>In contrast, Captain Marvel is a brainwashed alien soldier that discovers her human heritage and is thrust into a conflict between two races... None of that is "smash the patriarchy" like Ares was.
Nice try

I know of only one person who uses that image so he's reveled himself

But unlike Wonder Woman, there's nothing in the actual movie that is meant to be feminist, all this shit is about the promo material.
I don't know who you mean but I saved that picture from another thread, so cut down your paranoia.

Glad to see they faithfully adapted Carol's fascist and genocidal leanings.

... isn't that what you'd want, if you have a problem with feminism? Isn't preachiness the main complaint, or are we just going to pretend women had it ALL back in WWI?

Attached: readers dont want to be preached at.png (330x363, 43K)

I'll just share this from the other Carol thread.

Attached: Captain Marvel metacritic numbers.png (770x152, 44K)

>But unlike Wonder Woman, there's nothing in the actual movie that is meant to be feminist
How do you know? You haven't seen it

So what then? There is a push back against the review bombing or is it bots vs bots?

Took me a moment to figure out what that Cpt.Marvel emoji was. Looked like the back of a blonde guy squatting down to shit.

It's probably just normal numbers. Endgame's are only lower because the movie is further out.

Holy fuck, lmao

Took me a while to get the point of the post but I see it now. Makes more sense that way, to highlight the amount of people actually interested vs. those who aren't.
It's just to show the actual number of people interested in the movie instead of simply using the percentage to make it look as if there's no interest. As it is, there's nearly similar numbers of people who want to see the movie, and the 66% are a mix of legit people who don't, and bots/fake reviews.