>Batman, Superboy & Forager will die.
>Dick Grayson is foreshadowed to be Batman since season 1
>Damian Wayne is born
>Conner Kent’s character is basically over
>Jon Kent is born
>Ravager still has a bounty on his head
>Batman, Superboy & Forager will die.
>Dick Grayson is foreshadowed to be Batman since season 1
>Damian Wayne is born
>Conner Kent’s character is basically over
>Jon Kent is born
>Ravager still has a bounty on his head
i really hope tera doesnt cuck the princess or bb
Damian and Jon have already been born tho
Yeah exactly.
>Terra's betrayal is done 3 episodes later just to get it over with
>M'gann turns into a villain after Conner's death
>Darkseid backstabs Savage and becomes the main villain in S4
>Wally returns having merged with the Speed Force but his return is only temporary
>There will be different factions of villains who oppose the Light
>There will be a flashfoward episode with Damian and Jon
>Starman will show up
I hope she cucks Halo.
Geo-Force gets angry.
>Forager will die
Soon, I hope
Jason will dress up as Nightwing and commit some vigilante killings. When Nightwing and Batman investigate it will lead them to Rhas and his faction if the league of shadows.
>Batman, Superboy & Forager will die.
Forager, maybe. Superboy, definitely. Bats? nah. He'll be sticking around. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they go and try to foreshadow Terry in some weird bulshitty way decades down the line.
>Superboy will die.
Wouldn't that cause M'gann to rip apart the minds of the world like some sort of Elder God?
>oh, so that's what a forager penis looks like!
>*dies horribly*
>*comes back and prays to allah*
>ass gets slightly bigger every time she comes back to life
>Jon Kent is born
This already happened
I didn't say it hasn't happened. I'm saying that fact that they have Jon Kent around ready to become Superboy is an indication that Connor might die.
Killing Batman? Really??
No chance in hell would DC let that happen. I don't care if Dick puts on the mask, it wont happen.
I want Supergirl and Zachary Zatara
Zachary should be Bart's boyfriend
>The season ends with Darkseid streaming the Anti-Life Equation.
That's a given.