Yea Forums Jeopardy

Yea Forums Jeopardy

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Alan moore

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What is your favorite writer

Judd Winick

Who is Geoff johns

Who is Brian Michael Bendis?

Who is everyone?

Who is Mark Russell?
Fight me, faggots.

Scott Snyder.

Who's your daddy?

I'm not a GF fag or another rabid shipper.
I just hate him for making a cartoon I wasted my time with.

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Who is Grant Morrison
Who is Tom king

And what does he do?

He's somehow critically acclaimed?

I think he won awards for that dumb biopic about his gay slutty friend that died of AIDS.

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You failed to put your response in the form of a question.

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Who is all?

A lot of “critical acclaim” comes from being decently written and released at the right time. Also luck.

In reality most writers, like all creatives, write good stuff and bad. The bad often outnumbering the good, but the good overwhelming the bad in exposure.


I know that, a third of my shit is stolen and the other third is just fanfiction.

Who is Joss Whedon?

Who is Alex Hirsch?

Eiichiro Oda

It struck me last night that in 20 years or so when someone writes a Marvels for the 2000s the era will primarily be defined by Bendis and Millar. I felt very ill.

Who is Ian Flynn?