Batman thread

This is a thread for discussing Batman. No shitpost please.

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Terry McGinnis is my favorite Batman.

Good video. Snyder BTFO.

Such a good video

Thinking about rewatching TBAS

Batman not killing the Joker is objectively retarded, when the legal system cannot kill him, he cannot be detained and he cannot be rehabilitated there is no other option.

We all know its to keep from killing someone who sells merch, but justifying it always comes off as fake.

Batman doesn't kill. That's his rule. The dude does so much shit already for people. Why should he have to break his one moral boundary and kill for them as well?

Well, there IS one solution.

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to keep the thousands of future victims from dying

Because not breaking it repeatedly leads to them dying

Well that's their fault. At some point people have to take responsibility for their own failures. Batman has beat up this guy and thrown him in jail a thousand times.
Its their fault they keep letting him out.

Batman only cooks wild game, because the time to prepare is so long.

he already does most of the polices job for them, why for the execution part

if your argument is that the justice system should do it for him then Batman shouldn't exist at all

Batman's slippery slope argument makes a lot more sense for his character when you think about it as only applying to him personally because he's so fucking fed up with this bullshit and/or mentally unsound as is that he definitely won't stop once he starts. Hell, that's what happened in Arkham Knight in the Joker hallucination.

Anyway, the blame shouldn't be on Batman, he does his job and he does it well. You guys should be shitting on the retards in charge of the containment facility, the rogues break out every other week.

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>killing once means you can't stop killing
This argument is so fucking retarded that anyone who brings it up should just be ignored.
There are thousands of cops who have only shot one person in their careers, no cop has ever shot a criminal and then they only shot at criminals from that point forward, people dont act like that.

Nobody ever says "Batman has to kill Penguin, otherwise he's responsible for all the blood on Penguin's hands".

Even though Penguin is usually shown as not just killing, but utterly fucking ruining people's lives for no good reason.

Even though Batman just sorta lets Penguin do whatever he wants, and at least beats up Joker and immediately sends him to Arkham.

It's a stupid argument, Riddler also caused the city's power to fail during a hurricane and caused untold deaths in Zero Year, should Batman have murdered him in that continuity?

Yeah, but Bruce is a sick man who's addicted to power and enacting violence on others, and if he ever killed he'd never stop killing again.

>should Batman have murdered him in that continuity?
Batman tried, with a machete, but Joker stopped him. Now Batman is only a hero thanks to the Joker, which if why he felt Catwoman, a former prostitute, wouldn't want to marry him if she knew about it.

King wrote it.

It's not a general argument, you fucking mongoloid, it applies specifically to Batman. What part of "it only applies to him personally" did you not get? He's fucked up in the head, it's a boundary for him. When he crosses it, he's probably not gonna come back, and even if he did, he's not gonna chance it.

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Jason Todd did nothing wrong

Its applied to Superman all the time too, see Injustice or any Elseworlds/Other Dimension where he has killed

Apparently he is a nice boyscout but if he ever kills he goes full mega-hitler like a lightswitch being flipped

DC writers seem to think its true of any hero

Batman saves people in the moment. He prevents Joker from gassing the city. He can't be blamed for what happens because he didn't also kill him.

Also, Batman: Under the Hood and Countdown to Final Crisis hammered that idea over and over again. DC has no one to blame but themselves for people thinking that of Batman.

If Batman ever killed someone, he'd never stop again. He'd become a serial killer. This is canon.

The justice system SHOULD do it. That doesn't mean Batman shouldn't exist.

Well Batman has a whole list of people he should kill. If he kills Joker he has no reason not to kill two-face, penguin, croc, etc.
Superman has killed people a few times but his villains aren't as evil and ever present.

>DC writers apply a very specific mindset shift to Superman, the guy with an entire special about criticizing brutal vigilantism (the one with Manchester Black)

Now that's just bad writing

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Superman becomes a villain because of losing Lois and letting Wonder Woman messing with his mind, not because he killed the Joker once. Try to think about it. It's always because he loes Lois and Wonder Woman goes all Lady McBeth.

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Who was in the wrong here?

We need more comics where Batman shows his emotional side and connects with those in need

Fuck no, we need more comics where Batman acts as a major asshole to push everyone away and comes up with convoluted plans that falls in wrong hands and ends up ruining everyone's lives.

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We need BatCat

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So what more like this?

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Why does everyone like Jessica so much? All I’ve read is her Rebirth up to issue 6.

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I liked her in the GL book she had with Simon

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What the fuck is Diana's problem?

Her portrayal in Kingdom Come stuck, so it has become a got-to in Superman goes Evil plots.

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I wish I could become Batman

the only real batman is the one from Batman TAS

Do you consider Arkham games the end of TAS?

I just really like batman

We need more detective batman

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And then comes up with a Deus Ex Machina plot device to make everything better and make sure his fans sleep well at night knowing he's "the best ever."

He's literally the only character DC lets have these moments. Especially in Justice League.

Cartoon only faggot, how do I get into Batman? Comics have been a huge barrier to entry for me because i'm used to manga, one author, beginning middle and end. But I like Batman enough from Cartoons to give it a chance. What do?

I was more speaking recently/live action

*blocks your path*

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I'm already sick of this grinning fuck. He wasn't even the best Dark Batman out of that bunch.

I liked emogoth gl bruce

>He wasn't even the best Dark Batman out of that bunch.
Devastator was cool

yeah, i really hope matt reeves delivers on his promise


Batman has already admitted he will have to kill the Joker someday. But personally, I want Jason to be the one to do it, that would be poetic justice.

And then joker slips on a leftover banana peel in joker's hideout and dies

jason, sheesh

>go to lcs
>pick up a trade paperback of a batman story that looks good
>buy it

Theres no continuity/it doesnt matter. You don't need to need to read year one for the dark knight returns to make sense.

>Brainiac at left
That's too much even for a batfag.

Who should be the next Batman and Tec writers/artists?

Bendis and Kelly Thompson

>He even killed Catwoman
Damn. Murder Bruce really is a sick bastard.

Trips confirm.

>those digits
Brace yourselves people, the Over Gordon is incoming.

Based and Terrypilled

As long as we agree he's not Asian

This but unironically.

Why aren't Riddler, Two-face and Penguin more popular?

I can't speak on Twoface or Penguin

But Riddler is my boy. He's not more popular cause he's the poor man's Joker. BUT... for those in the know, there's a method to his madness rarely explored.

Riddler secretly wants to be a hero.

That's why he always leaves clues on how to catch him - he wants to be caught for being bad. And in most comics, he never kills innocents, only threatens it.

Hell, when everyone thought Batman was dead, Riddler joined up with the Robins to help fight crime.

He's a hero. But so crazy, he always seems like a villain. Similar to Azrael, who is the opposite (a hero who is really a villain).

Beyond > BTAS

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I usually despise capeshit but I can't help but be enamoured by Batman and his villains. Why is this? What does Batman do that other superheroes don't?

Penguin and Riddler are on the same boat because they were the breakout stars of the Adam West show, and when it was decided that Batman had to be purged of camp all together, Eddie and Oswald effectively became the sacrificial lambs, cast aside to make way for the new badasses like Ra's al Ghul. Riddler was made into a complete joke and Penguin became a "rancid momma's boy and bully", by O'Neil's own words. They still had great stories afterwards, mostly because of Alan Grant and Chuck Dixon, but they still carry that stigma today.
In fact the reasons why Joker survived the reputation of the show was because he already had roots in being a murderous, horrifying crime boss mastermind in his first Golden Age appearences, and because he absorbed major aspects of Frank Gorshin's Riddler (who was far more like the Joker we think of today than the Riddler as we know him), making him better than ever and leaving Riddler with the scraps. Which is part of why people like tend to write off Riddler as a poor man's Joker.

Two-Face is a different case, since he wasn't on the show and you could argue he was both better off, since he got to remain a grotesque and tragic major villain through the 70s and 80s, or worse, because it wasn't until BTAS and especially (unfortunately) Forever that he became famous at large. And while I'd argue he was better off not being in the show, his relative lack of popularity amongst casuals might have contributed to other villains occupying his roles or stealing his gimmicks.
Two-Face used to be the major tragic Batman, a role now occupied by Mr.Freeze and many others. His deformity made him stand out, until characters like Killer Croc or Clayface arrived. He was the first villain to be "Bruce's childhood friend", until characters like Black Mask and Hush (ugh) came along, and so on. Plus, he's had too many bad or lackluster reinterpretations, which sadly misinform and sour fans about him.

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Definitely rewatch the blu-rays, they’re amazing


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I love Riddler. He is my favorite Batman villain.

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Its cause everyone has a little bit of Batman in them. And a little Joker too.

what are the best batman comics/runs of the early 00s? I already loved Gotham Central. Should I get into more Brubaker/Rucka?

Other question is - is 90s batman any good? I loved BTAS and Batman Beyond and was hoping 90s bats had a similar vibe

god this book was awesome. Kelley Jones should go back to being a regular batman artist instead of fucking mikel janin

those three are all fairly popular. Two-Face was in *two* of the highest grossing Batman movies (Forever and TDK). Penguin and Riddler also got their own movies (well they both shared with another villain but still) and were also in the 60s TV show/movie which cemented them as pop culture icons along with the Joker/Catwoman.

>is 90s batman any good?
Surprisingly, yeah. Considering the complaints people level against 90s comics and Batman comics, you'd think 90s Batman comics would be just a bunch of pointlessly edgy garbage, but Batman was actually doing really great back then. I'd argue it was the last consistently good Batman period. You had writers like Alan Grant, John Ostrander, Paul Dini and Chuck Dixon (back when he wasn't infamous) at the top of their game and terrific runs like Legends of the Dark Knight and Shadow of the Bat ongoing (I particularly recommend LODK)

TAS is more Bronze Age Batman though, so that might be more up to your tastes if that's what you are looking

Oh, and you also had The Batman Adventures and the other TAS books throughout the 90s, and honestly I'd say a good chunk of those books are even better than the show in terms of story quality and use of the characters.

right on thanks. downloading all of legends of the dark knight right now. gonna buy batman adventures in the trades

> "I am vengence"
> never pursues acts of vengeance

I just found out this exist


So what Batman runs are recommended? There's a lot different series like Detective Comics, Batman, Legends of the Dark Knight etc. so I'm kind of confused on what is worth reading.

Besides the ones I mentioned here
I'd also recommend the runs by Peter Milligan (Dark Knight Dark City) and Gerry Conway (who created Killer Croc).
Doug Moench is a bit controversial, and I think he works better on Moon Knight, but I think he also made some really good Batman issues, in particular the Prey saga.
I also really like Devin Grayson's work.
Denny O'Neil's Batman work goes without saying.
And my favorite Batman saga is Strange Apparitions, by Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers.

These are my personal recommendations

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Thanks for the recommendations
>Denny O'Neil's Batman work goes without saying
Is there a specific series he does or is there a specific point in Detective Comics where he starts?
This is the first story he wrote for Batman.
As for recommendations besides his al Ghul stories, I'd point out
>There is No Hope in Crime Alley!
>The Joker’s Five-Way Revenge
>Secret of the Waiting Graves
>Legend of the Key Hook Light House
>Death Strikes at Midnight and Three
>Ghost of the Killer Skies

And I'd also greatly recommend his runs on The Question and The Shadow

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I wanna see Palmiotti and Gray's take on Batman after reading all of their Jonah Hex books.

Wow. Some of those are so expensive.

I'd also recommend Ego and Streets of Gotham.

>King wrote it.
Then it's not canon

Scott Lobdell to counteract King's PTSD edgy run with something more normal with some excuses for cheesecake.

Looking forward to this being collected. It looks a lot better than the normal Batman comic.

What's Chuck Dixon infamous for?

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