DC info from ComicPro

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Higgins tweets like a DC shill

Ladderfag, people can say nice things about non Disney or Marvel products and not be shills.

because he is and desperately wants those sweet press kits that they send out to bloggers

But Higgins is a dcfag. Ladderbro is right

Wasn't he just tweeting last week about the sky falling in regards to these "DC plans" based on nothing more than rich the leech's speculative reporting?

>YA Graphic Novels

Sounds like Bendis got himself a new line.

>reduction of collected editions
Reprints of old stuff is pretty much the only thing keeping me tied to Marvel/DC.

>Reduction of collected editions

did they finally get tired of reprinting Watchmen?

they need to rid of king and pretend the stupid ric shit never happened

Why do even bother? It's an anonymous forum, no one is going to remember you as a good boy for spewing buzzwords

>stopping watchman
And let moore get the rights back, never

>State production facts
>hurr durr shilllll
Never change Yea Forums

I don't even recognize comics anymore

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No, now they'll only reprint watchmen.

DC Ink/DC Zoom's announcement predate's Bendis's move to DC

>Rich and Yea Forums overreacted again
Well who didn't see this coming?

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Or at least not make their entire line based around whatever Kings or Bendis is doing

Yes. Flying off the handle is what comic fans are known for. It's why we still fall for shit like "Nothing will ever be the same!" despite memeing about it ourselves

Is Sideways safe?

(Mostly) Marvel fan here. Is DC kill?

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>King is bad meme
I fucking hate Yea Forums bullshit of turning a writter into a bogeyman because of one single mistake.

King,Priest,Aaron and Slott did far more good comics than bad.

They're talking about the various omnis and collections. I mean, there's like three different types of collections for the various comic ages for different characters. There's the Superman Golden Age omnibi, the Superman Golden Age collections, etc. that all cover the same thing. Might as well streamline it.

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Wonder who will be getting pushed in YA books.

Forbidden romance book for Terra and Deathstroke?

I just bought Volume 1 for Bronze Age Swamp Thing and looking at the issue count Vol2 is going to contain parts of Moore's run which I already own. Streamlining this shit sounds like a good idea if they actually do it properly

No. They're mostly clarifying that the rumored "reduction" in DC titles is largely the cancellation of comics that have already been cancelled in order to make way for the previously announced Ink/Zoom titles. DC will basically be publishing the same amount of things.

I see! That’s good to hear!

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>Blaming Yea Forums for a posts that were obviously obviously Tommy Ladderbro, and Tommy Ladderbro pretending to be a different person to support his own posts
You fucking brainlet.

>mental gymnastics

No, there is not going to be a Bronze Age Swamp Thing Omnibus V2.

Moore's run has been earmarked for Absolute line (which people have wanted more than an Omnibus version)

That said, it will be interesting how they handle the Pasko run, which was the chief selling point of the Bronze Age Swamp Thing run. Especially since the softcover V2 is going to have a lot of shitty stories no one likes and then, the Challengers of the Unknown stuff that the bronze age TPB omitted even though it bridges the gap between the first and second Swamp Thing books.

And that's not counting the fact that we still don't have the last seven issues of the Veitch run collected, nor do we have the Wheeler or Collins ST runs collected.

>reduction of collected editions

This I don't like.

DC has been on a role the last few years reprinting stuff. Even recutting old collections to add in previously removed material.

They still have a long way to go too.

Hell just looking at Batman, much of the early Year One-ish stuff like Monster Men, Red Monk, Snow, etc. have been out of print forever.


And this.

>Shills eating each other alive.

>everything I don’t like is a shill

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He already has one.

name them

I don' think Pam would aprove any of that.

Almost thought this was fake because of pic related.

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>Wonder who will be getting pushed in YA books.
We've known for some time now:

>Ink/Zoom titles
What will happen with the Black Label titles? Are they cancelled or something?

Nobody's sure about the previously announced titles after the Batdick incident, but Snyder and Capullo's finale to their Batman run will apparently be on Black Label so it's apparently still in play in sone form.

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>Old Man Batman
I am surprised it took this long to finally happen.

Doesn’t look like it. Last Knight, Three Jokers, and Superman Year One are all still coming. Won’t be as free as they initially promised though.

Sucks that Sideways didn't make the cut.

Superman Year One was going to have a graphical sex scene between Superman and Wonder Woman. Too bad. Miller was pretty hype about it.

This. The way I see it the Big 2's best years are behind them, they should focus on evergreen TPB's. No one cares about Bendis or King shit

The last YA graphic novels were novels for little kids, stupid little kids

So did the Walmart books fail, and so Walmart's ending the exclusive agreement, or did they do so well DC didn't renew the exclusive agreement?

The Lois thing probably from the King's story.


He owns an LCS so he's not a blogger; he owns this store, WHICH if you actually LOOKED at his tweets, you would know:


He also constantly posts negative or, at best, non-positive DC related tweets such as when Rich the Leach's stupid 22 post went live a few days back that people here used to bash DC with

AT MINIMUM, at least do some research before you TWO both show how STUPID and IGNORANT you are.

Only in your solo wet dreams - or all of them.

Go to sleep, Bendis

>Tommy Ladderbro SEETHING

Still no word on Milestone. god damn it.

>Romita Jr. sex scene
Uh maybe it’s for the best

Kinda surprising Silencer did. I think it’s a really good title but I’m surprised it got spared.

Probably the latter. I doubt DC would keep doing this if it failed.
Oh please. You fags threw a fit for like an hour and then everyone forgot about it. That wasn’t even a controversy certainly not anywhere near the Batcock.

That was cancelled more than a month ago

I have no clue how any comics company makes money on the fringe titles they release each month that have zero merchandising/movie licensing deal possibilities. It makes sense to let them die. Especially floppies.

Streamlining graphic novels is a good idea in theory but I doubt they'll make any more money doing it.

Neat. Wonder if the Mera one will go big due to Aquaman's success.

Just copy the text you fucking retard

>I have no clue how any comics company makes money on the fringe titles they release each month
Each individual title isn't really it's own thing when it comes to direct market sales. There isn't a different value based on them by content. DC could sell 90k of Batman comics and 20k Green Arrow but on paper that's just 110k units

The history of characters and storytelling that LITERALLY BUILT THE INDUSTRY was abandoned by DC when they did the New 52, and abandoned by Marvel when they started the "NOW" "initiative".

The comics industry does not care about comic book readers. They only want to sell merchandise to people that saw The Big Bang Theory once, and develop content for the film studios.

And they have to pay 2 creative teams to produce those. 100k of 1 comic is worth WAY more than 100k of 2 comics.

>You fags
Stop trying to fit in when you're just a fucking faggot ass tourist demanding people blow DC.

You don't know a fucking thing about comics. Different writers and artists get paid differently. There is NO WAY the GA creative team makes as much as King and whatever artists is on any given issue with him or even Williamson and who ever was on flash with him.

It is not a standard cost across books. That's why some are allowed to dip lower than expected.

Switching to OGNs only ups the risk involved. Floppies are cheaper to print and cheaper to pay for creative wise. They don't do as many OGNs because unless they sell it's a major risk in time and money invested.

As much as newfags and casuals hate to accept it floppy readers subsidize their casual buying habits.

Was there any news about the wonder comics imprint?

>finale to their Batman run
Yeah right, they'll do another swan song in a couple of years from now.
