Writing "DR DOOM BECOMES OMNIPOTENT OMG" stories is a surefire way to be praised by Marvel fans. Does DC have a storyline that is sure to earn praise from their fans as well?
Writing "DR DOOM BECOMES OMNIPOTENT OMG" stories is a surefire way to be praised by Marvel fans...
Batman beats the DC Universe with Prep Time
Batman is worse at prep-time than 3 year old toddlers from Marvel.
that doesn't matter to the conversation though, DC fans eat Batwank up like no tomorrow
Please seek help, OP.
Why would someone come onto Yea Forums to spam the exact same shitpost over and over again?
I am a Marvel fan and I don't like Dr Doom.
What now?
I have a better question.
Why don't mods just permaban him? If even a shithole like reddit managed to cast him out, why can't we?
People can ban evade
>I am a Marvel fan and I don't like Dr Doom.
You are unique amongst your peers, then. That is, if you are not lying.
When you are if your Marvel friends and they start going on and on about how Dr. Doom is the best-written character in all fiction, how do you feel knowing that you can't disagree with them without being lynched?
How do people still not realize that bans are literally useless? We live in an age where even the dumbest mouth-breather can press a single button and evade a ban. Bans don't work, and they haven't worked for years now. For fuck's sake, Barneyfag was once banned four times in ten minutes. Mods don't have any power, and relying on them to 'police' the site is stupid.
I like that you at least learned to use a different OP picture instead of that same one over and over, but your autism is still showing user.
The only solution seems to be to figure out where Tommy lives and slit his useless autistic throat.
Sure, but I've never seen mods even bother to try anything. These threads just reach natural death every time I catch one of them.
>I wanna kill people that don't love Dr. Doom as much as I do
range bans work
Keep thinking what you want, Tommy. Just as you always do, you worthless autistic waste of space.
If your parents die before you do, they'll die happy knowing death is better than dealing with your cancerous existence.
How much you love Dr. Doom and stories about the character becoming omnipotent? Wishing death on the parents of person and the person himself for not liking Dr. Doom seems a bit much even for your kind.
You know what? You're absolutely right, Tommy. It's people that love Doom that should die a horrible death.
In fact, everyone at Marvel Entertainment should also be dead, in case any of them think of writing another stupid "Doom becomes omnipotent again” story. Or ANY Doom story for that matter. The goddamn character should be erased from existence as soon as possible.
Thank you for opening my eyes, Tommy. I'm gonna go kill some Doom fans right now.
I really like Dr Doom.
Good. My first victim.
Didnt dc do that when batman sat on the moebius chair?
Unlike Doom Batman doesn't get omnipotent powers every year
Good point and good doubles
That is such a stupid, clumsy, poorly made, and above all, false counterargument that it makes me want to sprinkle your cheetos with rat poison.
F4 gets cancelled all the time, Marvel Fans are only interested on Spider-Man, X-men and Avengers
Or there's the much older, much more effective solution that seems to have fallen out of use for some reason. You could just, you know, not feed the troll.
Everyone on this board would have to ignore Tommy. As you can plainly tell from this thread, that ain't never gonna happen.
I want to understand Tommy. What drives you to repeat the same shitpost over and over and over again each day? It's not funny, worth getting angry over, and I can't fathom the enjoyment one would gain from the experience. Talk to us
Remember when Yea Forums was able to ignore an clear silly bait thread?
But nooooo, you faggot must post Tommy/Ladderbro dozens of times so the thread can last one entire day, so OP can simply make another in the next day.
Even Yea Forums is harder to troll than this board
>Remember when Yea Forums was able to ignore an clear silly bait thread?
It makes zero difference because Tommy will make multiple threads as a result
He's an autistic, stubborn, obsessive pile of cancer with an unnatural hatred of Doom and Namor, that can't live in peace unless he spends every day making threads that will “anger” MarLOLfags, because he refuses to believe that not all of them love Doom unconditionally.
That's all there is to TommyLando. Nothing complicated about him.
Just a reminder
Spider-Man > DC
In all the fields?
>range bans work
Throw out the baby with the bath water.
Can someone here please tell me the orgin of tommy i mean with this type of hate i have to assume his father came home from a halloween dress as doom and brought doom to the poor boys asshole.
No, they don't.
fuck your thread OP lmao
Range ban works on a block of IPs user.
Will this show give dc it's own board
Luthor saving the world.
Red Son
Forever Evil
Literally all instances of this.
>One is non cannon
Sinestro saving the world is more common.
DC don't need to make character omnipotent because they already are.
See Lobo, he can genocide races and no one do anything about it because he is too stronk and cool.
And Batman even hangs out with him because he is just that much of a retard.
Oh and don't forget the batwank, even characters next to him get to become OP, just like Catwoman BTFO of 3 Flashes at once.
DC is an universe of Gary Stu and Mary Stu, and that's the reason they are finally going bankrupt.
And he'll go find another block instead. All it'll do is make the regular posters in that block more miserable than usual.
You see how Marvelfags are hypocrites.
One DC character getting 2 similar stories in 10 years is too much, even if one of the stories isn't even canon. The same Marvel character getting the same canon story every year, though? "Oh, this is the apex of writing", "Oh, this is a masterpiece of literature", etc.
Where did Marvel found those guys?
Superman saves the day.
Persistent shitposters will always try to evade bans. Barneyfag still sometimes appears despite all the bans.
OK: Batwank vs Doomfaggotry. Which one is the bigger cancer?
Batman can't do anything, ANYTHING, without nerds going apeshit screaming "BATWANK BATWANK BATWANK BATWANK".
remember when T'Challa defeated Bast and Logos in a row and everyone praised it? Remember when Valeria Richards planned the defeat of the Celestials and everyone thought it was amazing? Try to imagine Batman doing it. The resulting wrath would surely destroy Yea Forums.
Doomfagotry, meanwhile, is praised as the apex of writing by all Marvel fans, and so Marvel simply doesn't stop doing it.
Doom destroys omnipotent beings every year, Doom becomes omnipotent himself every year, Doom is praised as the best ever in something every year, Doom is trusted by heroes to raise their children every year, and every year, ALL of this is praised like there's no tomorrow.
Batwank barely happens and angers everyone, Doomfaggotry is all that Marvel writes nowadays and nerds refuse to see it as anything other than a masterpiece of literature... which of those is worse is up to you.
Batwank is mainly about Batman overtaking DC's other titles. Doomfagotry is about having him solve/mastermind big events.
If it's DHCP he doesn't get any say in the matter, your other point still stands.
All of them, Satan
What's it feel like to be in charge of something that doesn't appreciate you for its own good?
One day, hopefully sooner than later, there’ll be a story in some small newspaper that no one really reads about a middle aged man found dead in his room, with the walls plastered with pictures of Doom, Sue, and Namor.