With West Coast Avengers cancelled (because Kelly Thompson is a terrible writer), where will best girl end up next?

with West Coast Avengers cancelled (because Kelly Thompson is a terrible writer), where will best girl end up next?

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How did it end? Did giant Tigra go into heat and kill everyone?

And she'll probably bum around as a guest for the next year or two, before ending up in another team book.

>West Coast Avengers cancelled

Saw this coming a mile away, don't know where she goes from here

She was awful at West Coast Avengers, people don't get it she is supposed to be a cute silly girl, she is not supposed to be funny or sassy or badass, just cute, adorable and easygoing.

That's what makes her unique to western comics.

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It's cancelled? Why? The characters seem interesting

we need Hastings back.
She was a cute, bubbly fuck-up, not some snark machine that would fuck some rando. She'd utterly embarrass herself before feeling the touch of a viable partner.
What I'm trying to say is:
Bring back Cecil.

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Why do people like her? She seems like an awful character and just another Deadpool but without the reasons why Deadpool works.

>Why do people like her?
Why don't you just read her book instead of having an opinion handed to you?

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I read 2 issues and dropped it.

Wasn't there a confirmed Gwenpool project coming this year?

The characters are interesting, but we got mediocre plots and not enough exploration on the character dynamics. It was basically a continuation of Kate's book, rather than the team book it should have been.

I suggest sticking to it. She has to face the consequences of her actions, and ends up realizing her mistakes, mellows her out and becoming her less of a Harley Quinn/DP mashup, and more of a unique take.

I prefer playing Yakuza after this shit

They got a terrible writter that's why, everyone was talking and acting like a bunch of sassy teenager girls.

Honestly people love to shit on Slott but I can see him managing to make it at least bearable.

And you walked away with an opinion anyone who's only heard of the character for the first time would hold. Gotcha, user. I'm sure read all kinds of comics.

slapping "Gwen" infront of a heroes name doesn't somehow make it more unique. It literally only works with spider-man because Gwen Stacy was a big event that happened in comics

>It was basically a continuation of Kate's book, rather than the team book it should have been.
This is actually why.
>They got a terrible writter that's why
This isn't. She's a fine writer and there was nothing particularly wrong about the characterization either. It was just trying to be something it wasn't ("West Coast Avengers" instead of "Kate 'n Friends").

I think a lot of the so-called Gwenpool fans don't really know what they want though, my theory. Plenty of them are clearly anime waifufags, and it shows when they can't handle anyone else but Gurihiru drawing her (Pichelli was great at it) and a very cutesy treatment; It's also why I think a subsection of them are Galacta fans too. Just some "doll" without much personality beyond being moe.

Are you gonna be unneeded spoilerfag this entire thread? What's even the point besides trying to appear like a special snowflake?

>I think a lot of the so-called Gwenpool fans don't really know what they want though, my theory.
Honestly, what I want is hard to do, because I want more of the comic meta shit, and not everyone gets that. Not just not ever writer, a lot of readers don't get that unless they're eased into it.

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What the fuck are you even trying to say. It's not like the premise of the book is "It's Deadpool but it's a girl called Gwen."

Fucking secondaries, I swear.

This was unironically the worst comic published since Gabby's "America", and that's truly saying something, given the absolute state of the big two.

>This isn't.
She is
>If is cute then is anime
People like you are the reason why Western comics sales stagnated, God forbid trying to do something different, it must be always the same shit over and over again.
>Just some "doll" without much personality beyond being moe.
She had a lot of personality in her original run, way more than generic sassy girl in a team of sassy fags.

Probably a recurring role in various tween-oriented books and more comedic stories. Hopefully that thing with Quentin is written out of existence.

Yeah this

I'm kind of glad to have at least gotten a few more issues of Kate-solo, and to have had Brevoort eat his words about not having any other Avengers so quickly.
The next people to be writing Kate are the fucking McElroys, which like????? The fuck

The thing about Gwen is that she was developed by a specific talent (someone who doesn't usually superhero comics and is actually funny and smart) and that she has really niche appeal. The only thing that will ever satisfy her fans is more content by Hastings, and it's impossible to tell when/if Marvel would bring him back

I should've proofread my post before sending because you brought up the other thing I was actually getting at: the meta-stuff is vital to the character, but it only really works when it's in her own book, just like Deadpool. So when she was included in WCA and Thompson made excuses about her being "rebooted" in the story (despite acknowledging herself that she should be able to do meta-powers), a lot of people here went mad about it and thought she was being mishandled and whatnot, being unable to realize how difficult it is for Gwenpool to do her narrative-based powers work in a comic that ISN'T allowed to do that. It just wouldn't work.
I don't remember Gwen being sassy in WCA, and frankly, beyond Kate, there wasn't much "sass". Not even America, who simply was depicted as a hardass, had much sass.
Unfortunately for the kind of book in mind, being all cutesy and shit wouldn't have worked either, she needed to be in a more humorous setting where she was allowed to be the way she is, but she was thrown in a more serious setting.

>This was unironically the worst comic published since Gabby's "America"
Now we know the casual who was spamming the board with threads about WCA, since he only knows of titles youtubers tell him to be upset about.

Name a single redeeming aspect of "West Coast Avengers", Thompson.
>I-it was f-fu...
There is literally not a single fun aspect about your abortion of a comic. Everything from the characters, to their characterization, to the absence of an actual plot was all complete and utter garbage, which is why your dumpster fire was rightfully canceled.

Thank god that shit is ending, the woman has no talent.
I'm not a Gwen fag, but I'm sorry for your loss guys, you deserved better.

Wow, when I said you got your opinions from youtube, I was just giving you shit. I didn't expect to be that correct.

>instant ad hominem
the art was good

Sup Pablo

Yeah, I love Gwen, but I'd rather she just stay dead. Not resurrected to have her decaying corpse puppeteered like an off-brand marionette.

Hey, don't be sad, Thompson. I'm sure your "Captain Marvel" shitshow will last longer, because we all know what staying power Captain Marvel comics have.

Oh yeah I forgot: during Marvel's Next Big Thing panel last year, Cebulski said there are plans for Gwenpool that they couldn't talk about yet. This was before West Coast Avengers was released, but they specified there was something else aside from that.
Honestly? I think it might be a book similar to what Ewing did, "We Are Deadpool", but this time it could be "I Am Gwenpool", another dicepool rolling game. Did any of you play it? It was fun.

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It hasn't ended yet, it has a few more issues to go.

Whoever writes her next I hope they let her keep best boy

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Nailed it, Gwen fags are mostly just animu fags.

It's gonna end with her becoming Evil!Gwen

Honestly it feels like Gwen was not even supposed to be here, it feels like the writer was told about using the character AFTER finishing the story and didn't know how to rewrite the whole thing with her included and barelly had time to read the character run.

fuck Kelly for shipping Gwen with a school shooter

>the nicest thing he can say about Thompson's book has nothing to do with Thompson

Slotts Moon Knight would be jewkino

>gross disturbing relationship with quentin quire will continue

You're completely right. The way she spoke about her during a reddit AMA makes me think she put Gwenpool in the team as some kind of editorial mandate, because she was instantly forced to make drastic changes in order to make her work.

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>Cates wants Thor
It's the most fucking obvious answer, he inserts Thor lore in every fucking book he can, if Aaron were to die tomorrow he'd jump on the chance to write Thor as soon as he could.

>The thing about Gwen is that she was developed by a specific talent (someone who doesn't usually superhero comics and is actually funny and smart) and that she has really niche appeal. The only thing that will ever satisfy her fans is more content by Hastings, and it's impossible to tell when/if Marvel would bring him back

Pretty much, I am not that big into Gwenpool but Hasting took a concept that was trying to cash in on the Gwen as X character thing that started with Spider-Gwen and turned it into an original and interesting concept. Before he got his hands on her she appeared in Chip's Howard the Duck and he wrote her like a crazy female Deadpool that just stabbed everyone and caused problems. She had a personality, her own demons, and her story was fairly interesting.

Thompson just made her into a cute quirky girl and that's about it.

IMO she really should be put on hold until someone really wants to do something interesting with her or until Hastings comes back.

>Duggan wants Dr. Strange
He also wants Cap, it's why he even smuggled Steve into the Deadpool comic in the first place.

>Cates wants Thor
>Aaron wants GotG
Fuck no.

Kelly should write Silk or Batgirl

How long until Marvel cancels her Captain Marvel ongoing and relaunches it with another female writer. Stohl didn't last that long.

I really hope the book ends with Gwen going "fuck it, I don't care if we get canceled anymore" and going full ham with her powers.


Honestly I hated her WCA but I'm really liking her Captain Marvel. It feels like she is having fun with Carol instead of being forced to write it like West coast.

>How long until Marvel cancels her Captain Marvel ongoing
Not anytime soon, not after this.

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Yeah, is easily her best comic so far.

>#1 relaunch with a movie coming out lost to generic edgy batwankery
I give it 5 issues tops.

She did nothing wrong though.

Stohl's Life of Captain Marvel TP also sold like crazy, and was featured as the 3rd most sold trade in January.
That alone is guaranteed a longevity previous CM series didn't have; I'm willing to bet Thompson will edge out KSD's run.

This shit is getting canceled as soon as the movie flops.

Ah, you're one of those. Have a great day.

>Have a great day.
He won't.

>the mouse

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There is quite literally nothing appealing about the movie, and the comic is mediocre at best.

See you in March.

Why? Going to livestream your suicide?


No, but I expect to see you eating Captain Marvel #1 page by page on livestream when the movie succeeds and the comic continues selling well.

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Yes, because if there's something that Kelly Thompson and Captain Marvel are known for, it's "selling well".

With me hopefully.

Fine, be that way. We can always wait another month and see how it actually goes... But I expect the livestream.

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Gwen dresses like a SLUT

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>She's a fine writer
Agreed. I think she's terrible when it comes to humor though; everything in WCA was generic as hell.

>nothing particularly wrong about the characterization
This, I disagree with though. Gwen is often headstrong and immature, but I felt like that was all she was here. We didn't get the quieter moments of her character, and I don't remember seeing her strategic side. She's just always on "loud and energetic." The first villain was MODOK, and Gwen's history with him only got a passing mention. Her powers were neutered, likely outright removed.

All things considered, Kelly did a decent job with Gwen. (Especially compared to nearly every other writer.) But her depiction was a bit shallow. Though I think it also has to do with her not being the main focus like she is in her own solo, and with so much of her screentime being spent on building a relationship with Quentin. It doesn't help that Kelly admitted to not wanting Gwen on the team because the character was built for solos.

I love this shark, but want him gone. He has my ex-boyfriend's name, so whenever I look at him, I think of a cute Latin twink.

It's a swimsuit. She's at the beach.

It's weird that both gwen and silk got land sharks.

Uh, where is this from? It doesn't look like a doujin but it doesn't look quite official either.
More like her regular suit without her arms covered...
I agree with your complaints, but I was speaking more generally about all characters. For instance, she did a great job with America, keeping her away from her solo characterization, and there wasn't a single instance of out of place Spanish. She was more of her Young Avengers and Ultimates self, which to me was all she needed to be. Noh-Varr was... OK, for the most part. But he's written as a cool ex-boyfriend instead of a weird Kree dude.

I want a land shark

It's from the WCA issue 8 preview

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Nice. Gwen looks sexy.

Like as in your Ex was a furry with a shark as a fursona or his name jeff

>Swimsuit chapter
>after stefano leaves

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Yeah. If there's one thing I can praise about Kelly Thompson, is that she at least tries to honor and respect characters. Unlike most writers at Marvel, you can tell she researches a character and tries to keep in line with their canon personalities and stories. You can just tell she really loves these characters.

His name was Jeff. His fursona was a bear.

How do I marry Gwen?

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I can't tell

Cute girl
That’s all these losers need

It's not though. Not in a fucking world where that Female Furies comic exists.

>Unlike most writers at Marvel, you can tell she researches a character and tries to keep in line with their canon personalities and stories. You can just tell she really loves these characters.
If only the top writers showed this amount of dedication (Aaron, Cates and Bendis), they wouldn't get shat on so much and often.
Not even fucking close.

>West Coast Avengers cancelled
The only smart decision Marvel has made this year.

I mean it definitely is but it also hasn't been announced as cancelled and Kelly is staying quiet on the subject, I'm expecting the book is getting either a relaunch under another writer or it'll get an "official" ending in some war of the realms crossover.

Also Gwen still has whatever the unannounced project from last years NYCC what's next panel Q&A is.

Good, sjw comics must never be given a chance. Don't let anyone guilt trip you

I mean the only reason I'm reading WCA is because of Gwenpool and her powers. They've been doing nothing with it. Wait, actually they've been giving reasons why her powers aren't here. Good thing it's cancelled. Now Gwen can go to another book if needed.

This is honestly the thing I hate most about the book, everyone went in knowing this book would be lucky to break 15 issues and Kelly set up a long term plot related to Gwen's powers being haywire which means whatever author uses her next will have to deal with it.

I'm gonna post the rest of the preview because why not.

Page 1

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The quirky dialogue is still terrible but the art is mostly good despite some of the faces looking really off. Sleepy Kate is great though.

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also just noticed Lucky was drawn with two eyes here, poor form.

#1 always do good especially how much Marvel forces LCS to buy certain comics. But yeah Thompson might be on the long run because on how popular Captain marvel will be kind of like how Bendis benefited from Guardians of the Galaxy being popular and rode that wave until it wasn't doing him any good.

The real Question is how long until she puts Kate there and we get some of Kate's drama in there.

Genis needs to come back and go on cosmic adventures with Kamala.

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I can't get into her Captain Marvel, I thought her Mrs and Mr X was pretty cool.

Also I think Captain Marvel should be a cosmic title but seeing how KSD got mediocre once she took Carol to space and how bad the other writers fudge it up that won't happen anytime soon.

BTW I know Thompson said she was going to give Carol a new male love interest somewhere along the way and that it wasn't going to be Rhodey or anyone she has been before. Who will it be?

I know Stohl made a twitter post saying she wanted to have Carol date Star-Lord but I guess Marvel didn't approve of that.

>She's mostly been using me as a glorified cab
See, this is why America belongs in Ultimates and not Young Avengers or "Kate 'n Friends" like I call this book: she's NOT being used at her fullest potential, she's a cosmic tier flying brick and in here she's just having a beach day with some random Earther. Damn it.
(Not a bad page though, but eh)

I hadn't read Fraction's Hawkeye when I first saw the dog so I initially thought he was just winking all the time.

>Also I think Captain Marvel should be a cosmic title
A thousand times this holy shit do we have to pay for a Fifth Avenue billboard to get them to understand it? Unbelievable, she's lame on Earth and can't really do anything special because she belongs in space kicking Skrull and Shi'ar's ass.

Ewing is the only one who has been able to do something interesting with her and the first time that character felt genuine. I also never gave a fuck about her friendship with Kate and I am saying this as someone that likes Kate too. I rather see Kate hang out with Cassie.

>Gwen wearing pants

Exposed arms & midriff, though...

The dialogue is fucking awful, luckily It looks far better on her Captain Marvel comic. Possibly because Carol personality fit her dialogue style like a glove.

Pretty sure the CM movie will end up pushing her comic in that direction eventually. Also most of the Star Force Kree in the movie including Yon-Rogg are still alive so I definitely see the Kree doing a come back at some point in Carol's life even if it isn't in her comic.

I didn't like it in her Captain Marvel because it felt too tryhard and the characters were overtly witty and it didn't feel natural. It's like I am hearing the Gilmore Girls and Whedon characters talk. Then again I have heard people talk like that in real life or at least attempt so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the norm within her circle of friends. I don't remember her Rogue and Gambit comic being that bad in the dialogue department but whatever.

Not just a #1. A #1 with nearly TWO DOZEN variant covers including ones by Alex Ross, Adam Hughes, two by Artgerm, and no less than FIVE J Scott Campbell covers. And it still couldn't make top selling book of the month.

The comic look like a porn comic.

Fucking got beat by Snyder's OC DONUT STEEL issue number 2.

because it's shit and no one was buying it

This is why I am checking Jody's Captain Marvel, it looks like she'll do some space stuff there.

Stan always speaks the truth

I mean Satan, but if Stan’s in hell he’s probably chilling right now

go on twitter, she's all but confirmed its cancelled

>a new male love interest
Shame. If there's one good thing to come out of Stohl's shitty-ass mini, it was that hometown guy who had a thing for Carol. I liked him.

I think it's a towel?

Deadpool said it best.

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what did you guys think of this fapkino?

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If only.

Well, if you give me the sauce, I might take a look.

WCA was cancelled before it was started. I am convinced they wanted to give Kelly Thomas rent money.

Yeah he was pretty cool but I think Stohl herself didn't care much about him but at least she developed him more than she did with Carol's brother who was just a plot device.

I think Carol suffers from the same shit Wonder Woman does when it comes to supporting characters which is the fact that every new writer that comes in will kick whatever supporting character was under the former writer to the curb while adding their own characters. That annoying little girl Kip is gone, Stohl's Blue Kree little girl and her Alpha Flight cadets are gone, every Alpha Flight person is gone as well. Whoever Thompson adds will most likely be gone when the next writer starts.

I don't know how I would do a Captain marvel comic but I would have it be cosmic and maybe use the whole Hala got destroyed thing as part of a initial plot. Carol helping the Kree reestablish themselves while also dealing with the fact that their culture sucks (but also has some interesting stuff to it myth and lore wise) and trying to make them better people even though a lot of them are shitty and Carol herself is also shitty in some aspects (but she's trying to be better). Maybe have Genis back to act as a foil for her, questioning if she deserves to be Captain Marvel and at some point she does something that convinces him that she does deserve it (he gains some respect for her but he's still a dick towards her). Maybe have Genis show some of his insecurities himself and have some moments where Carol awkwardly bonds with him about it.

That's the stuff I would like to see anyway probably some Skrulls, Eternals (No Thanos), Shi'ar, Brood, and some of the more obscure or less explored races (Acturians, Centaurians, Cotati etc..) in the mix.

As for the love interest I think she said he was going to be a former Avenger too sohe's not an OC like Kate's boring boyfriend.


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Imagine being a (straight) Marvel fangirl, suddenly finding yourself in the Marvel universe. You're reasonably attractive and, and realize you could bag any of your favorite male heroes.

You end up with Quentin Quire.

Gwenpool is far away from a sjw comic.

From the thumbnail I was hoping they were doing a tribute to the Buttman cover from Mallrats, with America as the worshipper for asses.

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In the Gwenpool comics she was amazing. Basically a perfect character. I agree that she's shit in everything else she's been in though.

Some women just have shitty taste. Or a mind control fetish, because lets face it, Quire is the exact kind of guy who'd mind-roofie a chick.

Dat ass. On my face. Right fucking now.

>Why do people like her?
As I said in another thread, I love her for the same reason I love Harley Quin. Shit taste.

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>when the last dick pulls out at the end of the gang bang