How come laziness like this never gets called out?
How come laziness like this never gets called out?
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aren't you calling it out now?
maybe instead of running to Yea Forums, maybe get on twitter or some shit
To have standards high enough to call that out you can't have standards low enough to read Harley Quinn.
I'm getting tired of the grid panel layout being abused lately.
Because a lot of people used it in the past (comic book and comic strip people) and people also understand there's times when you have to take shortcuts to meet deadlines.
>Yea Forums: I HATE call out culture!
>Also Yea Forums: REEEEEE why are we not calling this shit out?
>How come laziness like this never gets called out?
Anybody got that page from Invincible?
>user: *browses Yea Forums*
>REEEEEE everything Yea Forums REEEEEEEEE
It does.
This is an autistic complaint. Congrats you realized it's the same art, you're mommy's perceptive boy. But it's about context, which is tough, I know. It's used well enough, as a gag.
that's called comedy beats, OP, a standard technique of the modern master of comicry
Did Bendis write this?
>Reads Harley Quinn
>Doesn't expect the worst book being released right now that isn't Bendis, King, or Female Furies
I think you made the mistake here.
Bendising is a legitimate comic technique.
Explain what part of the OP was funny?
comic authors pretending the medium is video makes me cringe
Because it’s okay when DC does it OP, are you a newfag or something?
Bendis writes a harley quinn tie in for female furies, what happens?
You just called it out, user
>single beat panel
If you're going to do it, this is how.
Nothing of value is lost so who cares. Female Furies is killing the Fourth World and Harley hasn't been good since she left the Joker.
That beat panel was fine, those expressions are not.
You getting upset at it
Actually the expressions are fine, Strange moonwalking 3 feet to the back right between the 2nd and 3rd panel is not.
Iron Man doesn't move his face for three panels and looks like that Spider-man comic where he wants to talk to spiders.
>To have standards high enough to call that out you can't have standards low enough to read Harley Quinn.
Shut up, don't be talking shit about my girly-girl. She's the only reason I still read comics after Gwenpool got cancelled and Superman got Bendised.
>marveldrone playing the victim card
Expressions explicitly are not supposed to change in a beat panel. That's what makes it a fucking beat panel. About the only thing I'd change is the angle on Tony in the 3rd pic. Reusing the pose while changing Strange's is...well, strange.
When will Harley Quinn get a costume that actually looks good?
That's what gets me. IM doesn't move for three panels when Strange moves immediately after the beat panel.
Waifuism is a whole 'nother kind of cancer user.
>implying that there is such a thing as a good comic with modern Harley in it
I'm sure every time I read these pages a tumour in my brain grows a little bit.
How the fuck are both of them out of character
Is this by bendis
The only retard in this situation is (You) for believing that Yea Forums is a hive mind and that we all share the same views and ideals.
No, I'm talking about her ongoing, not that travesty. Heroes in Crisis is everything wrong with modern comics.
Yes it is.
are you 2 fucking retarded? How long have you been on Yea Forums? 2 hours?
user, in her non canon ongoing she's even more of a Mary Sue.
>non canon
Congrats, you just pointed out the magic ingredient.
Is the same picture of Iron Man copied 4 times with a minor alteration in the last one.
The Superman and Wonder Woman stuff aside, Harley is a physical villain; if she can't actually threaten Batman physically then what is the point?
>Harley Quinn is everything wrong with DC
NO SHE'S NOT and not only that I want pic related to be a thing.
People don't read DC so no one noticed.
Just because it's not canon doesn't mean that it's well written.
Every issue has awful writing that makes Way's Deadpool look like it was written by Neil Gaiman in comparison.
>if she can't actually threaten Batman physically then what is the point?
If Batman can't easily take out the henchman of a man who he regularly takes out physically, what's the point?
When a non-meta who slept her way to her degree and has had no physical training can take out a man who has lost all his friends because of his dedication to being the ultimate crime fighter, what was the point?
She shouldn't be close to Batman's level. In better writers' hands she isn't.
technically a good writter can use "same panel" pages to create a certain mood, or a joke (OP for isntance). But it's often used to fill a deadline.
user she really is. Very few characters manage to ruin a film, an event, then still have another film lined up to ruin.
She's one of the main pushes of DC trying to sell comics to people who don't read comics.
Yeah, she is.
The truth is that she was a significantly better character when she was the Joker's sidekick who was part of the madness because she enjoyed it.
I know, I know, *sob*, but I guess she turns me on in an Ed Wood production kind of way, where the stories are so disastrously stupid they are genuinely funny to me. Plus she's hot like Gwenpool, my other great comics love. My taste is shit I know, but I can't help it. I think the only cure is to start reading actual literature and I can't be arsed right now.
You could also just read better comic books. It's not hard, since you basically need to pick any other comic book. Then you just need to bookmark her paheal search and you're golden.
>buying comics that are actually good
Um...recommendations? Non-capeshit stuff is welcome.
Th Ice Cream Man
Don't listen to these other bozos, user. If you enjoy Harley, go for it. Her books are silly as fuck, but enjoyable. Much better than Carol, that's for sure.
Thanks user, guilty pleasures are the best pleasures. My musical taste is shit too but I don't care no mo'. Life's too short goddammit.
is this real? how did this artist ever get hired?
Comics has a low barrier for entry. Look at the writing in Female Furies. Heck look at Bendis and King.
London Bridge is catchy as all hell.
Or Slott and Aaron
>Much better than Carol
That's setting the bar pretty low tbqh
What was it, White Knight? That one was pretty good. of course, new Harley was thrown under a bus so fucking hard that it was hilarious
The art isn't BAD, really. I kind of like the messy, charcoal and chalk look. But the artist needs to work on the faces more, definitely. Strange looks like he got a lot more attention than Peter here, weirdly.
I'm not sure it's a great style for a comic, either. The artist probably does better with more traditional stuff.
>The art isn't BAD,
>that page
holy shit fuck off, you bootlicking blind moron
Yes it is. You need to learn the difference between something being good and you just liking it regardless. By just about every objective measure, it’s terrible by professional standards.