Stand Still, Stay Silent: A Call to Action

Welcome back to /ssss/ storytime. In this thread we reflect upon the updates released for the webcomic 'Stand Still, Stay Silent' over the past week.
In this episode, Lalli upholsters his cat-detective powers in an effort to deduce why Onni-chan is such a lying baka. With the assistance of his faithful sidekick Dog-nir, they will try.

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Oh-kay. That's all for now.
See you at approximately the same time next week for Lalli and Reynir's wacky dreamscape shenanigans.

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Onni's gonna die, calling it now.

Eventually, we all die.

Onni's going to die to the gaze'o'death troll that's been haunting the Hotakainnens though.

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Ain't no troll or even ghost got powers of that sort. That's a kade

You'd think he would have lied to reynir about where he was going, since he knew about the ability to speak clearly in dreams, but then again it's not like it was a big secret.

what if it's an icelandic mage with evil eye powers?
does it still count as a kade if it's not finnish?

Calling user from a few threads ago who claimed to have all the (straight) nsfw stuff.
You here?

Kade is a Finnish term referring to a corrupted noita (mage). We don't know if that exists among seiĆ°ari.
Since it (we don't know if it actually is a kade) without a doubt is in Finland, it's not an Icelandic mage.

>Since it [...] is in Finland, it's not an Icelandic mage.
hey, lalli being on iceland doesn't make him an icelandic mage

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I'm completely sure that the kade (if that's what we saw) is/was a finnish mage and is tied into the Hotakainen plotline as a whole.
But to answer your question; no, if Icelandic mages can become corrupted, they probably have a word for it in their own language.
oh shit
Onni is toast

Quite. We can only hope he was smart enough to not go in half-cocked and at least prepared enough to possibly last until help arrives.

I don't remember this page.

1st page of the 2nd adventure

>Good dog

Of muddafacking course he is!

good dogs don't backtalk

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Only a cat would say such awful things!

In the SSSS canon kades are specifically mages who are described as having "turned"

Whether that means the Rash got them and they still have powers or they've more or less gone to the dark side or been possessed or something I'm not sure

>tfw no friend I can't talk to but that doesn't diminish our friendship

>unable to say no homo after your post-mission stress reliever

Bad idea m8


I thought that too.

>being gay

It's not gay if we're in the silent world