Is there even a SINGLE character who can defeat him?
Is there even a SINGLE character who can defeat him?
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A bunch of Squrriels can
>killed a tiger with his bare hands
Doom sounds like 9 year old first character.
Tommy's shitposting
Reed Richards?
Multiple times?
Don't forget.
>best ruler ever
>smartest character ever
>so amazing that Storm and Scarlet Witch want to suck his cock
>so awesome that Reed and Sue want him to raise their children
>openly admired by the Avengers
>Marvel's civilians fight wars for the right to have him as their dictator
>stronger than omnipotence
But we can't criticize it because "H-He villain", and a villain being a Mary Sue is considered the apex of writing by Marvel fans.
Also, a villain being trusted, admired and loved by the heroes and civilians is considered the apex of writing by Marvel fans as well.
Doombot, other times he wanted to "fail" Like Sue attacking him in front of Valeria.
Doombots have souls that can be lost in hell?
Do you doubt it? Most likely the soul lost in hell was an "advanced spiritual Doombot" or shit like this. You think Doomfags wouldn't eat that shit up?
One day, hopefully sooner than later, there’ll be a story in some small newspaper that no one really reads about a middle aged man found dead in his room, with the walls plastered with pictures of Doom, Sue, and Namor.
Luke Cage
Not defending the troll but being so overdramatic is only making you look like a butthurt autist.
But Doom can’t be anything more than a medium level mage
>Doombot, other times he wanted to "fail"
That was classic Doom, he turned into a super duper magicfag after traning a bazingllion years to beat Marquis
Scott Lang (Pym Particles Completado) can beat him
A villain transported Doom to millions of years in the past. Instead of dying of old age, Doom simply made himself immortal by sheer WILLPOWER and used all those millions of years to improve his strength.
Fucking awesome, ain't it? Someone refusing to die for millions and millions of years because "MUH WILLPOWER!"? I can almost understand why Marvelfags believe the character to be the "apex of writing".
I haven't seen a DC magic vs Marvel magic thread for several days, you're neglecting your other fixations and you might want to look in to that. Just a FYI Tommy.
Yeah, Reed Richards does all the time.
Those are all Doombots, though.
If you plan is, "use a robot duplicate to carry out a scheme," and your nemesis beats it, he's still defeated you.
That retarded story is barely canon, no writter aknowledge it, I mean Doom killed a fucking Watcher by himself there, this shit would make him nearly skyfather lvl
So basically what every man aspires to be? Have you considered that hes just supposed to represent the human values of progress, spirit, and ambition?
Batman has more plot armor so he would beat the crap out of dr doom
that and its rather telling how limited you are if you need robots to carry out your own work.
>Doom killed a fucking Watcher by himself there, this shit would make him nearly skyfather lvl
You think he isn't? Dude, Doom destroys omnipotent beings left and right easily nowadays, you think a fucking Watcher would be any challenge? C'mon now.
It was implied that he kicked the Watcher ass directly, he didn't made a machine to steal his powers like he did to Galactus and Beyounder.
Molecule Man. Easy fight, Doom loses.
This is some Sarah Sanders level spin.
The mods
Hickman made Doom fight against 4 Celestials at the same time, without any machine or any prep-time, for 20 minutes, and Doom didn't suffer any injury during the fight.
Someone who can do it can surely kill a Watcher.
Under Hickman, Doom killed literally millions of Molecule Man without breaking a sweat. In fact, he created a whole religion around the act of killing a Molecule Man.
It's canon, though.
Doom let him win.
>Doing anything that wouldn’t make Richards feel miserable
Just throwing this out here in a doom thread: how would you pull off a doom cosplay? I am a decent leathercrafter and completely amateur armorer and I want to live the Doom dream.
Most of it I think i can actually do, but much of what doom wears is physically impossible (only metal on both sides of a joint). What do I use as a material inside instead of solid metal? Chainmail? Gray fabric? Black leather?
Asking fa/tg/uys instead of cgl because I think you guys would have better more authentic looking advice. Sorry for personal blog.
>Hickman made Doom fight against 4 Celestials at the same time
That's even more stupid, Odin with the destroyer armor and amped did last less than that fighting against few Celestials.
There's a chance that either Dr. Mahnattan or Spectre can, but it's mostly unlikely.
Is this the best villain in modern fiction? I wasn't so sure about the character at first, but Yea Forums's shilling finally got to me.
What does it feel like to be in charge and unappreciated?
Saying that makes me wonder what would have happened if 616 earth had blamed Doom for not protecting them against incursions what would have happened.
You could do the magic Doom from Waid’s run
Himself. That's literally his whole character- "as great as a man can be without virtue." He's so wrapped up in his obsession with Reed Richards and his unflinching narcissism that he and he alone can properly save and rule mankind that it hamstrings him from being a legitimate superhero.
Also, he kills innocent people for no reason, rapes women and tortures children. Those things stop him from being a hero as well.
an absolute unit lads
>I call it "Doom's"
That's supposed to be funny right?
Worse: that's suppose to be the apex of writing.
And, according to Marvelfags, it is.
This look like the kind of guy to be throwing quips left and right?
Which are some writers that shit on Doom, or at least don’t wank him by putting him on a power level higher than basically any hero?
The only one I can think about right now is Waid, with Doom being tricked and losing his soul to demons, only to be later called a weak wizard for his incapability of trusting in powers greater than him and out of his complete control
Several Fantastic Four characters are ridiculous like that. Galactus, Silver Surfer, Franklin Richards, probably more.
Why can't we all agree that both universes have some neat shit up their sleeves. I prefer DC 99% of the time, but even I have to admit they don't have anything quite like Doom.
They should turn it into his catchphrase
Plastic surgery could solve that, let’s not even talk about the super plastic surgery they would have in the Marvel universe
Thank god DC doesn't have a rapist that becomes omnipotent every year.
I would rather kill myself than pretend that a character becoming omnipotent every year is the apex of writing.
There are already deep psychological scars that surgery will never fix.
Remember to ignore on Tommy threads
I'd rather kill myself than limit my interests to just one publisher, but that's me.
Redpill me on Tommy, is that like a /pol/ thing or whatever?
Fuck off Tommy. Your intelligence is so low you can’t even conceal who you are properly. Be more original next time.
he had a literal god at that point and even that power failed to fix his face (although doom's face has never looked that fucked up in the past)
sue storm said it's probaly because of the same reason ben is a rock monster 24/7 deep down they feel the need to look like that
I'm not limiting my interest to just one publisher. I'm saying that Dr. Doom becoming omnipotent every year isn't the apex of writing or something that impresses or interest me.
Marvel has plenty of good shit. Dr. Doom becoming omnipotent every year isn't one of them. Seeing someone that doesn't worship Dr. Doom shocks you?
Waid, Morrison and Gruenwald.
Needless to say, Doomfags hate those three. They only like Byrne, Hickman and the likes.
Slott. He doesn’t shit on Doom as in make him really weak powerwise but he does write him as an outright villain. Although not to the edginess levels of Waid but that’s a good thing.
I'm dead serious. I've been lurking Yea Forums for like 3 months now. Have yet to discern Tommy.
>Marvel has plenty of good shit.
Like what, Tommy? Hawkeye? Kate Bishop?
>Seeing someone that doesn't worship Dr. Doom shocks you?
Of course not. It's the way you worded your original sentence. Just because the plot device has been overdone doesn't mean it's a shit character. Musicians runs themselves into the ground eventually, doesn't mean you have to lose respect for their previous work.
Nope, those are shit as well.
JMS's Spider-Man is good. Ennis' Punisher is good. Busiek's Avengers is good.
Why don't you try them? Who knows, you may even realize that there are stories better than Dr. Doom becoming omnipotent annually.
I'm still waiting for someone to explain Tommy to me btw.
>Ennis' Punisher
This is so incredibly ironic and hypocritical from you, Tommy. Nonsensical taste confirmed.
>This is so incredibly ironic and hypocritical from you, Tommy. Nonsensical taste confirmed.
Oh my, why? Because I don't like Moon Knight much?
Here's who he is.
You’re embarrassing yourself, Tommy. Thanks for the laugh though.
So the guy calling people Tommy is.. Tommy.
What the fuck even is this?
Ya'll make Yea Forums look alright is all I'm gonna say.
No, Tommy is the antiDoomfag who somehow managed to become ten times more annoying than Doomfags. The thing is he is making people like Doom because people are now associating antiDoonfagging as mental illness.
>The thing is he is making people like Doom because people are now associating antiDoonfagging as mental illness.
That's fucking pottery.
>If you don't think that Dr. Doom becoming omnipotent every year is the apex of writing, you are mentally ill.
Good god. You Doomfags have no limits.
Tommy also lacks reading comprehension.
Kill yourself tommy. Everyone else, report him for breaking >>>/global/rules/9 and >>>/global/rules/10
No he’s undefeatable
I wonder why Dr Doom never got his own comedy cartoon where he say crazy shit like that in every episode.
Will Doctor Doom make his appearance in the MCU now that Disney owns Fox
>Sokovia replaces Latvaria
>Bomb that killed T'Chaka also killed Sokovian leader, leaving a power vacuum
>Doom uses the events during AoU to get the people of Sokovia rallying behind him
>Uses whatever remains of all those Ultron bodies to make his Doombots
Don't forget to fit in the Chitauri somehow. And Iron Man.
>Stark's September Foundation Grant funds Victor's project that gets him kicked out of university
>Chitauri could be shoehorned into being the surveillance Thanos keeps on Doom
The part of his backstory involving his gypsy mum would be changed up 100%
No he’s omnipotent.
>user describes an average story of Doom
user here's how it goes ok
Huge world ending impending event starts setting off alarms.
For a brief moment burglary suspected.
Fant4stic 4 actors arrive, get hated on, since you have them you should be celebrating them.
Fantastic 4 actors stuck outside looking in since you liked them better than the other team you should express positive sentiments toward them as well.
Remember the Doom & Kang heist on Magnus's cosmic cubes?
Remember the Mystery behind Master of Doom and his harbinger?I
Why can't Yea Forums function? Like why does it have to be this weirdly sentient denial of service attack on itself?
Remember when Dr Doom and Kang teamed up to sneak into The Magus's secret Cosmic Cube vault in Infinity War I liked that scene. Dr Doom can use stealth when called for so that's how I think Dr Doom(s) enters the MCU.
I've posted this story idea so many times; two Dr Dooms from the last two films both show up. One breaks in to steal artifacts to open a portal to Annihilation Wave Galactus, the other Dr Doom breaks in to establish control of Sokovia like The Permanent Zone in Ultimate Comics. I
And since you LOOOVE the first Fantastic Four movie so much you should like Dr Doom falling dramatically and in a silly way.
The image of the Baxter Building free floating in space between dimensions is so common too I think it's a good place to put the Fantastic Four team from Chris Evans FF. Maybe one of the teams will be Zombies, idk, that was a sort of big deal.
And a Doom story has to be big.
Annihilation, Zombies, Kang, (humanoid) Galactus.
This could all be introduced in 1 FF movie.
At the end one Doom turns the power-stealing device against the other Doom, and one Doom vet's tossed through a portal. Then the surviving Doom settles down into the Sokovia Permanent Autonomous Zone, and starts reclaiming Ultron pieces.
Or maybe Dr Doom is the guy that broke Slattery out of prison.
Or maybe
What happened to doom after infamous ironman?
Doom went back to his castle and some girl inspired him to become the ruler of Latveria again. This girl became Doom's Herald, Victorious. He used cosmic energy to give her powers which attracted Galactus which is what he wanted so he can prove to the world (aka Reed Richards) how powerful he was.
you are a well written villain
A plethora of dc villains, including but not limited to
>darkseid, anti monitor, spectre, trigon, black adam
Quite a few marvel villains as well
>galactus, dormammu, thanos, dark phoenix and many more
And before you say
>b-buh he can just become omnicient
Then apply each of these villains at their most powerful(normally omniscient and/or multiversal). Doomfans are almost as bad as batfags