
Post non-Marvel versions of Thor.

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Thor being redheaded is more accurate to the mythology, right?

Wonder why Marvel made their version blonde in particular.

>Wonder why Marvel made their version blonde in particular.
Because that's how Americans in the 60's like Jack Kirby perceived Scandinavians.

Easier to see with old printing techniques that they used back in the day, I think.

Best Thor coming through

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Semi related to the thread but who here wishes other mythologies got more focus in comics? The go to flavors seem to be Greek and Norse. Like take African myth for example, there's some weird shit there worth looking into. Not just Anansi The Spider, but stuff like "The Grootslang", which is a terrifying half snake half elephant monster created by the gods.

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Neil Gaiman's Thor, which is DC's Thor, is shit

I guess they go to places that received previous attention. thor had paintings like your image and Greek myths had also received attention.

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>Wonder why Marvel made their version blonde in particular.
Because Stan Lee knew shit about Norse mythology other than a few key elements. He only chose to do a Thor comic because he didn't want to do one about Greek mythology or Greek gods because those were overdone.

He also said his local library didn't have much books regarding Norse myth and then decided to fuck it just wing it and do whatever (which is why Thor's hammer gets called the "uru hammer" and not Mjolnir and why Loki is Thor's brother.

Stan was also into swashbuckler heroes, movies, and Shakespeare which is how you got the Warriors Three in there. Fandral was based on Errol Flynn, Volstagg on Shakespeare’s Falstaff, and Hogunn was an amalgamation of a lot of Charles Bronson roles.

But yeah Stan Lee laid it thick with Shakespearean shit on his Thor run and Jack Kirby pretty much added his style to the comic (You should see the costumes he designed for a College play of Julius Caesar, not really period accurate but they were interesting and some photos of the play exist in the internet).

Also making Marvel Thor different from standard norse Viking Thor makes him easier to trademark him.

I would like Aztec myth to get more attention and Celtic myth because I don't know much about it and it looks interesting.

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>Thor being redheaded is more accurate to the canon.

You learn something new everyday.

Fuck, there was a comic I wanted to share that I can't remember the name of for the life of me. Had the Norse gods coming to earth during World War II and they ended up teaming up with the Nazis due to some high level lying on the part of Hitler. Loki teamed up with the Allies to try and help. Was pretty good.

Found it, it's called The Life Eaters.

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That's partly why Kotal Kahn is so awesome in MK

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Isn't Odin a Ginger?

>Wonder why Marvel made their version blonde in particular.

I remember reading somewhere that gold was sometimes refereed to in ancient Norse texts as being "red" in color and some other old texts refer to Thor has having a golden beard and that as such, Thor may have been depicted as having Red hair, or Blonde hair depending on the person depicting him.

He's well hung

>"Also making Marvel Thor different from standard norse Viking Thor makes him easier to trademark him."
>Implying Disney won't somehow try to copyright Norse gods like they try to do Dio de los Muertos.

Not...really? Think of Gandalf and that's pretty much Odin. Tolkein modeled Gandalf off of him.