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Expect this story to be used as a "See I told you" by stormcucks for the next 30 years.
I dont get it
this is just racism for dullards, about the only thing you could say for the comic was that it was more subtle and dense than that
I thought it was decent.
I'm not rolling on the floor laughing, but good enough.
Drop the first two frames.
>Namefag thinking he is anything but complete shit and he gets to complain about someone else
A black actor was recently found to have staged his own hate crime. I assume this is in reference to that.
Pretty much.
>UH, this ONE guy faked his hate crime, that means ALL hate crimes are faked!
i get the references, dude just awful at delivering the punchline
>i'm the same as you and I can do things all by myyyyyself
>crimes against me are worse because I'm black gay Jewish trans whatever
Hate crime is a stupid non thing anyway, crime is crime and most "hate" crimes are just stupid drunk people being stupidly drunk and police abusing their force and it wouldn't make a difference be it white or black
Precisely, it's the ultiimate irony.
Black majestic person undermined every single hate crime ever from now on.
Which one?
>Oh no criminals go to jail
>This is a complete injustice
You know hates black people playing the race card the most? Other black people. Makes us look bad and gives idiots an excuse to handwave actual racism.
>taking the hard times seriously
Yes. All hate crimes are faked. Except the anti-white ones.
Remember that blind guy who accidentally left dog poop in the door of a black frat house tland they rioted over it?
>Black majestic person undermined every single hate crime ever from now on.
>one person faked a crime now there's no such thing as crime
>here's a thing that happened
If this is conservative humor, I guess NOBODY can meme anymore
Fake hatecrimes have been a popular thing for a really long time though. It's even a meme that references a 1990's comic with the caption "Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?"
Actual memes get you permabanned from everywhere and can even get you jail time if you are yuropoor since Democrats decided people was an alt right dog whistle
Woah is me, the victim self made~
Remember when four Chicago blacks kidnapped a white teenager, beat him and shoved his face in a toilet and partly scalped him? And livestreamed it on Facebook? And then first the Chicago PD did nothing for a week? And now, one of them is actually on the streets again? Do you even know the kid's name?
Of course you don't, but you'll always remember Heather Heyer.
You realize of course that there are more memes than green frog good orange man bad right?
The FBI reported 7100 hate crimes in 2018. I'm not sure what your point is.
Dylan Roof.
>yfw the left can't meme so badly that they petition the EU to literally ban memes
>one guy
>from a repeating trend of faking hate crimes
>literally a week after the Covington kids scandal
The next guy who says "muh Trump supporters 1488 and yeeted on me!" deserves to get scrutinized. I for one am glad to live in a country where hate crimes so rarely happen that people have to fake them because of how rare they are.