Wonder Woman truly is one of the greatest hero's ever

Wonder Woman truly is one of the greatest hero's ever.

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Lucky ass kid taking a peak down Wondy's massive cleave in the third panel

what is that yellow thing, rope?
also horrible art

Yes, she is

A piece of the lasso, I guess.

How would people even know it's wonder woman's lasso and not just a piece of rope

She is a murderer living in an island of rapists

Whenever I see pages like this I always ask myself if the same could be said to Hitler.

ah fuck I thought it was a chinese finger trap since it looks like it's she's pulling it off his finger in the first panel

Reading the entire comic for starters

>being true to yourself is never wrong
What if I'm a borderline psychopath who wants to torture people to death because that's the only time I feel at peace?

Don't let your dreams be dreams

Then tell the truth so a therapist can treat you before you start doing narty shit

chill dex

Carpe diem, my friend.

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I said people. Jews aren't people. They're target practice.

Well get found out by a guy in a bat suit.

Where's my Wonder Woman /ss/

How that would actually unfold:
>The chad bully starts talking shit
>Little billy starts awkwardly digging around in his fanny pack
>Chad continues to talk shit
>billy grabs the snippit of lasso and shoves it at chad
>Chad perceives the limp-wristed thrust as an act of agrssion
>Billy gets laid out with a right cross before he can say one word
>chicken nuggets and tatter tots spill out of fanny pack
>everyone else in the gamestop busts out laughing

this little fucking shit is going to lose that piece of rope in 10 minutes and forget about this in a week
>what the fuck kind of lucky clover logic is this

Fuck that shit, I don't want no closet faggot being obsessed with me.

if you're a borderline psychopath, there's nothing anyone could ever say to you. You shouldn't be interacting with people anyway, you should be put in a cage.

Whoa there, thought police.

Then be true to who you are and turn yourself into the police.

user are you alright? This is oddly specific.

pls respond

>tfw no wonder mommy

What the fuck? I don't want to go to jail.


Diana is a lovely woman when she's not being written to be a fucking bitch all the time.

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>I wanna torture people to death

Boom. Best answer to a shitty question.

She was written to be a fucking btch in New Frontier. A black stain in an otherwise great book.

I mostly disagree. She helped bring Batman and Superman together to keep them from killing each other, and serves as a very well mannered protege of the President until she is retired. Yeah, she let all those female POWs murder their captives, but she's literally fighting a war. It's unlikely that she hasn't murdered/let people die in the context of this setting, so letting these women have their revenge and then training them to not let it happen again is fairly justifiable.

>trying to talk about war with capeshitters
big mistake

Isn't her question a matter of opinion? How would the rope change that?

>She helped bring Batman and Superman together to keep them from killing each other
That was in the special when Cooke by his own admission tried to write her better.
>and serves as a very well mannered protege of the President until she is retired.
She was the President's war dog in the war, willing to do the dirty business to undermine the other side that Superman couldn't and wouldn't, and after the war she was let go with a medal because she was not needed anymore. Something that pissed her off and made her turn against the administration.
>but she's literally fighting a war.
Technically, she and Superman were there to only give humanitarian aid. Confidentially, that was a cover story so Wonder Woman could fight in the region to help the American the troops. Then she went even further off handle. Wonder Woman is essentially a war criminal in the comic doing whatever she feels is justified even if it will only bread more conflict.
She was written as being in the wrong, user. The whole eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind philosophy. Like in most comic books that ship SMWW, Wonder Woman was just there to serve Superman development.

If Wonder Woman was treated with respect in the comic, she would've jailed the captives so they could face justice. You know, like a hero in a cape comic usually does. Not goad the female POWs into slaughtering the captives in an act of senseless revenge and violence while watching in amusement.

Come on, man.

Oh, I hadn't actually though of my reply in that context. I was simply posting from my "Jews inspecting Jewish lemons" folder, as one does.

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Of course. If Hitler had been true to himself he would've realized his part to play in history is to be defeated by the Allies.

>liek wut IF I’m a totul fuking psycho
Big “if” user

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