Brutally Honest Oscar Ballot #3

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>Incredibles 2 is a "sensory overload"
>Spiderman: Brown Goblin rises isn't

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that's correct though

The Oscars are growing tired of Pixney. They aren’t even voting for Bao.

>old-fashioned animation

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>its almost felt like a live action
faggot, who is this guy and why do anyone cares about his opinion?

Hey I actually agree with these selections.

>old-fashioned animation
>it almost felt like live-action
It's thanks to this mindset that we're getting uncanny valley shit like Detective Pikachu and the Sonic movie

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America likes realism over style.

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>it almost felt like live-action
this is why anime is the superior animated medium, fucking western "experts" doesnt know shit

America is gay.
Spider-Man works because it DOESN’T try to be live action, and uses its medium to full effect. This guy had a good opinion up until this.


>It almost felt like live-action

What the actual fuck did he mean by this?

We're 3 for 3 on these ballots, so maybe there is hope after all.

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Fuck yeah

>it almost felt like live-action

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I kek at you my dude

user, I detest actual weebs, but the guy said fucking Spider-Verse was like live action. He said this about a movie that fully embraced the influence of comics in it's animation and art style. He's voting for the top prize an animated movie can get.
>But user, Oscars don't matt-
Unfortunately this country isn't exactly bright when it comes to recognizing talent. Have you SEEN that Best Picture category?

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>Not Naruto
>Not Katherine
>Bland anime guy #21618736172716327137812
It has style tho, I can't denied that.

>the most stylised mainstream CG movie in recent memory
>it almost felt like live action
What an actual retard.

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Are you... fucking implying that Naruto has better design than Persona 5? What the fuck?

Huh, I actually found this one pretty reasonable.

Is this fag a shill?

I am implying that character is an expy/copy of Naruto.

are you actually retarded or is this like a really bad bait?
i just dont get it

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>Hey that character is a copy of that other character

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>it almost felt like live action
I at least would consider this a flaw for an animated film.

I think he meant it's quality is comparable to a live action film or something.

Guys relax, maybe he's from a reality where live-action looks like a comic?

>I'm not a big comic book or superhero kind of guy, but Black Panther elevated the genre to a whole different level.

My Vote: (1) BlacKkKlansman, (2) The Favourite, (3) Black Panther, (4) Roma, (5) A Star Is Born, (6) Vice, (7) Green Book, (8) Bohemian Rhapsody

Ok but by the way Return of the King deserves an Oscar because unlike Infinity War it is actually a good film and stands on its own. Fuck you franchise shillbot user.

>The Favourite is a terrific film on every level — it told a story I didn't know with great production value on every level and great acting; it was wildly entertaining and made me laugh, but it didn't really have anything to say. But BlacKkKlansman did and I couldn't stop thinking about it for months afterwards.

Jesus Christ, it's like subtlety has died and gone to hell. BlacKKKlansman was fine, but I think it might be the least intellectually challenging film on the list. There's nothing to think about or discuss in it. The Favorite was a movie with a lot of subtext and dueling themes... Guess it was lost on that knuckle dragger.

Why is fuck pretentious shit even nominated? The main character isn't even portrayed by an actress.

>Bland anime guy
only if you want him to be

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> I think it might be the least intellectually challenging film on the list
No, still Black Panther.

Nah now the Oscar folks. They hate Animation.

>this country

It's a bunch of people from Hollywood jerking each other off.

Nobody from the rest of the country (Cept maybe New York for some fucking reason) Really cares what wins anymore.

Yea Killmonger was such a letdown after they killed off Klaw and he had nobody else with him.

>Almost felt like live action
Just take some deep breaths, and don’t lose your temper

First Man's effects were nothing special, For the most part something they could've done in a sound stage.
I agree with this assessment though, even if it triggers Yea Forums to give praise to BP. The costumes were among the best part of the movie, I really dug the Dora Milaje.

>dude ss lmao
Are you 16?

Perhaps if you look at a Tarantino movie really hard it will look like it's animated. This guy might be on to a secret film viewing technique known only to the esteemed elite of the Academy, passed down by generations of ritualized druidic mystics. I'm concerned that this man's life may be in danger now that he has hinted at such a fabled revelation to the broader masses. Someone should investigate.

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>it almost felt like live action
Shut up, animation is superior in every way to live action

Why did that specifically made you angry? In her ending they put the relationship on hold until he's old enough.

>brutally honest
>picks spider-verse because it's nearly liveaction
Unironically, this is the mindset of real Academy jews when reviewing animated films.

>naruto have more style than Persona 5

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Explain how he's a copy of Naruto AT ALL. I'm laughing already please finish me off

What a waste it was to nominate the two generic Disney flicks this year. They should’ve put some more of those “Chinese fucking things,” at least they look more interesting.

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>it almost like felt live action
Is that supposed to be a good?

What’s the one with the oboe??

just a few more frames and into the spider verse would been so much better on the eyes for me
My eyes felt annoyed to no end by the animation


Liz and the Bluebird, I think.

>not appreciating Spielberg's remaking of Kubrick and the race scenes

Thank you! Animation needs more oboes.

Gems will dominate the world

Are you being retarded on purpose? Because I never said that Naruto has more style than Persona 5.

Motherfucker he looks physically a lot like Naruto are you fucking blind or something?

>all blonde characters with spiky hair = naruto

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I was with that guy until he said almost live action.

> It almost felt like live action

That guy can go fuck himself

shutup sasuke

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>this is now a naruto thread