How will you be celebrating, Yea Forums?
How will you be celebrating, Yea Forums?
Trolling /pol/tv/
Maybe give my father a call.
BHM? I dunno.
Celebrate what?
By rubbing it in the faces of Dkeks every time they try to make a thread for one of their shitty movies
>TDK get 2 oscars, Suicide Squad get 1 oscar
>O-oscars don't matter
>Black Panther will possibly get Oscar
>T-they matter now
>Making billions matter!
>Aquaman makes over one billion
>I-it don't matter now!
Marvirgins backtracking as always
Eat the bluray CaptainSalt.
>Best Picture nomination that didn't also get Male or Female Lead nomination
100% politically motivated nomination like never seen before. Marvel knew it has more chances to win than IW so they campaigned for it instead.
It's not going to win best picture anyway, since it's not Oscar bait material, but it will get a few of the others.
Difference is Black Panther is getting REAL oscars not "we can't find more than 3 nominees" or "sorry your mediocre actor offed himself" oscars
Eh. The entire thing's a giant Hollywood circle jerk anyway. I'll probably just get drunk that night like every night
I'll get drunk and scream about that Empire faggot. But I've done that for the past month, so it's nothing special.
It's the worst film in the MCU other than maybe Iron Man 2 or 3. Infinity War and Spiderverse are heads and tails above it, though the Oscars have been shit for years.
Enjoy watching Shitztain, Jogger, Mellissa McCarthy comedy movie #37985-B, and Birds of Pray For A Better Movie bomb hard
I won't
>It's the worst film in the MCU other than maybe Iron Man 2 or 3
Not when Dark World exists
It's just a fucking inside industry award. I can't understand why people care. Frankly, I care far more about Australian Railway Awards. What categories do they have? What hordes of spiders did some poor guy have to fight off to repair some ties in the middle of the desert?
>since it's not Oscar bait material
But it is
it wont win because having a marvelflick win an oscar would be fucking dumb
Mostly with indifference.
You post as if you assume these people have standards outside of smelling their own farts.
Dumber things have won important events
no not really
BP is a quite good movie when seen as a marvelflick but when you see it as a movie in general it's incredibly mediocre or even outright silly. If this shit wins it either opens the floodgates for a more "open" (lower) generation of judging movies or people finally wake up to shilling which is honestly more likely.
My father is a hardcore leftist but even he claimed the oscars are politically biased and rigged
the oscars have always been about a bunch of professional liars partaking in a mass circle jerk. why anyone bothers to pay attention is beyond me
Don't really care. I watched it and overall it was pretty good acting wise. Until Jordan opens his mouth. Cripes that was painful since everyone looks at him like he's an idiot.
One, maybe. Two of them will be an inspiring one-in-a-million kind of deal