I'm really bored and it wasn't storytimed. So let's read this piece of fiction.
Naomi #2 Storytime
>a Zatanna poster
>a Cyborg poster
>a vixen poster
That's fun.
Is that a Jimmy Olsen calendar?
So the car mechanic is her dad then.
Thanks OP.
>Boomerang is there
Doesn’t make much sense in-universe but it’s always nice to see him being included with the rest of the Rogues again.
What is it with dragons push? First it was Shining Knight in Heroes in Crisis, now this. We are getting fantasy-themed book, right?
Could be just a coincidence, holding out for a Claw the Unconquered title though.
Dee is the guy in the white armour by the way.
I don't hate this comic. It seems like an indie comic but there's DC characters as cameos.
That's the best type of DC comics.
>black teen
After unending rape of Superman's lore Naomi feels... fine. It's a nice little comic with some superheroes. I'm actually worried that it will get worse after this first arc and Naomi getting all superhero.
Good issue and everything but Naomi is THICC.
jesus christ look at all that manmeat
>Superman Vs. The Rogues
that's not right.
>Next: The Secret History of the DC UNIVERSE
If the flash isn't using them then Superman will.
i wish more heroes fought villians from different rogue gallery instead of going to the same pool.
its bizarre how tribal it is
I think that's just pragmatism on the villains part.
This comic ended at literally the same point it began at, which was only two normal writer's pages away from the beginning of the first book.
Nothing's happening.
>nothing's happening
Subtle isn't it? Things are happening, Naomi has gone from Ennui from missing Superman to realizing there is something greater at work in which she is directly involved.
>realizing there is something greater at work in which she is directly involved
Actually all she knows so far is that the mechanic went to super prison and has a picture of presumably himself with a black woman in his shop that she broke into for no reason after talking to him last issue again for no reason.
From last issue to this one that's all the new information we have. This could have been a single annual story. It's been inflated out the arse.
Comics like this are more focused on dialogue and character development. Not saying Bendis is flawless in that department but sometimes it's refreshing for a comic to just have people talk and do some stuff. At the very least he's playing to his strengths and doing it with his own OCs.
>Comics like this are more focused on dialogue and character development
There's no character development either though. The plot is moving at a glacial pace and Naomi is still just "suddenly curious teenager" like a TV film from the 90s, except there they might try and give any sort of reason for it and something distinctive about her.
>confronts potential father
>talks to parents and asks questions about her adoption
>sneaks into shop and finds a photo of what might be her parents
>guy that is likely her father shows up
>issue 2
I don't know what you were expecting. Should she have figured everything out and gotten her costume by the end of the second issue? Did you want an alien invasion or the introduction of an ancient evil?
That's what she knows but what she feels is a inescapable connection to him. He knew something about her and she recognized it, now she has reason to believe her suspicions were right.
>I don't know what you were expecting.
Progress in the plot? In fact knowing what the plot is would be great. So far it's girl in small town misses Superman and has superhero dreams. She talks to someone she never decided to talk to before, maybe it's her biological dad, then she breaks in.
Is the quest for her parents the plot? Because she just found one probably, this'll be a short comic. Is it a mystery about her past? We don't know anything about her past except she was adopted so everything's a mystery, despite her being the protagonist.
So I don't know what I expected because there's nothing in this comic to give me the barest hint of what's going to happen. Meanwhile I have to trawl through Bendis' awful dialogue even to attempt to figure out what's happening.
>Progress in the plot?
It's the second issue.
Is this a miniseries?
>big guy is carrying a tiny baby egg
There she is.
I'll be the first to criticize Bendis and his many, many faults. But none of them are that bad here and you sound like you want some fast paced adventure with a new story arc every issue.
Oh boy, can't wait for her to be shoved in our fucking face later....
Better not, you know how Marvel Comic book philosophy thread Red heads. The last thing I want is Bendis touching lady Turquoise.
No it's an ongoing series.
So is it confirmed that Dee is Shrapnel?
he was in Cyborg mini series and Cyborg's poster is on the wall.
Fantasy hs been considered "lame" in the Big 2 for years now so I'm happy for that as long its not Bendis
What did Shrapnel look like in the mini?
He’s already touching Gemworld in Young Justice
Not quite as good as Superman and YJ but I would put it above Action Comics. Still, Bendis’s books at DC are the only comics worth reading right now. Fun. Exciting. Important. You can’t use these words for anything else on the stands. Get ready for a bunch of incel antisemites to criticize me for speaking the truth.
I think it looks more space opera them high fantasy.
This is some bait right? Because Action Comics is pretty universally agree'd to at least be better than his Superman but YJ is easily his best DC book so far
Nice paneling.
Is..is no one in universe going to acknowledge how fucking immense this man is?
Some people are just big boned user, it's rude to draw attention to it.
Go back to Yea Forums
You're right, I forgot my mannes for a sec.
Yo this guy is fuckhuge I bet his dick is the size of naomi's arm.
Then why weren't there any of those in Rebirth?
As soon as I saw the picture of her parents all I could think of was him walking around with the mother held up by his cock and passed out from her organs being rearranged by all the cum she was pumped with.
I'm reading this cause I want to fuck that beef.