Why does Aaron hate Odin so much?

Why does Aaron hate Odin so much?

Attached: Thor 010-000.jpg (1987x3056, 1.55M)

Aaron is a self-hating numale who thinks that masculinity is defined only by two aspects.
The negative aspect is to be a "meany thupit PATRIARCHY male dooshbag who gets EVERYTHING wrong".
The positive aspect is to be a beer-guzzling idiot, which is seen as endlessly endearing.

His understanding of his gender is literally a stereotypical Homer Simpson caricature.
I liked his Thor run(s) for a long while, but I got sick of it.
Odin is consistently shown as an idiot. All of mythology as well as Marvel history has shown him as a wise man who is a formidable leader. But suddenly Odin is basically 98% stupid asshole who needs to listen to wamin, period.
And the fucking shit about "We musth dwink meeeed! Let us have massthive quantitiees of MEEEAD!" is so fucking dumb, like the opinion of a teenager who just barely started being able to handle their alcohol.

He did the same thing with his Wolverine run. Logan just became an alcoholic, and somehow this is supposed to be endlessly amusing and endearing. Got old real fast.

I mean he doens't even try to hide it

Attached: fuck asgard.jpg (604x663, 95K)

I get the impression he just plain hates everything about Thor. He is holding on to that title while simultaneously really dosen't want to write for that title.

Its funny because I live where he is from and its the most redneck place you could imagine. Strange for such a cuck to come from here. Anyways I can never get enough of Del Mundo's artwork.

Because Odin beard is better.

Imagine being such an incel that you took the time to write this out.

Attached: jaaron.jpg (600x600, 36K)

It's probably why he's like that.

Well our other notable celebrities are
>Goober from the Andy Griffith show
>Michael Rooker AKA Merl from the Walking Dead TV series.
See the pattern here?

I hate Aaron so much, everything Thor has been almost unreadable for the past couple of years. There are many writers where I will give their books a shot, and there are many bad writers who at least have some decent ideas. Aaron only shits all over characters, ruins their place in canon AND writes bad stories.

>living in a redneck place

I'll pray for you, user.

How is his Conan run fairing? Supposedly he is a big fan of the books.

I love it. Tons of freedom. Everything comes by mail now. I grew up in Atlanta and Tampa so Ive been to the other side.

I mean he might even try to retroactively write his backstory just because he hates everything but Jane Foster

Attached: Let's rewrite this origin because it's o so toxic.jpg (2017x1500, 865K)

What else would incels do on the weekends? Hang out with friends? Go to a job? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Isn't he pissed off that he had to stop writing his personal little baby Jane Thor, and go back to writing what he hates, male Thor?

I thought the Don Blake angle worked for him. It covers the whole human identity while on Earth pretty well and gives him an earth side cast.

Exactly WHY is literally everyone allowing Malekith to go on a rampage?

Hopefully after this war of the realms horseshit they’ll put a new team on Thor.

When even the "Shakespeare" speech is better writing than Aaron, you know he needs to move on.

He"s being very sneaky about it, mostly.

Why they stopped with the Shakespeare speech? it was too difficult for reader or what?

Seen as a bit quaint and silly when Thor'd been on earth for 40+ IRL years by the 2000's, Hercules made a joke about it.

Well Marvel has been Zeus-ifying Odin for a while now. Aaron just made it obvious.

But yeah Marvels Norse Gods are really Greek characters with space-Norse trappings. There is very little relating to the gods of mythology themselves. Which is why we have idiots today who really think Loki was Odins son in lore instead of a contemporary.

Aaron writting got 10x worse since he started writting Thor, why the fuck Marvel didn't moved him to another tittle?

He is on Conan but I havent read it.

Becausa, according to Carl Jung, Odin is responsible for WW2. He possessed the Germans.