SHAZAM! General

Talk about Billy, his rogues, stories, and future stories you want to see.
>Inb4 Carol posting

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna see more of Captain Nazi.

Always wanted to see a story about him interacting with the legendary figures who gave him his powers

Did Captain Marvel pioneer the Silver Age tone for comic books?

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He has in the past, but I'm kind of surprised how in limbo he was for a while. Curse of Shazam was a backup story in Justice League, and then flash forward years later to now where Johns FINALLY decides to start that solo book. Between that time he did jack shit. You would think DC would have him interact with Wonder Woman or the JLD just to keep him relevant or something.


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tfw no trailer 2

>Always wanted to see a story about him interacting with the legendary figures who gave him his powers
Same, I really want more of these guys especially the Viking & Japanese chicks.
That is sadly unlikely now that Pandora is gone.

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Mr. Mind is cute

We already got a second trailer though
Dammit, I want the story behind the other council members too

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It's a damn shame we never delved deeper into the concept of Billy utilizing a New God pantheon. There was some fun potential there for a story. Nothing permanent mind you, but still worth exploring.

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For me there is only One Captain Marvel .

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>trailer 2
You haven't even gotten a trailer 1 yet

This thing is a disaster better off giving it to Netflix or the DC streaming service no one uses

Will Tawny talk? People don't see that kind of thing as stupid anymore

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Why are you so afraid?

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It's based on the New 52 version so I doubt it although for what its worth he does have Tawny's face on the buttons holding up the cape

Tawny will 100% be in it. I just wish he would talk.

Calling it now, Tawny will talk In the after credits scene

I dont know if this really counts but I wanna see him interacting with the other DC magic characters, I wanna see him go up against Doctor Fate or The Spectre, or flatten the JLD only to end up in a one throwing down with Wondie

same i also want to know what happened to them


Just a toy and school mascot

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Get fucked carolfag

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Sweet, can't wait to use this on msn

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These are the only examples from a proposed Tawny newspaper strip.

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Go to the Carol thread then.

>Just say the word

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Wow that actually looks really good, the snow spray is super cool!
k i n o
i n c o m i n g

If it actually cuts like that, straight from problem to solution, I would love it. It's not about screaming people, it's not about what happens when you fail, it's about success. Would be a refreshing change.

so when is issue 3 of the new ongoing going to come out?

I still want to know what source manipulation powers do

This small clip is better than anything released for that brie lason trash.

He did go against the Spectre in Day of Vengeance

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Next week

What a miracle we aren't fighting between ourselves.

It helps Billyfag isn’t here.....yet

We're all Billyfags on this blessed day.

no, he didnt get publshed in the silver age. though its arguable that since he was gonzo dc was better able to publish silver age stories in his absence, but his tone was always so golden age, even until he was crushed in '53 or so

His golden age stories felt a lot more silver age than the rest of the golden age heroes to me, that's what I'm referring to

except with the war background instead of atomic age, of course


No see "Billyfag" refers to a rabid shitposter/autist who shits up related threads by whining constantly about the name change and has a serious hateboner for Geoff Johns despite people not even bringing him up in the conversation.

Oh. Can we give him a less complimentary name?

Aquaman didn't \ramp up marketing until 2 months before it came out, trailer 2 should be coming soon.

Any particular hopes for the movie. I hope it doesn't try to tie itself with any other films so it can be a good standalone experience.

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Just want to let you know I appreciated this post, user

I got the feeling the movie will be a success but not at the same level as Aquaman.

I agree with "billyfag" makes them sound like they are just fans of the character and nothing else.

Makes sense, Aquaman was billed as an epic fantasy adventure releasing in during the holidays while Shazam is considerably more modest in its scope and budget.

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I'm hoping Sivana's powers are a result of him using advanced science siphoning off Billy/The Wizard instead of just finding an old book. The good doctor is all about SCIENCE, and his obsession should be breaking it down as such which in turn gives credit to his genius. Also I just noticed that his original costume is under that jacket/vest

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Why is the super spreed way better than the way they did Super Speed for the flash?


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I feel it too, not because of quality or anything like that but I feel Aquaman had the benefit/challenge that it had to prove to an entire generation of audiences that Aquaman wasn't a joke after +20 years of bad publicity from media outside comic books, Shazam on the other hand has almost no presence outside comics and cartoons and even those are just a shadow of what he used to be back in the 40's and 50's, like sure he doesn't has a bad reputation to clear like Aquaman but it doesn't has a good reputation with the casuals either, hell you could say he has no reputation at all. So less people will be interested just on the basis that there is less brand recognition.

I still hope the movie does well, best scenario we might get a new Shazam cartoon out of it.

Because A: It's not fucking slow motion, and B: The lighting isn't a calm blue

Well he did have that live action television show, it just wasn't as popular/memorable as Linda Carter's Wonder Woman or Adam West's Batman

Why does Sivana look like Morrison so fucking much?

Because they understand super speed is about where you were and where you are going. The journey is irrelevant.

No, but the Fawcett stuff was way ahead of its time. It and Plastic Man are much better than anything DC or Timely was putting out at the time, and it's a damn shame neither of them have been collected since the Archives.

>no trailer
DC confirmed to have no hope for Shazam.

Gys, what if
>Cavill no more
>No one wants or can't play Supes
>Warner decides to start filming Justice League 2
>''We need another flying brick to lead the Justice League and Supes is out of hand right now''
>''Hey, isn't this guy Shazam from our prperty?''
>JL 2with Shazam at the lead
I know will never happen but damn if that would be crazy.

but it was like in the 70's, and as you said it didn't had a lasting impression as Wonder Woman or Hulk tv shows.

Here's the supposed plot

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Well that's fucking lame if that's the case. Why would there be a magic eye that does that?

It's an adaptation of the New 52 back issue, I don't know what you were hoping for if not that.

I'd be cool with that.

I was hoping for the original design to be used in the movie. The new 52 design looks like ass.

There was no damn magic eye artifact in that story, just Black Adam giving him "sight". It's doesn't even qualify as a Curse of Shazam adaptation given how far removed it is from the material. Hell that Sivana didn't shoot lightning or fistfight Billy

>I know will never happen
Why not? Crazier things have happened. Like Iron Man being Marvels most popular character and Aquaman being DC's highest grossing movie ever

Shazam replacing Supes as the leader of the Justice League in JL 2?
It's not implausible but it would be almost impossible for that to happen. Then again, Spider-Man Far from home sounds like a really crazy AU so who knows.

Well they weren't using Black Adam

We will ever get that Black Adam movie starring the Rock?

I don't even want it. All it will be is a 2 hour movie saying how Adam did nothing wrong with a plot that could have been told in a 2 min flashback

Yes. It's starting production in early 2020

Apparently it's going ahead will start production next year

> “We’re also ramping up a couple big projects like “Black Adam” and our goal is to get that going at the top of 2020. The script is coming along well and we’re in the polishing phase now and are looking to attach the right director to it. A lot of people consider Dwayne a superhero already, so to finally have him play one on screen in the DC universe is a dream for us.”

>Black Adam
But the guy is the antithesis of Shazam, an inti-hero by nature. Sure, he is a hero for his people but not for the hero community or the rest of the world, well maybe Rusia but still.

>Doesn't think Black Adam is a hero
Welcome to 4hhan effendi.

Fuck off Mohamed Black Adam is not a hero.

Imperialism isn't welcome here.

Legit question: is imperialism welcome on /pol/?

i really hope this movie turns out being above average.

im just asking to get disapointed but capeshit is so burned nowadays, its all about expensive as fuck actors and making big, and i really just want a happy little film with good laughs and messages.

come to think about it the raimi films would be considered childdish and stupid nowadays.

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/pol/ doesn't have any resources and their people are scrawny, unfit for slavery. So they've probably never experienced it.

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Not bad. Should have posted a Civil War 2 image with this

The Japanese trailer is pretty intense


He 9is as bad as the Caroltards that get triggered when someone refers to anyone but her as Captain Marvel (like with the Sandberg incident where he joked about the Shazam music app being called the Captain Marvel app in the DC universe).

Quit taking obvious shitposting as real, dumbass

Stop getting triggered, retard.

As long as it makes good money and as long as it is entertaining I'm good.

Apparently he will get the powers from the Deadly Sins. He also spends his whole life trying to get back to the Rock of Eternity for that, so I guess he will be using science to get there at least.

fucking cool

What? Carolfags are a meme on this board you moron

shit looks really good

It was popular, even spawned Isis, it just wasn't primetime but saturday morning, that usually meant more popularity with the kids

>The look on his face after he super speeds

>tfw you realize Jaspion, Ultraman and Power Rangers are all inspired by Captain Shazam

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>Shazam of Earth-0
>Mazahs of Earth-3
>Captain Marvel of Earth-5
>Johnny Thunder of Earth-18
>Brain-damaged Captain Marvel of Earth-22
>Goodfellow of Earth-34

Shazams of the Multiverse team up WHEN?

Multiversally he's sometimes considered a Superman.

Isn't earth-22 Kingdom Come? Because fuck you that Shazam is the best.

That was Final Crisis right?

Yup. I think that was a nice rub for Marvel to be honest.

Shazam. I meant Shazam dammit.

He is Marvel user. He is Captain Marvel, the real one. Don't pretend he is not. Deep in your heart you know he is Captain Marvel.

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I know man. Shazam makes him sounds like a goddamn Pokémon.

So it's pretty much just the recent reboot, without Black Adam.

I haven't kept up with the movies, is The Rock still slated to play Adam? He'd be damn near perfect for both Black Adam, Namor, and Johnny Bravo (I wish they made that movie so goddamn much).

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It's interesting. Some universes have fewer heroes, so the ones that do exist have to pull double duty and fill multiple roles.

On Earth-0, Superman and Shazam co-exist, and they each fill a separate role in that world.

On Earth-5, there is no Superman, so Captain Marvel has to fill that role as well as his own role.

Earth-13 is an interesting case, as it has a version of The Demon who is also that world's Superman AND also that world's Shazam.

Didn't mean it as an insult. He was literally brain-damaged from years of Mister Mind clones eating away at him. Still managed to be a hero though.

>Legit question: is imperialism welcome on /pol/?

/pol/ has been overrun by the JIDF, so yes.

Best Shazam coming through.

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Sorry, wrong pic.

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upvoted +1

Fuck, you beat me to it user

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How much do I bet this will be a joke in the movie?
>''I am Shazam''
>''Like a pokemon''
>''No, I am not a pokemon, I am Shazam''
Not as retarded as I did but still.

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This is why Alex Ross is one of my favourite guys. That's a perfect fucking page right there.

Doubtful. Pokemon isn't what it used to be

Pokémon go the polls! xD

I always thought as Captain Marvel as THE powerhouse between him and Supes, but Supes is the one who is more resourceful. Like yes Supes can pump the earth core but Marvel is the one that can comically shot you to the moon with one punch.

Stay mad faggot

>Granny's Peach Tea

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Now that I think about it this movie has a boy superhero and transformation shit, I dunno if I would call it "magical boy" but I can see why a Japanese person would like this movie.

I'm genuinely just confused by you. Are you Billyfag or something?

>No scene where his clothes disappear into white light then reform around his adult body
DC missed the entire Japanese market right there.

Agreed, and let's not forget, Shazam is magic.
>Shazam kills the DC Universe when?

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Can't wait for the Seven Deadly Sins.

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Don't worry, DC will properly get the japanese market by introducing the magical milfs.

The fuck are you tlaking about? You're the one that were mad.

yes, and he and his company are involved in the production of Shazam

Besides FMA,what are some animes that use the seven deadly sins?

The Japanese tag for Shazam started trending when the Japanese trailer came out, SEN was pretty surprised about it and tweeting like crazy over it. There are posts on twitter with Japanese people being interested in it. Also some Japanese fujos are creepily into Billy and Freddy so I say they got some of that market and more than they asked for.

Why did he do it?

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They should recreate this shot at this angle
Pretty iconic stuff

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He had enough, he found someone else to take that shitty burden for him and it was time to rest.

This would actually be a good poster. Shame it's fn made

Shazam was actually the first Atom and he loved pranking kids.

Are you autistic or what?

How should a Shazam: The Animated Series go?

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It's the weirdest fucking thing that the best costume in superhero comics was designed all the way back in 1939.

I feel a mixture of current Shazam but with touches of Jeff Smith's "Shazam and the Monster society of evil" could make a good basis for a cartoon, also that pic remind me I really liked those dc nation shorts, but idk if those could work as full show.

>I'm off for a career in Virginian politics!

Are you?

This still isn't as bad as all those old comics with Wally West being a dick to black people. I dunno why but maybe it was because Wally was being hostile.

When did they stop being the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man?

This is so racist is funny.

Brave and the Bold style

I hate the hood.

What are the chances to see Momma Tugboat?

Me too. Is does not fit him. It's like the putting a neck on a Superman suit.

I don't get it. They just put all of evil in a box and tossed it out into the street for anyone. That's like giving the nuclear codes to a four year old and getting mad when it blows up the world.

>inb4trump/kim jong jokes

fucking kek
theres a pikachu movie coming out this year

DC isn't known for doing the obvious. That said, I don't mind him being a mentee under Superman. It's better than him being another "special relationship" for Batman to garner sympathy points for.

Based Mark Strong. Only sad Green Lantern shat the bed and we couldn't see him as a proper Sinestro.

if it makes you guys feel better he doesn't has the hood in the actual shorts

These are great! How have I not seen them before.

>Black Adam
>Dr. Sivana
>Mr. Mind
>Mister Atom
>Captain Nazi
>King Kull
>Seven Deadly Enemies of Man

Marvel has a pretty based rogues gallery.

>That's like giving the nuclear codes to Dan and getting mad when he blows up the world

Indeed he does, user.

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He has indeed. I remember when Convegence happened, the two-issues mini gave them a proper presentation. Mister Atom and Ibac are so obscure yet they are more interesting than Black Adam to me.

Based Chad Sivana.

So was he an agent of The Gentry or not in Multiversity?

What if Billy Batson was a stand user?

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Could Black Adam be the DIO to his Jonathan?

The Sivanas were being played by the Gentry, but the Gentry were themselves being played Nix Uotan.

When the Gentry turned Nix into one of their own, he suggested manipulating the Sivanas into inventing trans-universal transportation technology so they could attack the multiverse on the Gentry's behalf. Subconsciously, his true motive for doing this was so the heroes could take the technology and use it to fight the Gentry as a united front.

Quick storytime

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Oh shit I love Thunderworld!

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glad you like it user. this is the only one ive read other than alex ross, you got any recs?

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>That time Superman asked Billy to throw him into the sun

That one is in my top 5 "Most Comic Book" comic moments ever.

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>created multiversal council comprised solely of himself

So, Doctor Sivana is actually Rick Sanchez?

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>tfw DC's popular superhero wasn't made by DC and was known for stealing the spotlight from superman during its time

how embarrassing

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He is evil Reed Richards.

I've read mostly Captain Marvel Adventures as opposed to any of the oneshot future comics, but Convergende: Shazam in which he faces Gaslight Batman was pretty good if you want something that isn't like, 70 issues to get through.

Can we talk about what a goddamn pimp movie!Sivana looks like? Fur-lined leather overcoat, blue shawl-lapel silk suit, and a purple velvet vest.

All on top a 19th Century scientist's lab-coat.

>DC's popular superhero
We can only hope he eclipses Superman

There's enough DC for both of them user.

What we really want is less Batman.

How come Billy and Fate don't hang out more?

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Ah bloo bloo.

They look badass here.

It's not healthy having half your sales be one character user.

When the comic code authority wasn't a thing anymore. So they could use words like Sin and Deadly.

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Thanks Thunderworld is great.

There's like two by that title but one is borderline porn

nanatsu no taizai is one, but they are only the sins in name.

did black adam just broke some police back?!

>pretty condensed

Asian guy is the only one that looks halfway decent

Plus he has a 10/10 wife

Black Adam and the guy who lives inside Doctor Fate's hat used to be on the Justice League of Egypt together a few million years ago, so it's a little bit awkward.

Poor handsome Sivanna and crazy psycho killer Sivanna is scary as fuck.

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Reed Richards is Evil Reed Richards, son.

spoken like a true batwanker

nice fan fic head canon, bro

What are his best stories from the golden age?

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>8/9 billiys are anime
>one is steven universe

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