Hey user, wanna

Hey user, wanna...

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-22-21h44m59s30.png (1920x796, 2.3M)

Oh! You're...

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-22-21h52m10s228.png (1920x796, 2.12M)

Snuggle and sleep without doing homework? Kind of, actually.


not black... Forget what I just said...

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That's a cartoon character, fuck off you weirdo.

Yes, I would love to break into Ozcorp and get myself bitten by one of those genetically modified spider and turn into a spiderman.


Wait why?

Fine. Guess I'll just go with my original plan of discreetly stealing your stuff so I can huff your scent.

as long you keep you hair like this and your personality dont flattens by the next time we meet, sure

Not the Gwen I’d fuck.

Gwen is cute. CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!

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Why would you approach me assuming I was black when you can clearly see the color of my skin from any distance? Do you need glasses? Did you forget to wear your hipster glasses?

Which animated character voiced by Hailee Steinfeld would you prefer?
Gwen Stacy or Anna Sasaki?

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I'm half. How does that not count? The cops still beat me just as hard.

nah, I found something better

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Don't do this to me, user.

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I'm still brown, babe

Welp time to invest in blackfishing...

>tfw she has a rope in her right hand
>tfw narrowly missed getting lynched by gwen 'john wayne gacy to the negro race-y' stacy
thank god i pulled down my hoodie before it was too late.

did Miles cut out her charm togheter with her hair? she was so cute at the beginning of the movie


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No. Bring the loli, you disgusting hoebag.

>Gwen Stacy is now a hood rat
What a timeline we live in.

Not much worse as getting knocked up by Osborn behind Peter's back.

That shit made me misoginistic for a whole year.

Mexican Gwen is best Gwen.

she left Peter die so she could have a black spider-man, she's committed

I still think that was an uncomfortably offensive twist on the character by Raimi. I wonder why they never got rid of it in rewrites? I mean, the script itself refers to her as Gwen 'The Slaves Got Lose, Grab the Noose' Stacy.

It's a well-known non-secret that hair changes are connected with girls' personality changes. A girl getting an involuntary sidecut is the equivalent of shoving a rod through a man's brain, she'll never be the same.

It was a little bit of an act. She sweetens up by the end

so her awkward clumsy attempt to explain herself to Miles was just an act?

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Yes. Original hair Gwen is awesome, side cut made her meh.

why did they make her so ugly?

Hang out with Peni? You bet I do.

I like movies. I buy the popcorn. Friday is good.
I'm not black but fuck it, this is my dream.

That small gap in her teeth makes gwen look pretty cute

Yes, girls are sociopaths like that.

Finally watched the movie, and holy shit that after-credits scene was great.

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You know that's not true

watch spider-man die? no! whats wrong with you?

You were wearing an hoodie. At first she thought you were light-black.

Gwen is for alien symbiote

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I hope we get more normal haired Gwen in the sequel

Don't know, I thought that her writing Gwen "If you're skin ain't pasty, run for safety" Stacey on her papers would be a huge deal

>Facial piercings

come back Gwanda

suck my cock? Well... it's not gonna suck itself, is it user...

All I want is to to be Gwen’s boyfriend who she never even kisses and jerk off while I watch her get fucked by black guys while she doesn’t even know I’m there.

She's so cute, bros

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anyone have this in better quality?

Attached: Spider-Man.Into.the.Spider-Verse.2018.WEB-DL.x264-FGT.mp4_snapshot_00.16.23.376.png (720x304, 446K)

how did she enroll in a high school and get a job at the evil scientist's lab within a few hours?


Literally me on the left

Blowjob’s what?

Man Raimi is lucky that his movie with Gwen "If you're black, mercy she will lack" Stacy was made in the early 2000's because today he would have been lynched.

Put Yea Forums up there and that would probably make a good banner.
Though I'm still in favor of the "You gotta problem with Cartoons", as a potential banner

Lmao milk chocolate bitch, go back to your yee yee ass white house. You're not black, you never have been.

>tfw 25% black Latino
Well, fuck you TOO, lady.

Blowjob's Blow Jobe, head of the recruitment management

I think i had an african ancestor, w-wait no don't walk away.

One drop rule, bitch.

>not black... Forget what I just said...
Literally said by no one ever. For fuck's sake, black women don't even like black men LMAO

I haven't seen this yet but for months I've overheard guys in their 20s and 30s talk about Gwen and how they evidently fap to her.
Now I see the character looks like she's about 10yo.


I did a thing, for no particular reason.

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From a similar dimension where dental plans exist.

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Got any that has her wearing a “Black Cock Only” shirt?

No more animal bones stuck in teeth?

Attached: fixed.png (1920x796, 2.23M)

>posts on Yea Forums
>hasn't seen a pic of Gwen in months
Don't lie now

This is merely a foundation. Feel free to build upon it.

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what have you done

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Why'd they make her so ugly?

And why is she being shoehorned as Mile's love interest?

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1610 Gwen was always his best love interest.

Justwant to cuddle her after a long session she has with Miles, all while she brags how he’s so young and hic cock is already bigger than mine will ever be

I think you've got it all wrong buddy.

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Depends. Does she have a penis?

She needs to be able to at least somewhat believably end up with a fucking blerd like Miles.

Gwen likes peter tho


Funny that, I used to think the Out of Africa theory was bullshit until now, which means I am black. Spread those cheeks and hand over your toes, Gwanda.

Will she pay the toll?

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I didn’t wanna hang out with you anyway, loser. Come on Peni, let’s get out of here.

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Why are there so many blacks at this extreme exclusive and expensive private school?

Those are some fatass arms.

It's in an alternate universe

Gwen in a Swallow Salon vid when?

Join Griffindor?!? No way, Hufflepuff4lyfe!