Whats the point of the Punisher?

in a Universe where Galaxy eating monstrosities exist and where Thanos destroys half of all life with a snap,whats the point of hunting ''pedophiles'' and other petty criminals?

Attached: Punisher-in-Marvel-Comics2.jpg (1000x563, 46K)

Thete is no point. He just follows his gut

He's pretty much a satire/criticism of American police. Other than that, he's just badass.

>be the Punisher
>canonically be the killer of +50,000 people
>somehow never, ever make a aingle mistake and kill or hurt an innocent people. Every single one of the +50,000 people you have killed were 100% guilty
Now this is a fucking super-power. Frank has never made a single mistake.

>ghost rider wipes forehead

>pedophiles are petty criminals


He's nothing more than Edgy power fantasy, he's one of the most bland and generic characters in the big 2.

And yah his concept is stupid as fuck in the Marvel universe, he should be dead already.

Pedophiles and murderers aren't petty criminals, they're monsters that Punisher wants to eradicate

The other A-list superheroes are too busy dealing with all that crap you mentioned to deal with petty scumbags. SOMEONE has to take out the trash.

In real life pedophilia is one of the worse crimes one can commit, but in a world where an entire group of people are constant victims of genocide attempts, America was taken over by reality warping Nazis, and a big purple man from outer space murdered half of all living things with a fingersnap, diddling a kid in a windowless van just seems petty by comparison.

>whats the point
There IS no point. There's no point to anything in this hell existence. The Punisher, so-called ”super heroes,” it's all pointless claptrap.

You're right. Shut it down, shut it all down, everyone lay down and die. What's the point in doing anything.

Finally, someone who gets it.

Because people relate to wanting to eliminate everything going wrong in the world, even if you haven´t got super powers to do it.

Because that's the point.

In a universe where godlike alien beings can wipe out trillions of lives or eat entire solar systems, sometimes the most horrid horror lies in a next-door neighbor who sneaks into his step-daughter's bedroom at night and does things.

It's also why making Darkseid a rapist is bullshit.

Honestly I don't even see the point of finishing my sente

Countless heroes already explore that, Spider-Man deal with petty criminals and serials killers all the time.

The Punisher is nothing more than an edgelord power fantasy.

Why wasn't this /thread

>in a Universe where Galaxy eating monstrosities exist and where Thanos destroys half of all life with a snap,whats the point of hunting ''pedophiles'' and other petty criminals?
It makes all the difference in the world to the potential future victims of those criminals. No mother is gonna say "Welp, my daughter got raped, but it's not that big a deal because Galactus could wipe us out any day now anyway".
Beyond that, you could also say the same for all the 'street level' heroes fighting people like Kingpin. It's best to not even think about cosmic stuff when you're considering a character like Frank. It's always cringeworthy when they throw him into a cosmic 'event' book.

What's he going to do to Thanos? Shoot him?

False equivalency, genocide exists that however should not imply that we should view other crimes such as pedophilia any less severe than how they are viewed.