My dream has come true!

Think it'll be good?

Attached: aoc-comic1.jpg (767x391, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Giving a woman who hasn't even been in congress for 2 months her own comic

I’ll take “threads that can only go well” for 500, Alex.

>Jill Thompson
Parts of it will be at least

They already deleted the previous thread.

>unironically making her paler than she actually is

I see their already trying the "courting controversy" route in order to get the attention their writing and artstyle can't bring.

The rights gives her more attention than her supporters

I like her ideas.
But this is stupid.
Fuck this celebrity cult nonsense.

Who cares? Another political comic based on another politician who is only making headlines by talking outrageously. These are the times. The end times.

I think you like her ideals. Her ideas are fucking stupid, unworkable fantasy. I mean, banning planes? PLANES?

that's kinda hot

>Americans think they're TWO political parties are different

Very cute!

That's not even part of the plan, you gullible fool.
The GND talks of incentivising an expansion of fast rail options to make some flights unnecessary.
It doesn’t even mention bans of anything.
All it states is to promote environmentally more sustainable alternatives.
Also it's intentionally ambitious in a "shoot for the stars and you might hit the moon" way. You get nowhere by starting negotiations in Washington from a compromise.
It's an aspirational paper that lays out ideas on how to restructure the country so actual legislature on parts of it can be formulated into actionable laws.

Her superpower is living rent-free in conservatives' heads.


le bronx girl

Lmao no she doesn't, and no they don't. Nobody has talked about this bitch in weeks

>Think it'll be good?

Of course not, are you retarded?

>giving a woman who couldn't name out all the branches of government a position in government

At this point the comic book will provide the lesser of platforms for her insanity. It's not like the people who support her will spend any money

>Talk about her for weeks
>Call you out on it
>"N-n-n-n-no we haven't!!"

>the queen of /pol/ gets her own comic
What's wrong with this?

Dude, if we're talking knowledge requirements for positions of power, your president doesn't know how to spell "hamburgers."

>who couldn't name out all the branches of government
Seriously, conservatives?

Its funny you think that. Some business group just took out a giant ad in times Square specifically blaming her for Amazon backing out of the new York deal. She simultaneously scares the wealthy right wing elite, and acts as a perfect scapegoat for them.

>Think it'll be good?

Not unless it completley apes my hero academia and uses memes as a substitute for actual writing.

>I mean, banning planes? PLANES?

Nobody said anything about banning planes, retard. She wants to build a high speed rail network, like the ones Japan has, that would make flying completely redundant.

>Freshman Force
>Unironically targetting children

Cool. I'm glad to see they prove all the wacky conspiracy theories about education and politics to be true.

How are you going to build a train real l track over the ocean?
Or even across the thousands of miles of the continental USA?

>Or even across the thousands of miles of the continental USA?

The same way we did it in the 1800's, except probably with less chinese people this time.

Wow that would be great. Only it'd exist if it were economically viable which, in this country, it is not. Japan is a tiny, densely populated island. We live in a sprawling wasteland dotted by tiny oases of urban life as far as mass transit is concerned. Also flying would STILL be quicker.

You're a dipshit and so is she.

hOw ArE tHeY gOiNg To BuIlD a HiGhWaY aCrOsS aMeRiCa FuCkInG EiSeNhOwEr'S a CoMmIe

>conservatards forgetting that we've had transcontinental rail since the civil war

It's the same shit but faster this time

Attached: TranscontinentalTrains.jpg (855x769, 314K)

>It's the same shit
>but faster this time

California couldn't even manage it within their own state. No way they couldn't find someone to do that kinda resource heavy project nationally.

Other than that you can already travel from coast to coast by train.

This time it would be Chinese investors paying for it instead of Chinese workers building it.

Using California government as an example of why infrastructure investment wouldn't work is like using a retard as an example of why algebra doesn't work.

Put somebody with more than three braincells, two of which are devoted to remembering 38 different pronouns, on the case and it'll work.

California fucked it up because they didn't just pick a plan and stick to it. Instead they kept trying to add more and more cities to the main route instead of sticking to "LA to SF" and then adding side routes afterward. That and they actually listened to the rich fucktards who complained about how tracks would be near their homes instead of just ignoring them. Constantly redesigning the system slowed the process down and exploded the costs.

Amtrak has managed high-speed rail in New England, no reason it can't be done in the rest of America.

To be fair, the inability for the US to build such projects is because of Reagan era budget reforms that say that if you don’t use all your money that your given, they’ll slash it for the next year. My dad worked for a big city, one of the people handling the contracts and budget stuff, and they have to really abuse loopholes to have a fund for emergency road repair.

She thought the 3 billion tax cedit for Amazon was real money that New York was just going to hand over. Now New york wont get the 27 billion in taxes they could have gotten.
She doesn't know how taxes and the economy work. Even the mayor called her out on that.

ITT conservatives lying like they always do and calling it "trolling"

they know perfectly well that nobody's going to make planes and cars illegal. they just want to scare stupid people and waste the time of smart people.

>I don't understand how politics ruin everything

The reaspn it can't be done is because of special interest groups and people being cunts. We honestly need a better rail system but lobbiests will do all they can to make it shitty as fuck.

Amazon paid 0 dollars in federal taxes two years in a row, I doubt their state-level tax would be much better.

You're defending the company that patented the Wage Cage, user. Rethink your choices.

So are you suggesting that we are going to completely get rid of train transport for freight so that the tracks can be used for human transport? or are you suggesting that hundreds of thousands of miles of new track, thousands of stations, and new trains all be built and be made operational in the next five years?
This would require hundreds of billions of dollars, years of construction, the cooperation of every state and very likely the forced relocation of thousands of people, when the transcontinental railroad was being built most of the land the track was being built on was uninhabited (except for the natives) and even then it took years and was met with hostility.
Also none of you bothered to explain how it's going to cross oceans which would be necessary for it to replace air travel.
Also I'm not a conservative btw just trying to be realistic.

To be fair, any state willing to fuck it's own people by building an amazon there is horrible.

So how bout that 70% marginal income tax?

The butthurt about this is proof that Americans are illiterate

China's maglev has a top speed of 268 mph. Japanese shinkansen is at around 200 mph, and that's in a country with a lot of mountains and earth quakes, taifuuns, etc. Replacing the old rail network with a high speed one would create jobs, improve infrastructure, cut down on driving and flying and thus lower pollution...

It's stupidly idealistic. There are better ways to tax the rich. Start by forcing other nations to give up tax havens on threat of sanctions that would ruin countries that ciuldn't afford it would be the one I'd go with firat though. And taxing inheretence.

What a fun and unique advertisement that hasn't at all been done before.

>hundreds of billions of dollars
That's pretty much nothing. The Iraq War cost 2.5 trillion and nobody cared.

It’s a nice idea, but the reason why passenger trains died in the US in the first place was Auto industry lobbyists. Any major reform in the US is gonna get shot down by politicians bought by corporations. I like AOC’s attitude, but I don’t think that alone will get her anywhere.

Literally nobody in NYC except people in real estate wanted Amazon. They're notorious about how abusive they are about their power once they've settled. While exploiting the work force and not paying taxes despite making billions in profit. The entire but look at all of the benefits thing was just empty pr spin.

>It's stupidly idealistic.

It's been done multiple times throughout American history

We could have gone to Mars and stayed.

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>Start by forcing other nations to give up tax havens
If the rich are willing to fund those nations, how the fuck are you going to get any nation to actually give up their only cash cow

taxing 1% of trillions of dollars is still more than enough to run a small country

>I don’t think that alone will get her anywhere
But she doesn't just have attitude, she has ideas people can invest in
by submitting actual plans to put in to place, the only thing stopping people from getting those things is the politicians that they put in place

If you honestly think that either of the two major parties are every going to lower the military budget by even a cent you're high as a kite.
So yeah compared to the fucking astronomical sums that make up the military budget it's nothing but compared to anything else it's ridiculous.

Why is she being promoted so hard? She sucks

DNC trying to make a meme candidate, I don't think it's working well.

>DNC trying to make a meme candidate

She won't be eligible to run for president until 2028. Meme magic doesn't have an eight year shelf life.

American politics is a big ugly circus full of dumb, evil clowns with the mental maturity of 10-year olds.

Blame it on jews

In many ways she's the female/left Trump.

A moron who doesn't understand basic economics or political practices, but has a big mouth and not afraid to use it to tell people what they want to hear.

Of course, Trump was already a celebrity and a billionaire by hook or crook who rose to prominence in an extremely shallow pool of candidates, and she's just a bartender from an upper middle class area trying to paint herself as a waitress from the poor Bronx quickly pissing off her fellow Congress left and right.

We know. Are you not entertained?

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>A moron who doesn't understand basic economics or political practice
what specifically is she saying that doesn't actually sound right?

I guess it's appropriate considering her secret identity of AOC, the poor Hispanic waitress living paycheck to paycheck in the shittiest area of the Bronx.

When in reality she grew up as "Sandy Cortez" the upper middle class bohemian who worked in a trendy bar and took more than her share of tips.

The democrats want to parade her in order to show the real REAL left that they are still cool. But they aren't cool. The house is soon to crumble. Or split at least.

For starters, that the Pentagon wasted $21 trillion

so hire the fucking Japanese to do it if Americans are too incompetent to do anything

>amazon shill

Why did they make her white?

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New Yorker here, most Hispanics I know tend to live in Washington Heights, Inwood, and a chunk of Harlem. I'm not even sure what parts of the Bronx qualifies as shitty given the rapid gentrification of the borough.

Because the DMC is falling apart, on one hand you have corporate crony dems like Hillary on the other end you have borderline communist retards like Bernie and AOC and stuck in the middle of these tow extremes you have moderate dems like Jim Webb and these three camps cannot see eye to eye on anything and it's threatening to split the party leading to Trump getting reelected in 2020, they Keep pushing AOC because they think Hillary's loss in 2016 was due to her not appealing to the Bernie crowd except unlike Bernie AOC is also young and a woman and not white(?) so they can push her as being the first brown woman millennial president, and ignore the fact that they are still alienating the majority of their constituency with their anti-middle class politics.

Even when working with real-life people, they have to tone down the boobage.

Fucking hell, this social climate.

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That was before the internet

she's perfect

Attached: 12231.jpg (640x480, 27K)

>"lol just give them money. From where? I don't know, other people I guess hey look at these cans don't you wanna vote for me?"

She's being promoted because nobody likes Feinstein, Schumer, or Pelosi.

Both increasing the deficit is bipartisan and mainstream.

No weirder than giving a man the presidency after only two months of being a senator.

She probably heard J.Lo say it and ran with it like she did, even though Lopez was born in 1969. And even back then her dad was a computer technician that bought the family a two story house before she was 5.

She wants to take the funds we're putting into the military and put them into literally everywhere else
We'll still have a military, but we won't spend billions on making planes that can't fly

Will it include the part where she moves in to a luxury apartment in a gentrifying neighborhood?

Attached: Race_and_ethnicity_in_Washington,_D.C._2010.png (1011x1244, 664K)

They probably toned down the boobage because people like you only care about the boobage instead of the message-- it's not everyone else, it's you.

still not weirder than giving a literal retard the presidency

Makes sense, Bronx was a shit hole in the 80s. Now it's kinda nice with Westchester being the shithole.

Not to mention wearing $3,000 suits and shoes.

But hey, when challenging the archaic ideals of Congress, you've still got to LOOK like them.

I'm pretty sure there actually is a dresscode, if that's what you're talking about

New Yorker here, Albany is considered to be worst than Congress by a mile.

>I like her ideas

Are you, perhaps, retarded?




I love that neolibs are trying to make her shitting on children seem like a YAAAS KWEEEN moment. What a bunch of bootlickers.

And now you know not to blame to social climate

if you're poor you shouldn't have children

The Northeast Corridor has high speed rail because it's pretty much the only part of Amtrak that consistently makes a profit. No matter how much you want it, a widespread national high-speed rail would basically be New England and Southern California, if you could even get it built due to all the lawsuits, turning a profit and the rest of the network dependent on federal and state subsidies and grants to remain afloat.

That's funny because most polls showed NYC voters and residents approving of the Amazon deal.

Sure it's the conservatives who are the exclusively retarded ones.

Those democrats that are more likely to believe in bullshit eastern philosophies like chakras and chi, think biological sex is a myth, and honestly think socialism is a good economic practice, yeah they're the real bastions of intelligence right there.

Stop being a biased piece of shit and realize there are idiots and geniuses on both sides of the aisle.

Can this be a comic instead

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There is a dresscode, but it takes a special level of obtuse for a candidate that presents herself as a poor woman turned champion of the working class to do a photoshoot in $3000 dollar suit.

If it's not a porn comic, like something by Famous Comics or Sinful Comics, then why?

Can't you guys have a little faith?

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Why do idiots not understand that photoshoots specifically lend clothes? Her voters don't give a shit about what she wears because they care about her message, and the people trying to use her outfits to make a "gotcha" moment are always btfo by her response to it.

She's the best thing to happen to the Right in a long time. She's killing her own party. The more she looks like the future of the Democrat party the more it looks like they have no future. Green New Deal and Amazon were giant embarrassments and she's just getting started.

Probably after an issue where she can't afford to get a place until she gets her first congressional pay check and conservatives on Fox News publicly go "oh my god, what are you, POOR?!" like they're aghast at the notion that somebody automatically can't afford a place at one of the priciest areas in the country.

Do the Democrats realize how dangerous it is to lionize a woman whose only redeeming characteristic is that she's an 8?

All the politicians they could pick to suck off and they pick the ex-bartender?

Judging from the cover it doesn't look like a little Faith is possible without liposuction.

>She's the best thing to happen to the Right in a long time.

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Not that I don't like Cortez, I really do, but people are setting themselves up for dissapointment like they did with Obama. She seems like her heart is in the right but the best that could happen is that she shifts the Overton Window a bit to the left, which would only be a first step towards a better America, or sell out completely, try to tolerate the far right to death and end up as a complete failure. Like Obama.

It doesn't bode well for her that she named Sweden and Norway when asked what kind of socialism she's commited to. When someone asks you what kind of socialism you want to work towards the last thing you should do is name two capitalist countries. Especially seeing how the only kind that could work for America is hardcore, authoritarian, Marxist-Leninist shit.


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>Trusting a single poll
This is why you guys lost to Trump once. This is why you will lose again.

It's going to be said. You're like a child who still gasps at a magician's trick after he's explained it to you.

>the last thing you should do is name two capitalist countries
But most of the social policies would be called socialist if proposed by a US politician.

>using a photo with the jewish gesture
ah, it's fox news, of course

why do you want the rich to not be taxed though? they're not giving you their money, nor you will ever be that rich
why do you have this strong stockholm syndrome?

Ignorance is not a defense and the people doing the photoshoot should have also kept that in mind.

>a single poll

Attached: ss2.png (1292x427, 70K)

>let’s just tax one group who already get taxed a shit ton even more

And how many polls were in this aggregate?

Do you even know?

Or did you just skim and screencap like a good little mindslave?

When Trump is relected and Occasional Cortex fragments the dems, I will remember you when I toast his victory.

I guess, but she shouldn't play along with it. If she wants stronger welfare, which, again, I don't think be'd nearly enough, but at least a step into the right direction, she should correctly refer to that as social democracy, not socialism. Socialism doesn't simply mean safety nets and higher taxes for large companies. Socialism means the end of private enterprise. If she doesn't commit to that, she's not in a position to advertise herself as socialist.

>Let's tax the ones rich on paper but have funds tied up in development and investment in start-up businesses aka the "working rich" while the truly wealthy use tax shelters and pay lawyers to find loopholes

Better idea--shut the government down and keep it down. It did wonders for Spain.

>Social Democracy
Found the Berniebot

I'm sorry, user. I keep forgetting how Fox News keeps biasing their polls in favor of the left. Those filthy commies.

It would actually have more chinese people since the chinese now are the best and biggest producers of high speed railways since they benefit from their economies of scale

I'm waiting for the number on that aggregate mindslave.

>Implying money isn't a measure of value that is invested to generate more value
>Implying that money is somehow a fixed source that cannot fluctuate
High school economics has failed you

They whitewashed her!

Based and redpilled

Where's the evidence it in any way harmed her? She has 3.2 million followers on twitter alone and her responses to dumb shit like this always spreads wide and neuters any kind of negativity. It's just as dumb complaint just like the "scoop" of her having a nick name in school or the dance video they tried to use against her.

Attached: you are not immune to propaganda.jpg (974x709, 67K)

America was quite literally built on ambitious projects like that the US used to have some of the worlds best public transport systems.
Massive infrastructure projects are perhaps the only way of truly making America great again

Thats how you know it's a retarded idea.

That was before globalism and global banking nowadays raw high taxes would just cause a flight of capital you need to make smart tax policies that can't just be dodged if you want to tax the rich

I have a lot of the same issues with Bernie, but at least he expressed his support for Cuba in the past, which indicated that he knows what actual socialism is, how it can help people and that he's not opposed to it. But even he never expressed explicit plans to nationalize greater parts of the American industy.

Hillary has more followers. About 10 times as many.

Let that sink in.

Popularity is not necessarily a good thing. She has been killing herself with embarrassments like the green new deal.

The longer the Dems fail to realize she's a cancer on the party the more damage she does.

How was amazon an embarassment? That company has been fucking it's workers and costing on tax breaks for years.

>Lets stimulate industry by building new national electric railroads!

Are you retarded?

AOC is a mainstream Democrat with hipster branding. She only has a few policy ideas that haven't been already floated by her party within her lifetime. Also Obama didn't really sell out to the Republicans, he bent over backwards trying to appease his own party.

The issue isn't taxing the rich. The issues are that as wealth increases direct income becomes a smaller source of personal revenue and that the wealthy will simply shift assets and revenues to avoid being taxed. Plus, as she herself points out, that marginal tax rate will only affect a small part of the tax base, about 30,000 people, and the actual effects of a marginal tax rate at that level are a matter of dispute.

>"I saved money that would have been loss on tax cuts to this company that wont' be taxed at all because they left!"

Let me guess, you voted for Hill dawg?

Her tits look better than that. Other than that whose life is so empty they care about this beyond voting to change shit.

No i'm just anti amazon. Like it's the internet walmart and it gets away with shit it shouldn't.

Also, i don't see what the problem with the new green deal is until i actually see the written bill. Which evennif perfect would get cut to a billion pieces by congress until the national crisis retoric gets used thanks to trump. Republicans really better hope democrats don't win.

>Dems fuck over Bernie because IT'S HER TURN
>Dems start shilling the everloving fuck out of AOC and drop Hillary like a fucking dogturd after the election

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How the fuck is it retarded that's basic economy policy you moron its Keynesian economics
The automobile and trucking industry was stimulated by the building of national highways
Pretty much all manufacturing was stimulated by the construction of a national grid

So what you're saying is that you are entitled to people's money and you hate others because they have more than you. Not because of the content of their character or how they have gained their wealth.

Liberals are going have a mental breakdown if she ever endorses Bernie Sanders.Their policies are carbon copies of one another, but liberals hate Sanders because he's old and (((white)))

>and that the wealthy will simply shift assets and revenues to avoid being taxed

So you close loopholes and go after people who try to hide their wealth overseas. It's still a better idea than "let's give trickle down economics a fourth try, I'm sure this time it will work!"

Does the stupid whore get raped in it?

Let’s not forget she wants those trucks gone losing valuable interstate commerce

Most of the wealth is inherited, not earned through hard work. And the GOP now wants to abolish inheritance taxes so that the oligarchs can keep even more of their wealth.

>The productive members of society that pay for my welfare are evil and lazy!

Is this tumblr shills defending her or is this just clever bait?

Coasting of daddy's billions is not being productive.

>The children of the rich are lazy and produce nothing!
>The children of the poor are hardworking and driven!
There are statistics on this. You won't look them up though, because they prove you wrong.

IQ is heritable and correlates with wealth.

DNC never wanted her. They had their money behind some fat white guy who pulled the line. Her win was out of left field and just been the left's version of Trump ever since.

Only difference is she has a better understanding of her positions limits compared to him.