His girlfriend was a literal plant

>his girlfriend was a literal plant
Was it zoophilia?

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Plants aren't under the umbrella of zoology

Even worse!

Botaniphilla? Maybe?

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Maybe by HER species' logic.

But they never had sex because they're kids, so I don't think it boils down to anything like that anyway.

Nigel didn't actually know she was a plant though so he couldn't have had a fetish for that.

If anything, he had a rainbow monkey and Asian fetish.

Apparently your name checks out

Bless you

Carlos? More like Go Away Far Los!

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Reminds me of that guy who pirated Cross Days back in like 2010 that was caught reading some weird ass plant erotica.

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>GF was secretly an agent for an alien race sent to survey human children
>GF was also a literal plant
Oh shit, I just got that joke now.

>Both known secret agents are plant-based aliens

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ahhhh yes, nothing more exciting than grinding your genitals against the bark of a tree


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You can't fuck plants

Not with that attitude.

Not with that attitude.

Speak for yourself.

But some plants sure could fuck you, honey!

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I want to track down an old Cracked article, and I'm fairly certain I remember the topic. Anyone think I'll get banned for posting a screencap of written GirlxHydrangea porn?

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found it!

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>Lizzie was a plant
Did I miss an episode or something?

Part of the Galactic Kids Next Door pitch from a few years ago

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>Decide to read it out of curiosity
>Ass worms
No thanks

Think of all the civil war-era minie balls and wood spirits you could be finding

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W-whhy is this actually kinda hot?

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I think OP is referring to that one episode where the Treehouse wanted to fuck him.

Not canon

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You know something, kid? I'm passing you for the whole year, no need to come to school until next August!

Xenophillia most broadly.


Fucker made me spit my drink yo

Try and stop me.

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That shit made God smile.

You've been too much on Yea Forums, user

Dammit Carlos

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I wonder who planted her

Son of a bitch

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Ye you can. Banana plantation workers can fuck small soft openings of the banana tree.

I just tried it out and 100% yes you can

Carlos does it again

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Just floraphilia. She wanted his seed.

Ever stuck your dick in a pitcher plant?

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