Sometimes I firmly believe Bendis has never heard a human being speak

Sometimes I firmly believe Bendis has never heard a human being speak.

Attached: Superman (2018-) 008-006.jpg (1988x3056, 1.34M)

Bendis is such a dumb fuck, I swear to god. Science is making sense out of the chaos the universe offers. That's the entire point. Jor-El should know this because he's a fucking scientist.

Jor el isn’t a human being.

Attached: Bendis V Superman.jpg (1988x3056, 1.91M)

I think he got brain damage at some point, I was reading some of his older Daredevil comics and it suffered some Bendisms (like repetitiveness) but the characters talked more like normal people.

Or maybe he just doesn't give a fuck.

That's what Bendis did at Marvel. He wants to leave a mark on a character, shuttering that characters life with some stupid ideas. He destroyed Kandor after...what? Three issues of Superman? Pray to god, that he won't get his hands on Batman (we know, that he is eying him since the first issue), or else Alfred will die.

Honeslty he's done way worse. This didn't have the usual Bendis... um, flare.

Not near as bad as hen Jor El first took Jon. "What boy? This boy? Me boy?"

Please, he'll just introduce his new Robin. Which just so happens to be a black teenager.
>Duke who?


You misspelled "Batman".

He'll be Robin first, and then that summer in Bendis' new event he'll kill of Bruce and replace him. Do you even Bendis, user?

You know what? Let him have Batman. Let's face facts people; Batman will always be fine. I will gladly quarantine a shit writer on a Batman book if it means other DC titles will thrive. And the good news is he's cancel proof too. Ask yourself this; would you be willing to put up with 5-8 years of shit Batman stories if it meant Bendis and King wouldn't touch another DC title? That is assuming of course a proper replacement was found

I've already put up with close to 10 years in a row of a shit Batman title, I don't know why that would change.

Exactly. Look, I'm not saying I don't want great Batman stories. I just think there's enough out there right now to warrant a period of shit if it means other books could benefit. And hey when it's all said and done, we might even find a new appreciation for Batman in the aftermath. However the drawback here is the bad Batman material bleeding over into other books, especially events

See, the problem with your thinking is that the Batman book will sell well regardless, and any shit writer placed in that book will become a "hot new star" overnight just by virtue of writing Batman. So now this isn't just a writer that would tank a few titles and be booted, no, this is a superstar writer and because this is a superstar writer now this writer is writing events and influence the course of several characters at the same time.

Just look at Jon's expression and the gesture he does with his hand in the last panel.

Bendis is a big name already though, so I don’t see your point.

After how badly Bendis has been carrying Superman sales wise, performing objectively well below his comparably no named predecessor, despite his celebrity status, they'd be certifiably incompetent to just expect him to sell well based on his name.

I'm still confused why they didn't first use him to do Red Tornado. He said he wanted to do stuff with him, and it could build up a character with little material without risking the whole ship.

Instead they gave him every damn superman book...

Yeah, but that's what happened to King. Tom King was already a hot name thanks to Omega Man and Vision - both of which sold like crap. So DC put him on Batman so he could appear more of a hotshot writer, since now he's a Batman writer.

The Batman book inflate writers careers. Even if you're already a known name, That's why most comic writers want to write Batman.

Isn't he selling as much as the last guy? At least it isn't a GL situation where Morrison is supposedly selling less.

Maybe Jor-El is a fucking brainlet who's never picked up a fundamental science book?

>all these kryptonians who are still alive

just retcon history so that krypton was never destroyed jfc