>Sir, nobody gives a shit about the feminist spin because Wonder Woman was 2 years ago and the trailers are impressing nobody.
>Focus all marketing on the cat.
Damn it, somebody at Marvel seems to really know their shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
The cat is a skrull
>I dont read comics I just opine about them online
Fuck off normalfag
>nobody gives a shit about the feminist spin because Wonder Woman was 2 years ago
people are conveniently forgetting about Alien, Resident Evil and Underworld.
at least with WW people said its the 1st tentpole female superhero movie
now with Capt M people are pretending like WW and CM are the only big female lead action movies ever
The cat is the true lead character
Because Brie sucks
>Alien, Resident Evil and Underworld
Feminists' problem with those movies is that the protagonists were hot.
We get it, you hate women and you’re a fag. Quit posting new threads. No one cares.
How starved of sex do you have to be to ever think that?
Not him, she was hot. But if the movie came out today everyone would be laughing about her ass in the negatives and her squared jaw, blaming Hollywood conspiracies for trying to ruin our boners with masculine leads
I mean, assfags can go fuck themselves (never seen more obnoxious pricks in my life) but her face is pretty manly.
Who cares about the cat, Cosmo when?
>people are conveniently forgetting about Alien, Resident Evil and Underworld.
>Resident Evil
How can you forget when Captain marvel has the same emotionless female protagonist going on?
Maybe not the first 2, but she was Sinead O'Connor pre-hamplanet hot in 3 and gave out mommyboners in Resurrection.
Truly a cinematic masterpiece
I also forgot about Aeon Flux and Salt
If we're gonna go there, most slasher flicks are kind of feminist, what with "scared fragile girl takes down big scary serial killer" being a common plot.
>Sir, nobody gives a shit about the feminist spin because Wonder Woman was 2 years ago and the trailers are impressing nobody.
Ah yes, there can only be one type of movie at all times, it's how it works. If you make a movie around certain themes, you have to make sure no one tried it before or else it renders your entire intention pointless. I'm very smart.
>"way to miss the point retard!"
Oh right I forgot, Black Panther is redundant and pointless because Blade, Steel, Hancock, Blank Man and whatever the fuck else were made before. And clearly Black Widow will be twice redundant now that Captain Marvel will be made, and Wonder Woman was before both, so... Sorry feminists!
>Oh right I forgot, Black Panther is redundant and pointless because Blade, Steel, Hancock, Blank Man and whatever the fuck else were made before
Well, yes. It's also a worse movie.
Indeed, it's awful and terrible and below Blade levels (even Blade Trinity), which of course means that every single nomination and award it has gotten so far has been pure, undiluted, political correctness and pandering.
>"that's some fallacy if I've seen one!"
Right, but a minor fault compared with some idiot saying BP is somehow worse than any of that shit.
if you're trying to imply Black Panther was better or even comparable to Blade then you need kick in the ass.
>Black Panther
>Worse than Hancock
That's way too contrarian, even for Yea Forums.
user, Blade was never particularly impressive for it's writing. It's fun shlock, BP is comparable at minimum
>It's also a worse movie.
Nahh Black Panther it is just Coming to America in the MCU, I understand all the praise that gets in the US, the writing and vfx are mediocre but people liked the concept
Is this like the DnD mimic joke? Everything is mimic? Chest? Mimic. Trap? Mimic. Wall? Mimic.
>go to tavern
>tell tale of adventure
>get to part where krusk got attacked by mimic because he tried to open a chest
>we laugh, bartender laughs, serving wench laughs, table laughs
>we kill the table
Good times.
Yes, it has been around forever and is why I hate skrulls as a concept and dread the release of this movie
Skrull rumours ruin everything
>Nahh Black Panther it is just Coming to America in the MCU
How the fuck did you come to this conclusion
I like to think that there's a timeline where Eddie Murphy in Coming to America is the Black Panther's father
Practical effects>cgi
Better actors
Better writing
Better soundtrack.
Blade is a good action movie, BP is just badly written, cheap looking shlock with bad actors.
Just saying that practical effects are better than CGI means nothing if said practical effects can't compare to something made nearly 20 years later. And yes, there's some spotty parts in Black Panther where the CGI looks awful, but you're one of the most tryhard contrarians if you actually pretend the effects of a smaller scale B-movie are somehow better than the stuff in Black Panther. Just no.
I mean... I was about to do a takedown of each of the other points but it's just ridiculous. I think you're just trying too hard and leave it at that.
The practical effects in Blade still look good, the cgi in Black Panther didn't look good even when it came out and that was only last year.
Just say old > new to summarize your idiocy, Blade didn't shy away from CGI at all. Do you even know what movie you're talking about?
Okay cool, Black Panther is still better than Blade, B-grade schlock. Go jerk off to Raime's Spider-Man too or whatever, because I bet you champion those too.
Woah there, why bring Raimi into this? Just because some idiots cling too much onto old movies for contrarianism doesn't mean you should attack everything old
Never ever now that Gunn is gone
Are you trying to imply there's just as much cgi in Blade as there is in Black Panther.
Nice bait
I like the Raimi movies, but it's just that there's this militant notion that ANYTHING old is better than the MCU and it just dilutes any possible, levelheaded argument that can be made about them.
Because the mcu is trash.
Oh, now it's a matter of quantity? Blade is a movie about a dude fighting vampires in warehouses, of course it doesn't require as many special effects as the movie set in a fantasy setting with super-science. Doesn't change the fact that Blade utilizes a lot of CG for everything special the vampires do from dying to turning into bat-skeletons, and for when the lead actor was too high
You tried to praise it's practical effects like the movie is famous for them, it really never was. Again it's really you don't even remember the movie and thought "mmmh what's a positive point an old movie could possibly have?"
I don’t think BP would’ve been AS well received if Killmonger was a tranny hooker.
Raimi films and even the Garfield films are both way better at portraying Peter Parker than the White Miles Zuckerberg Morales Iron Man sidekick being peddled as Parker in the MCU. So yeah we’re gonna jerk off to the Raimi movies when it comes to Spider-man
>So yeah we’re
Speak for yourself.
I love the Raimi films, the TASM ones couldn't touch those OR Homecoming with a ten foot pole
So I'm guessing one of the MCU future movies is the Pet Avengers?