Superboy: A supervillain wishes upon a star/Smallville goes to the dogs

It is time once again for a Superboy. This week! Superboy actually comes face to face with a real supervillain. A rarity in this show as well as a criminal with a gimmick too stupid for modern sensibilities. Let's see how that goes.

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We begin our tale on a sleepy night at Smallville Observatory where professor Daniels looks at the sky, longingly.

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Is life out there? Are aliens out there? Not counting the ones we know of and live among us, of course.

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Ah a glowing red stellar body! Well it might be a stellar body but it's not as stellar as my own. Still, I should record its radioactive stats

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>When you discover mysterious undiscovered space object just right

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I think I'll name it after myself. Professor Daniels Junior. Ahhh the other scientists on the bowling team are going to be so jealous.

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But then it shoots a fateful ray of red at the observatory!

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DIOS MIO! The whole observatory! The energy! The unlimited pure energy! It's overloaded the radar!

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Hey there user! Didn't see you there! Not much to see here. It is my bedtime; it is 7:30 after all. I have to sleep but I have to sleep as Clark Kent. Superboy doesn't need to sleep; but Clark Kent needs a full 10 hours so I sleep with the glasses on.

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Golly! That can't be good! Beams of strange light seldom are!

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Good thing I wear my Superboy pajamas underneath my regular pajamas!

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Up up and swooce!

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Krypto! I'll say it once I'll say it again! I am not buying you a car! My allowance won't allow it!

Why do you want a car anyways? You're a dog, you can't reach the gas pedal and you don't have opposable thumbs.

Because they have subwoofers? I think you have the wrong idea about cars. They're probably not built for dogs.

No, I don't know what they do either but I'll ask pa later.

I'm not buying you a car if I'm wrong either!

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I'm not downloading you one either! I would never do that!

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That... that is not a good sign. We have to hurry! Professor Daniels is running the night shift!

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We're faster than a speeding bullet but slower than an exploding observatory. Krypto we need to contain the shrapnel

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We.... we couldn't save him. No man could survive a blast like that.

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>sad whining

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Not even if he ducked and covered. We should go notify the authorities and find his next of kin. The least I can do is deliver the sad news myself and offer hugs.

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AHAHAHAHAHA! Now he thinks I'm dead! Perfect!

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You tried to rescue me and failed! Now I'll have my revenge!

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With my glowing red soon-to-be criminal fist!

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"Hey just cause you burst in on our weekly criminal discussion group don't make you a criminal."

"You need some neosporin for that hand? Cause we don't got any"

"Alright pal, you want to be a gangsta? You got no cigar, no nice suit. no hat. Why should we kick in with you?"

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Why should you kick in with me you ask? Because this hand of mine glows with an awesome power Its burning grip tells me to defeat you.

Take this!
My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow!

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>Don't fuck with this Senator!


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"Gadzooks! He defeated our favorite table! The first table we ever stole!"

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Mister, you're in. You the boss now.

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The next day our enterprising criminals take their lil' tugboat down to the Gulf of Mexico to intercept a ship carrying gold

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How are we gonna stop outselves a big boat like that? Anyone know any nautical signs? I know car signals but I figure they ain't gonna work

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I can think of something. Watch me point a deadly finger right at the ship's propeller

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You there! Yeah you! Pull over and transfer all the gold and you won't be fingered to death!

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No, fuck you. We have guns.

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I'm not kidding! I'm very serious about this!

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I'll aim for that little tuff of hair he has left. That'll show him.

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Yeah what now Gappy and Donald Duck. Do what I say or I won't be so careful where I point next.

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Pure energy? What, like, raw electric, solar..?

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Our nation's gold reserves are under attack by gangsters! They've gone too far this time!

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Stand back Superboy! Stand back or mayhem will follow!

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Professor Daniels? You're alive! And inexplicably evil!

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I said stand back!

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>the Square of Steel

We have to save the Professor from himself! He must be suffering from some sort of madness! And we have to save that ship he's attacking too!

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I tried to be reasonable...ish. Sorry men, you have only Superboy to blame.

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Great Scott! The ship exploded!

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The gold went down with the ship, don't need that barge anymore. Let's go.

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That's it for the crew. A little beat up with multiple concussions but they'll live. Now for the gold!

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"I think I got most of it in this big tarp"

"Most of it? We kind of need all of it. 95% won't cut it."

"There's no time for a second pass. The Professor is out there."

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"I'm sorry but I have to leave you here. I need to go after him before the trail grows cold"

"But we don't have our wallets, identification, or any change of clothes! It all went down with the ship! All we have is this bag of useless gold!"

"You'll have to make do and be resourceful"

"Welp. I guess this barge is our home now"

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There must be some clue in the rubble to why the Professor is on a rampage and a clue to his source of power

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There's a clue!

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This must belong to the Professor

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>bullion being moved by the current
I'm sorry is this reserve for gold or chocolate coins?

Very cryptic writing the professor has. Very small, very neat, very girly.

John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy: magic bullet.

Bruce Willis: magic Asteroid

Johnny Depp's career: irrational decisions

I don't get this at all.

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Oh and he left another book. This one has a 275 explicit slash fanfiction between Atticus Finch and Captain Ahab. I'd criticize for its debauchery it but it's so well-written and believable.

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I'd read more of both books but they're not getting me any closer to my answer

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That rogue star! It must be the cause! Space Madness! Let's pacify the Professor and deal with the star later!

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There's your haul! Smash and grab folks! Smash and grab!

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Don't look so glum! We're all about to be rich!

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Stay where you are Professor Daniels!

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Professor Daniels? Who?

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Oh right that's my name.

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Screw the banter. Die already

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You missed!

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Stand still! How am I supposed to point at you if you keep moving?! Fine! I'll point somewhere else then! Like at the orphanage and the comic book store! Then those kids will have no place to play Yu-gi-oh and men in their 30s will have no place for Magic the Gathering!

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Hold him tight Krypto while I hit him over the head with 80 pounds of lead!

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Just kidding! I'm going to seal your hands using superfriction to melt the lead to nullify your wicked hands! I have been dying to put my pottery class learning to use.

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Your hands are encased now!

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No! Stop! It's heavy! Stop!

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Officer: You made the Citizen's arrest, Superboy. What do you want us to do with these evil guys and their sweaty, stinky bald leader?

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Keep them where they are. I have a rogue star to punch and I'll be right back

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Ready and... punch!

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"So sinking a ship, attempted murder, robbing a bank. threatening to destroy an orphanage... that's like what? 2-3 years? Time off with good behavior? Oh yeah and a comic book store but that's going out of business soon enough anyways so that doesn't count"

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Professor Daniels: I mean! What am I doing here? I don't remember anything. It's all a blur.

Superboy: Aha! It was all the star's pure energy that warped his mind and made him do all those things. Isn't that right, professor?

Professor Daniels: YES! EXACTLY!

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Let me release you from that great sphere I made and then the cops will let you go. Hold on this might hurt for a few months.

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Yes. It was that star that did this and not at all me lashing out at my dead end job and lack of social life and jealousy of my more successful peers.

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Justice is served! You're free to live your life and your former henchmen go to prison. All is right in the world.

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>The next day the circus comes to Smallville again... for what is this? The third time? fourth?

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Ladies and Gentlemen! Please take a gander at the center ring for the amazing, sensational, astounding, fantabulous, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wonder-dog, Fufu! And his trainer Captain Haddock!

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Do a flip! Good you did one!

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"Clark can we have cotton candy?"

"You didn't dress up in a matching outfit like you promised so no"

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"That Fufu is one clever pooch isn't he, Clark. More clever than Krypto the Superdog!"

"I'm pretty sure Krypto could do all those tricks and do your homework if he wanted to"

"Yeah but Fufu has dignity and style and what does Kryto have?"

"Powers and a strong sense of justice"

"You keep disagreeing with me Clark and you're walking home"

"But I drove us here..."

"You heard me"

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You're right. I'm sorry please forgive me.

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>blows dog whistle

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They couldn't possibly be doing this unironically are they? Also I believe the itinerary lists a clown for this part of the act and now a dog-clown-man. And what's with the supersonic whistle? Boy I hope someone gets fired for this unprofessional snafu.

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Fufu no! Come back! You're supposed to hold the hoop while I jump through it!

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Into the tote bag you go and now I make a break for it

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Haaaaa! They'll never expect someone to drive through the tent!

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*sigh* I wish Smallville was important enough to do better than a bootleg knockoff circus.

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You can have my shirt, invisible man, I'm off to save a circus act!

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I can't believe the invisible man didn't wish me luck after I gave him the shirt off my back. Some people never show gratitude no matter what you do for them.

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Krypto keep an eye out for a man in a clown outfit dressed like a dog. I know the description doesn't make any sense but you'll know it when you see it.

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There he is now!

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You can't breath in this thing.

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Superboy? Here?! Oh hell no is he catching me dressed like this I have to shake him!

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I know! I'll release the hounds!

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>aggressive barking

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Man 1: Oh no! They're vicious AND proselytizing!
Man 2: I knew we shouldn't have gone to this cat-lover Satanist convention!
Man 1: My man-purse! it's useless!

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On second thought it's not useless if I remember to use it!

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He... he just launched attack dogs from a moving car.

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That is NOT a pretty sight we have to help those folks! They're just waiting for the bus!

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We have to stop them without hurting them! They're not bad dogs they're just trained that way by bad people!

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Nicely done! We have a bag of angry dogs now!

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hey Superboy what's in the bag?

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Isn't it obvious? A bag of angry dogs. A gift from me to you.

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Yeah I'm not opening that

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Anyways I thought I'd let you know what you're up against. The man you're after is Doctor K-9. He has a vast criminal empire of dogs he dognaps and retrains for criminal purposes. Just about any crime you can think he uses dogs for. Smuggles cocaine inside dogs, robs gas stations with dogs, commits grand dog auto, uses dogs to pull tags off mattresses, launders money with dogs, uses dog to sell drugs on vulnerable kids, dog accountants for tax evasion. I could go on.

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Just when I think I've seen the worst of mankind someone has to go lower.

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We'd love to help you catch this man but every time someone tries to chase him back to his hideout he launches a dog at them. Just this week we've had 3 cops sent to the hospital from a dog flying through the windshield. I'm afraid only the dogs know where they've been taken once dognapped.

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That gives me an idea. An idea that involves a dog. A doggone good idea.

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I hate to ask this of you Krypto but you need to get naked. Then we need to let Doctor K-9 steal you and we'll find his hideout that way.

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Ok maybe not naked. He'd be suspicious of such a well-behaved dog with no collar. We'll put a homing tracking collar I made in Mr. Smith's shop class and track you from a distance.

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I'll track you on this transmitter watch that goes ping. I also made it in Mr. Smith's shop class. Obviously I got an A.

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>Oh yeah and a comic book store but that's going out of business soon enough anyways so that doesn't count"
Destruction of public property at worst

Alright boy you're on your own! Go out there and do dog things and we'll show Doctor K-9 that you can't keep a good dog down!

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Up up and I'm not feeling it

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Dog detected. Deploying dog catching apparatus.

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Dog apprehended.

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Doc K-9: A juicy haul tonight!!

Nappy: Please don't call dogs juicy sir we talked about this.

Doc K-9: Have you never eaten a dog before? We're criminals, live a little! Let me give a recipe!

1 lb haunch, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
2 small green chilies, seeded and sliced
4-6 mushrooms, sliced
1 cup coconut milk
5 tablespoons peanut oil
2 tablespoons onions sauce
2 tablespoons fresh ginger, chopped
1 teaspoon ground cumin seed
1 teaspoon cornflour (mixed with water to form a paste)
salt and pepper to taste
fresh mint leaves


Doc K-9: Then what will you cook us for dinner?

Nappy: Hot Dogs.

Doc K-9: Gross.

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Don't forget to close the hideout door this time. Teens might come and try to steal our dogs.

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"Toss the new dogs into the dog fighting pen and teach them it's a dog eat dog world out there to prepare them for a life of dog crime.

Dog Theft, Dog arson, dog assassinations, dog jaywalking, dog prostitution, dog fighting, dog fighting (aerial)

How's the dog counter-fitting coming along?"

"the giant rats won't be until next month"


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Krypto is thrown into a fight and prepares to throw down

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But then he remembers he needs to be a mild-mannered regular dog and backs down

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>Smallville goes to the dogs
The secret is that the dogs were already in the house

I hear him. A little more time and I'll know exactly where he is

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Tonight you

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I'm going to go over here...

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Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h00m39s594.png (352x262, 120K)

Look at that little circus dog hiding behind that other mongrel! Come on boys! Show them exactly how much meaner you are than junkyard dogs

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h00m43s353.png (352x262, 110K)


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h01m01s293.png (352x262, 115K)


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h01m08s403.png (352x262, 116K)

This collar! It'a a tracking collar! I made one of these in Mr. Smith's shop class! This ain't no dog it's a narc!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h01m14s842.png (352x262, 113K)

I hated that class.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h01m28s509.png (352x262, 86K)

Darn! It's dead! I'll have to rely on my other senses to locate hundreds of captive dogs.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h01m32s235.png (352x262, 71K)

Send our goody two paws to the criminal obstacle course! Hell difficulty mode!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h01m43s406.png (352x262, 114K)

Get in there or we'll give you the stick and I don't meet play fetch I mean a blow to the noggin!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h01m52s309.png (352x262, 123K)

Sending in attack dogs! Complete the course ... or die!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h02m06s787.png (352x262, 102K)


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h02m19s894.png (352x262, 125K)

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Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h02m43s946.png (352x262, 114K)

double yawp

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m03s044.png (352x262, 113K)

That's not regular dog! That's a super dog! Imagine him with a cape!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m07s099.png (352x262, 122K)

Oh yeaaaah I thought it looked familiar.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m12s737.png (352x262, 109K)

Hit good him ... him hit good. hit him good! Nailed it. Sometimes words don't happen good.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m17s802.png (352x262, 122K)

Ok the plan is to surround him and hit him with clubs and if that doesn't work we'll go and hit him with clubs.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m20s901.png (352x262, 120K)


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m42s464.png (352x262, 131K)

My bones! I'm missing some bones!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m46s544.png (352x262, 114K)

That dog is too much! I need a hostage!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m49s344.png (352x262, 120K)

A dogstage!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m55s724.png (352x262, 102K)

Everyone stay away or Fufu gets euthanized!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h03m59s438.png (352x262, 95K)

What was your plan? Run for days while holding a little dog?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h04m20s331.png (352x262, 78K)


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h04m24s515.png (352x262, 59K)

How dare you steal someone's dog! That's someone's baby!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h04m29s640.png (352x262, 49K)

What the heck leads people to do something like this? What is wrong with people?!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h04m35s482.png (352x262, 53K)

I must make things right. Every dog goes back to where they belong.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h04m48s920.png (352x262, 126K)

>The next day at the circus

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h04m56s674.png (352x262, 107K)

Look at him go! That Fufu really is something great isn't he?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h05m04s718.png (352x262, 92K)

(No he isn't)


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-15h05m25s691.png (352x262, 96K)

That's it for this week. Be back for more next time

Attached: coolcatcangry.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Thanks, it was a fun time




pretty stellar figure for an astrologist

>This ain't no dog it's a narc!
Bad, bad man. Calling an innocent doggie names.

>supervillain wishes upon a star
Luthor still wakes up bald


These threads die too fast so before I read it: thank you user, life is worth living for you



Love these threads

I'm reminded of the IRA bomb dog segment from The Day Today.
