Already down to 52%

> Already down to 52%

Whats going on? This was supposed to be Black Panther for women. Whys it tanking?

Attached: waed.png (777x321, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:

because of people mad about politics?

It's almost like there's a bunch of bored retards who get off on voting about bullshit.

Doesn't mean it won't make money. Just means the anti-SJW and DC types took the time to click 'Not Interested'.

RT doesn't matter.
User scores that can be submitted by literally anyone have the same worth as online polls, which is none.
Women aren't as cohesive a bloc as black people or any other ethnic group and so it's harder to pander to half the population of everyone.
And RT doesn't matter.



Meanwhile people who actually aren't interested wouldn't even bother to take the time to say so.

It is Black Panther, just like Black Panther a bunch of faggots from /pol/ organized review bombing and started spamming downvotes and angry tweets as soon as they could because muh politics.
Before you say
>if you don't like something it must be muh politics
No they said it was muh politics and they haven't seen the movie. They said they're mad about what some actress said in a clickbait article and that's why they organized the review bomb.

>This was supposed to be Black Panther for women.
I thought that was Wonder Woman

>Review bomb
>Honestly answering whether they want to see the film
Pick one

It's not tanking you're just fucking retarded

>It is Black Panther, just like Black Panther a bunch of faggots from /pol/

That shit was already refuted hundreds of times, there was no organized boycott against Black Panther on /po/, Yea Forums or Yea Forums

This. And adding to this, because I knew a post like this would come, it's pretty disingenuous to say it's just "people saying not interested" because normally no one gives a fuck about the interest rate. In fact, you can see pure schlock with 80-90% "interest" ratio, so this was a concerted attempt to create the perception that nobody cares about the movie.
Before this, the movie sat at 99%, then suddenly since last week they've been trying to push the rating down. It's fucking obvious what's happening.

You know what this reminds me of?

If you read the comments these voters are leaving, you'll see that it's a wave of /pol/acks whining about politics.

They are the biggest demographic you fucking retard

>there was no organized boycott against Black Panther on /po/, Yea Forums or Yea Forums
Just because you don't see threads about it doesn't mean it's not happening, same way you didn't see threads on Reddit and Facebook about it, doesn't mean there weren't automated accounts leaving thousands of 1-star reviews on BP and TLJ.

Just like the threads about presales, this means absolutely nothing

The actors in BP didn't get off on insulting potential viewers, though. The actors in that movie were also capable of smiling.

Alita is a movie currently in theaters and has less total reviews than the unreleased Cap Marvel

Some circle jerks voted it down to make a point. I don't care to find out why.

It’s almost like if you aren’t careful about what you say in public, you risk turning people off wanting to pay money to see a 2 hr movie of you in it


>you risk turning people off wanting to pay money to see a 2 hr movie of you in it
Don't fucking play dumb, these faggots weren't gonna see the movie anyway.

And is still probably the better movie in the end.

See If you actually weren't interested, you wouldn't put so much effort in telling everyone so.

>you risk turning people off wanting to pay money
These people were never the audience for an MCU film. Just a bunch of easily triggered SJW like yourself, who've become SJW to "fight" SJW.
Congratulations on transforming yourself into an Internet Faggot.

Attached: 1379520578766.png (405x405, 153K)

Okay so why are you complaining about them voting honestly. You seem to not have a point beyond “people HAVE to see Captain Marvel”.

Is this the part where we ask where anyone insulted anyone and you spend 10 posts explaining your mental loops about how inviting a female journalist = white men genocide?

Captain Marvel also has far more publicity, both good and bad.

The people that go to that site to downvote aren't the target audience. It's a vocal minority.

>Are u mad?
>Are u mad yet?
>Did I make u mad!?

Attached: 1377323612135.png (319x304, 64K)

It's a guy complaining that people who said they didn't want to see the film don't want to see the film. He's not the brightest bulb.

People in this very thread have already admitted they're pissed at some actor comments, most people who really just don't care just don't fucking click the RT page at all. Anyway only retards don't see what's going on.

Why are you doing this? We both know that's not what this is about, if you don't want to see it that's your fucking problem. It's about actively boycotting something you're not even forced to watch; if you actually don't give a fuck, why try and prevent others from doing so?

Oh yeah, the shitposters in the Cap Marvel comments certainly seem to think so. Weird how they decided the best way to praise the movie was to shit in the reviews section of a completely separate one tho


Why would I be mad about a retard not having a valid complaint?

Nice. I'm gonna do my part and I will click the "not interested" button to sink this piece of shit even further..

>Weird how they decided the best way to praise the movie was to shit in the reviews section of a completely separate one tho
This is the best part. "Oh I think she's a cunt so I'm going to see Shazam instead!"

>don't even leave any interest review in Shazam's page
>don't comment anywhere about Shazam
>just use Shazam as a way to tell everyone how NOT interested you are in Captain Marvel

That doesn't have anything to do with what's happened though. People are saying that they don't want to see the film because they don't want to see the film. The sites reach is limited so it's probably not an accurate portrayal of the public.

It's not a review bomb, which is people lying about seeing the film and saying its bad. It's people honestly saying they don't want to see the film.

The biggest demographic is "all humans."

So just pander to that group and you'll win everything, right? Read what I said again. Women aren't as COHESIVE a bloc. Smaller groups, like ethnic minorities, are more cohesive than big ones, like half the population of the goddamn planet. It's easier to pander to black Americans specifically than women generally.

Pretty sure voting “no” about a movie on a website that as people have pointed out “they weren’t going to see anyways” doesn’t count as a boycott.

>People are saying that they don't want to see the film because they don't want to see the film
No they're not

Attached: IMG_20190223_170728.png (1080x328, 64K)

> It's people honestly saying they don't want to see the film.
How do you know that?
Unusual high numbers point in another direction.

The movie going public doesn't click the "not interested? button. Truly shit-tastic movies that bombed kept at the 90% plus level, because fanboys push "want to see" and everyone else gives no shits either way.

No one is being tricked into thinking this is an accurate measurement of audience sentiment. It's just the faint, low-tier trolling that toothless Yea Forums is reduced to. It's about a single step above raiding its own boards.

Attached: Alan_Keyes.jpg (416x431, 61K)

It's just /pol/ doing something like making lots of le smug anime girl avatar tweets saying the movie was bad before anyone saw it, screenshotting their own tweets, then spamming the catalog here with OH NO NO NO NO MCU BTFO WHY IS THE MOVIE BOMBING for months. Just don't see the fucking movie instead no one gives a shit. Also this same shit happened with BP and a bunch of other crap /pol/ was mad about it's old. Congrats, you don't care about the movies, good for you.

>It's not a review bomb, which is people lying about seeing the film and saying its bad.
It is a review bomb because you can go to literal schlock and the ratio is still around the same as it was for Captain Marvel before the deluge of accounts purposely clicking "not interested" with zero history in the site before last week.
This is what a normal ratio looks like. You can say "hurrr it's a smaller movie" all you want, but the RATIO (based on a percentage) doesn't lie.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral (2019).png (744x327, 177K)

Attached: comedy genius.png (1078x187, 34K)

If anyone voting against it is disregarded, it's a pointless endeavor.

Man, you're obtuse as fuck.
>not an argument!
Just wanted to tell you that. Getting off on pretending to be dumb has its limits.

Okay then explain why this didn’t happen with Wonder Woman or Battle Angel? No Carolfag has been able to explain that unless they admit that Larson fucked herself by opening her frowning mouth.

There is a large collective of white beta males that are so insecure they have to post negative reviews to a movie they haven't seen to own feminism or some BS.

>it's a pointless endeavor.
It always was. A poll that you have to go look for on the internet page of a movie is always going to have interest-bias.
It's like going to a Trump rally and asking people if they "like Trump". No one meanders RT leaving interest bumps on every single upcoming movie.

Honestly I don't watch many Marvel films, the film has to be a little different to what Marvel's usually offers to catch my attention, probably I wouldn't watched Captain Marvel anyway cause it looks like a generic movie.

You're right, it's not a boycott, it's just internet idiocy by out of touch retards, like when Yea Forums thought they defeated Breath of the Wild by spamming lots of zeroes in the metacritic reviews

Wonder Woman says hi retard.

I like how Wonder Women originally had the fiasco but then people actually watched the movie and realized that was never the case

This has both the fiasco and it's in the movie

That's it, isn't it? This whole thing is an absurdity perched on another absurdity. If you're wasting your time on this in any way, you're an idiot.


Exactly this. It’s fun to laugh at though

Well insulting people isn’t an argument either. So are you going to make an actual point now that you have your (You)

>implying anyone cares about those two

That seems to be people saying they don't want to see the film there chief.

Because this literally comes from a gaggle of DC "fans" that have been disgruntled since Justice League and have attributed to themselves the boycotts against TLJ and Solo. It's fucking obvious, they've been doing this for a while and they're militant as fuck, you can see how they aggregate under the whole #releasethesnydercut hashtag.
They have presence on Reddit, Twitter and specially Facebook, and they organized raids in Rotten Tomatoes and online polls to make it look as if there's no interest in any movie that goes against their narrative.

People don't want to see the film for whatever reason. The people who said they don't won't The system works.

They've been disgruntled since BvS, trying to prop it up as a secret masterpiece. JL was just where they could no longer keep up the facade.

Attached: im not a shitposting retard i love blacks and wymmin i swear.png (1080x488, 150K)

Hey wow you're right, look at all of these "User REVIEWS" of totally objective casual movie goers reviewing a film they definitely actually already watched, since you have to have watched a movie to review it! Nope no mention of SJWs or identity politics shit here at all.

Attached: what a coincidence.png (682x453, 29K)

>totally not a boycott, guys

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 Captain Marvel - Movie Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes.png (725x148, 20K)

I didn't know Drew Barrymore was the lead all along

Black Panther also had people all over saying they didn't want to see the movie and it wouldn't make any money before it came out. It's the same story over and over.

>Not interested
Please stop being this retarded you're embarrassing yourself. They're not reviews they're whether the person wants to see the film.

The section is literally called "Audience Reviews", don't be so fucking obtuse.

Attached: whohurtyou.png (753x438, 64K)

You see the little bit above each comment saying "Not interested" or "Want to see it"?

What do you think happens to these reviews once the movie is out?
Protip: they stay on the site, right in that same section, and it allows them to add a score. Once they're there, it's just a matter of changing it to 1 star and the work is done.

Women don’t buy things with women in it, they buy things with hot men.

>SJWs: "do not buy our product, fucking straight white males!"
>everyone else: "....Okay? We won't?"

So you're complaining because in the future they might review bomb a film?

You're either willfully being ignorant or your brain is too defunct to remember the shit that surrounded the Wonder Woman flick.

And just because you listed an example that didn't have as much beta male backlash doesn't make dragging a movie they've not even seen and less retarded.

It's already done, what part of that you're not getting? What they'll do next is alter the score. None of these idiots saw the movie to say shit like this.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 Captain Marvel - Movie Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes(2).png (740x149, 31K)

It’s an orchestrated effort by neckbeards. Nothing more than another review bomb

Shit like "I don't want to see the movie"? The constant future tense? It's impossible to say shit like that after seeing the film or after its released.

It's not already done, right now they're just saying they aren't going to watch the film.

>It's not already done, right now they're just saying they aren't going to watch the film.
Goddamn it. I'm getting trolled, ain't I?


Social Media was a mistake.

Can't we just wait a month after release before we have threads like these?

I think I am.

Right now people are saying they don't want to see the film. What they are commenting and marking their comment as is not wanting to see the film. If those comments are for some reason made into reviews they would still need to add a score to review bomb. Right now none of that has happened and if it was going to they needn't even say they had no interest in it, they could do it all later. All that's happened is that more people than usual have decided to let everyone know why they're not watching this film.

It would be nice for an actual review bomb to hit before people start complaining about review bombs.

>If those comments are for some reason made into reviews they would still need to add a score to review bomb.
And you think they won't do this even though it was the intention all along?
Who are you trying to fool here?

What's funny is that if this was Black Panther or Wonder Woman, the fans would have rallied up to counterattack the mass voting (which I think did happen with Black Panther)

But it's Carol and she has no fans so it's only going down

How anyone can give this much of a shit about a movie baffles me. It's like the far right bought into the far lefts belief that movies/cartoons/etc are what's causing all the problems in the world. This movie will neither advance feminism if it succeeds or hinder it if it fails. It's just a fucking movie.

>It's like the far right bought into the far lefts belief that movies/cartoons/etc are what's causing all the problems in the world.
I'm sorry, "it's like"? They completely bought that shit, just look at all the Youtubers who constantly cry about the menial shit in cartoons and think the downfall of Western civilization is coming because She-Ra has no tits.

>And you think they won't do this even though it was the intention all along?
Right, they *can* do that. But right now they haven't. Their comments all make it clear that they won't watch it, and I don't know what RT does about obvious fake comments, so that'll be fun. But right now people complaining about a review bomb are complaining about something that not only hasn't happened but might never happen.

You fucking dumbass that whole section is literally called user REVIEWS on Rotten Tomatoes. Bitch to RT if you think having a "want to see" placeholder is stupid, but they're fucking reviews.

>You fucking dumbass that whole section is literally called user REVIEWS on Rotten Tomatoes
>Being this autistic about the name of a section
>The only generalised metric is a "Want to see" percentage which is completely accurate for the population of the comments

They're obviously not reviews.

Attached: youdensemotherfucker.png (2500x723, 394K)

>/pol/acks autistically arguing that this isn't foul play because it's not a "review bomb", because these aren't technically "reviews"
Whatever. Either way we all know this is a concerted effort to fuck over the film for political reasons.

>hurhurdur the Reviews section of /pol/ reeing about sjws en masse isn't a review bomb because they haven't seen the movie yet
>this somehow proves it's just good 'ol normal people casually saying the movie was genuinely bad not spamming for political purposes something they never saw

Wow well I'm an idiot so I totally buy your incredibly convincing narrative! Yea Forums anons would never lie!

Yes, we know, you're autistic. If a comment is marked that it expresses the person has no wish to see a film before release and isn't collated with other reviews it's not a review.

Don't defend Last Jedi.

Attached: Not interested.jpg (7050x1750, 406K)

Not that guy but it's a fucking review. Is it retarded that Rotten Tomatoes allows reviews from people who haven't seen the film yet? Yes it is. They're reviews though. As plenty of people have pointed out the "want to see" was always fucking stupid because if people really don't want to see a movie they usually just don't bother clicking the don't want to see button, that's why even the worst and least successful movies on there have had very high want to see. Even if only a few people watched it they all went there and clicked want to see.

>>this somehow proves it's just good 'ol normal people casually saying the movie was genuinely bad not spamming for political purposes something they never saw
Hold the fuck on there mister. I never said this was normal people and you don't need political reasons to say this film looks bad. Most actually write in plain English that they're doing it because Brie made comments they disagree with, many examples being posted in this thread. Others mention how terrible the trailers and teasers look, which is a valid opinion. To be honest I don't think what Brie said would be enough to turn people off if the film didn't look so lacklustre in the first place.

It's just that she sparked enough people to go on RT and let everyone know they won't be watching this instead of just not watching it like normal people.

Every time a Disney movie gets a low score they spin it like it's bigots doing it. Did WW get a low score? Did BP? No!

>Not that guy but it's a fucking review.
It literally requires you to have not watched the film.

inceIs from /pol/ raiding a reviews site, like they did with Black Panther and it didn't work there either. So don't worry, y'all, the haters aren't winning this fight either.

>Most actually write in plain English that they're doing it because Brie made comments they disagree with, many examples being posted in this thread.
"Many examples" meaning a clickbait article that didn't even post the whole paragraph to mischaracterize what she said, the TSA incident and Wrinkle in Time. Fuck off.

>It's just that she sparked enough people to go on RT and let everyone know they won't be watching this instead of just not watching it like normal people.
Because it's a concerted effort, not because they woke up one day thinking "I'm gonna go and let everyone know I'm not going to watch this movie!"

>Most actually write in plain English that they're doing it because Brie made comments they disagree with
>following or caring what any celebrities say or do ever
Good, then just don't pretend that this shit is about the final product, which thousands of people worked on, instead of some celeb's dumb comments not even in the film. This is why I fucking hate SJWs too. Looks like anti SJWs are just exactly the same.

>Good, then just don't pretend that this shit is about the final product, which thousands of people worked on, instead of some celeb's dumb comments not even in the film.
No one is? If it makes them not want to watch the film it is relevant though.

HARDLY, because you're not judging it based on its merits but on a bunch of unrelated bullshit. "Oh I don't like it because she's a cunt with bad feet!" is not a good reason to shit on a movie you haven't seen.

It is bigots doing it. They are outing themselves in their reviews.

And yes, BP did get reviewbombed.

I'm a huge Marvel fan, but I understand this movie is off-limits to white men, so I'll respect the wishes of the star and not see it.

>because you're not judging it based on its merits but on a bunch of unrelated bullshit.
The question is just if they want to watch it though. They make the reason pretty clear in their comments too.

>"You have to BUY the product before you can choose not to buy it."
That shit only works (barely) if you can ask for refunds, which you can't with films. Otherwise, you can only judge a product a priori.

>The question is just if they want to watch it though.
>"You have to BUY the product before you can choose not to buy it."

I'm done here, this is going in circles.

the kind of people who write those comments get riled up when they see a female character as the star of a big budget franchise entry

>your lead actress is constantly talking about how white men dont need to be involved in things
>dipshit gets confused when white guys opt out
When people said blacks shouldn't be allowed to participate in things, we changed society to try to get rid of that ideology. When some bigoted fuckhead says, "White men not welcome," white guys are just supposed to role over and take it?

Yes, this is absolutely about politics. I won't see the movie because the lead actress is a bigoted fuckhead. I don't support racism or sexism, no matter where it comes from of who it's aimed at. Fuck off.

Bluepilled : These are genuine reviews
Redpilled : These are spammed reviews based on an ideology as a means of forcing a political view
Blackpillled : These are spammed reviews meant to generate a controversy to function as advertisement and this legion of angry white men being presented as stupid and bigoted is meant to get people to want to watch the film

Attached: Are you woke yet? .png (1280x720, 874K)

I want more minorities=/= less white men, especially when it comes to professional reviews

>two or three watchable movies in the past ten years
>"can't stop winning"

Well, did they really need to go come out and say "Hey I don't want any white males watching this" in the first place? Does anyone actually think that is a positive thing to say about their movie and would genuinely benefit it?

Attached: m7QSW7l.jpg (950x1158, 200K)

No she didn’t

It’s people desperate to feel victimised (sounds familiar eh?)

>Want to see

What kind of faggotry is this? You registered on a website just to proclaim you're not watching a movie?

Nobody gives a shit, jackass.

Attached: 01.png (523x536, 314K)

I wouldn't care if political threads weren't getting spammed here every day. OP spams "why is it tanking?" because they want to cry about politics in general. The movie isn't tanking because it's not out yet and its box office gross is unknown. Its RT page is getting spammed by /pol/ because politics though. That's it, you don't need 5 threads a day to talk about it.

I don't doubt it's Disney themselves doing it. Like Smolett

No one said that, you dunce.

Dunno why you're posting this Literally Who and the reply from Liberally Groot.
The Tweets concern the tone of the new Jumanji sequel in comparison to the original film, not the social climates surrounding both.

>Whats going on?

Normies are tired of skinny skeleton flat actress to play muscular thicc characters
And of course, the Brie Larson mouth

Attached: CaptainMarvel.jpg (1252x711, 183K)

>Black Panther
the youtubers shitting on Captain Marvel where hyped for Black Panther and even recommended it.


The vocal minority of neckbeards are artificially inflating its negative reviews on the platform, that's what is happening.

Yes yes, Disney even paid OP to make this stupid thread and bring attention to the matter!

Nope, they changed their tune after the box office started rolling in, and went full on “OVERRATED” instead

As they will with this one

Sigh, enjoy your Redpill and believing brands can be "woke as fuck."

Attached: 561.png (1280x720, 754K)

>Like Smolett
I get it now, /pol/tards are going to use that shit to pretend most cases aren't genuine.


>Nope, they changed their tune after the box office started rolling in, and went full on “OVERRATED” instead
There's a dude in another thread who even went and said Blade was better in every regard than Black Panther.

Better you don’t ask desu

some bloggers and shill sites are naming youtubers and trying to blame them for "review bombing".

how love how much this move and black panther is triggering poltards and incels.
They really are some of the most pathetic human beings

I don't follow any of that shit but I know Ethan Van Sciver made a campaign against the goddamn movie via Youtube and Twitter.


White males and the capeshit audience are one and the same
general rule for celebrities is you do not disparage your audience
looks like Ms Cheese is a fucking retard is what's happening

Which superhero movie is the best for someone who wants to be away from everything that is Marvel (Disney) and DC Comics?

Brie herself outright tole Time that she did not want white males watching the movie. And then made a second interview a day later clarifying that same statement.

I mean, Black Panther was shit regardless of race, and Captain Marvel will be shit regardless of gender.

Just like Aquaman and Man of Steel. Starring white men has no relation to whether the movie is shit or not.

>Brie herself outright tole Time that she did not want white males watching the movie.
Oh yeah? Post the link then. Let's read it. Surely you have a source?

it's the proper way of letting the work speak for itself instead of attacking the random nobody on the internet.

How does it feel like, crying all day about SJW clickbait (rightly so obviously) only to then slurp up any bullshit headlines just because they pander to your own kind of retardation?

This is GB2016 all over again. The producers/cast are insecure about the quality of their movie, so they're making seeing the movie into a moral issue to shore up their numbers.

As shitty as The Last Jedi is, at least none of the main young cast tried to pull that. They seemed honestly excited to make their movie.

>/pol/ organized review bombing and started spamming downvotes and angry tweets as soon as they could because muh politics.
/pol/ poster here. I don't recall that happening at all. /pol/ is one of the most autistic and incompetent boards on Yea Forums. /pol/acks don't have the organization worthy enough to pull an elaborate scheme like that.

Attached: 1000006_150652740965317.jpg (1296x791, 127K)

>The producers/cast are insecure about the quality of their movie, so they're making seeing the movie into a moral issue to shore up their numbers.
Not really, the Captain Marvel trailers have been among those most watched online (tripling Shazam, for those keeping count at home) and none of them have been as downvoted as Ghostbusters, not even close. They all have the same ratio as every other MCU movie. If they were insecure, it would show right away like when the Aladdin first look was released and people massively disliked it; not because of politics or gender, but because it was a SHIT FUCKING FIRST LOOK.
>/pol/acks don't have the organization worthy enough to pull an elaborate scheme like that.
So this... Is the power... Of gaslighting?

>This is GB2016 all over again
Remember how when GB trailers came out, everyone almost unanimously downvoted them because it wasn't a popular concept nor it looked particularly good?

Remember how none of that absolutely happened with Captain Marvel and this alleged controversy about things that aren't even real or in the movie isn't even two weeks old?

im with him on the Star Wars is shit campaign
but with Brie Larson hes overreaching
her "i dont want white critics" quote was about a movie starring a black girl and directected by a Black woman.
the only other thing she did was say she wanted a crippled minority chick interview her, a little weird and clearly up her own ass but it doesn't mean she hates white men.

>It's like the far right bought into the far lefts belief that movies/cartoons/etc are what's causing all the problems in the world
No, it's that the internet has caused people to be less and less in touch with the real world, and believe that clicking or writing stuff on the internet is the only world that matters.
So they think they are gaining control over their life and the world by leaving angry comments and bad scores on stuff they don't like.
Look at how they believe that they caused the election of a us president.
They are living in a delusional world where cartons and social media are what matters more in the world, because it's the only way they can meaningfully interact with others.

More than one person think you're an idiot spreading dumb lies, surprise surprise!

Attached: NOPE.jpg (421x95, 12K)

It's the new method to downplay criticism. If you can label any negative critics as only doing that because they are racist/misogynist then they will treat lightly and probably give a better review.

this was 2018 november's excuse. The current excuse to hate on this move is some tweet that bre larson apparently has made.
Try to catch up.

I'll give you a quick recapt of excuses in chronological order
>why is she not wearing a leotard, I've always been a fan of carol and they are ruining her
>why is she not wearing a leotard, feminists hate femininity
>why aren't they using a character that appeared only a bunch of times 50 years ago and nobody cares about
>why is she not muscular? men have to become muscular to play the hero, feminism is spoiling women
>her ass is flat
>why is she not smiling? feminism hates femininity
>why did she make a mean tweet

It's so fucking sad that I know this stuff. Where have I gone wrong with my life

I do wonder where this modern belief that no one can possibly dislike a movie for the merit of being a shitty movie any longer. They always hide behind the whole
>Do only don't like it because it has a black guy/woman/gay guy in it!!!!!

For some reason no one understands a movie can suck any more.

Weren’t you the exact people who autistically tracked down the location of the “HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US” based on barely any context clues

I remember some user recut the exact same trailer using the same footage and it was infinitely better.

Yeah, it's so weird, why aren't people trusting your psychic powers that allowed you to learn how bad this movie you haven't seen is?'s just...a bad movie.....

Oh shut the fucking fuck up, this is EXACTLY the criteria you are using when you make the call that a movie you have not seen and only go by 20-40 total seconds of trailer time is somehow shit. When you haven't seen the movie yet then you are obviously going by your standard nature to make the call here and it is fucking obvious to everyone how you got there.


>The current excuse to hate on this move is some tweet that bre larson apparently has made.

movie trailers are cringe with the female empowerment stuff.
all the rest of the scenes shown look like mediocre crap

Attached: clickbait.png (609x805, 224K)

Does adding more curse words help you get your point across better?

Attached: 1550863098929.png (941x866, 514K)

Ironically, doing that leads into more suspicion directed at the positive reviews.

If it's "just a bad movie" why is everyone in these RT comments just crying about interviews they hallucinated? If the movie is not out anywhere how would random assholes like me and you know whether it's bad or good?

Yet somehow you can still manage to declare the movie (99.99999% of which you haven't seen) is somehow bad. I'm fucking amazed at your powers here when you can declare a movie you have never seen before is bad.

>You are not allowed to just decide you do not want to watch a movie
>You are not allowed to just see a trailer, think I'll pass on this it looks dumb
>you HAVE to watch all of it then decide
>your decision is still based on you being racist, racist

I noticed one side here is trying to make some points, while the other is just attacking and bitching them out.

Attached: baker__s_dozen_by_mr_sisson.jpg (445x350, 21K)

i just think its another mediocre MCU movie, theres nothing that interests me.
Alita had great action and bad story but at least it was a breath of fresh air with how different it was.

And how can you come to this decision while having still not seen it yet?

You can, the problem is that so far they haven't shown any indication that it's the case.
Going back to the thing about the trailers: here's the statistics of every single trailer. If this shit looked "so bad" to general audiences, why aren't they more disliked? You'd think these would be among the more disliked of the MCU, yet they look fairly normal to me. (plus, the millions of views)

It's clear that this is a severe minority because they went after ratings they can manipulate easier: RT, which as you can see right now there's 17,000 audience "reviews".
They already tried this too, and here's some evidence:

>"Infinity War" Audience reviews: 52,344
>"Black Panther" Audience reviews: 85,611
>Ant-Man & The Wasp Audience reviews: 21,486
This basically says that, somehow, more people were interested in Black Panther despite being the smaller film with less box office gross (as big as it was), enough to want to leave their review. And right now, even before the movie is out, there's already 17K submissions for Captain Marvel. If this isn't sketchy, I don't know what it is.

Attached: captain-marvel-trailers.jpg (1090x887, 189K)

Because butthurt retards are downvoting it?

Isn't a trailer supposed to be an advertisement for the movie?

didn't they try this with Aladdin for like an hour and it failed horribly?

oh, do you live in some alternate universe where the movie has already come out?
Bad movies result either in people not watching it or in people mocking it after it's come out.
People have been hating on this for months.
It's political. It's morons believing they are fighting some kind of superior political battle.

>larson advocates violence against men
what the fuck is wrong with youHAHAHA

Nigga its not the even the movie at this point its the goddamn actress who wont shut her mouth. Imagine if she said she didn't want black women to see her movie or review it, the same exact thing would happen, but instead of calling them neckbeards the media would portray it as oppressed minorities fighting back.

But it's not the whole movie. It is impossible for anyone to make any declarations good or bad based on a trailer. If they are, then the only judgment calls they are making are pure personal bullshit.

No one tried that. Aladdin's first look is, in fact, one of the worst received lately, and nothing to do with politics.
Why would you go and post an image that makes your entire argument look even worse than it already is?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 (1) Disney's Aladdin - Special Look In Theaters May 24 - YouTube.png (902x169, 19K)

>Bad movies result either in people not watching it or in people mocking it after it's come out.
>People have been hating on this for months.
>It's political. It's morons believing they are fighting some kind of superior political battle.

see again we are back to "Nobody believes you can just not like a movie anymore, they think it HAS to be something belief or race based and nothing else." Sometimes someone just plain does not like a movie.

If it's about the trailer then why are 90% of negative comments about muh sjws


fucking loser

>Sometimes someone just plain does not like a movie.
Cool except your entire argument is disproved by this here , if general audiences didn't like it, it would be more obvious here. It ISN'T. It's a vocal minority that plays where it can have more ground, in twitter polls, comment sections, forums like these, Youtube channels, where they can control a narrative that goes more in their favor, and not where it actually matters.

Because those are actual shills for some -gate and/or corporate shills working to make the film look like a victim?

>low review score

The new venom

because all of the MCU movies are mediocre
why would CM be any different?

And I suppose you also decide you hate certain products or think things won't work at all because you don't like the Ad jingle in commercials too? Did you pass on car insurance because you don't like Flo? Commercials cannot let you know a damn thing other than a name and infirm you that it exists. You have Zero ability to make judgment calls based on seeing them

>because they all have women and minorities in them!
>why would this one starring some bitch be different?

Yea wonder why....

we all believe that people can just dislike a move.
But we also know for a fact, because you've proven it with your actions time and time again, that you and your fellow poltards and general incels have taken a political stance against this movie, just like with Blackpanther.
Your lies fool nobody.

Isn't the commercial supposed to make you want to see the movie?


It's only function is to inform you that it exists and when it comes out, that's it

Because it is functionally impossible to dislike a movie you have never seen before. When you know nothing about it, have no concept of what is going on in it, and have nothing to go by when making that judgment call, it is pretty clear that you are using other reasons to make that conclusion that are 100% unrelated to the movie itself.

What if the commercial is an indicator the movie is bad? Does that mean the commercial didn't do its job?

It's 51 last I checked.

you have no ability to know that from a trailer


Since when should I overlook a movie's politics and give it my money? What obligates me?

Every new blockbuster flick headed by a female is the Black Panther for women

Nothing. Don't do it. No one is telling you to.

Carol Danvers has never been successful as a character. Her most famous tale is about getting fucked by her son from the future. Her most successful run in the last two decades of comics with her name as the title were the ones that started around the "civil war" because they picked an artist that drew her butt great while she failed at everything. Then it was gone.
They think they can ram her and people will take her, but she never works, nobody buys comics for seeing Carol Danvers.

stay mad sjw rostards

Apropos of Aladdin, that one's got an 80% "want to see" score on RT.

still mad and subhuman carol fag

it was good, faglord

seething sjw subhuman faggot

Yeah, because it's normal behavior with most movies. Normal people don't watch a trailer like Aladdin, make a RT account, and decide they must let the world know how much they dislike it, they simply don't go see it.

You need a hug?

you are alone sjw subhuman nad have no rights I won kill yourself

seething subhuman carol is failure just like you are brie

I'm a shazam bro and still I ask, who cares? We're all going to see it anyway.

you are not human you have no right and are racist just like brie ill enjoy when you die alone in cell

>post doesn't mention the last jedi
>immediately identify with brigading retards

>17,808 users
That's it? Dozens of millions of people watch these movies.

>he doesn't want to see a modern day minstral show.
Why not?

It's not even out yet. Also this , for the millions that saw IW, only 52K bothered to leave a review.

>Remember how when GB trailers came out, everyone almost unanimously downvoted them because it wasn't a popular concept nor it looked particularly good?
It was mostly because of butthurt. These people wanted Ghostbusters 3 instead

Not review bomb, thats a percentage asking whether they want to see the film or not.

So, it should be lower than 52%?

This is the new "learn to code".

Attached: getreadyfortheshow.gif (480x270, 2.03M)

>want to see it=/= reviews
are you dumb?
or just stupid and retarded?
one is basically a poll of interest from an agregate userbase.

I believe OP is asking why she's not receiving as much support Black Panther did, despite Black Panther being sub-par.

Racism. Racism is the answer since Black Panther benefits heavily from modern-day racism.

The vast majority of negative comments were and are cryings about sjws and le stronk wimmin and then complaining about some celebrity's comments. If the trailer looked dull, you'd have some people on YouTube saying it looks boring and people here and on twitter just not bothering to talk about it because they're not interested. Most wouldn't bother to go find a site, register, complain about sjws, and vote to tell everyone about how they just don't care about the movie either way.
The problem with pulling this same move over and over again and so transparently, with most people openly saying they're mad about sjws now, is there's no plausible deniability anymore. Instead, why not just be honest? Say "I don't want to see a movie with a black/female lead" or fine say, "I will watch some movies with a black/female lead but it looks from trailers and interviews that this movie will have themes about black rights or women as superheros, and I won't watch anything with those in it" or even just "I hate black people and women." That's honest and it's your right not to watch things for those reasons. Since nobody believes you anymore anyway, just stop making up bullshit like a whiney little pussy. It's fine if you don't want to watch something because of politics. Just don't insult everyone's intelligence by making up shit and lying. You don't have to see a movie if you think it might disagree with your politics, go right ahead.

I unironically think people going online just to tell people how much they don't care about a movie over and over again should learn to code, and if they do know how to code, should spend their time coding something useful instead and be productive since they're obviously not having fun whining. And now I am actually off to go code work shit.

>The problem with pulling this same move over and over again and so transparently, with most people openly saying they're mad about sjws now, is there's no plausible deniability anymore.
You don't need plausible deniability anymore. Now the new thing is retroactive deniability. Just say you never said the thing they you're on record as having said and it's fine.

It's a blockbuster action movie starring a white woman. Trying to pretend like this is some historic moment in film is their first mistake.

This, Wonder Woman came out first with an Israeli as the lead actress.

>Left being virulently anti-seminitc
No, it's just because Disney controls the narrative
Captain Marvel's producers are jewish too.

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Do you people come from another dimension where WW wasn't raised to high heavens?

I guess the "This will be the MCU flop THIS time" will never truly go away. I've grown sick of giving a shit every since it started with GOTG

it's going to get worse in the next phase, since we have Eternals and Shang-Chi getting movies

Based user

looks like the russian bots are back

Every controversy regarding the movie came from the trailers
>the character not having the sexy leotard
>the actress not smiling
>the feminist push - the whole HER/HERO thing
Then there were things that disturbed the fans itself
>no Mar-Vell
>the Fury/cat thing
Then on top of that is the actress comments.

You can blame /pol/ or whatever you want, but people are pissed off because of the movie itself and stupid as fuck marketing.

>>the actress not smiling
This was always a stupid complaint, making it seem as if you couldn't have a hard ass, gung-ho female or your dick wouldn't be happy. Same as the leotard... From the start we knew it was going to be based on KSD's run so why should anyone expect the leotard Ms Marvel suit?
And the Mar-Vell thing, well, it was rumored from the start that Jude Law was playing him, then they hid it, made it seem as if he was Yon-Rogg, and well, maybe he still is in the movie (if you fucking know, don't tell me, I don't want spoilers).

Ah, yes, the trailers. Those universally hated, reviled trailers.
Those trailers?

>This was always a stupid complaint, making it seem as if you couldn't have a hard ass, gung-ho female or your dick wouldn't be happy.

It's not a stupid complaint and it has nothing to do with her being female. People are sick of sullen angsty heroes. No one wants to fucking see that anymore. They want a sense of adventure and fun. Did you not notice the public reaction to Snyder's entire body of cape films, idiot?

Gol-darn pesky Russian bots, always eating the last of my cornflakes!

Attached: her-o.jpg (1200x675, 127K)

Yes but that was a full blown depressing tone, what with the dark tones and grimaces. Captain Marvel's first trailer had more of a military ad promo look to it, where people aren't all smiles but stoic. Stoic isn't sullen.

Attached: more clickbait.png (608x703, 214K)

Captain Marvel has been clickbait gold for youtubers. And it's all thanks to Brie putting her foot in it every chance she gets.

Now it's at 45%. It's because there was already a Black Panther for women and that was called Wonder Woman. This also looks like crap compared to Wonder Woman.

>Now it's at 45%. It's because there's a lot of bored and triggered faggots like me on the internet

Do you tryhards even try listen to yourselves
>One female-led capeshit is enough, every other womyn character afterwards must fail to restore the balance, there can be only one "Black Panther" per demographic

It means precisely that its not happening. If there is no ORGANIZATION for performing these 'review bombs' then its not ORGANIZED review bombing.

>Assad: "There are no chemical attacks made from my forces on the population"
>*towns get attacked with chemical weapons*
>Assad: "Nobody saw me doing it so it didn't happen"

He's kinda right tho, it's not an organized effort, it's just a bunch of brainless sheep aping each other to own the libz or whatever kids are into these days

>Food analogy

>RT doesn't matter.
>User scores that can be submitted by literally anyone have the same worth as online polls, which is none

I blame social media movie pundits for making their numbskull audience believe other wise

These negative reviews seem about as legit as that false flag they did on the Rose Tico girl.

Please save me Twitter and Charity money!!!

Attached: 2ugruq.jpg (500x545, 65K)

>DC movie has low RT score
>Marvel movie has low RT score
>lol who cares about critic scores?
Seen it coming a mile away.

Kill yourself MUHvel shills. I'm fucking done with your political agenda driven attention baiting.

Its over, people got woke, and your going broke.

>Marvel movie has low RT score
>lol who cares about critic scores?
These aren't critic scores. But nice job exposing your unbridled DC fanboy ass-pain.
It's what makes giving you shit completely worth it.

I'm really surprised there hasn't been a concentrated push back effort. I know Solo's want to see was very low and it barely became Fresh after the movie came out. Maybe the same thing will happen here?

No one defends that movie because it has a straight white male lead. Everyone will cry sexist misogynist if you dare say anything negative with something like Ghostbusters 2016, or even Captain marvel's cringe trailer.

>implying the mentality isn't there for user scores either
Or is this thread about a different Captain Marvel movie that doesn't have marveldrones brushing off low user ratings in a "who cares?" manner?

>Captain Marvel won't do bad, because Marvel movies never do bad
>So the SJW's will claim victory
>Captain Marvel won't do as well as top tier marvel movies, because it's about a women
>So the incels will claim victory
>TFW this culture war will never end

Attached: gxSkIS7.jpg (3508x2480, 2.6M)

>No one defends that movie because it has a straight white male lead
And it was straight white men who tanked the score. They're only doing it because it's getting a lot of attention and clearly pissing people off. It's something Yea Forums would have done back in the day

My advice is to just ignore it and watch what you want. I'm not going to see Captain Marvel because it doesn't look interesting to me but I can't be bothered to argue about it "Beating" Shazam or Wonder Woman like it even matters

The Difference between Black Panther and and Captian Marvel is the fact Black Panther's main star is a respectable human being unlike Brie Larson

Black Panther was actually a good watch though.

Which their ire should've been aimed at Bill Murray then.

>Just because it doesn't happen doesn't mean it's not happening

Attached: 00XGXjt.gif (288x198, 1.45M)

Another difference is that people actually liked Black Panther from Civil War and knew what he could do. Now we have even Feige telling us that Captain Marvel is the strongest hero in the universe and shes coming out of nowhere. I know people are dreading the idea of her being the one to kill Thanos. I'm 100% sure that wont happen because it would be extremely anti climactic but it says a lot that people are apprehensive about her

Also Brie Larson is top tier retarded bitch who didn't even want the role in the first place.

>Whys it tanking?

brie's mad craycray

Attached: brie larson gets threatened.png (603x572, 60K)

Is asking a phone number an attack?

Attached: 1550498999376.jpg (559x515, 66K)

Marvel and Star Wars movie are all mediocre trash that garners hype from negative reaction with tribalism. You would have to be stupid shit eating idiots to not see this.

Marvel doesn't interest me and Shazam looks like trash so far.

Anyways I've been looking forwards to Alita for a damned year and I saw it, so my movie boner is over for a bit. I'll throw in for Alladin before Captain Marvel based on the way they're promoting it though.

>I am a powerful strong woman working to make the world a better place
Who talks like this?

Attached: 1494147579956.png (584x347, 234K)

Attached: 1550967414694.jpg (640x823, 361K)

Its going to happen.That alone will basically shit on the Avengers hard that a bitchy outspoken actress who's forcing the dividing Marvel fanbase even more is the one who kills Thanos

>I know that if I feel uncomfortable it is valid
Imagine believing everyone else is responsible for not hurting your feefees

>Anyways I've been looking forwards to Alita for a damned year and I saw it, so my movie boner is over for a bit.
Ironically I thought it would have been bad, but was actually good. Would watch again.

>I'll throw in for Alladin
Jesus user, why?

Attached: 8ff.jpg (800x640, 185K)

Yes, asking for a person's phone number is sexual assault and harassment. All dates must be prearranged by the woman through a dating website, in which she requires your full personal information so she can run a background check and set up a written contract.

>I was victimized by a compliment or someone asking for a date.
People used to consider that flattering, but that was before you felt entitled.

Attached: Meth.jpg (863x596, 54K)

That's how high class prostitutes work.

So if she gets shot by a femnazi and a guy helps her, would that make him an assaulter/harasser while she lies there dying?

So all women ARE whores.

Attached: Batman.jpg (227x340, 26K)

Actually debating which film will be worse between Aladdin or Lion king

Alladin might be an alright movie, just not a good remake of the cartoon version, if you take a piss break when Will Smith inevitably raps.

Lion King has no hope.

Attached: Will Smith'd.jpg (2048x1152, 288K)

Will Smith isn't even my biggest problem. Jafar is

>I'll throw in for Alladin before Captain Marvel
This is some bizarre decision but it's your money.
>Its going to happen.
Yep, and she'll also wear the Gauntlet and shout "Avengers Assemble!"

Whiteys have white guilt over niggers.

No such thing towards women. Because most people actually know a few. So they know how "oppressed" women actually are.

And because casuals just see this as getting in the way of Infinity War 2.

Because it's probably shit.

While this clearly is a concentrated effort to push the score down the only time I've seen this happen before is Ghostbusters and Solo both of which were failures. So you have to wonder how many people actually share these people opinions who just aren't voicing them. I've never seen a "Want to see" rating be so low and go on to be successful

I think this is the weirdest thing about it for me. She's being pushed as this "strongest hero ever" type when your average casual like myself somewhat has no idea who the fuck she is beyond that she has a grab-bag of flashy powers. In typing this I realize this is what people who think Superman is boring because he has a bunch of super powers feel like.
Is this before or after she attempts to place Thanos under arrest?

Watched "Can You Ever Forgive Me" with Melissa McCarthy recently. Fantastic movie and a fantastic performance, but not a single peep of support from Twitter, bait media, or feminists. No bullshit from haters and sexists either.

I'm beginning to understand. The problem is not SJW, alt right, nerds, feminists, racists, or race card players. The problem is big budget event movies. I agree with the French now, we need to stop having them.

My biggest hope for the movie is that Carol learns some humility. If her interactions with Fury are anything to go by she's going to be a real condescending bitch to everybody and I'm just not up for that

In the hypothetical case that Captain Marvel ends up tanking, does that mean audiences find black people more tolerable and likable than women?

Yeah but we already knew that.

And that's exactly why it's difficult. Because the more people in a group the more different tastes and opinions. This really isn't comlicated.

>black person
>up front with how they feel, high energy, cool and fun to hang out with
>conniving and backstabbing, will pretend she's your friend just to get dirt on you and throw you under the bus and ruin your life just because she happens to be bored, a chore to hang out with because they bother you with all their problems that aren't actually problems
yeah i'll take one plane ticket to africa please

Peopleat work don't want to be bothered, but it applies the other way, that people don't want to be bothered by people who are working especially if they have the power to ruin your day if they don't like you. It's unprofessional and celebrities tend to be bothered by people all the time so they often have shorter temper. Her wording is retarded though.

>How come people don't wanna see Marvel's Resting Bitch Face The Movie?

Attached: 1223198022307058923.jpg (615x400, 42K)

I hope this shit fails. Would be worse than Ghostbusters.
I also hope Black Panther wins Best Picture.

I mean my issue is more that I just don't care anymore.
Way to burnt out on marvel movies to care.

This. I heard she made a 7 picture deal and it doesn't make me excited. I just feel tired

Don't get me wrong user. I'll probably pirate the dvd and watch it when bored. But going out to pay for it? Meh

>disney review bombing their own movie again

Is this seven feature length films starring her or does that include brief cameos like Doctor Strange being in Thor Ragnarok? Either way I'm in agreement. Endgame will likely be the last one I give a shit about.

Review bombing by NEETs

I believe it's any amount of her acting. But I am not 100% sure

Has any film that's been review bombed ever gone on to be a hit?

No reviews yet despite what the media says, it's just the 'interested'/'not interested' score which is always available before the release of any movie.

Attached: 1475132298095.gif (250x333, 1.1M)

>sold half as many tickets
>has 4x the reviews
Do you people really still believe that Rotten Tomatoes polls are pure?

Attached: RT.png (729x620, 406K)

>I believe it's any amount of her acting.

Shit, we could be waiting through a lot of movies before that starts.

Just check score for new Star Trek

Literally every Marvel actor signs those huge deals. Stan's contract for Bucky was for NINE movies.

And surprisingly enough, he's already made it to four (5 if his BP cameo counts).

Why is it so hard for people not to say dumb shit.

>only made $10 million
>has more reviews than Infinity War
>that critic vs audience disparity
Yep, seems legit to me

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at 12.13.12 AM.png (760x503, 543K)


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>this is his takeaway from the post
It's not bad because it's a Christian movie. It's bad because it's a shit movie.

But more importantly, my point was that it's extremely obvious that the audience reviews are not legit. It's by far the most obvious case I've seen of it.

Things were bad enough online with company war bullshit (Marvel vs DC, Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft, etc.), but now on top of that there's a second layer of this shit because everything is not politicized to be SJWs vs /pol/fags. I just want want to watch and discuss the shit I watch or want to watch without dozens of shitposters suddenly leaping in with
Fuck, I wish I could leave this site, but unless Hiroshimoot shuts it down, I'm here forever.

Stop samefagging you nigger


Attached: 47.jpg (742x319, 35K)

You have to go back.

I know they do. I just don't care to watch 5 more films with Captain Marvel in them after Endgame. Apart from Infinity War I haven't paid for an MCU film since Doctor Strange.

that's a few hours old, it's down to 43% now

Attached: cap marvel 43.png (741x369, 189K)

>Look guys, it's totally real!
absolutely epic!

>"want to see bombing"

To tell you the truth, I haven't seen a capeshit movie in theaters since Winter Soldier, which I thought was pretty solid.
I don't know, I guess I've just grown a bit tired of the whole capeshit scene, which relies is trite and petty twitter scuffles and made up controversies in order to generate interest, because the characters keep being neglected if they can't remotely put out a revenue, or passed around writers like drunken whores.
Aquaman was like the eureka moment for me that made me realize, capeshitfags are so desperate for content that will devour anything, in hopes that the whole "cinematic universe" is kept afloat, and the producers are well aware of this.
I've come to the realization that there's more mediums for me to enjoy, and more intellectual properties I can sink my fangs into.
I just don't like this kind of "churnema". It's lost its flash to me.

Attached: this isn't fun anymore.jpg (1000x666, 77K)

I'm seeing 44. How low can it go?

What's even the point? Aren't they just going to have to review-bomb again once the thing actually comes out?
This number means nothing.

It carries over from "want to see" to "liked it". Which is why the audience score is always front loaded.

I don’t like saying stuff like this because it’s often just whining, but this time it really is just butthurt sexists on the Internet.

Seriously, there hasn’t even been any screenings yet. It’s literally impossible for their to have been any negative (or positive) reviews based on the actual movie.

Anti-SJWs do everything annoying SJWs do cranked to 11. They just do them on different triggers so you don’t notice right away.

>This number means nothing.
Nope. That percentage turns into the audience score when the movie comes out. It probably shouldn't though

>It carries over from "want to see" to "liked it". Which is why the audience score is always front loaded.
Ah, didn't realize that. RT is a garbage source for audience reactions anyway, but this just seems like an astoundingly retarded way to do things, even if it WERE legitimate.
The future for the MCU is crazy cat ladies

Attached: MCU is fucked.png (578x804, 324K)

Yea Forums did this.

You racists just couldn't stand to see a strong woman succeed.

Wonder Woman already succeeded

Try to watch this. Respond with how far into the video you were able to make it.

>I made it to 1:15
>bigger, stereotype-feminist-looking youtuber calls out a mary sue writer for probably being a fat woman with a feminist haircut

>the movie is literally for crazy cat-ladies
not shocked at all

I got 4 seconds.

pick one

What will be Yea Forums's excuse when this doesn't flop?

>know of a girl from my old highschool who has no boyfriend but tons of pictures of her and her cat online

It makes no sense to me because she's a fit gymnast who is pretty. Sad.

Attached: 1549981806298.jpg (741x741, 204K)

Nobody here thinks it will flop. I just don't have any interest in it

It's not reviews, it's the 'interested' or 'not interested' score.

Disney bought tickets, fake news inflating numbers, SJWs are npc's and hivemind viewed it, marvel universe so normie always go, ((they)) socially programmed for it, it really did flop because it has to make 6 gorillion to make back the marketing budget, no competition, paid off reviewers, hate watching, onion boys, cucks, roasties on dates, white genocide. Take your pick, someone will probably claim most if not all of these are true before the end of this thread.

Attached: 1550346230180.jpg (640x512, 41K)

Spoilers are already out:

Trips of truth.
Don't forget denial and the classic "haha I was only pretending to be retarded".

I think people who aren't stupid have known online polls are worthless for 30 years which is why no one conducting research considers or weighs them. Even phone polls, all polls are shit but no one doing any kind of data analytics thinks online polls are worth shit because they're spammable and easy to sabotage bullshit. I actually sabotaged online polls in the 1990s as a little kid for really no fucking reason at all but that I was bored. I wasn't smart either it's just everyone knows how to do that shit.

>"Hello fellow 'nerds' and 'fans'!"
>"I am an gurl and MCU BTFO!"
>"I'm just like you! I also hate feminism and women including me! Fat white boys are the most oppressed group there is! Rise up!"
>"Also like and subscribe and donate $$$ to my Patreon!"

Attached: 1.png (1323x805, 774K)

These trips, they do not lie.

Trips of truth. And you can just sit back and watch them cry, cry, cry like they always do.

Attached: btfo.jpg (2216x2588, 2.27M)

nah they're clearly russians trolls.

>women are a hive mind, if one acts out of lockstep they're just faking it for attention

Gosh user, that sounds an awful lot like "fake geek girl" mentality...

>tfw live in a 3rd world shithole
>won't watch Captain Manvers
Am I a white supremacist nazi russian trump supporter?

Even if you lived in a decent country, no one would care. Most people don't go to see MOST movies.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

How much of a Hollywood cocksucker do you have to be to care if the movie you're shilling for free gets downvoted. It's not like Disney really need the money and it's not as if fanboy consumers arent gonna see it. You're mad because "wahhh the bad men said movie bad"

Cluephone for you:
It's not "Hey what's going on here, I'm upset!"
This is thread #30 of "Hey look at this bit of internet shenanigans we are up to, are we rebels or what?"

im confused
are you a raging Incel suspicious of the wahman
are you a raging sjw mad at another youtuber making culture war vids

Just think: 2 more weeks of this, then things go up a gear when it's released.

at this point does it even matter?

It's exactly the same shit. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever.

Attached: ted-cruz.jpg (1269x765, 153K)

>tfw Disney tricks staunch anti-capitalist anti-racist into defending a multibillion dollar corporation by making their movie star a white lady and her minority sidekicks

Disney has no agenda beyond making billons off of family friendly.
Injecting black faces into movies for diversity is something every single studio has been engaged in since "Oscars So White".

youll get people upset that youre using sites other than RT.
the same people make fake accounts and vote bomb RT, destroying its integrity.

black panther is still for men. its a genuine action movie for men

women dont give attention to capeshit. what they actually want is romantic stuff like shojo manga or takarazuka-ish musical. no women want these capeshit actions.

femicunts and sjw media have pushed it just because they are just like incel women who are sexually frustrated and cant have anything fun other than complaining about men

RT will just end the useless audience polling.
Almost every movie that doesn't become an internet target has a 90-98% "want to see it" score right up until release. After release, it's just a vehicle for fanboys.

Firstly why do you type like a cunt? Secondly who cares? You're wasting your life defending a fucking Hollywood product, for free no less. Don't you think that's kind of sad?

>women dont give attention to capeshit. what they actually want is romantic stuff like shojo manga or takarazuka-ish musical. no women want these capeshit actions
Wonder Woman has no more of a romance than First Avenger or Thor.
It's a dumb action movie that was totally bouyed up by women buying tickets to it.

I'm not defending anything: I am just pointing out that you are railing on a satire/concern-trolling thread because you are too stupid to recognize blatant concern-trolling.

>Wonder Woman has no more of a romance than First Avenger or Thor.
But the women could self insert as Wonder Woman and I disagree with you any way. Wonder Woman and Steve were together throughout the entire film while Steve and Peggy were not. Also those were phase 1 MCU films and nobody really cared except about Iron Man

All the responses defending the movie are satire? What mental gymnastics are going on here?

Yea Forums will be wrong again!

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>Also those were phase 1 MCU films and nobody really cared
Every phase 1 film built to a larger and larger audience with each progressive sequel thereafter. People clearly cared.
>But women could self-insert as Wonder Woman
But that's totally not the issue under discussion.


You have to go back

You specifically responded to the OP; who is A. Concern trolling blatantly and B. likely not even in the thread any longer.
Stop doubling down on stupid.

I'm not going to spend 20 bucks and 3 hours of my day on something I don't care about. Trailers are supposed to change that perception

>Almost every critic is a woman
RT is a joke for movies but it's even worse for tv. Season 1 of Supergirl is at 92% and it's complete shit

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Shes trying to convince herself of this, more then the person shes replying to

How is it not under discussion? It clearly aided in Wonder Woman's financial success.

How many hours of your life are you going to spend insisting that you will have nothing to do with a movie (besides repeating how much you refuse to see it)?

>Concern trolling
Holy fuck you retarded tumblr refugee, OPs not actually trying to trick anyone into thinking he's worried, its just a typical Yea Forums OP.

Just like when someone starts a thread with "/board/ BTFO", its not someone actually thinking the board was BTFO.

Are you implying because I replied specifically to the OP my point is onky relevant to him and not to the actions of all the dumb cunts on this thread as a whole. Sorry I don't have time to quote 50% of the thread

Action movies starring Women are very hit-or-miss, regardless of their level of romance, butt-kickery or suitability for self-insertion. An immortal, nigh invincible magical princess who talks like Zsa-Zsa Gabor is probably about as relatable as Thor.

In any case, Yea Forums is the last place I expect to get any insight into What Women Like.

We're on Yea Forums's comic book board discussing a comic book movie. If it looks like a trainwreck, that's also fun to discuss. This isn't kindergarten, people can say mean things about your Captain Marvel movie.

What is a possible appeal of Captain Marvel anyway? Doctor Strange had the visual effects as the selling point. Black Panther had the worldbuilding. Aquaman pushed the action spectacle and Wonder Woman had an unique setting, at least. What does Captain Marvel have? The 90's nostalgia? I mean, it looks generic, even by capeshit standards. It's like as if you had a machine spit out the most baseline superhero movie imaginable.

The argument is that you can't tell how good a movie is from a trailer, but I'd argue that the whole point of trailers is to get people who'd normally be uninterested in an otherwise bland looking movie interested. I feel like that's the whole point of trailers, though hearsay might be the main advertisement these days

Tell that to
Who came in raving at the OP's post, as if anyone is in here shilling for Captain Marvel with any intensity whatsoever.

This isn't about defending a movie you idiot, none of us has seen it
>wtf, if you don't enjoy this absurd shitposting and faggotry it means you're bootlicking Hollywood! for le free!!

Read the thread man the shilling is obvious. There are people defending a product they haven't seen yet as being above critisim. Sounds like shilling to me

>but I'd argue that the whole point of trailers is to get people who'd normally be uninterested in an otherwise bland looking movie interested

Apparently 50 something million people watched the trailer, and preordered tickets are pretty healthy for a movie in this genre.
Am I to take RT shenanigans seriously and be bothered by them? Is that what you are expecting?

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"Fungus toe poopy face, she insulted Daddy Trump!" doesn't come off as a very meaningful criticism of a motion picture.

True. I will still watch it when it comes to Netflix in October tho. If anything I’ll be able to shit on it more accurately than just shit post.

>spergs losing their shit over SJWs in TLJ resulted in every actual criticism of TLJ getting ingored
And there's so much fucking wrong with that movie too.

I agree that some anons are downplaying the trailer's role, and you're right, it's perfectly fine to see ads and decide the movie isn't for you. But what people are pointing out is that such decision-making isn't what's happening here, at all, people merely disappointed in trailers don't usually swarm to online polls. What's happening with the interest votes with Cap Marvel is unprecedented, and it got nothing to do with trailers as the people voting "not interested" themselves openly tell

Accept that if this movie does somewhere in the range of Homecoming that very few people will care about your shitposting one way or the other.

Now, I'm not saying "Don't shitpost" as that's your purpose here. I'm just preparing you for the fact that it may come off as more saddening than upsetting.

Trump has only been brought up in this thread once by somebody defending the movie. Obsessed


That guy was arguing that, based on the trailer, he wasn't interested. The other guy retorted that you can't tell if the movie's good or bad based on a trailer, though if we were to take the latter's logic what's the point of trailers then? Trailers are very much previews of what we can hope to expect from a movie, and Aladdin is a recent example of a trailer failing to attract positive attention. Of course the majority liked what they saw for Captain Marvel but we're looking at this lone case here

Whoa, that's problematic, don't call people retards. :^(

Listen; I understand that every Shit On Disney thread is manbabby rage against the tired, shitty old Star Wars franchise and perceived slights against its long-dead QUALITY.
It goes without saying.

>That guy was arguing that, based on the trailer, he wasn't interested.
"Arguing" because you lack interest in something is rather idiotic and contradictory.
Indifference is the normal human reaction to no interest.

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"Closer to the hole mr mouse?"

Yes, there you go; I'm a Mouse shill shitting on their most expensive franchise.
I'm glad it was broken down to something you can grasp.

He's arguing his position in the conversation, not his stance on the movie

So you're saying that right wingers should start angrily campaigning against eating human fecal matter so crybaby contrarians on the internet will literally eat shit to own the cons?

They blame /pol/ for everything wrong with online trolling concerning any popular film, but no one can provide evidence it's just /pol/ or that other boards maybe involved. /pol/ isn't the only one that hates Marvel films, Yea Forums, /r9k/ and even some people on Yea Forums hate cape movies, too. These anons can't prove they weren't involved, but will blame /pol/, which is strange, because many anons from that board hate mainstream films, video games, and etc because they believe it's controlled by Jews, and by that virtue wouldn't be at all associated with it.

In short, /pol/ hates most Hollywood busters, CM isn't the exception, but they're just going to ignore it like they do with all the other films. This is like TLJ or Ghostbusters, where the internet blamed /pol/ for the poor reviews on us Yea Forums users, AVGN, or even Russia. It's pathetic at this point.

This is funny and ironic, as it is the "right wing" that has done a complete 180 on every virtue they've held dear for generations, to appeal to a populist cult of personality bound to a notorious scam artist.


Pre-2016 /pol/, sure.
But the /pol/ newfriends that migrated in with the election and malinger in Yea Forums and Yea Forums are a different breed and we both know it.

Look at it this way: /pol/ is an easy term to describe this sort of faggotry. It doesn't matter if it actually happened on /pol/, it's "/pol/ tier" either way. It's no different than random shit or anons are accused of being too reddir/tumblr

This. I've seen far more people on Yea Forums and Yea Forums write "troll" reviews on RT about TLJ, but I only see /pol/ get blamed for it (and sometimes Russians are mentioned). These reviews aren't really trolling, crazy fan boys/girls just think it is because they can't accept the fact that people don't like their movie. James wasn't maliciously trolling people when he said he wasn't to watch the remake of Ghostbusters. The movie just wasn't for him. And he was right. It was awful. It's strange that telling your honest opinion is now considered trolling.

/pol/ is shorthand for anti-SJW same way as tumblr was shorthand for SJW

Whereas his detractors have abandoned their long held values to the point that they'll bitch about him making peace with North Korea, pulling soldiers out of the middle east and decriminalizing faggotry worldwide because they have no principles outside of Orange Man Bad

>bitch about him making peace with North Korea
The Kim family has been pulling this scam longer than Donald's family has been pulling theirs. Un is hoping to get Donald alone in a room and have him bluster-pull the troops out of S. Korea. In exchange for vague promises not to misbehave.
>pulling soldiers out of the middle east
The neocons ARE the right-wing.

Jesus, people will be writing mental health theses on TDS in twenty years. It's such a fascinating malady

The movie will make a lot of money regardless of whether it's good or bad, because box office correlates with the raw volume of marketing.

Reddit doesn't like TLJ, either. In fact, their hatred for Jonson is probably more intense because there are more users there than Yea Forums. There are more threads there talking about how they posted their thoughts on review sites about it. But of course, only Yea Forums is responsible for the unjustified hate. It couldn't possibly be that Episode 8 is controversial, and that Rian can't write a consistent sci-fanatasy script to save his career. Nope it's just us.

Yea Forums WANTED this bad-boy rep, and reveled in it for internet ages.


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it's being review bombed, because there are an awful lot of people who hate when women

I love the MCU. I've seen every single MCU film. They have given my so much enjoyment and happiness it's absurd, and Endgame is my most anticipated movie of the year.

Having said all that, I have no plans to see Captain Marvel and have no interest in it. Zero. It's not because I hate women, or wear a MAGA hat or am alt-right. It's not because I care about Brie running her mouth about white males on the press tour. I just have no interest in it. Carol is lame and has always been lame. Brie Larson is boring and can't headline a movie and is about as exciting as a potato. The trailer was boring. The Kree are dumb.

I have no idea if it's going to be massively successful or not, and I don't care either way. But if I don't want to see it then it's probably a sign something went wrong.

Here's a little reality, sweaty.

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>What is a possible appeal of Captain Marvel anyway?
More cosmic Marvel beyond just GOTG, and with a more serious tone at that. Perhaps you forget these movies go beyond their superficial framing and have a setting and topic fans are interested to see.

Just imagine how terrible this article really is if the headline is as shitty we that.

She wasn't fired, she stepped down, because she recognised she couldn't handle the work load. Just like many men have also done that before.

but you don't make a news article about it.

She is still flying, but isn't the commander officer.

>if the headline is as shitty we that.
what ?

>If the headline is as shitty as* that

The headline blew things out of proportion, she is the one who decided to step down from commanding position.

Yeah of course, I figured it wasn't as simple as the "BTFO" framing the headline implies, but titling stuff like this
>Fired after two weeks over... Inability to command
Just shows that whoever wrote it can't follow basic journalistic standards.

>She wasn't fired, she stepped down
Yes, because resigning looks better than being actually forcibly removed from the post on a career record
>Just like many men have also done that before.
For you

Attached: women in military.webm (500x500, 873K)

She was removed from command because she was having sex with a male subordinate. It's pretty much the only reason a high viz PR person like this gets removed from command, and it's not the first time it's happened like this. They will let a lot of things slide to keep good PR going but they are still super fucking strict on fraternization. She thought she was immune but no one is.

What did MouseShills mean by this?

Attached: movie of the year.png (748x314, 183K)

>>People are saying that they don't want to see the film because they don't want to see the film
>No they're not
Then why did you post a picture of two people saying they don't want to see the film?

Spoilers based on advanced screenings

Carol is an airforce pilot blown up in a Kree vs Skrull fight. Taken by the Kree she is brainwashed into thinking she is one.
The Kree ally themselves with Thanos and Carol goes to Earth to root out Skrull infiltrators.
Whilst on Earth she remembers that she is in fact human but still hates Skrulls and ends up fighting SuperSkrull.
She's The Most Powerful HERo Ever(TM) because her powers come from the Tesseract itself.

TL:DR Aliens capture human woman and turn her into a super-powered slave to fight other aliens.

Truly on that day the Patriarchy was BTFO

Its bad, and you should feel bad for liking it.

what am I looking at?

the difference between men and women

>Black Panther for women
Isn't that Wonder Woman?

Yes, Marvel screwed this one up so badly it's now Why Woke White Women Are Here to Save All You Poor Oppressed Minorities

seeing those cunts mocking the amputee makes me mad

Wondie was mildly brown in a way suburban soccer moms can't associate themselves with, and hence why they don't consider it a true female-lead capeshit.

If a man and woman are of equal height and weight and of a modern lifestyle, the man will probably have about twice the upper body strength. The difference is bigger among people in good shape since men build muscle more easily. Men are also bigger on average, which affects overall strength but not strength to weight, which is what mattered in that event.

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These were proven fake, my dude.

>>why is she not wearing a leotard, I've always been a fan of carol and they are ruining her
>>why is she not wearing a leotard, feminists hate femininity
>>why aren't they using a character that appeared only a bunch of times 50 years ago and nobody cares about
>>why is she not muscular? men have to become muscular to play the hero, feminism is spoiling women
>>her ass is flat
>>why is she not smiling? feminism hates femininity
>>why did she make a mean tweet

All this and this:

Attached: a2feq3.png (902x512, 65K)

Post proof MouseShill

>Woke White Women Are Here to Save All You Poor Oppressed Minorities
But the bad guys are PoCs! This movie is racist! Why doesn't anyone realize this?

>Wonder Woman
is the first Disney movie made in Warner bros

Attached: sire-768x923.jpg (768x923, 85K)

Or about how into the spiderverse was also a flop, but then it turned out that it wasn't.
In the end, nothing was really a flop.
It however does prove that the more people know how to program bot accounts, the less user reviews are worth anything anymore, unfortunately.

Ms Marvel on the contrary it had everything, the great body and the great suit
The great personality and it was not a SJW
But for some reason Disney hates really strong women who be proud of the body.
A movie with Ms Marvel could make $1 billion because it would have men and women to watch

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So you're saying that /pol/ is the board Marvel films deserve?

>b.b.but Mrs Goldberg blog told me it's kino...

Attached: shills defend that shit.png (1131x685, 441K)

They are taking something back since Marvel stole all kind of things from DC. Black Panther was Aquaman and filmed after though released before

Check the user score. Critics are notoriously unreliable these days.

>obey the botted score goyim, fuck criticism, refuse it like the plague, obey the mass of big numbers and who cares if it's shit you can say you were part of the group that's all that count, goyim...

stop breathing fag

stay made SJW nigger you are subhuman just like brie

seething bri fag

Can’t wait for round 2

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Besides obvious issues of shillery and such, critics (real film critics) have been trained to judge films according to the standards of film criticism in college classes, not whether or not potential viewers would be likely to enjoy it.

Attached: (((critics))).png (1048x804, 205K)

Do you think maybe the multiple threads here over the past week or so saying they were planning to bomb its score with fake accounts have anything to do about it?

This is how you people screw yourselves. If you review bomb is and it's actually bad its defenders can just say the bad score is because of the bombing and then you cant win.

>and then you cant win
I think you're misunderstanding the point of review bombing. It's to generate salt and lulz. Where do you think we are?

Again, you're allowing people to easily dismiss the results when you bomb it, making them incapable of producing tears or rage. See at the very start of the thread, first example. Everyone knows you cucks bombed it, so nobody cares. You spoiled your own ammunition.


Attached: Wonder Woman 1x01 (2).webm (400x300, 2.99M)

Making a live-adaptation of comic based movies should be fucking bannable.
You faggots really have sad lives if you can't discuss anything different.

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>Wonder Woman has no more of a romance than First Avenger or Thor.
it's not about quantity, it's about quality.
Captain Marvel will have zero romance. It's dead with women.

where is Carolpepe?

>I've seen enough porn to know where this is going.jpg


Looking at her face, you don't need one. :^)

You know that quote about how pretending to be retarded only leads to actual retards thinking they're in good company? You might think it's for the lolz but it doesn't change that these threads are full of people rationalizing the bombing as an actual sign that the general public is rejecting the movie, a sign that it will flop, that these user votes are actually a Disney conspiracy to create controversy and sell tickets etc.

You underestimate how committed people can be to their "cause"

>Yea Forums
>having good topics to discuss

Attached: 44.gif (344x426, 714K)

People are more likely to bitch than rave
There are also more 'original trilogy' movie purists than there are comic buffs

I'm glad.

Somebody needs to stand up to those unreasonable feminists.

I'm sick of getting bullied by them.