Literally the best cartoon character of all time
Literally the best cartoon character of all time
Other urls found in this thread:
>backstory gets retconned to something shittier
>terrible VA
>lol depth perception jokes
Amy's hotter
Literally the best cartoon character of all time
>Generic badass character
>Best character
Sure, whatever.
She was literally the worst character in that show.
Wasn't she just some idiot's pathetic kink character?
Zoidberg is better
you only want to fuck her
Absolutely not, that title belongs to Zapp
Literally everyone I've ever talked with about the show thinks she's fucking terrible.
You have the literal worst taste.
What's their reasoning?
Literally the best cartoon character of all time
In a world of comedic characters, she's the "straight man", but that's the problem. Strait-men either work well as the universes punching bag as their grounding in reality gets stepped on, making them the butt of jokes. Their grounding makes ridiculousness seem all the more outrageous. It's one of the reasons main characters are often strait-men in a ridiculous world.
But when you make the only straight man a badass and "too cool for school" in a world of comedy, you make them come off as just pretentious, annoying, and overall boring as hell.
Terrible character design.
I've never liked Leela and I'm not sure why. I don't hate her either but she's easily near the bottom of my "favorite Futurama characters" list. And no, it's not a sexism thing either. Amy and Mom would be near the top of my list.
Amy is terrible
That was Hermes before the Bender little bird scene
>'will they won't they' with a moron for shitload of years
It wears on the psyche
Shut up Nott.
Listen you little shit!
Ahead of her time
>that title belongs to Zapp
But Zapp is funny
Honestly, none of the characters in Futurama were particularly great. I liked the show and I think they worked well together but on their own they're meh.
Literally the best cartoon character of all time
Now this is a claim I can get behind.
i think bender was a more memorable character, but leela was my waifu all throughout my teenage years
I wouldn't even call it a 'will they won't they'. I'd call it a 'writers can't remember or agree on whether or not they already have or haven't'.
Leela's great when she's being the "serious but silly" character. She's not that great when being the straight man.
>>terrible VA
Fuck off faggot
I'll bet they had fun making that episode. :-)
I guess
Pretty much this
I don't have a super hate boner for Futurama, but I kind of hate all the main characters and Leela is the worst to me by virtue of the fact that Katey Sagal is terribly miscast as her.
Scruffy is best
is definitely not her.
Finished it for ya.
is definitely not him.
Finished it for ya.
is definitely not him. Does he even count?
I can't imagine her being played by anyone else, though. Who would you have cast?
Literally just one-eyed Vriska
Come on, now.
I'm saying that even though he was in several Animated Series', he originated in and is mostly from VideoGames.
All of the CC episodes involving leela were absolutely trash.
I just realized the man in that picture is Matt Leblanc
>badass and "too cool for school"
what show did your retarded ass see
I think he must be retarded. Leela even ends up falling into the lap of Zap Brannigan (more than once), a literal walking pile of raw incompetence.
Leela is constantly portrayed as misguided in the show. Fry gets into trouble because he's an idiot among idiots, Leela gets into the same trouble because she makes presumptions that turn out to be wrong.