Is this the greatest comicbook kino ever made?

Is this the greatest comicbook kino ever made?

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nope, gerard way is a poser and a tourist and we here on Yea Forums do not like his kind.

No, but it was alright.

I find extremely funny that both this and Doom Patrol premiered the same day, especially considering how Umbrella Academy is just a rip-off of Morrison's Doom Patrol (not even Gerard Way hides this).

Is there anything I can read about Way mentoring under Morrison? I'd really like to know more about their relationship.

only seen show, never read the comic. what was mr. pogo, an alien? an experiment? a smart monkey just found in the jungle? what was up with the dad, was he an alien? alternate dimension human? what was up with hazel and chacha and their boss, if the world ends, dosent that kind of mean they dont have a job anymore, or were they aliens, alt universe people? why did number 5 not have a name, did they not get names until older, and since he jumped he just didnt have one? how did the asian tentacle kid die?

i liked it, but i would have liked a tad more explanation

in the first umbrella academy book, morrison does a foreword that describes how he met gerard.

While well made, acted and really entertaining the plot was really formulaic and predictable.

I always wanted to see the comics animated because I liked the general atmosphere and designs.

Tv show had no supervillains except that weird Murder Magician cameo.

The show was fun but nobody asked for a Tumblrized Netflix version where Allison is black, Spaceboy is an idiot jock, Seance is a gay druggie and Cha-cha is a woman. Also trying to humanize Hargreeves was a mistake, but I liked that he killed himself for a purpose instead of being killed by a supervillain randomly

Also...weird mishmash of Dallas and Apocalypse Suite, what the hell are they going to do for a season 2?

>Seance is a gay druggie
I mean, it kind of comes with the territory.

I found a bunch of the creative choices they made questionable. I especially disliked wha they did with Hazel and cha-cha. The acting fluctuates been ok and mediocre. The writing gets worse as the show goes on.

The diversity stuff was all at Way's request.

That's not Doom Patrol

Seance IS a gay druggie though. just because he has a kid doesn't mean he's not a queerosexual

Pogo is an Enhanced Chimp. Reginald developed the technology that allows that and smart chimps are a staple in the world of the comics. There is a pretty good scene featuring a chimp stripper in the comic.

Reginald is an alien, that's stated in the first issue, but it's never brought up.

Hazel and Cha-Cha were much more different in the comics. They never revealed their faces and they were completely psychopaths. They probably wouldn't have cared with the world ending as long as they got to keep killing.

Number 5 simply didn't stick around long enough for Reginald to name him.

It's never told. We might get an explanation on the current arc.

It’s ok. Decent, but not exactly the best tv I’ve ever seen. Much better than the Arrowverse though.

A feel that every time I watch an american TV adaptation. They have to stick in pointless romances and unnecessary mishaps for some damned reason.


somehow they turned the original explosive UA plot into tv show plot where everything either happens because of retard chance or because someone is mad at someone for reasons that were established five minutes ago.

I hadn't really thought about it before but right now I'm pretty convinced tv show writers are some kind of lower species of human. do you think they pick them out of underground caves somewhere or grow them from fish eggs?

So much this. You know what men or women will DO for a fix? C'mon now.


it is

It's really great. I think a lot of people think Doom Patrol is better and while I agree that the first two episodes of Doom Patrol are fantastic, the fact that Umbrella Academy did a whole season already and it still holds up as pretty good is a testament to at least some quality


Jesus fuck, I liked the TV show a lot so I checked out the comic but it was fucking trash.
Like good on the TV guys for making something way better cause Jesus, the source material was not good

haven't read the comic but series is trash
is the comic better?

No, it's awful and feels extremely rushed and poorly written. Things sort of just happen and they never give you a reason to give a shit about anyone and the ending is a total fucking ass pull that is literally 'then he got a new power and everything was good!'

Maybe the other series ate better but the first was shit

It was alright

Number 5 is the best character and the actor was great.
Klaus real powers aren't a real surprise but waiting for it to be reveled for the whole series was annoying.
Luther was a dick. Allison was a dick.
Diego best boy.
Vanya was okay and at least her story was better than the comic. But still I hated how in the end her bf was evil. Should have like made him actually in love with Vanya, only to be killed by the team. Thus, making her mad.
Ben is dead.

I was surprised at the soundtrack for the show, usually all I hear are obscure youtube bands.

Overall not the best of shows but still better than a lot of shows out there.

It was pretty good except for the standard character makes dumb slightly out of character mistake to get the plot going cliche that happens in many drama oriented shows

Number 5 being a waifu fag out of isolation induced desperation was great
And Klaus being teleported to nam' absolutely hilarious

>Luther was a dick. Allison was a dick.
Yeah, why were they so dickish. Especially Allison. She only manage to turn herself around at the end but before that, holy shit was she a dick.

>Also...weird mishmash of Dallas and Apocalypse Suite, what the hell are they going to do for a season 2?
Adapt Hotel Oblivion but fuck it up

Legitimately went into this thinking it was a DC title, and thought it would be a show about the Penguin rounding up a bunch of wannabee villains to take over Gotham. Within seconds I realized I was an idiot.

Going in blind its an alright watch, read the comics right after, main complaint was how unlikable Vanya was (Never liked Ellen Page so that probably didn't help), but given how little there was to work with in the books to give her a personality I'm not surprised.

Luther was insufferable, Allison was frustrating, and Harold managing to get Vanya interested in him was never believable. The plot was driven along solely by the characters complete inability to communicate.

I think the thing between Harold and Vanya is believable. We have some girl that was basically ignored by her family and a guy that was coming on to her. Liking her for who she is. All of it. Not to mention that her family hated her quite a bit because of her book. She needs something to rely on and there's Harold. Sure, you might not like him because he isn't smoking hot but that's just appearances. He is quite attentive to her at first. I can see why she fall for him. The only unbelievable thing is that she never questioned why sometimes he goes mad and being a bit of a douche.

I always though the comic was alright, my main complains being pacing issues(too fast) and some shallow characterization. With the show, the pacing was far too slow and they way overdeveloped characters, especially Hazel and Cha-Cha.

Both are...fine, if they could only hit that middle ground.

How would they have even done Dallas in the show? Kind of hard to have a black Rumor pretend to be Jackie O.

My issue with Harold has nothing to do with his looks. He was creepy from his first scene onward.

>a tourist
But he made a comic
And now people are fighting over which is better

I watched this after watching Titans, so it sure feels like the best comic book show, but I don't watch many, especially the cw ones, yikes

But have looked through the eyes of a girl that was ignored by everyone for basically all her life? Harold did what? Be there for her. Give her flowers. Joked with her. Support her. Be happy for her. The only thing I'm mad about is that Harold not being really in love with her. Him being bad and evil is just so generic.

I get your point. I'm just saying he came off as creepy and their romance felt forced.


Why do the time organization want the world to end? What's the point of ending the world?

I don't think it's the greatest comic book kino but I liked it and would recommend it to others as a good show. 5 was great and I started watching it for the sole reason that pogo is a talking monkey.

They exist to preserve time, at that point in time the world is supposed to end. It's pretty clear.

>And Klaus being teleported to nam' absolutely hilarious

i thought that was cool too. more inventive choices than i was expecting. even if some stuff like the acting isn't so great

Yeah but why is it supposed to end? The hell does it is supposed to happen even mean?

Why it happens doesn't matter. The battle of Azincourt happened in 1415. It has always happened in 1415. Imagine someone trying to make it not happen. It's the same concept.

But it doesn't always happen. They clearly show that these things can easily not happen without time travelers direct intervention.

Clearly not all of the world ended, or the organization would never have been created. They're maintaining a timeline that is the most beneficial for everyone, but chosen only out of the timelines that allow their organization to exist, to avoid a paradox.

The first show I've seen in a while that I cared about enough to actually binge watch.

I don't know where you pull this stuff from.
It does always happen. It's time travelers' intervention making it NOT happen. Thats what the Commission exists to prevent. Other time travelers fucking with time.

Luther was still upset at them all for leaving.
Allison wasn't very dickish except for the times right after she had to deal with her custody battle.

>The plot was driven along solely by the characters complete inability to communicate.
It's almost as if the dysfunction within this family unit was the entire point of the show.

It was, he literally forced it, she just let it be forced out of desperation.

Cha-cha and Hazel were sent back to the day of the apocalypse, thus their organization has to exist at a point in time after that day.
But they can't stop the apocalypse if it means it would change that timeline enough that the organization wouldn't be created, or else they can't go back in time to prevent the apocalypse because they wouldn't exist.

Gerard way is a fucking faggot and theif. Fuck that dude and all of you fucking MCR cocksuckers

What's MCR?

My Chemical Romance

Hi Yea Forums

how did Hazel win against luthor, his power is super strength for god's sake

And a gun.

Why'd they turn an all-white, all-straight bunch of characters into that mess?

Not doubting, but source?

Whose to say the organization exists in the future

Allison freaked the fuck out after Luthor got laid by the weird furry.

Also do the comics explain why the fuck Reginald put him on the moon for half his teenage years? Was it literally just because?

Luther’s strength is certainly nerfed but Hazel is an extremely skilled assassin and a big guy in his own right.

I didn't like Ellen Page's acting nor her family's idiotic 'let's attack the sound-amplifying super in a musical theatre' plan

Wonder if Season 2 will send them all back to Vietnam and Kennedy Assassination.

It's pretty bad, it really shows Gerard Way didn't write the adaptation.

Who cares, source material was fucking garbage anyways. Literally everyone is more llkeable then the crap comic

The source material was shit though, not sure how it got an adaption at all

Klaus was always bi.


In this case, they kept the intimacy between Luthor and Alisson but removed any feelings from Diego and Vanya. Instead you have Diego and Patch, which is weird considering that Patch was an old guy with dentures in the comics. Seance's somehow gay boyfriend from the early 70's (how the hell did they do anything when they live in tents/barracks surrounded by other dudes all the time) was the pointless addition. They could have kept Klaus gay/bi/whatever and just had him have a really deep friendship that caused him trauma having to watch the guy die and had the same emotional effect on him. Vanya's psycho boyfriend replacing the Conductor was necessary as the whole Orchestra Verdammten thing was never really well fleshed out in the comics beyond being a bunch of crazy musical cultists that wanted the world to end for reasons unknown.

Allison is basically Purple Man from Jessica Jones. She can make anyone do what she wants by using her power. The only caveat being that she can't undo it. She'd have grown up with an underdeveloped sense of empathy since other people were essentially puppets to her whims. It was only after she had a child and developed maternal feelings that she started really caring about people. I think in the comics it is implied that she told her husband at the time that he didn't love her that they split. Getting caught manipulating her child with her powers is only explained in the show for how she lost custody.

Have Klaus kill the president with the animated spirit of John Wilkes Booth.

Hazel and Cha Cha are biologically modified like old Number 5 was. They're built like tanks and can take a beating and keep on getting back up like Jason Vorhees. It is still not known if in the show they'll all have psycological modifications as well to take on the traits of the world's greatest murderers.

Only watched the first episode. It was vastly more enjoyable than the entire comic series. I only hope that they continue getting farther from the source material in tone and direction.

This was honestly much better than expected. I just hope they can keep this up next season.

It's basically nothing like the comic and that's a good thing

It was to a degree that made it difficult to enjoy.

Fuck You!

I think Harold did love her, he was just using her too.

Remember his backstory, wanting to be special and being ostracized by Hargreeves and humiliated. He read Vanya's book and projected his own frustrations over not being special onto her. Except she IS special, so through her he can vicariously live the fantasy of having powers after all and getting revenge on the people who misjudged you.

Harold loved Vanya, he was just a psychopath on top of that. If nothing else, killing the first chair lady didn't help his plans at all. Opening up First Chair for Vanya is entirely for her benefit, not his.

If literally any human civilization bounces back after the apocalypse, that means that the apocalypse is a defining moment in time. If the apocalypse doesn't happen on schedule, nothing about the future after that would happen according to plan.

If the time agency is from the future (which would make sense), then they can't prevent the apocalypse without wiping out their entire civilization and erasing themselves.

The writer realized it would make more sense since they're supposed to be from all around the world.

Fuck no


But 5 and Spaceboy are supposed to be biological brothers.

1. Batman v Superman Ultimate Cut
2. Watchman
3. Dark Knight
4. Man of Steel
5. 300

>It's time travelers' intervention making it NOT happen
No, there is a whole episode about regular people changing their minds affecting things. The whole Hindenberg side plot was because a non-time traveler changed his mind about something so 5 had to send time travelers to intervene and change the course of things.
The Commission are the only ones affecting things by time travel in most scenarios they show outside 5.

And....? Both of those actors are white. It remains to be seen if that will be revealed.

You are either trolling or have terrible taste. Either way, I don't like you.

The plot is so retardedly bad I can’t even understand why it is a thing.



The problem with Allison wasn't that she's black but that she's fucking boring. The cowards writing and art directing the show put her in average run-of-the-mill Red Carpet clothing instead of whacky, Glam Rock, High Fashion outfits. She had no personality whatsoever.
It would make sense that they're all different ethnicities based on them being random births, but there's no excuse for the shitty production design behind all of them.

seems like luther had the power to only be strong when it was inconvenient for him
it bothered me when hazel was able to straight up 1v1 him with no problem and it made me think he was also enhanced in some way
but nope, just some obese middle aged guy able to throw down with a gorilla man
nothing to see here

I figured boss lady's line to #5 when she was recruiting him that the apocolypse isn't the end of everything forever was an indicator that intelligent life picks back up again, and that the organization still has work to do.
I agree with that other user though, the mission statement of the organization doesn't hold up, and with all the capabilities we see them display in the show, their own existence should make themselves obsolete.

Her acting fit the role at least. She certainly portrayed a believably dull loser with a drug dampened mind to me.

The organization is literally Time Squad. I'm surprised they didn't pull out the rope analogy

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>number 5
Dude he's indian

Does the comic ever explain anything about what happened to the remaining kids that where born? surely they would have powers too. Additionally does it explain how they came to be born in the first place?

Melodrama. It's the easiest, laziest way to create tension and stop the characters doing what they should do. Which it felt like 3/4 of the show was, how many times did they all almost get together to actually work together only to immediately split up again? It was very frustrating.

That's actually part of the reason I loved the new Youtube premium series Wayne. There was none of that style of irritating melodrama just to pad out the plot or stop the characters doing what they should be doing. The main characters get into a relationship almost immediately and there's no cheap bullshit to keep them apart until the end of the finale. Whereas in UA it felt like huge chunks of the story were there solely to keep the characters apart and pad out the runtime.

How do you figure?

>Number 5 is the best character and the actor was great.
He'd make the perfect live action Damian Wayne.

She comes off an autistic, even before she was brain washed and shunned. Sounds making her lose her shit. Having tantrums etc.

So she probably didn't even get the clues. He kept pushing and all he had to do if she asked questions was say sorry and she was right back in.

Honestly, I don't mind the diversity thing because it does make sense in the context of how the kids are born. I'm more annoyed about Seance, Ben, and Vanya not being pure white though.

Luther also just back from the moon, so he has some excuse due to muscle atrophy. But if they wanted to use that they still should've mentioned it

Eh, that was never going to be feasable

Super strength doesn't mean you can't get a concussion when someone german suplexes you. Before that he was winning.

>Dude he's indian
What the shit? Are you blind?

Says they all fucking died pretty much

Because the creator if the comic said it was a misstep to make them white in the first place because they're supposed to be children from all over the world

Is there somewhere to read these online?


No it implies some died and others were adopted by people without intentions to collect super babies or left in orphanages.

But they never make it a thing. Like they don't have Allison squabble about how her race made her stand out or have them accuse Luther of being the white savior.

I think that makes it far more advanced that most cases of race shifting. Like making Molly in Runaways Mexican and she's a fucking walking stereotype that complains about how none of the other runaways understand her Mexicanness and talk about the orange man building the wall-- All despite being raised by the Yorkes'. She threw herself on Topher because they made him hispanic too and they could talk about Burritos together.

The one thing I did notice is the kid versions had random accents sometimes. Allison was British. Klaus was German.

Why is Seance so fucking gay in the show? I remember him being cool in the comics.

Who is best boy and why is it Diego?

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the comic had a consistent tone, aesthetic, and series of in-universe rules. the show doesn’t know if it wants to be a comedy, a drama, some kind of shitty knock-off marvel tv-show, or ridiculous bullshit. by failing to decide, it fails to be a good example of any of those. if it had a clear idea of what era and visual setting it wanted to use, like watchmen did, it could at least be shitty kino. as it stands, this is just a pile of disjointed poopoo.

I'm at the part where the violinist sleeps with the guy and her powers stroll through her house and fly away.

Does it get less boring?

i’m glad they made ben asian. i’ve met about forty ben nguyens, it seemed true to form. and he’s dead so it’s not like it even matters that much

I can see it.

I enjoyed lonely, emotionally stunted Capt. America.

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>if it had a clear idea of what era and visual setting it wanted to use
It did, and it did it really well, it just showed multiple eras. Including the academy, which felt like it existed in it's own weird unidentifiable timeframe, which is perfect for it.

I had a kneejerk reaction to hate it for this since it's happening so often, but this really is the best place for it.

He must've been pretty amazing then, because he's already the best character in the show.

Because they took away his telekinesis. Telekinesis automatically makes you 85% cooler

You reached the boring part, but it does pick back up again at the very end.

If you're a tumblrwhale, maybe. He was fucking annoying.

Likely a few were simply kept by the mothers rather than handed over to a stranger with an odd interest in their miracle babies

I kinda hated the ending
And not the "Lets all time travel with 5's Powers" part.
First of all, Just kill Vanya holy shit. Why spare her? Second of all, how in the FUCK did the Moon debris hit Earth so goddamn fast? That shit made no sense. And yes, i realize it's a show about people with crazy Powers and shit. Doesn't mean it's not fucking stupid that the Moon rocks got there so fast..

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I've only read the first volume. What is vol 2 about? Number Five travelling in time?

In the comic 5 just walks up and shoots her in the head, just saying

>Just kill Vanya holy shit. Why spare her?

Mate, the show was about family. That was the whole point. The melodrama was cheap but the real climax was them finally working together; the apocalypse was just a way to make that happen. Even #5's primary motivation in saving the world was to save his family. They kill random losers left and right with no one batting an eyelid because they're strangers in masks.

Plus, as autistic as Ellen Paige looks, they did spend their entire lives shitting on her.

An improvement over the comics, bar Patch, Diego and Allison.
Commissioner Gordan Patch from the comics was cooler and the Patch-Diego love thing was just boring. Comic Diego was cooler and his relationship with Vanya was more complex. Now he's just a straight up dick for nothing.

Also Allison became a major bitch

>Mate, the show was about family. That was the whole point.
Pogo didn't count as family?
If she is willing to kill family and refusing to forgive why does she deserve special treatment for being family and to be forgiven?

Why the temps are after 5 and 5 trying to rectify his fuck up

Pogo is almost as bad as their father. I actually found him more annoying. At least their dad was shameless about what a cunt he was. Pogo participated and enabled the father throughout all his endeavors, even unto death. He walked around with the sycophantic pseudo-butler attitude all while hiding critical facts and participating in the family's suffering. I was glad he died.

Oh but Ellen Paige killing people and genociding the human race is ok and she doesn't deserve to be punished for it.

The human race is irrelevant; they're nobodies. What do you think #5's bodycount is? In the hundreds? The thousands? But hes forgiven within a single conversation because it was no one of merit within the story. Ellen's real sin within the story is killing her siblings in multiple timelines, and I guess Pogo.

The real reason you're supposed to sympathize with her is that, despite being shit on her whole life, she is still the first one to apologize. Yes, she nearly kills Allison, but she did ask Allison to leave like 7 times and only does it as Allison is about to mind control her. Yes, she does destroy the house, but only after she was trapped in a jail by Luther for, once again, trying to make amends. And this is just shit that happened after she got her powers. Ellen Paige's character builds up preemptive pity points for about 9 episodes strait and not being killed is the cash-in.

She got 0 pity points from me. I hated her character from start to finish. Sure, Pogo was a lying asshole but did he deserve to get fucking impaled for it? No.
She was going to murder everyone. Family be damned, but she deserves redemption for some reason. Because she's sad...
Fuck that noise.

*carries your show*

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It's not that she does or doesn't deserve redemption. It's that the family, Allison in particular, feel like their actions are to blame and therefore are the guilty party.


Enoby will kill you for that.


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>if someone doesn't have my pale, basement blue skin then they're not white

Soldiers get leave, they fell in love when they were at a night club. They probably only screwed once or twice tops.

I thought that the timeline organization is a bunch of aliens and their campus exists outside of normal space/time.

to make things worse, Pogo isnt even the first family member she left for dead.

>If she is willing to kill family and refusing to forgive
Which was bad of her to do. Which is why they might hesitate to do the same to her.

Honestly the plot wouldn't have changed much if the Rumor girl shot Ellen Page at the head in the end.. that would've made a better finale desu.

>sometimes their masks are metal helmets >sometimes their masks are rubber

That irritated me to no end.

Could just be a high tech flexible, bulletproof super material.

See, now, it would have been cool if at some point they showed them putting on the rubber masks and pushing a button or something and then BAM! the masks harden into helmets. But that doesn't happen.

In one scene Hazel blocks a knife with his mask and in another it's just floppy rubber.

Huh, I thought we did see that. They put on the floppy masks, and then they kinda inflate, and as soon as they do they start blocking bullets and knives.

Huh. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

Five and the Time Police were the best parts. Then we'd cut back to Ellen Paige and her shitty relationship.

Yep, there was definitely a scene where they inflate and harden.

>the comic had a consistent tone, aesthetic, and series of in-universe rules.
It also sucked ass

They literally do that in the department store shootout with Five

She’s as black as she is white, if mutts keep playing black characters it’s about time they play white characters as well

They should have made Vanya black so we can see what the media thinks when she turns into the white violin

Pretty good explanation.

Looking the way they handled the bank robbery as kids, gives a good look at how psycho they were.
>I heard a rumor you shot your friend.
Bank robbery force to make a split decision to aim for non-fatal shot in the leg. These kid's literally got away with murder

>I can't talk about things without moving the goalpost to something else. I won

Technically the Commission exist to maintain the timeline they want, not the timeline "as it would be". In a world with the concept of fluid timeline none is particularly better than another unless you profit from it on a personal level

Damn I love Wayne too.

The brother who time travel to Vietnam probably had the best relationship in the show. I like how even after the brother, it kept forcing him to be better person.

I like the cop and knife dude, fuck I hated the whole set up for her death. Saw it a mile away, but you just have to sit through it anyway.

Welcome to Naruto syndrome.

Slows down your show.

If I could trim a character, it'd be her

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this show was definitely odd, in that kids are always terrible actors, but in umbrella academy number 5 was by far the best actor of them all

no way, hazel and donut lady were cute!!! if cut something, do the robot mom who brought nothing to the show

This some good bait posting.

Can we all at least agree that the kid who played 5 is an incredible actor? I was dreading the whole child-actor-playing-an-old-man thing but he honestly blew me away with how good he was.

You and me are very different.

I liked her helping kid Diego with his stutter. Rewatching the first episode we see 7 nannies. I didn't even wonder what happened to them when see Mother bot. Dat montage where Vanya, just starts killing Nannies.

Ellen page is aging like milk and her acting doesn't really helps. I'm kinda annoyed her name is always hogging the credits since she's one of the weakest element of the show.

aside from that weird not superhero movie she gets blammed in, what else has ellen page done? i only know her because Yea Forums used to be obsessed with her, but aside from 2 seconds as kitty pryde i cant think of anything shes been in. and as a "veteran" actor, number 5 was a thousand times better then she was

Was the girl on the bike God? I'd feel better if she was a high top angel or Death.

i can't bear to watch this because of the music. every piece is totally discordant with the tone of the scene and seemingly chosen purely on its strength as millennial nostalgia-bait.

I think that Juno (the teen pregnancy movie) was her big breakout role.

>mad at someone for reasons that were established five minutes ago.

You read the comics?
Vanya literally joins the suite because Diego was mean to her

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Hazel and cha-cha not being sugar addicted psychos who's track record was only second to Five killed them for me.

Run Boy Run says you're a fuckwit

>not sugar addicted
hazel is constantly eating donuts, and he even tells chacha he needs to go to the vending machine to acquire sucrose

In the comics they were all named by Mom, and Diego kinda hated what she represents; a replacement for a real person and their dad.

Let's talk about Diego's powers.

Why the fuck they took his breath-holding?

Knifes are just weapons for him in the book, not THE power (yeah I get he can curve anything he throws)

What's the point?

But cha-cha didn't partake, their chemistry was completely off, and they weren't full on psychos.

But Five literally says they're second only to him at one point.

God the comics are so fucking stupid.
>Rumor spends that entire fight not fucking helping and Kraken gets himself fucked up by not working with the team
>Treats Vanya like she murdered his pet dog for fucking up almost as much despite allegedly being in love with her
Ironically a scene where it was established that he did that in order to keep her away from battles once and for all for her own safety would have salvaged the interaction but

>always wrong about everything
>unquestioning loyalty to authority
He's actually dumb Tony, not lonely Cap

I think the biggest issue I had was that Klaus wore shoes. ALL the time.

Seance is a full on Gary Stu in the comics.

They took his PK so he couldn't hover. Nobody's walking around a nasty ass city barefoot.

If they'd done shoes stopping his powers thing he'd never had to take drugs to numb it down, nigga would just need a pair of timbs

>Yeah, i talked to god, he don't like me lol
>Yeah i was dead but now im better
>I can lift tons of rubble with my mind, no biggie
>I can also posses people, take that

Now that i think of it, you're right

Don't forget he solves both major conflicts basically by himself.

Allison literally told him to shoot his friend in the foot though not kill him, like she said "I heard a rumor you show your friend in the foot"

Ben straight up murdered those guys though, yeah.

I'd guess it's the Angel of death.

In all fairness to Ben, he at least made it clear that he didn't enjoy the missions or using his powers, probably because of their gorey nautre. The other kids were conditioned to crave the adrenaline and attention that their superheroics brought them.

Five easily stole the entire show, yeah.
He literally stops the entire apocalypse by himself in the comic by just going 'lol I can just lift the giant moon rock with my mind, no biggie'

They were threatening to kill hostages if they didn't get their demands met. Any police Sniper would have killed them all as well.

Maybe it just didn't come up? No large bodies of water in most scenes.

Every scene he was in felt like I was watching pic related

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I'd have cut the boss lady of the time patrol organization. The bigger the organization got in the show, the worse it got.

She brought nothing because she had literally be neutered to not react. That was what she brought though. They all brought different elements of being abused and hers was the mom who saw them being abused but was too reliant on her husband to do anything about it.

That would've just made me feel even more sorry/like Seven even more. This also reminded me that Rumor not using her power at all was such cheap and lazy writing. If you can't think of a way to use her power without breaking the story then don't give her that power in the first place.

I disagree. Hazel and Cha Cha are what kept me watching. Vastly more engaging than their comic versions. My only complaint is they could have been more violent.

Mother was a massive improvement.

Really the only changes that irked me were with Luther.

gonna come up in season 2 when he goes diving for Hargreeves' monocle

>Mother was a massive improvement.
Eh...she had an actual personality in the comics so I'm gonna have to disagree. Also they could of actually gone for a fake out like in the comics instead of telegraphing that she's a robot from a mile away.

The whole point is that the song is discordant with the scene, creating an interesting contrast, you fucking brainlet

>cutting the hottest character on the show, and thus also the implied /ss/

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Considering they nerfed her ability to like 5% it's original power, they kinda already did

>Also they could of actually gone for a fake out like in the comics
You mean those two pages from when you see her and then shes shown as a robot thing?

Pretty sure she's supposed to be God, or the closest thing in the setting. She said she created everyone.
It also lines up with the fact that Claus said he talked to God in the comics.

Tony doesn't care about authority, he just wants to fix the problems he feels he caused, even in Civil War.

>You mean those two pages from when you see her and then shes shown as a robot thing?
Genuinely more buildup than she got in the show where it's obvious she's a robot from the get go because she doesn't age and she has no personality.

>Tony doesn't care about authority
>he just wants to fix the problems he feels he caused
He's him mindlessly defending authority while not feeling like he caused problems he totally fucking caused.

Attached: avengers go to hell.png (2082x4800, 3.7M)

>using any shitty mutant based comic to prove how any non-mutant act
Anyone not an X-men is always written super retarded and out of characters in those

God. I do wish they had kept the line about him picking and choosing.

They're just written how they act in their own books, ie giving zero fucks about mutants.

Seriously, when was the last time you saw an established hero save a random mutant civilian in one of their books.

>Mad that people presume mutants are dangerous
>Treats Hulk like he's just a weapon the Avengers would only have around if they wanted to kill someone

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>They're just written how they act in their own books
Come on, that's bullshit and you know it. This has been a trend for literally decades

Seriously, name a superhero other than Spider-man that has ever been demonstrated as giving a single fuck about mutants in their own book. The mutant registration act has been around for decades. I didn't see Cap causing a Civil War to stop that shit. I don't see fucking Tony protecting that list with his life even though the government and other groups hunt mutants constantly.

Didn't the Hulk recently eat a guy?

I like pogo, how they treat him with respect no sense of irony and no monkey jokes.
>Lies about their fathers death to bring family together again

>Dies telling the truth to Junk so other family escape

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nah it's god, she says she creates things so she can pick and choose

No. It's not a good adaptation at all. Decent enough as an independent work, though.

Why would you want to make a good adaptation of a shit story?

I like Diego and Vanya together. I wish the tv show kept that storyline. It becomes important later on.

Do tell

The entire show played out like a highschooler's fanfiction being turned in for a creative writing assignment. Aside from character names and vaguely recognizable story elements, it was absolutely nothing like the comics. Even giving that all a pass, it was predictable and boring.

>highschooler's fanfiction being turned in for a creative writing assignment
Did you turn in fanfiction for your highschool writing assignment user?

>, it was absolutely nothing like the comics.
Which is a great thing, since the comics are ass. They took the basic idea and made it interesting.

Reminds me of Happy! The Nick Sax, themain character is still an ass hole, but the switch things around to make him more redeemable.

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