He didn't deserve to be cancelled, bros

He didn't deserve to be cancelled, bros.

Attached: sideways.jpg (1805x998, 272K)

Him and that art didn't deserve to be in a shitty book.

He does since DiDio is involved.

Yeah it was a really good comic, I blame DC for not shilling him a little on Justice League or Titans comics.

Even a cameo of him on Batman would be great.

Nope. Final issue next week. But I could still see him pop up in other books. Silver lining is that I'm sure DC wants to keep him around, like Silencer, just under a different title.
Fuck that. I'd rather see him pop up in a Flash book if anything. But I'll tell you the real way to get people to care: cartoon appearance. That's literally it.

Attached: Sideways#6.jpg (1265x1920, 540K)

I want a comic of Batman and Spider-man being bros, Daredevil and Spider-man is close but not exactly it.

Not every new character is going to become a sudden success. It takes time and as long as he's not forgotten and gets used enough and has good stories to build him up he can probably carry his own ongoing in about ten years.

Boring as fuck costume.

Again, fuck Batman. His books are bloated mess of sidekicks as it is. Derek becoming a bat-bitch following his rules is a disservice to the character.

He is still in Gotham so he can be used in Batman books and with his powers he fits anywhere

It was good enoug to be here , it May no be 100 original, but it was relatable.

book was bad, get over it

You didn't even read it

fuck off

I don't think you understand the concept of that the other user is trying to pitch, simmer down and take your autistic Bat hatred elsewhere

what's wrong with the ar- Oh I see

Nah, every book touched by Didio deserves bad things.

He's got "dying in a crossover to establish the next big bad" written all over him.

He didn’t have enough Batman in his book to keep it alive. The only hero that DC and DCfags give a damn about is Batman.

You know, like in real life, people have bad angles that don’t make you look “attractive”. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that picture.

Can anyone fill me in on what happened in annual? Somehow my LCS lost my copy and I haven't been able to get a backorder yet. I know he pulled superman out of a cocoon after getting his powers back from (???) and then...?

Some things are too good, but not for the masses. And be happy you had good run till it got canceled!

Attached: Crossgen Sketchbooks.jpg (1040x719, 428K)

Dark multiverse Superman characters are stuck with a wasted design and wasted design exiles Sideways to the basement where Morrison's action comics Superman is trapped in a cocoon where sideways frees him. Wasted design is killed by crushing rubble and the dark multiverse superman characters banded together to help Sideways save them.
Seven soldiers are saved by Superman and Sideways.