Where and why did the whole 'Woman with a fruit basket' thing come from? I assume it's a Latin American thing...

Where and why did the whole 'Woman with a fruit basket' thing come from? I assume it's a Latin American thing, but why is it such a staple in cartoons?

Also post more cartoon chicks with fruit baskets.

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Carmen Miranda

Carmen Miranda, an actress from Brazil specifically.

did grandma get fucked by the reindeer ?

Looked her up, interesting. It's strange how cartoons disseminate cultural icons and ideas to people who would never have heard of the origins of them.

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>Where and why did the whole 'Woman with a fruit basket' thing come from? I assume it's a Latin American thing, but why is it such a staple in cartoons?
Latin-American music was huge in the states in the 50s, Desi Arnaz, "Cuban Pete" and all that. I imagine a lot of boomers' first sexual awakening was seeing some woman with a fruit hat back-up-belly-dancing on the Ed Sullivan Show or somesuch, and it probably got parodied in some Merry Melodies short I can't remember, so the result was a generation or two of animators referring back to that imagery.

It's kinda like how cartoons used to be obsessed with the Mambo, another holdover from that era, but by the 90s even when it was referenced, it's a joke about how old and out-of-touch Goofy is compared to Max.

I don't think you see many people referencing that stuff nowadays as those older animators have retired, the last cartoon I can remember doing the fruit-bowl-hat thing was the luau episode of Phineas & Ferb.

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I always thought it's a reference to Chiquita Bananas logo.

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Beat me to it

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>OP is a filthy zoomer.

Yes, but OP was genuinely curious about older media, and asked an appropriate question, making him a zoomer that wants to expand his mind.


>tfw you'll never be haunted by Carmen Miranda's ghost in space station 13


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Mostly because she's doing it in space station 3?

Daffy dressing as Carmen Miranda is most likely a direct reference to:


when you consider that the whole point of that short is Daffy showcasing the alleged talents of his child actor client.

The rabbit hole goes deeper it seems

I've actually got a model sheet from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog which specifies Carmen Miranda, which I thought was fairly impressive.

Attached: carmen miranda.jpg (1234x1600, 343K)


huh, there's a whole book about it. I thought it was just a quirky song.

I kind of wonder what that'll mean for the human race when the ghosts of generations past start taking off for space?

also hot

Popular culture/Hollywood in those days also romanticized Mexico a lot. It wasn't associated with cartel beheadings in those days.

When's the last time you saw a Peter Lorre reference in a cartoon? I think it's been a while.

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>I don't think you see many people referencing that stuff nowadays as those older animators have retired, the last cartoon I can remember doing the fruit-bowl-hat thing was the luau episode of Phineas & Ferb.

That was probably some Millenial animator who wanted to do a homage to oldskool animation or something.

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Hotel Transilvania I think?

That or Boo Berry.


Didn't live too long.

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Good to see those Thirteeniggers are now willing to admit that their space station's ghosts are shit compared to the ones us Threeroes have.

That's because this was before the US and CIA meddled with south america.

I always wanted to fuck that short haired chick

US and British involvement in Latin America goes back to the 19th century. Uruguay literally exists because Britain didn't want either Brazil or Argentina to control the mouth of the Rio de la Plata.

Take anvils, for example. The vast majority of people today would only know that as some metal object that gets dropped on cartoon characters' heads.
Bugs Bunny's iconic catchphrase "What's up, Doc?" was itself originally a reference.
More people are familiar with "Groucho glasses" than they are with Groucho himself.


You ever wondered why the Marines Hymn is called 'Halls of Montezuma'?



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People still draw cartoon characters holding brown paper bags, or using them as masks, I'm 26 years old and have never seen seen them IRL, only plastic bags.

>you've never seen a brown paper bag
This is a troll, right?

>Never seen a brown paper bag

I don't know where you live but if you ever go grocery shopping or to a market there's probably at least one fruit stand that would have brown paper bags.


Can we go home now?

You're here forever

Latin America was always a shithole, it's just that you didn't have LiveLeak videos back then and people didn't see the slums in Rio (protip: they were always there and people like CM were upper class white Brazilians).

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It used to be joked that Bolivia ran at 33 RPM (Revolutions Per Minute).


Bugs eating a carrot was a reference to Clark Gable in It Happened One Night.

Before the CIA there was Chiquita. Or like it was called back then, United Fruit.


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By that point, the US had already had a two decade long military occupatiom of Nicaragua under its belt.

The thing you have to understand about Latin American history is that the place was founded as a resource extraction economy for Spain and Portugal. The white European ruling class whipped the black/Indian/meszito masses into mining and growing sugarcane. So a real middle class and industrial base never developed.

During colonial times, they were also barred from trading with anyone but the mother country. When the Napoleonic Wars happened, local elites took advantage to declare independence so they could do business with anyone they wanted and not pay taxes to Madrid. Britain wholeheartedly supported Latin American independence so they could conduct commerce there.

Post-independence however nothing changed that much socially, the place remained a resource extraction economy designed to supply the US and Europe and enrich the white ruling class.


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It's strange to think there was a time when you had to explain what a banana was to a general audience.

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real question now:

did brazilians actually go around wearing fruit hats, was this their fashion

or was carmen miranda the only one

Imagine being on the bridge and seeing yourself surrounded by Carmen Miranda Ghost's ghost vagina.

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>character in cartoon watches TV or uses a landline phone
>character uses computer with large cube-shaped crt monitor
>kids age 0 - 12 have no idea what those are
Really makes you think...

the word 'nimrod' is used as an insult 100% due to bugs bunny

when bugs called elmer 'poor little nimrod', he was referencing a character from the bible, a hunter

but nobody who saw the cartoon got the reference and just assumed it was an insult

similarly, poindexter means a nerd solely because of felix the cat

Nobody under the age of 65 is going to be remotely familiar with Carmen Miranda outside of asking this very same question at some point and being given the same answer, and maybe watching a clip of her on youtube or something

>tfw I saw some Groucho glasses being sold as "nerd glasses"
Not gonna lie, I died inside a little.

While the noun and verb 'cringe' has been around for a very long time, the phrase 'Cringeworthy' originated as the name of a character in the UK comic 'The Beano'.

's ghost is haunting, space station 3




Her name is Katella the Huntress, from the old Sonic cartoon.

A white brazilian.


"Maroon" wound up being used as an insult because people missed the joke of Bugs mispronouncing "moron".

Carmen Miranda is only tangentially Yea Forums-related, but her sister...



I always find the conceptualization of this film intriguing. Just the idea that in order to get the South Americans on-board with fighting that Hitler bloke RKO would just make a whole bunch of films that feature them.

>Mr President, the Brazilian ambassador is still seeking assurances from us in order to send troops to Europe.
>Tell him if they send their boys over the Atlantic, we'll send them Donald Duck.

Well, it's certainly tribute to Disney that it worked so well

>tfw the proposed sequel was going to have a Cuban bird

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Micky Rooney was so fucking weird looking.

And despite that he still managed to temporarily be the BIGGEST STAR. IN THE WOOOOORLDDDD,

Their boys fought well

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His cigar was bigger than he was

Never denied that, just pointing out the quirks of filmaking.

I love how whimsical that badge is.

It's based on an old Brazilian turn of phrase

Which is?

Don't give a snake your smokes?

Aurora Miranda is cuter and directly Yea Forums related.

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I learnt something new today, thanks /co.

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