Is Peter Parker Jewish?

Think about it: Peter comes from a neighborhood with a traditionally overproportionate Jewish population. He is scientifically gifted and witty in a way commonly associated with Ashkenazi Jews. He was created by the Jew Stan Lee who arguably modelled Peter in large parts after himself. And maybe even more importantly, him being outed as Jewish would really piss off reactionary nerds. With all this considered, should Peter Parker be canonically aknowlegded as a Jewish superhero?

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Spider-Man has casually used yiddish a couple times before.

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automatically irrelevant

Queens has a lot of micks and wops, not just yids. He's most likely anglo-irish, given that is name is "Parker" and his mother's maiden name was "Reilly".

Honestly it works better if they leave it open. Making him atheist or Christian or Jewish just places the character in a box. You can do things that hint that it could be possible, but doing it outright just alienates everyone else. Like for instance that one comic where Peter doesn't believe in God after Uncle Ben died was fucking awful as a story.

I remembered Andrew Garfield and Dan Slott pushing for Spider-Man to be Jewish and even back then I felt that's a mistake.

Everyone in Jew York uses Yiddish regardless of ethnicity.

>and most importantly it would piss off all the people I don't like tee hee!
Grow up. But yes, he's an American superhero invented in the mid-20th century, of course he's Jewish.

>piss off those white boys!

Bait thread

He's a Irish Protestant

Well, he did make a deal with the devil that one time...

Nope. Spider-verse has conclusively confirmed Peter as a Jew. When he mentions his wedding with MJ the flashback shows him stomping on a glass, which is a Jewish wedding ritual.

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That's because he was from the kikeverse.

Nope. That was Peter-616. The main Spider-Man.

They didn't confirm it entirely.

>“I happen to have a personal conviction, for many reasons, that Peter B. Parker is likely Jewish,” says co-director Rodney Rothman. “Personally, I grew up in Forest Hills, Queens” — Parker’s home neighborhood — “and I’m Jewish, so maybe I’m just projecting.” However, he cautions that there are other possible interpretations: “I will say, because this is an alternate universe, we just don’t know. It could be that Buddhists step on glass. It could be that M.J. is Jewish and Peter converted. It could be that …” he trails off and tosses the question to his co-directors. “I don’t know, what else could it be?”

That was peter b parker. Not regular peter.

Not that user but you realise that are more Parker in the spiderverse right?
Canonically Parker a Irish Protestant in the comics. I don't know about spiderverse.

>him being outed as Jewish would really piss off reactionary nerds
How pathetic do you have to be to enjoy shit like this?

No, he's not Jewish.

>Rodney (((Rothman)))

Irish in what sense? Anyone from Ireland named Parker isn't ethnically Irish and Peter was born in the United States.

His mother was Irish.

He literally said he's Jewish. He even said he's probably "just projecting." There's no "A-HA!" moment here.

Your baiting is really obvious, step up your game.

Read the comics when he married Mary Jane on wedding day before that bullshit OMD dude.

He's not even trying

The Punisher should be Jewish.

Peter is poor and struggles to make money. He is not a jewish man.

Using Spider-Man for a strong stand against hate is what we need, especially in this dreadful Trump era of ours

Frank's always been an Italian Catholic.

Don't take his bait dude.

Why? Acting as a revenge driven maniac doesn't even go well with Jewish ethics.

I don't understand what you're not getting here. He's an American protestant. His mother might be ethnically Irish but that has very little bearing on Pete since he barely knew her and he wasn't raised in an Irish or Irish-American community.

The point was he isn't Jewish.

Stop replying to him.

I never said he was Jewish, you retard.

Frank Castle hasn't always been an Italian Catholic. That was a retcon from War Journal vol. 1

I was trying to make that point to OP, you jumpy faggot.

Tell that to escaped Nazis.

Better yet, look up The Morgenthau Plan

Frank isn't Frank unless he's Italian.

How so?

Frank from the Noir-verse is an Italian Jew who kills Nazi sympathizers, collaboratiors, and sleeper agents. It sucks because he’s so busy reeling about the 6million he sides with the Italian mafia such as Noir Jigsaw who’s still an eely mouthed rapist because they’re both Jewish Italians and Nazis hurt them. Real Frank would have purged Nazis, the Mafia, or other absolutel scum irregardless of someone sharing a race/religion as him.

If he was Jewish, why is he always poor and broke and can't make any money?

Someone has to clean the toilets in Israel dude

An important question: In Noir-verse did Nazis kill Frank Castleberg's family?

What? I don’t recall any of that in Punisher Noir. It was a straight forward revenge tale. What are you talking about?

Motherfucker, I've casually used yiddish before and I'm mostly Irish.

Magneto should be Jewish.

Alright, but what if he wasn't?
Let's just see what his path would be without that detail.

he probably wouldn't try to undermine his host nation's government quite so much

Probably not much different, he just starts acting up much later.

if pete was jewish miles would have never been thing

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Go back to /pol/ you angnsty guy.

the point of miles is to be a black spiderman adn jews are still white so....

>The Morgenthau Plan
Should have been done desu. The Eternal Kraut is the natural destroyer of Europe.

He was never intended to be. His parents did not have a Jewish surname. Saying he must be Jewish because he's a scientist is inane. Stan Lee intended him to be a character anyone could identify with, but the main audience of the book at the time was white so he designed a character that would appeal to that audience.

That's just the failure spider man that couldn't make his marriage work and everything was going to shit next to him, not the original one

>His mother might be ethnically Irish but that has very little bearing on Pete since he barely knew her and he wasn't raised in an Irish or Irish-American community.
When has that ever stopped an American?

>Is Peter Parker Jewish?
Pretty sure he's totemic pagan.

Kikes at Marvel wouldn't kill off a Jewish character to make room for a black one.

That's just one Peter though, the original Peter in Miles' universe looked like your average blond-haired, blue-eyed WASP.

Fucking this.

Not canon.

Why would that be important?

OP already told you. It would make people he doesn't like mad

How is that final part important?

Pete is canonically Christian, a WASP I think even, not that it's usually important.
>Magneto is ironically a better person being a Nazi because he's just your run of the mill ignorant patsy who just wanted Germany to stop being the world's bitch.

That's the equivalent of the extremely mild-mannered guy being pushed so hard that he finally snaps.

Yeah, the Arabs.

I'm pretty sure he's christian, at least he was in the JMS run

This is probably the best evidence that him being Jewish would be a definite retcon. If he was Jewish in all those old comics then they would have never killed him off to be replaced by miles. Though he's definitely very friendly to Jews, so that's nice I guess.

Giving representation to marginalized people is important. And taking representation away from entitled straight white cis men is important to humble them.

I mean he was made by a couple of Jews, using their own human struggles as a basing point so he's going to show some qualities.
But they decided against making him Jewish or be particularly towards any religion because he's supposed to be the every man's hero that people can relate to, especially to his day to day struggles

Steve Ditko wasn't Jewish

What if Ben was Jewish and May was protestant?

>Jewish Peter is a failure of a Man that must grow up
>Young Blonde Haired blue eyes Peter is loved by all and is the definitive Spider-Man
Raimi did it again

Aunt May is not his mother. Mary's name was Fitzpatrick.

I thought they were sisters?

Only in Ultimate.

Ditko, who was the basis for Parker's original mannerisms wasn't Jewish.

who are you quoting

Literally OP

Is there any WASP A-lister?
Superman, Wonder WOman and Aquaman aren't WASP.
Capitain America, Tony Stark , Thor also not.

About time someone calls out OP's bullshit about Parker being modeled after Stan Lee.

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Captain America is a white anglo-saxon protestant.
2013 retcon that makes his parents Irish immigrants is retarded, given his name is Rogers, he's not Catholic and he's so obviously Germanic in appearance.

Stan Lee is Jonah Jameson

So do I, I'm not a Jew.

Fuck yourself newfag.

>greedy asshole in control of the media who tries to paint the hero we need as a menace just so he can make a quick buck
That is quintessentially jewish alright

When has Marvel ever NOT made a character's Jewishness front and center? If Spider-Man was a Jew, you would have heard about it by now, used to be you couldn't go a year without hearing about how The Thing is Jewish.

>We want the reddit audience

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He was a Slav.

I thought he was paraphrasing.

>should be

t. flyoverstatefag

Why would Batman believe in a silly superstition such as god?

I dunno. Maybe because he's served on the same team as a literal angel and knows His avatar of vengeance personally?

That doesn't really prove anything except the existence of weirdly powerful beings. But Batman - and everyone on Earth for that matter - already knew about the existence of Superman and that's no reason to believe in god.

He's not Jewish except in Spider-verse.

Marvel has plenty of actual Jewish superheroes if you want to pick one.

Why would it matter if he was or wasnt?

Peter is supposed to be a New York Jew, the kind that doesn't buy into pro-Israel shilling.

>Batman - and everyone on Earth for that matter - already knew about the existence of Superman and that's no reason to believe in god.

Just because some freaky powerful beings like Superman or self-proclaimed angels exist doesn't mean there exists a creator god deserving of worship

If he was jewish, they wouldn't be trying to replace him with a black kid.

Deserving of worship is another thing altogether. In the DCU the Presence is an actual established entity, and there is a Heaven and a Hell, with multiple people having been to both and returned.

Nope. Dumb faggot

Ben was peters paternal uncle may is only related by marriage

Dude batman once saw creation happen, hell wasn't there a terrible comic that once had batman state that he keeps half of his body atheist and half faithful? How its possible I don't know but I do know that batman once witnessed god creating all things in the Justice League cartoon

>he keeps half of his body atheist and half faithful
To what purpose and how would that shit even work?

Remember to say your prayers, Yea Forums!

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Cause he's the god damned Batman I suppose

>be devout catholic
>dress up as devil
what did he mean by this?

What are you, dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think he is? He’s the Goddamn Daredevil.

>This recent cashgrab determines the history of this 60 years old character
No, fuck off

Bendis actually openly declared Peter not to be Jewish back when he was dating Kitty


Because it serves as a show of dominance and force. There are people in our society who are against diversity and inclusion, who are even antisemetic to this day. These people hamper our progress and they will never be swayed by rational arguments. If we as a society want to root out all racism, there is only one way: Confer low status to all racists and make them FEEL it. Peter Parker as a Jew adds nothing to his story, true. But it's a strong signal against racists. It's a way of saying "We can take your hero Spider-Man and we can turn him into a Jew, something you hate, and we have the power to do this and get away with it and you can do nothing to stop it." It shows that us progressives are high status and dominant and that the enemies of our values are low status and impotent. So anyone in our society who strives to be high status will also have to strive for being progressive. This is how you shift the values of society towards a progressive future.

Nah that's gay.
