Which one do you prefer?
White Fury or Black Fury
Depends on my mood.
Not really into the weird amalgamation we had for a bit of EMH.
Black one.
I like both, but not Fury jr.
would you have prefered a bald white man instead
Don't care. Just write a good story.
We talking just 616 here? Because if so, it's White Fury, no contest.
White Fury cause Black Fury doesn't have any worthwhile appearances to his name aside from being a side character in Ultimates and the MCU. White Fury has Kirby, Steranko, and Ennis.
... eww.
what about a bald white man wearing a flesh colored tactical turtleneck?
He was alright but the weird thing is despite being patterned after and later played by Sam mothafuckin Jackson Black Fury just never comes off as appropriately badass to me. In Ultimates he was basically just their boss and the coolest thing he does in the movies is survive that assassination attempt in his car. Otherwise he's just sassy.
White Fury was a fucking badass cigar-chompin one man army with a shitty fucking attitude who didn't take no guff from nobody.
White Fury for 616 Black Fury for Ultimate and MCU
Fury Jr. a shit
This Fury was cool too but then they made him full SamJack and that was pretty boring.
White Fury is hotter, has done some cool shit and has a hot son (Mikel.) Black Fury is just kind of there most of the time, I feel like his potential is being wasted.
The one that didn't get his eye taken out by a space cat.
Hey space cat can be powerful.
White Fury can carry a plot as a main character, Black Fury is unfortunately side lined as a quest giver. The MCU completely wasted Sam Jackson.
Does it even matter? Give it another decade, or until Sam Jackson dies, and he'll be an entirely different character again.
Why does Black Fury have so many fucking pouches?
>would you have prefered a bald white man instead
Are there any bald white men in comics who aren't super villians?
I like them both, though since the entire Ultimate universe kind of fell down the edge-hole pretty quick I'd probably say I like white better
I certainly like white Nick Fury in Marvel 1602
I honestly don't think Bury is the director of SHIELD in 616. Isn't he just a glorified lackey of Maria Hill.
I was going to say Professor X but I feel like you were setting me up for that. Um, Charlie-27, sometimes?
I don't even know because 616 Black Fury is almost as irrelevant as his dad. I can't even remember the last time he showed up.
>>>Captain, there's settlement that could use your help. Here I'll mark it on your map.
>I was going to say Professor X but I feel like you were setting me up for that
I totally was because almost included him in my own post
Does Silver Surfer when he's not silver count?
I don't care about SLJ in the movies, but only there
They are all dicks, not just the men but also the women like Moondragon and Cassandra Nova.
Puck from Alpha Flight
Ultimate Nick Fury was awesome.
Nick Fury Jr. Is shit and should be removed from comics.
Spider Jerusalem
what was the point of shooting Jr's mom then
>an entire generation will never know this Fury
They need to kill Nick Jr. and bring in the real Ultimate Nick.
Black fury as a chatacter is just boring. He has no notable character development, he's had no defining or outstanding moments. He's just a black character for the sake of being black.
So... Matt Groening?
what exactly am i looking at here?
I wouldn't mind Nick Fury Jr. supplanting his father, if only they made him look like he's actually biracial.
White Fury! black Fury has no good stories...
- Ultimate Fury is shit, because the Ultimate Universe was shit.
- MCU Fury is shit too.
- Nick Fury Jr was more interesting when he was Marcus Johnson.
Black one is bros with Coulson
You mean, the Coulson that has two different origins in 616 and in one of them Fury Jr isn't canon?
depends on context, I like silver fox Fury when a bunch of throw back stuff is being used. Namely with Frank in the old skin tight battle suit
I have no idea I just liked them being friends in Kot's book, idk who Old man Fury is friends with
>One of the most manly images in existence
>White Fury or Black Fury
One is a disguise of the other.
Black in Ultimate and Live-Action, White everywhere else
They still got Fury as the Watcher don't they? I want to say they just recently used him in a cameo. Avengers, maybe?
What an awful, awful idea that was.
White Fury for 616 and MAX, Black Fury for Ultimate and MCU.
Fury Jr. can fuck off.
White Fury is an old soldier, so it explains why he's a badass.
But what did Black Fury do to get put in charge of SHIELD?
Black Fury? I prefer Black Rage. Black Rage. I'll kill any white folks I lay my muthafuckin eyes on.
They're both good for different reasons but 616 Nick Fury Jr. is just a watered down version of the 1610 version. If anything I'd rather have them both, have an interesting father-son dynamic where Jr has to do what Sr says while running his own small group in SHIELD and the two butt heads in how things should be done.
The white one looked like a grizzled war-hardened badass. Samuel L. Jackson is cool and all but it sucks that Mark Millar's stunt of including his depiction in Ultimates has led to all this. The worst part is the synergy with 616. The new black Nick Fury looks too young to be even as badass as Sam Jackson, and the character is canonically a SHIELD rookie. They came up with a contrived reason to have him lose an eye too, and sort of character assassinated the original Nick Fury by having him be a morally dubious cosmic assassin. That way they can shove him off out of mind and have his son take over. Honestly though, I'm really against all race-bending so I'm probably the wrong person to ask.
The real one.
Zardu Hasselfrau. That movie was decent, I thought.
Yes, it's a shit idea, and he's been on... Exiles? Runaways? Champions? Something like that.
The one with Steranko and Ennis runs.
>The original black ops hardcase vs. Not-Amanda Waller
what do you think
It was just a way to handwave him out of appearing in many books. Once people get used to his negro love child they will kill him for good.
as long as it's not marcus fucking johnson i don't care
if they'd just waited a little bit they could have easily brought Ultimate Nick Fury to the 616 instead of doing some ridiculous storyline about a never before mentioned black son who just happens to lose his eye and then who decides to just abandon the name he's had for 30 years.
and the fact that people just go along with it and call him nick fury is mind bottling. People like wolverine should just be all 'who the fuck are you?'
Huh. I only just noticed Fury was dressed as the guy from this page Why was that? Who is the red guy with the dumb belt thing?
Fuck off Casual
Iirc he's a super villain who was also Nick's evil brother.
In that particular story, Nick was using his it as a disguise.
Reminder that they had to make Nick Fury a do-nothing character because the real Fury is too manly for the soiboys in the modern comics industry
>I boned your mom, then I split
Huh. I guess Nick Sr. was black all along after all.
>Does it even matter? Give it another decade, or until Sam Jackson dies, and he'll be an entirely different character again.
Wrong. Once you go black you don't go back. He will at the very least stay black, or Marvel will be accused of whitewashing, ironically.
Real Fury isn't MAX either, though.
>he doesn't know
Nick Fury Jr is downright awful.
Ultimate Fury is okay and would have been preferred over what they did.
But 616 Fury was great in almost every appearance with his badass moments, his plans, and his attitude. It's real lame to just drop him like that.
>He will at the very least stay black, or Marvel will be accused of whitewashing, ironically.
They can still turn him into an indian or a Chinese or a Hispanic, to cash in on the sweet demographics, since they outnumber whites and blacks.
The explanation for why there's a black fury in 616 is the dumbest thing. They should have just ported over Ultimate.
Black is best
white nick fury because he is the "real" nick fury
black nick fury was good for ultimate universe and I have no problem on the movies
nick fury jr is a no fucking way
Why the fuck couldnt they do in in Secret Wars? ULT-Fury already had experience working inside alternative dimensions (Squadron Supreme), it would work just fine
Naked Furry
>then who decides to just abandon the name he's had for 30 years.
This is even more annoying if you consider that Johnson was his mother's last name (not the original, tho)... the guy was raised by his mother, the mother that was killed because Marcus was Nick Fury son.
nick fury jr is the most contrived thing I've read in quite a while, should have just had ultimate nick survive and be ported over if they love him so much