Mfw nu-show has shoehorned dykes

>mfw nu-show has shoehorned dykes
Every fucking time.
Lesbians at this point are basically "budget gays/representation" because you get brownie points from autistic Tumblrinas and Twitter tards and at the same time normies won't really complain because duh hot girls kissing haha.
It's a telltale sign of absolute hack writing and retarded direction.

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I bet that Dyke-Ra's ending will be similar to the one of Lesbo's Adventure Time.

It's literally a win-win-win situation for little sacrifice for the authors of the show. Just make irrelevant characters lesbians and:
>you get to virtue signal because Twitter and Tumblr will go full autistic sperg with OMG SO BRAVE SO QUEER AND GAY AND COOL as mentioned, most normal people won't complain because hot girls kissing and fap material haha just like with Korra and Asami
>if anyone dares to criticize the hack writing and basically filling virtue signalling checklist you call them a homo/transphobe and get to dismiss every negative opinion you might get
It's really no surprise that writers do it because the profits completely eclipse any backlash or negative effects it might give them.

Yuri is ok when the girls are cute

>Meanwhile Wakfu with fucking NTR

WOW! so brave, So empowering that last minute kiss made the girls so strong.

Amalia was always a fucking slut getting wet over most of the manly guys that showed up so this is not really any surprise.

Yeah but you see there is no show that has lesbians and is good at the same time so you just need to look up if there are any dykes to know if the show is good or not.


I thought it was pretty impressive writing that Dyke-Ra managed to make Catradora interesting enough to sell itself despite there being just about nothing else worth mentioning or remembering going on for most of the first season. Rather than being the safe bet cherry on top of something barely serviceable, it took something not even worth animating and made it trend.

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More like: Its french so this is not really any surprise.

Are all lesbians/Gays this obnoxious?

american industry doenst have many shows unlike anime. yet full of gays

its turned into a different genre. its still cartoons but pretty much yaoitoons/yuritoons.

So cartoons for fags.

Basically 100% of LGBT community are just self-entitled brats that want everything to be about them and centered on them. They are the most insufferable people on the fucking planet.

It's supposed to be a grating relationship, that's where the tension comes from.

...or did you mean me? I'm straight. I fap to this imagining straightening these poor misguided girls out with my penis.

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Daily reminder that only guys who get off from being cucked find dykes attractive


Shipping cancer is terrible in any capacity, especially when its dyke trash
>I fap to two feminazis fucking their brains out while I blow my load while checking my privledge
Kill yourself

yes and its fucking nerdy. incredibly nerdy. normies dont watch gaytoons full of yaoi/yuri elements. even in japan yaoi/yuri is treated as very nerdy stuff

I can smell the loneliness and the incel neckbeard from this post


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>le loneliness
>le neckbeard
>le incel
>on a Bermudan fly fishing forum
Same logic as going to a dwarf fight and making fun of them for being dwarfs

What do you expect, the land whale isn’t familiar with this site and thinks her petty insults and projecting have mileage here

until very recently the majority of lgbt characters on tv were gay men. if it seems kind of forced it's because all this diversity is happening NOW, in an attempt to kind of correct for how lop-sided it was for such a long time.

Let me guess, your tragic backstory is that Lesbians murdered your parents.

At the cost of good stories it shouldn’t matter. Anyways this is all done because dykes want to stick it to men from their daddy issues.

So basically it's contrarianism/pure reactionism and nothing honest or deep.
Thank you. You just proved how retarded all representation is.

Body-pillow humper die alone,it's a fact

That’s funny, cuz last time I checked no one has ever or will they ever want to fuck an entitled misandrist lardo like you

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i mean, kind of. i have mixed thoughts on it. i do think some of it is that even if they aren't lgbt they probably know more people that are than the average person. on top of the politics of the industry. so that kind of skews things.

>Body-pillow humper die alone,it's a fact
Like feminists, except they've been dying alone for centuries

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What show are you talking about?

why I don't like is how the homos are always beautiful and virtuous now, with super genius kids. No more flamming evil badass.
Also cartoon lesbians always being 2 beautiful women when in reality it's always a hambeast that plays the male, and a scrawny silent one that plays the beaten mother.

Most people are ugly and fat, straight or not, doesn't mean I want fantasy characters to be.

>Also cartoon lesbians always being 2 beautiful women
The funny thing is, a lot of lesbians hate that too. They can tell the girls are presented in a way men find hot, not lesbians, and know it's just pandering to men who like girl-on-girl, while also picking up some PC brownie points.

>No more flamming evil badass.

yeah we need more of that. or evil couples

>i am gay

who did she lust over aside from the boufbawl guy?

pretty much hit it on the mark, OP

While I understand what you mean OP and even agree to an extent not every instance of lesbian characters is worth getting upset about, only when the characters are obviously being used to brownie points and spur controversy.
For example Dofus had Simone and Julie and they didn't come off as shallow at all.

The Captain Justice man

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wrong one. Even Ruel seems impressed.

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Don't forget Yugo was hyped as fuck about him.

Oh man that scene was great. They're trying to get the girls to give them clothes for ammo to throw at the switch and he just spells out the fact that he's repeatedly slept with Eva.

Then again everyone would have to be mentally deficient to think that after she went into a state of severe clinical depression, then traveled several countries over because she heard voices telling her he was alive, after she watched him die, that they wouldn't be fucking.

They actually took the time to develop their relationship from looking at each other in gay literally three minutes into episode one to establishing that they were dating and showing them casually hanging out. Fifty some episodes later when they kiss and uhaul their shit to the big city to be the big gay together it only makes sense because there was more precedent than them getting all gay at the last minute.

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tumblrinas/twittertards who are only half retarded have caught on to this shit, though.

It's amazing to see how time changes. To see that we've reached a time where nerds are upset about Lesbians. It's pretty interesting.

>mfw I see someone trying to figure out reasons to not fap to something
It's newness that never wears off.

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I personally hate shallow romances on any orientation in fiction, it always comes off as forced but if the characters relationship is actually shown in a natural way forming over time than it doesn't bother me.
That said I have noticed that just as there are poorly written gay/lesbian relationships in fiction apparently made only for getting progressive asspats there are also people that have kneejerk overreactions to any and all gay characters assuming that they must all be just as shallow by default.

Wakfu did filler episodes really well (I've only seen seasons 1 and 2. I wish TDP would take a leaf out of Ankama's book, I'd like longer seasons but they'll probably stick to short seasons.

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We've gotten to a place where most people here aren't deviants anymore. Even around here.

How was there NTR?

The fact there’s people who cry about degeneracy here, of all places, is sad

Who cares when there's one show that keeps getting good quality gay and shotacon art while the lesbo shit doesn't. That's the only indication of how much people actually care.

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I think we're now filled largely with societal failures rather than outcasts. People who suck at being in society rather than those who are kind of outside of it.

It's all spitballing though.

oy vey

>We've gotten to a place where most people here aren't deviants anymore.

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I'm fine with gay pandering as long as it's for horny people who just want to see the characters fuck and not because of "representation". Sadly most cartoons do the latter, anime seems to do it better. Could be because fans of Western cartoons don't seem to dare to admit they're just thirsty, so they pretend they want representation. Some have done it right like Tweek x Craig in South Park, but it's hard to do it that way in non-satire cartoon.

Yea Forums is truly dead then.

People at this point are so hollowed out by social media zombification that they exclusively consume things that they feel they can share on social media so that others see how good of a person they are. Quality, story, nothing matters anymore, people just don't care about personal enrichment, they just want to get likes on Facebook

Didn't the Dofus series have a lesbian couple too? Though to be fair that one felt natural somehow and they never made a big show of it. They just aced like normal people instead of "look at us, we're brave and powerful dykes".

It's going to be like webcomics, isn't it? The obligatory lesbian couple?

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Weren't you listening to what said? If any SJW caught on too these shrewd business practices and attempted to call them out, other SJW's would call them right wingers, nazis, or any buzzword that makes the opposing look worse than what they actually are. Where do you think the term "So much for the tolerant left" comes from? They turn on their own kind the moment they have an individual thought that doesn't support the Social justice norm. Either you go full support for LGBTQ or you don't.