What is their appeal in america...

what is their appeal in america? never added marker to their namesake for death but unfortunately must have been as well. taste like never going away outside of japan and unwarranted longevity for the sake. apology if the real is met with Yea Forums or translated aforementioned , english dying of no prevail. simply see scooby doo and wonder what the hell is keeping them alive after decades, its tough

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oh boy
this is it
i'm finally havi g stroke

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I feel like this is a foreign language sent through google translate. Like the sentences almost make sense but most the words were replaced by foreign synonyms. Are you a nip?

It's a series that a lot of people grew up with that draws upon a lot of traditional horror/adventure story elements in a lighthearted way. Don't know if kids even watch the show now but it seems like something that survives solely out of recognition. Hope that answers your question.

scooby doo is a secret to long lasting market appeal?

excuse me

google translate! nippon

What the heck?user.

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i think so

Momentum really, Scooby is like TMNT where they have multiple iterations every few years. It's pretty much expected at this point, so even if no one cares it'll be tried.

makes sense, speed of release is less tension than augmented recreation, i do see this clearly thank you

Scooby Doo was popular early in Animation History.

Scooby Doo maintained popularity for years.

Because of its early popularity, Scooby Doo became a common name all families knew.

Because all families knew Scooby Doo it was much easier to make more Scooby Doo cartoons and merchandise.

It's just an endless cycle. It should have lost interest by now, but somehow it keeps becoming popular again (like with the new Scooby Doo movies and the Shaggy Meme)

awkward but it does make the distance bearing, i concede

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thank you Yea Forums! average at the station time , personally wanted to wonder the answer after seeing the series one but high sales market appeal

Someone post that text that shuts down jap computers.

That's chinks you dummy.

Have you ever watched Scooby Doo?

Try New Scooby Doo Movies.

That's China and they don't like the T word

It's still popular enough for them to not only make new series, but also new merch. My nephew was obsessed with it when he was younger.

I think what really helps modern Scooby-Doo is that they're able to play around with the format without alienating fans by overlapping the movies with the shows.

I'm going to say the T word.

Isn't the only western stuff they like in Japan anything Disney and Tom & Jerry? Some of the obscure Disney stuff they have fandoms for are based

No don't say the T word think of the hunny Pooh

fuck xi jinping and fuck the tiananmen square

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Fuck off back to Tumblr

the characters mostly. but also it's just kind of funny

It's just relaxing. Best version of the show, and the characters are at their best too. I missed the soundtrack to the 60s cartoon.

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