Bad crossover ideas

pitch your worst crossover ideas
>Constantine and Father Ted

>Constantine chases a demon to Craggy Island, where it disguises itself as a priest. Constantine must figure out who it is without raising suspicion and spurring it to flee again.
>Father Dougal is too stupid to help
>Father Jack is too drunk/senile/angry to help
>Father Ted thinks Constantine is some kind of inspection sent by the church and is doing his best to outright avoid him.

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Star Wars and Fornite

This I guess?

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>pitch your worst crossover ideas

>OP posts an awesome crossover idea

The Vest Coast Avengers. A crossover superteam made up of Dipper Pines, Doug Funnie, Nelson Muntz, Brock from Pokemon and Milo Murphy. Because they all wear vests.

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>anything with Father Ted

doom patrol and the cw
not the shows
the network

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How in the flying fuck is this a bad crossover idea?
It only gets better:
>The brothers from Boondock Saints join as they think killing the demon will help pardon their sins
>Winds up bungling things up for Constantine
>Pairs up with Father Jack and Dougal
>Endless possibilities

I really can't imagine anything better

The only reason this is bad is that 2/3 of the Father Ted actors are dead so it can never be

>black cat
>white tiger
i call it "catvengers"

Rick and Morty crosses over with Steven Universe. A gem creature escapes through a portal. Rick and Pearl get on each other's nerves in a way that seems like they're flirting at first but pretty quickly degenerates into them trying to kill each other. Morty winds up going with Garnet and Amethyst who get distracted by how horrible his life is and just wind up playing social worker. Stevonnie deals with the Gem monster.

The fact that a fat kid dealing with psychotic alien crap gets not only to live with 3 hot alien women, but has a girlfriend he can fuse with, makes him break out in a massive rant as Rick tells the gems to go fuck themselves and drags him through a portal.

The episode would mostly exist to see if it's possible to spark a war between the Rick and Morty and Steven Universe fanbases.

Only if they wind up in a band called "Purr, Hiss, Bite" that winds up in a battle of the bands with Josie and the Pussycats, The Pussycat Dolls, and The Thundercats.


Steven would just feel bad for Morty after it.

Live action

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Moon Knight and St George, the saint that lives on the moon, fighting a dragon

but what if they fought a moondragon

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Ghostbusters vs. Beetlejuice

>Featuring Jay Leno as every male Image character

that would turn it into a good crossover

Since Kingdom Hearts 4 takes place in the real world, an Opie and Anthony level with Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy as your party members.

Ghost Patrice O'neal fills out the fifth spot. The ending is a tearjerker with Cumia and O'neal saying goodbye

Hannibal Vs. Se7en

HBO Spawn x Boku No Pico.
Instead of Spawn living in that alleyway where he always broods over the hobos he lives with Pico and his friends in that weird underground subway tunnel home where Pico's trap friend lives and since they're all retarded sluts he just spends most of the show killing the random pedos who keep trying to fuck them like Pico's ex boyfriend and Billy Kincaid.. Bonus points for the Violator bullying the shotas.

Rick and Morty trapped in Family Guy universe.

Kevin Spacey's looking for work, he'd probably be willing to reprise his role.

John Doe is still alive and looking to punish sinners to make his grand statement. He zeros in on Hannibal Lector for Pride. Hannibal, of course, doesn't appreciate someone trying to kill him and his ego won't let him be placed into the box of a psychosis of someone he frankly feels is way beneath him. Lots of people die in the crossfire.

Lethal Weapon Vs. Die Hard.

Riggs and Murtaugh and John McLane both suspect each other of being the crooked cop involved with a criminal enterprise. In a high rise skyscraper, both sets of heroes try to snag the other in a sting unaware they're both being set up by the main villain. They pursue each other though the skyscraper for a while before they realize they're being played and join forces to take out the villain.

irish fag here op. im in tears here at this idea.

Constantine tries throwing holy water on Dougal. Winds up in a squirt-gun fight. Dougal keeps following him around with a squirtgun as he tries to investigate.

Next thinks it must be father Jack. Father Jack's reaction is such that he thinks at first he called it right. Unfortunately Jack fails to dissolve and Constantine winds up in a knock down drag out with a very very drunk and very very angry father Jack.

Father Ted winds up confessing to various incidents of financial malfeasance. Constantine splashes him with holy water in a rather desultory manner, mutters something about forgiving him and prepares to leave.

Father Ted sees him off, at the last minute Constantine gets an odd look on his face and throws holy water on Ted again. This time there's a burning demon. Constantine storms back into the house "NONE OF YOU BRAIN DEAD FUCKS NOTICED THERE WERE TWO BLOODY FUCKING FATHER FUCKING TEDS? HOW DUMB ARE YOU ALL?"

Dougal: "Oh, pretty dumb, isn't that right Ted".

Ted nods.

Father Jack shouts "Drink". Constantine sighs "The smartest one here. Drink indeed."

Doctor Strange,
Doctor Doom,
Doctor Fate,
Doctor Manhattan,
Doctor Octopus,
Doctor Mid-Nite,
Doctor Who,
and Cluck-Yu the Chinese wonder chicken,
in Disney's, "Seven Grooms for Seven Doctors"

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I know nothing about Father Ted, but the idea of a character not noticing his own doppelganger walking around is hilarious.

Watchmen and the main DC Universe.
I'm glad not even current DC would be so retarded to try something like that. They've learned their lesson with Before Watchmen.

Overlord and One piece.

Nazerick as a Giant ship like Thriller bark.
Nami steals a teleport ring from Aura, and Mare starts chasing her down.
Franky and Cocytus fight for a bit, but end up bonding.
Sanji stumbles into Shalltear's quarters, hits on the vampirebrides, and mistakes shalltear for a small child
Zoro manages to cut through Albedo's armor
Demiurges notices Luffies rubber Skin, and tries to catch him off guard so he can borrow it.
Brooke and Ainz accidently switch places and neither party is suspicious.

You should check it out. It's very funny. It was made before the sex abuse scandal became widely public.

The creator mentioned he wouldn't be able to make anything like it again, because he would just be too angry.

IASIP and Steven Universe.
Dennis learns the STEVEN system
>Sweet Words
>Talk to them to them about their issues
>Emotionally bond
>Violate said trust with horniness.
>Engage in plowing
>No further interactions and send them to the background

Cybersix and Aeon Flux.

Honestly the plot probably won't make any sense, but it will involve gymnastic people with sexy voices in black leather.

Venom with Tenchi Muyo

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I'm going deeper

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Not a bad idea; too bad I'm only in it to see that SUfag vs. R&Mfag War. Both fanbases can destroy each other and I can find better stuff to watch on the side.

gundam and star wars

this was your father's mobile suit.
I am a pilot like my father was before me

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power girl mixed with one punch man
>she keeps getting over showed by superman an supergirl.

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Riddler assembles a team of loser villains including Shocker, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Wario, Eggman and Crocker

Eggman should be the leader

This reminds of that old thread on /m/ what if star wars had mechs

>Father Ted everytime Constantine does anything

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The Marvel Universe vs Valiant's Deadside vs Matt Wagner's creations

Probably throw in an Oedipus joke somewhere

Eddy and DD intern for Doof since he pays, Ed goes with P&B since they’re making an animatronic giant monster. Doof plans to use his JUNKINATOR to animate all the trash in the Tri-State and use it to form an army and takeover, he uses Eddy and DD to market people throwing out their trash and not recycling it so that kids can play and make things with it like the monkey park. Climax is the Doof’s junk monster fighting P&F’s animatronic monster; Doof loses but pays the boys in jawbreakers like he promised.

John Constantine and superheroes Oh wait!

Personally, I wanna see a story about what happened between him and Hal

I kinda want to see it between the live-action versions and the animated versions.