Brie Larson pushing for all-female A-Force movie

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do it. ghostbusters 2.0.

Tessa Thompson a.k.a. Valkyrie has also been promoting this idea of a sort of 'Avengers: Answer the Call' movie.
>In recent months, the likes of Tessa Thompson (Thor: Ragnarok), Scarlett Johannson (Black Widow) and Black Panther director Ryan Coogler have all expressed interest in making a Marvel spinoff built around the studio’s leading ladies.
She also shares Brie's opinions on white men.

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Also they're planning on making a Young Avengers movie once the original Avengers are killed off in Endgame, so we can look forward to America Chavez joining the cast.

Hard pass.

Shouldn’t she wait to see if her movie makes enough money first?

>Brie Larson attempts to generate more guaranteed work for herself after Captain Marvel forever taints her marketability
What a surprise.

Birds of prey will already exist and it will be a better movie than anything they could come up with. The marvel universe is on it's way out. It was fun for a bit, but after the russo's leave you can stick a fork in it.

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>Birds of prey will already exist and it will be a better movie than anything they could come up with
Come on man. I like DC but BoP looks like all the worst parts of SS times a million.

Not necessary, it's a Marvel movie.

Yeah i don't know where they'll even go with it but Ewan McGregor playing black mask is reason enough for it to be the better female focused flick.

Dazzler can fly?

Which Birds of Prey will already have beat them to the punch. Boy they are just grasping here.

I'd watch for Dazzler and Singularity alone.

How many teams does Carol have anyway? I assume for the movies they'll have to focus on one, and A-Force or Ultimates being the winner.

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She-Hulk threw her? Eitherway, they do gotta do new team stuff after Endgame, and I don't know if they'll just keep the team movies under the Avengers titles, or try to expand it out a bit. So I'd be down for an A-Force movie. I'm even fine with Perlmutter ruining Medusa, since I didn't really care for her on the team.

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whoa carol's hair is super cute in this unfortunately thats not enough to make me want to read anything shes in

Imagine saying that you dont want to work with a "bunch of black people" or women.

The outrage would be glorious.

Imagine being such a little bitch that you care.

Oh, you don't have to imagine...

jesus would she stop virtue signalling for five seconds

Shoo shoo, SJW.

As long as it isn't edited by a trailer house with a weed whacker again then that seems unlikely

Hopefully the recent successes have made it so WB will trust their filmmakers a bit more. SS was a fun little mess, but I don't think a movie that fucked up would fly again.

If we have an all male superhero team sure. If not fuck off

If White Genocide was as real as these anons imagined, the board would be a much better place.

since when could Dazzler fly?

go to hell incel

Don't you have some cocaine to shove up your asshole, Pablo?

>If we have an all male superhero team sure.
You're not dragging us into you're "we", incel.

She's done crazier shit.

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Needs Mantis

Well, who do we actually have to choose from using characters that exist already and the ones we can safely assume are coming? Assume we're shooting from a team of 7, with Carol as lock as leader.

Have the line up be...
> Captain Marvel
> Valkyrie or Sif
> Scarlet Witch
> Wasp
> Nebula
> Shuri

No Okoye, Valkyrie makes her redundant.
No Widow she is getting he own film & we have gotten plenty of her in previous team films & Nebula makes her redundant.

If Gamora returns from the dead & is used, she has this outfit, yes including the starfield at all times -

For Valkyrie's outfit, try and be more faithful to the comics. Give blonde hair. Go back go her black outfit but take the gold breast plates off the white outfit & place onto it - either remove the pants & extend the battle skirt like Wonder Woman despite Tessa's demand for pants, or make the pants tan/white/blue to contrast the rest of the suit.

Don't address it being a all female group.
Have them encounter different pieces of the big picture separately & come together like the cast in Infinity War did.
Like Shuri is visiting the remnants of Asgard & teams with Valkyrie. Captain Marvel teams with Nebula in space & such.

No idea about a villain, don't want Amora unless she is properly sexualized which they won't do.

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2 flat actress
The 2 BIGGEST MCU miscast
sorry, this is not for me

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I kinda forgot about Wasp, since she hasn't gotten to interact with the rest of the MCU at all yet. But that's a pretty good mix or personalities and skill sets. I'd throw Mantis in there like user suggested, just because her personality is so different from everyone (though if Singularity was brought in, just use her instead as they both have the naive innocence thing going).

I can't get enough of Nebula, I just want her around all the time.

Well, if anything it will be fun to watch a gaggle of egomaniacs try and become a cohesive team with no "silly" men to play off of

James gunn doing the sequel is going to make bank.

Spider-man should be the only guy on the team and get teased by the sexy older women.

brah you can go on the internet every day and find people who are scared of black people existing in their life at all

granted many of them are NEETs who probably haven't even properly met a black person before, but try to have some attachment to reality

also, middle-class white dudes are boring, and everybody worth knowing doesn't care much about them.

tfw you're a rich white woman in America but you want to feel oppressed so you have to constantly virtue signal

It's all so tiresome, why couldn't I have been born a gay trans black-chinese woman in 1750s china.

"I g-gotta go, ladies. Ma'ams. My aunt is expecting me home..."

"You're aunt? Don't live with your mommy? That's okay... we'll be your mommies."

>tfw you're a rich white woman in America but you
Fucking Hell, triggered can you bitches be? A fucking woman gets mentioned at all on Yea Forums these days and some incel is assblasted into space.

Oh yeah, that's a great idea! We really need more movies based on on comics that didn't even last a year before getting canned! Next let's make an America movie next, I can't wait to hear an actor say "Holy Menstruation!" in an unironic context on the big screen!

Seriously, I can kind of understand the Shang-Chi movie as his comic had a decently popular run decades ago and I understand the Morbius movie given Sony's limited character rights, but A-Force is just stupid idea. I knew they were kind of running out of big names when they made GotG, Doctor Strange and Black Panther, so obviously bad ideas like A-Force seemed like they were inevitable.

But now they have partial rights to Spider-Man and will soon obtain the full rights to X-Men as well as the Fantastic Four. That's like 70% of the actually popular characters right there, no need to scrape the bottom of the barrel anymore.

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I'm not triggered, I'm pretending to be upset by things because my life is literally too good and lacking in strife I need to manufacture drama to feel like I'm as important as people with real problems. The only difference between me and the cunts in hollywood is our bank accounts.

>I'm pretending to be upset by things because my life is literally too good
I know. Stop being a whiny bitch.

I'd like one mutant on the team. Obviously Dazzler, but who knows if they'll actually use her. I do like the idea of them not really being a "team" so much as a happenstance gathering. Just enough so they form some bonds and will back eachother up the next time a big threat comes along.

If this had occurred 10 years ago everybody would be behind it for the novelty and the fun. Seeing women doing something other than scratching at each other for five minutes, you know, (do you?)
But now #metoo has drawn the line and the weaponeers in every story sell to both sides so...

>no Singularity
>no She-Hulk

She's assuming people will want a sequel, though.

Singularity is by far the best part of the team. Hell, most anyone can be changed out if she's there and done well, and a full cgi character is normal fuck in the MCU now.

Only A-Force arc I really read was after She-Hulk was sidelined by Civil War 2, so not sure how she played off the others. But Universal probably still has the rights to her, so we'll see if we ever get her.

Sorry, but neither seem likely.

>Imagine saying that you dont want to work with a "bunch of black people" or women.

The main difference is that we don’t live in a world where women or black people are the dominant culture you fucking idiot. White straight cis men are not and never have been a marginalised minority.

>Brie Larson pushing for all-female A-Force movie
So she and the other fems will be out from the Avengers movies

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you racist much

I liked A-Force

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Could you hurry up with committing suicide, you retarded discord tranny?

>Elsa joins the team
>movie is now R-rated
>no blood, no sex, Elsa just has some lines

More like Brapforce amirite

So you never studied the history of Mediterranean piracy and the Islamic slave trade through North Africa?

But user FEELS marginalized, and his FEELINGS are all that matter!

>movie is now R-rated
>no blood, no sex, Elsa just has some lines

Come on user, don't you think you're exaggera ... never mind.

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Wealthy white women aren't marginalized any more than wealthy white men are.

>One person who’d love to not only be on board but also take the lead is Captain Marvel star Brie Larson. Speaking to, she told the outlet that she’d definitely be into heading up the all-female team.

>“Duh!” the actress says. “I mean, I feel like they have to elect me. We’ve been talking about this, about what our democratic system would be, as to who gets to be the leader — or if there even is one. Maybe we can all co-exist happily, we don’t need to have a specific leader. But if they nominated me for that, of course I’m in.”

Lol there's also an old interview with Tessa saying she thinks Valkyrie would be the leader because of Lady Liberators and her being the one that unites all the female heroes.

Honestly now I want A-Force to happen because I know those two will have an ego fight.

Yeah, sure.

She didn't even lead the Ultimates, America did.

Yes they are.
And they want to talk to the manager about this.

white women of a certain level of financial security are pretty much a privileged class

>The main difference is that we don’t live in a world where women or black people are the dominant culture you fucking idiot. White straight cis men are not and never have been a marginalised minority.
Hollywood is not dominated by white males.

>Hollywood is not dominated by white males.
Just go back to Yea Forums, user. They don't mind you being retarded.

Everyone else, assuming they went for someone who could actually sing, cast Dazzler.

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>in a world
How many white people are there on the planet compared to everyone else?

>Just go back to Yea Forums, user. They don't mind you being retarded.
How am I retarded? I'm stating a fact.

>actor wants to star in more movie
>sjws from /pol/ cry bitch tears

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>White straight cis men are not and never have been a marginalised minority.

I really wish this was true.

oh no? their boobs aren't big? what a tragedy?

The obvious answer is to bring Kat Dennings back and make her a superhero.

Worse, their asses are flat.

Yes but unironically. Why should the male heroes all be hunks and sex symbols, but the female heroes are plain and dumpy looking? They are supposed to be at the peak of human perfection.

i'm not sure this as a big a deal as you really want it to be.

but honestly i really don't give a shit about this made up problem.

>How many white people are there on the planet compared to everyone else?
Define white, for the American Census Middle East and north Africa are white.
Europe has now 740M, including Russia I think and, remove 60M foreigners, add 180M Americans, arround 100M white Hispanics, add 20M from Australia, arround !B Europeans, if you want we can remove the South Europeans, some people do, some others no, and we have then 700 or 750M.. there's 7.300M people on the Earth now

>xhe doesn't think it's wrong that men have to have a perfect body and women can just be whatever
How does it feel being a sexist?

How strong are the actor's influence on this kind of decision? I thought this kind of decision would be made by high executives with the cast having close to no influence in the matter

Wow that article is a huge bait. It’s not like she started it. They asked her if she would be up for all female team and she answered Duh as if mocking the interviewer for asking a stupid question.

>dozens of countries around the world commit human right violations towards women on a daily basis
I sleep
>An all-female superhero movie

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>Wow that article is a huge bait.
If an OP on Yea Forums starts with an article, there is a 100% chance it's a bait title. OPs clickbaiting us for free.

I like they op worded to her as pushing it when she was really only answering a dumb question.

I'm almost certain sometimes they just write the story, and then ask a question to get the quote they need to fill in the blanks.

>false equivalence.

It's all about the first world whamen problems.

Please explain.

>better moveie than anything marvel could come up with
>mcu on its way out
kek imagine believing this

Black valkyrie would be less of an issue if they casted an actually attractive black actress, not frumpy tessy

>Singularity in a movie

>I'd like to make a movie with an all-female cast.
>Sounds great. What's the plot?
>What's the what?

ones a global political problem about human right violation the other is a movie.

A-force was already all female, you dolts.