>94% want to see Shazam
Yes yes, more threads please, you're not being annoying at all
Triggered NPC soiboy
I am unironically considering going to see this movie or at least buying a ticket just to spite those spamming faggots.
I'm already sick of this movie
>implying any of this means anything before the movie comes out
user, you are either a troll or brain dead, and in this day and age it's getting harder to tell the difference.
>order of magnitude less votes
>look mom, I posted it again, now they get angry
>it's funny because I can only post the same thing over and over again
On hindsight, specifically annoying a demographic with lots of time to waste and a basic understanding of the mechanics behind RT might not be the best move.
Then again, once it's got a 99% from actual critics it will all turn out ok
>99% from actual critics
Implying they will be unbiased critiques.
Calling it now, 84% from critics, actual score is a 70%, and audience is 92%.
They didn't, the cult leaders lied about something Brie said and the morons lapped it up.
As opposed to this?
Go cry some more, Carolfag
So everyone just likes/ hates this movie for the wrong reasons
Aw are the DCucks panicking because they know they lost their "where's your oscar" talking point? It's okay at least you have your razzies Marvel is NEVER getting one of those
These people were never going to watch the movie to begin with, it's still going to make 1B
Isn't that kind of what happened with the Ghostbusters reboot? They were all, "we don't want gross cishet white males to see it." So then all the gross cishet white males didn't go see it, and the movie literally shat itself to death.
I remember threads just like this before Black Panther came out.
And tonight it's going to win an Oscar. It WON'T win best picture because that would be too much, but it will win one or two others and make the Harleyfags go cry in the piles of cheap makeup they have.
>94% of 3 thousand people want to see Shazam
No, because literally nobody said anything about "gross cishet white males" and you're a gullible retard
Will You eat a Blu ray when it doesn't?
What does this even mean?
That's a different scenario. It's a legit bad and misguided movie that COULD have done better in the box office at leas if they had not made a point of alienating their actual target audience for some reason
It will be funny if this reaches 10%
No, but I will definitely eat one if it grosses less than Shazam
Go ahead and screencap this
No, I'm pretty sure they did, Mr. Feig. Glad to see you finally stopped crying about the movie flopping long enough to post, though. Did you ever find work again?
Fuck you.
Femme ghosts busters didn’t had to shoot itself in the foot to be a failure
It’s just that bad
Maude Flanders was the hottest woman in the simpsons
It always bugs me when the sign isn't also the antenna. Lazy.
I wasn't talking about Ghostbusters you imbecile
Yea Forums spammed the new zelda game with this too, it made no difference, just retards wasting their time
>Searching the lead actress Drew
Didn't know Drew Barrymore was Captain Marvel.
But I was. Maybe you should pay more attention to the conversation before adding your opinion in the future, you illiterate shitsnack.
Reasons to see Shazam over this
>25.000+ votes
Really? Over 25.000 people cared?
I should pay more attention? You asked if it's like the GB situation, i answered no. Did i really need to specify i was referring to Cap Marvel, geez
thats what happens when you dont swallow
>And tonight it's going to win an Oscar.
Forgot it was today. Even if it doesn't win the Best Picture, it's still lined up for other awards... Oh boy, the tears are gonna flow tonight.
Marvel Studios has to end some time.
A friend of mine who's a total normie asked me about this, "did you hear something about it getting boycotted?" and when I explained him it was just people reacting to words she actually never said he was like "this is exactly like that Gilette ad, what's the matter with these people?"
What time? I need to be there to witness the tears
What was it, 6 nominations or something crazy like that?
With that many it's near impossible not to win at least one, and ALL of them are more respectable than "best makeup".
I need to draw some Devil Maude porn.
MCU has never had a single flop, DC has. So even if Captain Marvel flops (it wont), it won't make a difference, especially since the film after is making at least 2 Billion
they could at least have kept the costume colour scheme
Just checked, it's 9 hours from now.
Yeah, at the very least I predict it will win Best Costume, and maybe Best Song (with "All The Stars"). Those are reasonable awards for it.
*300 million
Fixed that for you
Not to mention, every successive MCU sequel makes more money than the previous installment (in case someone brings up Ant-Man & The Wasp, which made $100MM more than the first) and the standalones are making huge money as well.
Google says: Date: Sun, Feb 24 • 7:00 PM CST
I'm willing to bet EVERY time BP either wins or loses an award 1 to 4 new threads are going to be made. IF somehow by an act of God it wins best picture Yea Forums will be flooded with new threads and they will be made faster than the mods can delete them. Be ready to screen cap the catalog tonight.
Gillette ad?
Oh you didn't see that drama?
Gillette recently released this commercial, calling out "toxic masculinity"...
Predictably, outragefags got mad and called for a boycott, articles got made, dislike buttons were pushed, it was a mess.
True. Though if it makes even 600M which technically isn't a flop, it would be labelled as a flop. If it makes any less than WW did/Shazam is going to, too.
It does, but as long as they're bringing Marvel characters who are not well known like Moon Knight into the light and making them known and popular to the general audience, I'll be happy to see them rather than the Spider-Man/X-Men dickriding that has been going on for so long.
Eh, I'm not american, if it doesn't get shitposting here or on Yea Forums chances are i won't notice. While I'd agree the ad is overly dramatic in a funny way the reactions do sound like the usual triggered faggotry
I don't think there's a way to avoid the shitposting, because even if Captain Marvel somehow only makes a bit more than Wonder Woman, it will be called a failure because "DISNEY IS SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER THAN THIS, WHAT HAPPENED? OH NO NO NO" etc.
Yeah I'm not American either and I had the same reaction to it, but I didn't think people would care this much about it.
We're now to the point where saying that you don't want to see the Captain Marvel movie means you're /pol/
Yea Forums, you've become worse than tumblr. I hope you're aware of that.
>It's a legit bad and misguided movie that COULD have done better in the box office
How do you know this movie won't be bad, though? Have you seen it?
Everyone is just assuming it's going to be the best thing ever and anyone who hates it is /pol/. Maybe it won't be? Maybe it's another ant-man? Have you considered this or do you just want to shitpost about political bullshit?
>Predictably, outragefags got mad
really? and what would be the reason for that? youtube.com
Marvel is using bots to intentionally drop the want to see ratings sp when this movie inevitably makes a lot of money they can claim a huge victory
this emboldens sjws
>first video is by a channel called "Atheism-Is-Unstoppable"
>second is by some literally who outrage farmer
Nah I'm good.
>Shit that never happened
Did you both clap, then?
Clap a lot?
Was there a lot of clapping and crying?
>watching AIU after the donga shit show
It actually happened but I'm not about to post our logs just to appease you. Not like it matters because the message is the same, although I'm certain the movie won't have the "politically-charged" agenda some people here expect it to have.
Yeah I don't get what's so political and SJW about the movie itself like people are saying
go home Question, you're drunk
is not the movie, is Larson they dont like
Get woke go broke!
How low can we go!
i'm pretty sure Sharon Spitz has a more developed ass than Captain Marvel does.
I feel this constant bodyshaming is going to come to bite you all in the ass in March, no pun intended.
stop shaming big booty people
Epic raid, Yea Forumsros.
At least post a respectable source.
Skip to 18:06 youtube.com
Not even worldwide DKek
You'll be lucky to make as much as Lego Movie 2
subhuman sjw nigger
Who's the unhinged retard posting this everywhere?
compared to brie and marvel yea kill yourself
i want teenagers to leave
>calling anyone unhinged
you lost before it began you subhuman fuck
Someone who thinks the MCU is shit cannot be bad.
then leave you are the underage fag here
>Filipe Sant'Anna
cant even come up with a convincing fake name
May I subscribe to your YT channel?
Jesus, is there anything more pathetic than a DCuck?
Au contraire. Wasn't there an article that said Marvel fans tend to be more intelligent in average? If it's true then I believe you're wrong in that assertion.
Better than exposing your kid to Brie Larson
/Pol/?. Hell, /Pol/ is the Jew of Yea Forums.
Let them have this. In two weeks, no one's gonna associate Billy with Captain Marvel.
PewDiePie was a screeching faggot that made stupid faces and screamed like a bitch about video games years ago, he's a screeching faggot that makes stupid faces and screams like a bitch about controversial shit nowadays now that the screeching faggot playing video games field is oversaturated.
Why anyone thinks this unfunny twat warranted so much attention back then and now is a mystery to me.
Implying buthurt Carolfags won't end up doing to same to Shazam over this .
They'll follow their petty bitch queen and go scorched earth on the child actors because they let arbitrary voting systems upset them.
brie fags and sjws same thing aka (you) fag
>Implying buthurt Carolfags won't end up doing to same to Shazam over this .
won't change a thing because there are about two dozens of carolfags
spacing and hates people better and smart then brie hmmm wonder were you are from
>Carolfags indoctrinating their children
>people who watch generic capeshit are intelligent
Yeah I'm calling bullshit, but whatever makes you fags feel better about yourselves.
It could be argued that most people stopped seeing him as that years ago.
personally i'm not interested in the movie. she just feels boring to me. If they had done her movie after avengers i'd probably have a different opinion but it just seems like her movie is a set up to how much of a mary sue she's going to be and avengers is just her being a deus ex mary sue.
they're not being subtle about it so i don't see whats to enjoy. i'll pirate the movie but it's not worth the price of admission in my opinion. the MCU is just getting stale
>now i can play superheroes instead of barbies
>not creating complex magical girl storylines full of intrigue, backstabbing, and power level creep with your daughter and her barbies
shiggidy giggity
now i just remembered that as a kid i made a storyline where a mermaid switched bodies with a human and stole her boyfriend and all her friends
now as an adult i have wacky /d/ interests lmfaooooo
Back then is a true mystery.
But modern Pew is honestly good.
No, it's true, check it out: geektyrant.com
>This whole study is actually kind of fascinating to see. It offers a lot of insight into things I never really thought about. However, I would be interested to know what results that the Wonder Woman trailer would have given off because that movie wasn't included in the study. The films included were Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Captain America: Civil War, Justice League, and Batman v Superman.
>>The data ZappiStore received from the test not only indicates why Marvel consistently beats DC at the box office, but also offers an insight into brand consistency and messaging in entertainment advertising. ZappiStore’s study shows that although set pieces, explosions and special effects in DC movie trailers do cause an uplift on the trailer success metrics, it’s Marvel’s consistency with brand affinity and character connection that drives a far higher level of emotional engagement and beats DC across all metrics.
>ZappiStore research architect Ernie Collings explains that their findings were unexpected, saying:
>>"We were surprised to see, across all trailers tested, that the emotional response was lower than expected for set pieces and special effects, particularly in the genre we were looking at. The results indicate the way DC can reboot and change characters across trilogies or between TV to film might be having a detrimental effect on how well the public connects with those characters."
>wonder were you are from
Just came from your mom's room, do something about it.
I highly doubt it.
Stop this! You know DKeks can't handle things like facts
Wait is Yea Forums seriously saying they like Carol NOW?
She's had four cancelled runs, and no one knows anything about her. Her gimmick is 'strong independent woman' 60 years after the first female superhero in marvel.
Why do you think her movie is going to be any better? Because it's Marvel? Disney?
Carol is a dud. Every movie and tie-in she's ever been in has flopped, and no one really seems to know what she does or how she stands out from other superheroes.
Every person here who is bitching about /pol/ and how their wonderful kween movie is being invaded by russians bitched and moaned when CW2 was going on.
You're only cheering for her now because you think you're 'sticking it to the polfags' and not actually because you have or ever cared about this dry mop of a character.
>I highly doubt it.
So did I, I hated him back in 2012 and tried to fake a smile when a girl told me she watched his videos.
But then I subbed just for them memes of the T Series war thinking I'd just unsub after he was no longer the #1 channel in a few days. That was MONTHS ago, and in the meantime I clicked on a few videos out of boredom and was surprised that I liked what I saw.
>60 years after the first female superhero in marvel.
You do know Carol has existed since the 70's, right?
DC films had a history of good movies. They tried to keep it going.
Marvel had nothing but shitty cash ins and maintained that, primarily hitting China. People need to fucking realise just being in China as a Friday release tends to net more than the domestic of the US across an entire launch week. That's why everyone fights for that spot.
>Conviniently skipping those that don't fit in his narrative
typical confirmation bias of mcuck is typical
her personality is stronger than everyone else
I like how Carolfags, completely aware that no one has or will ever care about their dogshit character, has to turn the conversation to real-life drama to distract from the fact that no one wants to see their dogshit character in a dogshit movie.
That's right, we all have to see Captain Marvel because that will stick it to the 'outragefags', never mind that no one has or ever will care about Captain Marvel. It's the 'outragefags' (see: people who disagree with me, they're probably Russians and/or from /pol/).
Buy ten tickets to see my movie, Yea Forums.
Alleged leaks made by chinks partially translated by who-know-who/where (take them with a big grain of kosher salt): archive.vn
We're not saying we like her, it's just that we are willing to give her MCU incarnation a chance since
A) just like most MUC versions, this one will probably be different from the comics
B) if the movie is good, synergy will change her comic character for the better for once
>DC films had a history of good movies
On what fucking planet because it sure as shit isn't this one
>using Civil War II to make an argument
So who's the real casual here?
She is a strong, independent woman.
>How is she str-
>But what makes her-
And there were plenty of female superheroes before Ms. Marvel, made by marvel even. What's your point?
Are you trying to imply she isn't strong? Because she is.
So what?
I'm 90% sure I saw this exact same post about Black Panther before it came out.
Or at least one along the same lines.
also independent and a woman
Probably the fucking retarded casual who Boo'd and Hiss'd at Marvel's biggest and most united front to push this awful character, but then several years later is clapping their hands like a circus seal screaming "YAAAAS I'VE ALWAYS LOVED CAPTAIN MARVEL, SHE'S SUCH A GREAT CHARACTER AND I LOVE EVERYTHING SHE'S BEEN IN'
If you bitched about CW2, but you're trying to convince people to like this movie; then you're a fucking hypocrite.
>Are you trying to imply she isn't strong? Because she is.
>But what has she done that's different from every other
>But she has nothing that sets her apart from
>presents facts rather than opinions
>always hears out both sides
>browses Yea Forums
>BTFOs traditional media
>Woke on the JQ
>not respectable
black panther had the benefit of not having garbage tier personality
So we're in agreement here? Good.
But CWII was shit that nobody liked and it wasn't just for Carol, why would you go and pretend it was a good push? Tony acted like a retard too and he still is one of the most popular characters in the movies; and yeah btw he also had his series cancelled and hijacked by a legacy little girl.
>dude who hides the cancer cure from everyone in the world
>not garbage
I'm sure it was also said about Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, Thor, and who knows who else
This, it's like me using pic related to argue that every Suicide Squad and Justice League movie will suck from now on.
It's just hopelessly strawmanning.
more personality than strong independent woman
Black Panther has and never has been as much of a failure as Carol. He has ALWAYS had a dedicated fanbase and has never tanked a series as often as she does.
She has failed four times. That's not an exaggeration, either.
If I said "Black Panther" to a random stranger, even before the movie came out, they would think "King of Wakanda". I say "Captain Marvel" to someone, and what do they think of? Something, something, avengers?
She has never been strong enough to carry her own series. Every attempt Marvel has tried has also failed. Black Panther didn't sink four different series and several crossover events with just how repugnant and hated he is. On the contrary, Black Panther has saved crossover events before by being one of the few characters in it who can be classified as a leader.
In comparison to Black Panther, what the fuck does Captain Marvel have? Most people don't even think of her when they think 'Captain Marvel'.
She was the scourge of marvel comics just a couple years ago, and now you're trying to compare her to Black Panther. I think you should apologize to Black Panther right now.
Stupid fucking drones have the brains of silly putty.
Yeah, and I also remember posts about how Japan and China hated black people and it would flop because of that.
Grasp at those straws harder user. Until the movie comes out you can't be proven right or wrong and we both know that.
>If I said "Black Panther" to a random stranger, even before the movie came out, they would think "King of Wakanda".
No, they would have said "who?"
BP was a D-lister at best.
>So we're in agreement here? Good.
Agreement that you're fucking lying to yourself and can't form an actual reason why Carol is strong or independent other than repeating the same phrase over and over again over actual criticism?
Yeah, I knew that before you started typing. Time to repeat
again in an attempt to blot out reality.
Since when were Yea Forums tier shitposts allowed on Yea Forums?
I've seen threads like this getting hundreds of replies for a week now, they're easily the most garbage threads in the catalog and the janitors refuse to do anything about them.
Well you wouldn't do that because you have the Justice League and Suicide Squad movies to use
LMAO I had never read this before, no wonder people seethe at King.
>He has ALWAYS had a dedicated fanbase and has never tanked a series as often as she does.
Why would anyone go on the internet and tell lies like this?
Anyway you're trying really hard here, chump. Save these posts for when the movie comes out and it shows to be a hit.
>BP was a D-lister at best.
Ironic considering Carol isn't even a D-lister. She would have been shelved and retconned out of existence if she was literally any other character who fucked over such a big event all on her own.
But people are latched onto the fact that she's a girl and ignore the obvious reality that she's a complete failure at being a brand name.
you dindnt denied Carol having a shit personality
>If I said "Black Panther" to a random stranger, even before the movie came out, they would think "King of Wakanda".
Stop being a disingenuous retard, they would have thought about the Black empowerment group that came out of the 60s.
>Ironic considering Carol isn't even a D-lister.
>implying comics personality even matters when talking about the movie
Given what the MCU changed why does everyone expect them to copy the comics for marvel?
>Why would anyone go on the internet and tell lies like this?
Because he's had a consistent run since the 80s. You know who hasn't? The person who has had to be rebooted four times.
You're not fucking lying to anyone when Marvel themselves have had to admit that she's been a failure. On four separate occasions.
You can screech "SHUT UP CAPTAIN MARVEL IS WAY MORE POPULAR THAN BLACK PANTHER" all you want, but you're lying to yourself. You're an idiot drone who has never actually read one of her comics in your life.
Nigga I wanna have some of what you’re smoking
Disney laughing all the way to the bank as they trick hundreds of retards into believing that worshipping their cookie cutter capeshit flick as the greatest movie of all time is their moral duty, to protect the wimmins
>Posting the rebooted comic that had to be created after the last run fell below fucking ant man.
Yes, less than a D-Lister. A D-lister wouldn't need to be rebooted for anyone to give a shit about them.
Hey I noticed you're not posting the comic sales from a few months back, why is that? could it be because they were lower than fucking ant man?
>Because he's had a consistent run since the 80s. You know who hasn't? The person who has had to be rebooted four times.
No he hasn't lmao
Also every Marvel series has rebooted that same amount of times, you're not saying anything new. In fact Captain America had 3 different runs during 2017. THREE.
Carol is the best marvel character ever made and is a good role model for little girls on how to rise above toxic mascuinity. changing mar-vell to a woman was a brilliant choice
Her comics are more popular than BP right now
>could it be because they were lower than fucking ant man?
Ant-Man didn't even have a series you fucking casual.
Doubly so when it's the character who has straight up burned the fanbase THREE TIMES before.
Picture defending a character on the internet that has shit on your favorite franchises in a vain attempt to boost their own popularity. That's the drones right now.
i'm the person who made that Sharon post and I still think it's unfair that people bodyshame her. No one should be afraid to show skin.
judging by the trailers, they did copy it
>he’s had a consistent run since the 80s
Which ant-man?
didnt they cancelled her comics 9 times?
>Right now
Weird, why aren't you posting comic sales from several months back? You know, the same paltry sales that resulted in her comics having to be rebooted?
It couldn't be because you know she's dogshit and you know that the only reason she's popular at the moment is because she was JUST rebooted, right? I mean, being an avid comic reader and not some Yea Forums cocksucker on Yea Forums, you must know that reboots sell more for a few months.
After all, you wouldn't be ignoring the fact that she had to be rebooted thrice before this while Black Panther was able to hold steady without that bump, would you?
I don't know if the movie is good or bad, I just know that if it under-performs we're in for years of "Captain Marvel vs. Black Panther proves that sexism is worse than racism" hot takes and years of "actually Black Panther was also feminist and no one cared" responses.
Nah. She isn’t a total facist as far as I can tell
Wasn’t the previous run a miniseries meant as bridging or something
Why would having to scrap your comic to get #1 lister sales count as 'doing better than Black Panther'
Hey, if Carol is so good and can carry a series by herself, why did she need to get rebooted? It couldn't be because no one likes her, right you fucking casual? You literal bandwagoner from Yea Forums who is only here because of the movie and not because you actually ever BOUGHT one of her shitty grabs for attention?
Given black panther just rebooted also yes?
How the fuck? She hasn't have 9 series, and I believe the faggot screeching itt is probably accounting for the miniseries too.
After all, you wouldn't be ignoring the fact that she had to be rebooted thrice before this while Black Panther was able to hold steady without that bump, would you?
user why don't you go and check Black Panther's paltry sales before spouting this nonsense? He doesn't even sell above 20K.
>You literal bandwagoner from Yea Forums who is only here because of the movie and not because you actually ever BOUGHT one of her shitty grabs for attention?
I haven't been to Yea Forums in ages. Calm down.
Since when does comics popularity translate directly to movie earnings anyways
Friendly reminder dr strange grossed more than justice league
Wow, that shoe sure jumped to the other foot when someone pointed out that a successful comic wouldn't need to be rebooted every other year, huh?
Since when is a miniseries followed by an ongoing a “reboot”? I am actually confused on how someone can come to this conclusion
>How the fuck? She hasn't have 9 series, and I believe the faggot screeching itt is probably accounting for the miniseries too.
Yep, here we go
Again, you fucking idiots make every excuse in the book every time she's rebooted for why she had to be rebooted and why 'it will be different this time! Shut up you stupid polster!"
And every time, it fails. Every time. I would put money on this reboot failing just after the movie comes out, even.
Why do you think the movie is going to be any different? You've provided no reason people are going to go see Captain Marvel other than 'Shut up /pol/'. You haven't even addressed how hated she is by Marvel's own fans.
How pathetic do you have to be to make enemies with a movie?
Marvel reboots their series that often, rarely any of their series are steady runs. I think only Thor and Deadpool (until recently) were single runs, every other, including Iron Man, Captain America, Doctor Strange (which also had 3 writers in a year) and GOTG have been relaunched this often.
Dude, it's miniseries, these aren't reboots or relaunches, they're designed to have a short run. The fact that you want them desperately to count just shows you're grasping at straws, when most series across Marvel do the renumbering/relaunching every so often.
Heh heh heh, gottem. Marvel is finished now.
>Marvel reboots their series that often
>Most of their comics are failures, so this one being a failure is to be expected really.
Okay, no seriously, this is a low bar.
Maybe the problem is Marvel, then?
>Maybe the problem is Marvel, then?
Yes? They recently just relaunched a series just because it was selling badly despite having changed creative teams (Champions), and the relaunch happened at #18. Hadn't they done that, they would've still relaunched it after #12, making it a "yearly relaunch".
And again, there's Captain America to consider, which had different runs by Spencer, Waid and Coates within the same year, all with different creative teams and numbering.
Marvel renumbers like no one’s business even when it’s selling decently, especially given the recent change in creative teams for multiple books
>why Marvel consistently beats DC at the box office
Eat. The. Disk.
We've had this same thread because you've spammed it multiple times over the past few days.
Even people who actually don't care about the movie are irritated that /pol/ keeps spamming these threads every day as if it's impressive/pol/ can raid RT instead of doing something productive with their lives.
The actual comments made are the spammers literally saying they're triggered because a celebrity said something dumb a while ago. Newsflash: most of what celebrities say is dumb and you shouldn't give a shit about what they say. Also "I want more diverse film critics" is not that fucking notable to say, nobody cares about film critics either.
Do you know one reason people hate SJWs? They blow tiny things from shitty entertainment nobodies way the fuck out of proportion and sperg out to everyone. Now, not only are anti-SJWs doing the same thing, they're actually worse because they've managed to be even spergier and more obnoxious, fucking congrats.
If you really didn't care, you just wouldn't see the movie instead of spamming and raiding every day. Why do you think you're such special snowflakes everyone cares how much of a fuck you don't give about the MCU?
>Suicide Squad
>5 movie total
There are 6 DC movies soon to be 7 but you won't post those numbers, will you DCuck?
What a convenient chart, hahaha