Girl power

Girl power.

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Huey's an ultra nerd.

Best triplet?

Yes. He is

He's a trans boy who wears a binder under his polo shirt.

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>men already have conquered the world
>tamed the nature
>explored the world and faced the dangers in dark times
>build and destroy empires
>dream and create science and fantasy
>won the right to be free for him and the human race
>create the technology that's gonna take us to the cosmos

Wew, at least women have movies and cartoons.

dont forget comics and commercials

I thought it was supposed to be Donald

>Most triplets are fraternal vs. identical
>Statistically it is slightly more likely that at least one of the triplets would be born XX rather than XY

Seems to check out. Feel free to correct me if duck genetics differ

They're both trans.

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No problem here. Women are beautiful people who deserve our respect. All women I've met have beet sweetherts and even better to hang out with than guys.

Nani the fuck

So did he go all Mulan to join the navy during the war and huff napalm fumes to get a masculine voice

>All women I've met have beet sweetherts
They're masters of facade.

Louiefags BTFO

Mulan all the way, baby!

What is with the all out attack here? Is some babby reddit squad trying to cut their teeth?

Do Deweyfags exist? I feel like they don't.

If you had a choice, would you rather have Dewey become just like Huey or Louie?

I don't honestly think they exist outside kids who watch the show
Certainly no fans on Yea Forums

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>co-opting everyone and everybody to be trans, when the majority of the supreme minority are both obvious and ugly, so they try to take average to attractive characters and pretend something out of nothing to justify their biological disorder that medically should instead be resolved rather than supported

He's wearing a wifebeater ffs.

You find ducks attractive?

Trans people are like CGI. You only notice the obvious ones.

I'm a Dewey fag.

You don't


I do!

He reminds me of Hank Venture, so I like him.


But why

I just told you why, can you not read?

If you had to pick one of the triplets to be gay for the sake of progressive story, which one would it be?


Adorable girls

I hope she comes back

Huey. It goes great with dorkiness

She never left Webby's side. Having a good girl shadow user would be neat.

>Things i am proud of are things that were done by other people
>Meanwhile i'm shitposting about wymyn on a mongolian shadow puppet forums
I think you should kill yourself to stop crying yourself to sleep

Probably Huey. He'd accept it if one of his brothers wanted to be like him


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Actually, I think he'd be absolutely ectastic about that

Fuck it, I'd probably actually get engrossed in a transman Donald going through the war and life after story

They're children for fuck sake.


And this is Yea Forums your point is?

"Location naught ease tonnage o' sin"-Some Scottish Guy. 1329

tonna deeze nuts

Y'all sure about that?

I don't really recall any

Finally someone who understands an undershirt

Except that they're all the obvious ones

>They're children for fuck sake
We live in a world where someone declared that their 4-year-old son was trans, put the kid on hormone blockers, and are now exploiting that kid on a reality tv show for money. Things are only going to get worse from here on out.

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Why did they give an admitted rapist voice acting work?